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Exemplar Activities

The activities suggested below are neither exhaustive nor prescriptive. Teachers may design their own set of activities keeping in view the overall objectives of teaching and learning of EE at this stage. They will have to make use of local flora and fauna and the available resources and facilities and take cognisance of local environmental problems. The learners should be encouraged to initiate action on their own.

* Organising discussions and debates on issues of environment like pollution of air, water and soil, depletion of resources, disposal of plastics, and urbanization.

* Guiding learners to collect data from owners/drivers of the private/commercial vehicles through interview-cum-discussion method and to prepare reports. The information may be sought about:

- frequency of checking air pressure

- maintenance of vehicles

- types of horn fitted in the vehicle and frequency of their use

- frequency of checking the pollution level

- average driving hours per day

- state of drivers, personal health

* Guiding learners to collect data from different households through interview-cum-discussion method and to discuss and suggest ways and means for saving electricity and fuels. The information may be collected on:

- types and quantity of fuel used per month in the kitchen

- amount of electricity used per month or the fuel used for generator or any other sources used for lighting

- amount of fuel used per month in car, motor cycle, scooter, tractor

- measures/steps taken for saving fuel and electricity

- Helping learners find out sources of pollution of water bodies in the locality and to determine the quality of water.

* Guiding learners to make plans for beautification of school campus or a park in the locality, identify suitable plants and trees, undertake plantation and look after them. (This may be introduced as a class/group activity as a part of van mahotsva or eco-club programme.)

* Organising visits to water treatment plants, sewage treatment plants or garbage dumping or vermi composting sites in the locality and helping learners study their working.

* Guiding learners collect information about global environmental issues and problems and communicate their findings through appropriate modes (like posters, charts, collages, cartoons, handouts, letters, street plays, rallies, campaigns) to all concerned.

* Organising eco-clubs and activities like debates, quizes, exhibitions, essay competitions on the themes related to environmental concerns and problems and guiding the learners to synthesize information gathered from books, journals, magazines and internet.

3. Teaching-Learning Strategies

Teaching-learning needs to be so designed that it facilitates enhancement and concretisation of understanding, refinement of habits, attitudes, values and skills. Besides, linkages between theory and practice need to be strengthened. This would ensure learners’ proactive role in addressing environment related problems. The strategies may involve the following:

* Providing opportunities for the application of the knowledge gained and the understanding acquired

* Providing opportunities through simple projects for identifying environmental problems which catch their attention

* Encouraging independent handling of projects and activities

* Providing opportunities for critically analysing the data and information collected on environmental issues

* Encouraging nature study using the case study approach

* Involving learners in surveys pertaining to environment related problems/phenomena

* Involving learners in community based environment improvement programmes

* Arranging excursions and visits and preparing reports

* Organising brainstorming sessions to identify areas of action

* Encouraging self-learning through hands-on experiences

* Utilising group activities for nurturing leadership qualities

4. Evaluation

At this stage, evaluation in this area will be at par with that in other subject areas. A public examination like in other subjects at the end of class X will be conducted for EE, allocating marks/grades in proportion with other subjects. Evaluation of projects and activities will be carried out internally and grades awarded will be reflected in the co-scholastic activity report card.

Evaluation would be based on the assessment of learners’ performance, both in theory and practical assignments. Multiple criteria would be adopted for assessing learners’ progress. Performance in theory and practice would be assessed separately. Both formative and summative evaluation will be organised using school based continuous and comprehensive evaluation and the end-of-year assessment. Grading system will be used for recording the outcome of evaluation. Opportunities for improvement in grades would be inbuilt in the system. The features of evaluation would include:

* Evaluation of cognitive learning outcomes through written tests

* Evaluation of conative and affective aspects of learners by peers, teachers and the community could be undertaken through observation of their participation in individual and group activities, field interactions, projects and co-scholastic activities, and their involvement in community based projects

In addition, it would be desirable to undertake institutional evaluation.

Higher Secondary Stage

Classes XI-XII

(Academic Stream)

1. Expected Learning Outcomes

The learner

* develops an in-depth understanding of various environmental issues and concerns of national and global importance;

* develops a balanced view of the relationship between environment and development;

understands basic concepts related to sustainable development vis-a-vis improvement of quality of life;

* develops a deeper concern for the environment and a sense of commitment and responsibility to take proactive action;

* appreciates the variety in living organisms and recognises India as a mega- diversity nation;

* appreciates the role of individual, community, national and international agencies in resolving environmental problems;

* practises ways of bringing about qualitative improvement in the environment by assuming leadership role;

* identifies self with one’s environment with a desire to personally contribute towards its improvement;

* respects customs and traditions related to local conservation practices and accepts indigenous eco-friendly technologies;

* develops skills to undertake and participate in investigative studies on various environmental issues; and

* motivates others and participates in social and community activities in dealing with environmental problems.

2. Content

The academic stream offers a variety of combinations of subjects to the learners drawn from languages, sciences, mathematics, social sciences and commerce. The content suggested for subjects like biology, chemistry and geography at this stage provides sufficient scope to the learners who opt to study these subjects to further strengthen their knowledge and understanding about various aspects of environment and its problems. The learners who opt to study commerce and other subjects of social sciences hardly get any opportunity to study about the environment and its problems. Therefore, it is desirable to introduce EE as a compulsory subject for all at this stage. EE as a compulsory subject will be taught in the first semester of each year of the higher secondary stage.

The content suggested for EE as a compulsory subject has been identified with the assumption that up to the secondary stage all subjects are compulsory. It is also presumed that learners entering the higher secondary stage would comprehend the concepts of environment and identify the Impact of human activities on the environment. They will be mature enough to effectively participate in formulation, planning and implementation of projects and investigative studies pertaining to environmental problems.

Class XI

I. Man and Environment

* Dimensions of environment - physical, biological and social

* Human being as a rational and social partner in environmental actions

* Society and environment in India; Indian traditions, customs and culture - past and present

* Population and environment

* Impact of human activities on environment

* Environmental problems of urban and rural areas

* Natural resources and their depletion

* Stress on civic amenities; supply of water and electricity, waste disposal, transport, health services

* Vehicular emissions

* Urbanisation - land use, housing, migrating and floating population

II. Environment and Development

* Economic and social needs - as basic considerations for development

* Agriculture and industry as major sectors of development

* Social factors affecting development - poverty, affluence, education, employment, child marriage and child labour; human health - HIV/AIDS, social, cultural and ethical values

* Impact of development on environment - changing patterns of land use, land reclamation, deforestation, resource depletion, pollution and environmental degradation

* Impact of liberalisation and globalisation on - agriculture and industries, dislocation of manpower and unemployment, implications for social harmony

* Role of society in development and environment - public awareness through education, eco-clubs, population education programme, campaigns, public participation in decision-making

III. Environmental Pollution and Global Issues

* Air, water (fresh and marine), soil pollution - sources and consequences

* Noise and radiation pollution - sources and consequences

* Solid, liquid and gaseous pollutants

* Handling of hazardous materials and processes; handling and management of hazardous wastes

* Ozone layer depletion and its effect

* Greenhouse effect; global warming and climatic changes and their effects on human society, agriculture, plants and animals

* Pollution related diseases

* Disasters - natural (earthquakes, droughts, floods, cyclones, landslides) and man-made (technological and industrial); their Impact on the environment; prevention, control and mitigation

* Strategies for reducing pollution and improving the environment

IV. Energy

* Changing global patterns of energy consumption - from ancient to modern times

* Energy consumption as a measure of quality of life

* Rising demand for energy, gap between demand and supply (Indian context)

* Conventional energy sources - fossil fuels and firewood, potential (Indian context) and limitations of each source, methods of harnessing and environmental consequences of their use

* Non-conventional energy sources - types of non-conventional sources (bio-mass, solar, wind, ocean, hydel, geothermal, nuclear), potential (Indian context) and limitations of each source, methods of harnessing and their environmental consequences, need to promote non-conventional energy sources

* Conservation of energy sources - efficiency in production, transportation and utilisation of energy

* Planning and management of energy; future sources of energy _ hydrogen, alcohol, fuel cells

* Enhancing efficiency of the devices and optimising energy utilisation

Class XII

I. Biodiversity

* Concept and value of biodiversity

* Types of biodiversity - species, eco and genetic

* Balance in nature

* Biodiversity for sustenance of mankind

* Resource limitations

* Ecological role of biodiversity

* Interdependence between different species

* India as a mega diversity nation

* Economic potential of biodiversity

* Loss of biodiversity - threatened, endangered and extinct species

* Strategies for conservation of biodiversity - in situ and ex situ

* Mitigating the people-wildlife conflict

II. Environmental Management

* Need for environmental management vis-a-vis development

* Aspects of environmental management - ethical, economic, technological and social

* Legal provisions for environmental management

Approaches for environmental management - economic policies, environmental indicators, setting of standards, information exchange and surveillance

III. Sustainable Development

* Concept of sustainable development

* Concept of sustainable consumption

* Need for sustainable development for improving the quality of life for the present and future

* Challenges for sustainable development - social, political and economic considerations

* Support base for sustainable development - political and administrative will, dynamic and flexible policies, appropriate technologies, comprehensive review and revision mechanism, humane approach

* Development of skilled manpower

* Role of individual and community

* Role of national and international agencies (both governmental and non-governmental)

IV. Sustainable Agriculture

* Need for sustainable agriculture

* Green revolution - Impact on environment

* Importance of soil for crops

* Irrigation systems, use of manure and fertilizers

* Crop protection - major plant pests and diseases, measures for their control agrochemicals

* Impact of agrochemicals on environment

* Elements of sustainable agriculture - mixed farming, mixed cropping, crop rotation, biological and economic considerations, use of bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides, biological pest control, integrated pest management

* Applications of biotechnology in crop improvement

* Management of agricultural produce - storage, preservation, transportation and processing

Exemplar Projects and Activities

It is expected that students will undertake at least two projects or activities each year, one of which should be undertaken individually, and they will prepare a report in each case. Teachers may plan and design projects and activities depending upon the local situations, available resources and environmental issues of concern. The projects and activities given below are only suggestive and not prescriptive.

* To study the changes that have taken place in the given land area of a city/village/locality/market during the last five years in respect of at least five parameters like number of houses, residents and families, food habits, number of household goods in a family, consumption of water, electricity and fuels including that for personal vehicles by a family, sources of noise (public address systems being used, television, radio and vehicles on the road), common facilities like number of schools, hospitals, shops, theatres, public convenience, public utilities, public transport; number of factories, industries and/or the facilities for production and processing of goods, loss of water bodies, types and quantity of wastes, their disposal and treatment facilities with a view to discussing the patterns of changes and Impact on the environment and quality of life. One specific project on these aspects may be to study the changes that have taken place in a given land area during the last five years in respect of the number of houses, residents and families and to prepare a report on their effects on civic amenities like availability of water, electricity and fuels; the drainage system, disposal of wastes including night soil.

* To study the environmental profile of a town/locality/village in respect of population density, green cover, educational level of residents, social problems and sources of pollution and their effect on air, water and soil.

* To improvise two models of greenhouses of similar dimensions made from low cost/no cost materials, to place them in the open under identical conditions and put some potted plants in one of them to note the temperature inside and outside of both the greenhouses every two hours from dawn to dusk for two weeks. To explain the reasons for the differences in temperature, if any, between the two green houses.

* To collect data on monthly consumption of electricity and fuels from at least five families, any two commercial establishments and four public utilities in a given locality. To plan strategies for educating consumers to economise on the consumption of electricity and fuel by reducing their over-use, misuse and improper use.

* To study, for a period of one month, the status of sanitary conditions and methods of waste disposal of a given locality vis-a- vis the role of Panchayat, Municipality or Corporation and to prepare an action plan for making the conditions more environment friendly.

* To investigate the Impact of an industry or a large manufacturing unit on the local environment. The parameters could be land use, the ratio of the covered area and the open space, the raw materials used for production, inputs like electricity and water the types of waste generated and the modes of waste disposal, use of environment friendly and efficient technology, types of pollutants emitted or discharged, the average health status of the employees and residents in the area.

* To study the Impact of changes in agricultural practices or animal husbandry including poultry, piggery, fishery and apiculture over a period of time on the local environment of a given locality or village. The components for analysis may include: types of crops, land area under cultivation, mechanisation, use of electricity, mode of irrigation and agrochemicals, agro-wastes and their disposal, types of animal breed and their feed, types of shelter and health care, methods of preservation and processing of products and animal wastes and their disposal. To suggest an action plan for modifying the prevailing practices so as to make them environment friendly and sustainable.

* To collect samples of water from different sources and study their physical characteristics like turbidity, colour, odour; the measure of pH, the nature of suspended and dissolved impurities and pollutants, the presence of toxic materials like mercury, lead, arsenic, fluorine and the presence of living organisms. For testing the presence of toxic materials and living organisms the help of a local laboratory or institution may be taken, if available. To identify the most polluted sample of water and locate the sources of its pollution. To devise an action plan for mobilising public opinion for checking the pollution.

* To study the practices followed in the region for storage, preservation, transportation and processing of perishable or non-perishable farm products and to assess the extent of their wastage due to faulty practices.

* To study the status of an endangered species listed for the region by collecting information through different sources and observation, if possible and to assess the reasons for its diminishing number. Suggest ways and means to protect the species.

* To prepare a status report on the prevalence of child labour in a given area through simple surveys on children engaged as domestic help and as workers in farms, commercial establishments and manufacturing units. The survey may be in respect of age group, education, wages, working hours, working conditions, safety in work place, health, handling hazardous materials and the like. Units dealing with hazardous materials and processes may be identified and an action plan for mobilising public opinion against the practice of child labour may be prepared.

* To conduct a survey of plants and trees in the locality and collect information about their cultural, economic and medicinal values from the local people and the available literature. To prepare an action plan for the propagation of trees that are most valuable in terms of their cultural, economic and medicinal use.

* To prepare a flow chart to show different steps involved in the supply of tap water from the source (river, bore well) to houses in the locality. To collect information from the concerned authorities about the quantity of water processed and the amount of energy required for the purpose at each stage. To compute the energy spent for supplying 1 kilolitre of water to the consumer. To plan and execute a campaign to educate the community members about the implications of wastage of water in terms of energy.

* To make a list of raw materials used by the family for preparing different types of dishes. To identify the plants and animals and their parts from which each food material is obtained. Also to make a list of plants on which the animals in the list depend for their food. To name the processes, if any, in which action of microorganisms is made use of. To identify those plants and animals which are found in the locality. To prepare a report supported by diagrams/photographs/pictures/graphs to focus on the importance of biodiversity in providing food to human population.

3. Teaching-learning Strategies

Teaching-learning of EE at the this stage would require a different perspective as compared to the teaching-learning of EE up to the secondary level. The focus of the expected learning outcomes would now be on developing a deeper understanding of the environmental phenomena and their ramifications at national and international levels besides developing the capacity to contribute meaningfully towards strengthening the process of sustainable development. In addition, development of attitude for striking a balance between an earnest desire for continuous improvement of the environment through promotion of efficient eco-friendly technologies and actions required for resolving national and international environmental issues. Learners at this level would also be expected to exhibit leadership qualities for promoting community participation in resolving the environmental issues. The teaching-learning strategies would, therefore, be geared to achieving these objectives, which may include the following components:

* Providing opportunities for personally observing and analysing environmental issues related to sustainable development;

* Providing opportunities for doing critical analysis of the issues and problems related to EE through group discussions and brain storming sessions and working out their plausible solutions

* Undertaking case studies and surveys in the field of EE;

* Conducting community-based projects to help learners identify environmental problems and their causes;

* Providing opportunities for interaction at various fora for sharing of experiences about national and global perspectives of the environment;

* Providing opportunities for conducting experiments and drawing conclusions with regard to environmental problems, and

* Organising campaigns and drives with community participation

4. Evaluation

At this stage, evaluation of EE will be at par with that in other subject areas. A public examination at the end of Class XII will be conducted for EE, allocating marks/grades in proportion with those in other subjects. Evaluation of projects and activities will be carried out internally and grades awarded will be reflected in the co-scholastic activity report card.

Evaluation of EE at this stage will have both the components-theory and practicum. The theory papers will pitch at developing a higher level of understanding, analysis, synthesis, critical examination of issues and providing logical arguments in favour of and against certain propositions. Situations calling for in-depth analysis and evaluation could be provided. The practical aspects could be assessed in a variety of ways through internal assessment of project work, case studies, surveys, participation in and drives for community mobilisation and the like. Proper records will need to be maintained on pre-determined criteria by involving peers, teachers and community members. Monitoring of such records will be done through assessment in terms of grades, advice and counselling for making further improvements. Rating by peers and teachers may also be utilised for assessing the learners’ behavioural changes in group activities and their individual accomplishments. Separate grade point averages will be desirable for both theory and practical aspects at the end of the year. Special importance will be given to innovative ideas and actions. The significant achievements could be shared and disseminated at local levels and beyond. Scope for self-evaluation could also find place in the total scheme of evaluation at this stage.

Higher Secondary Stage

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