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[50:16][?unintelligible], and we would then sit around and say these are the options we’ve got. What do you think? Now also separately what ideas have you got, so what we are doing, Win and I, is gaging the level of support and looking where the blockages are, and when we’ve got a better idea which will probably be in the next two weeks, and probably for the next radio show actually. We will probably be chatting with you and some of the other people JayPee.

JP: Yes, good, good, good. Okay, now from a previous listener. Pseudo Sir Baris. Topic: gender and Reptilians. Dear Simon. This is a relatively long question, and ends in thank you and blessings, okay. So the question, is androgyny or the ability to harmonize both genders physically or energetically important to Reptilians? Are any Reptilians hermaphroditic in nature and is the female aspect the greater power, the mouth that gives life and the mouth that takes life, mother, protector, maintainer and destroyer. This is about female energy. I see female energy as central and male energy is the vector for this principle energy. My instincts are telling me that not all Reptilians that appear male are. I believe that in Reptilians, like in many reptiles, birds of prey, and sauropod dinosaurs, it is the female that is loving. Spiritually speaking female energy is fantastic operating as a central control, not simply to expand but to maintain and equalize, something the Reptilians excel at. Our being with female core energy but male external energy can operate at their own hub from energy through vector opposed to a true male, which is ultimately sacrificial. Thank you and bless you. So the question is. . .

SP: Huhhhhh.

JP: Yeah, did you get all that?

SP: Right.

JP: Are any Reptilians hermaphroditic, you know, what’s the male/female relationship and expression in the Reptilian world?

SP: Right, the Reptilians that have a long history on this planet are separately male and female. There are Reptilians that have no gender at all, but the ones that we deal with, Enlil and Enki and Anu, the title, and others are male and female. We know this to be true simply because our own culture that has been heavily influenced by Reptilians shows that. So for instance in the Catholic Church there was only ever one female pope, Pope or Popess (Johannes Anglicus), who was eventually got rid of, and that’s why until very recently a female woman couldn’t enter into the church. You know she could only go in as a parishioner. She could not go in as a priest or a vicar. So here we have a very strong indication that a patriarchal energy was considered more important than the matriarchal energy. We need to be a bit more clear here. In Darwinism, the female is generally bigger in many species than the male because it has to carry the eggs. It has to nurture the young. But that’s not the case in many mammals. The male gorilla is bigger than the female gorilla. The human male is generally bigger than the human female. Anything that has a link with the creativity of a Reptilian history will be patriarchal. That’s not to say that other alien species of Reptilians are all male/female. Remember the culture with the Reptilian group that the Draconius who ruled and still rule are in a fashion the Reptilian command and control on this planet. You know, your offspring if brought forth from sex with a sister or a half sister, any child that came from that union, was going to be the next king or queen, and that is exactly the same in the Babylon times, the Sumerian times, and the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt. So if a Pharaoh could get a half sister pregnant then basically that child would become the next Pharaoh. So we know through absolute evidence that the Reptilian group that dominated this planet for a very long time was very strongly patriarchal. However the old joke about the power behind the throne, the patriarchal energy is the figurehead, and then when the curtain is pulled the feminine energy then starts to get to work and can shape policy and change laws. That’s how it’s done and it’s still done in the Reptilian court that the patriarchal etiquette: male makes the pronouncements, something comes up which in light it is the female that goes to the male and gets him to change the rules. So that’s how it works.

JP: So on probably a brief question, a brief answer. Rose is asking on the tall white aliens. Hello Simon and JayPee, I was wondering if you could give some information about the tall white aliens. What planet or star system are they from? What is their relationship to the Annunaki and the Archons, and are they at a sublevel controlling this planet? Thanks so much for your time and attention, Rose.

SP: Thank you Rose, that’s very kind of you. And they are not Archons. They are not linked to Archons. They are not actually linked to any control system on the planet. The tall whites are archetypal ETs. They are not interdimensional. They are genuinely extraterrestrial, which means that when they travel here, they travel here in real time. They don’t come through a portal. They actually get in a spacecraft and they fly in real time. The tall whites, it takes about twenty-six years for them to get here. The crafts they fly are of the same type in terms of the propulsion system as the craft that Billy Meier spoke about. The shape is different, but the propulsion system is the same. The propulsion system is a super eight, which shouldn’t surprise people, but what is a relatively primitive form of nuclear power and incredibly unstable. And I know this is going to sound totally bizarre, but it is totally the truth. These craft take around twenty-six years to get here. For twenty-five-and-a-half years they travel just under the speed of light and is so problematical that there is a twelve percent chance that when they flip or reverse the drive it will destroy itself and kill all of them. And they actually have a party, now I don’t want you to imagine a party as humans would have. . . perhaps the word celebration is better. They have a celebration when it is successful. Obviously if it’s not successful they wouldn’t celebrate because the bodies would be blasted all over the universe. But they actually have a celebratory party after they have done it. They have been for the last seventy years, quite involved with both the United States Air Force and the United States ground forces, the military. They do land in Area 51. It’s their semi-permanent home. They have under escort gone out into casinos in Nevada. They have gone into shops to buy things, to experience things. They look humanish if they are made up and have the right clothes on, but they are clearly not, so they are not part of the Archons; they are not part of the Reptilians; they are an independent group that has made a deal, a loose deal with the United States individual military units, not the American government, but the individual units who are being tasked in looking after them, and it’ s Earth is a stopping off point. That was a really good question. Thank you very much indeed for that.

JP: So what star system are they from?

SP: It’s one I can’t remember. I will get back to you on that one. It’s the one thing that I’m pretty useless at remembering, stars and quadrants and all the rest of it. They are numbers. I think in human terms it’s going to have a name, but they will refer to it purely as a set series of digits. They don’t have names. You know, it’s a very human thing to give names. When you are so locked in with technology as these creatures are, they don’t have names. They have codes or. . .

JP: Oh I see so Sector 438 is a real coordinate.

SP: Well there will be numbers. That’s how they will look at it because they don’t give names. You see, it’s a human thing, you know, we call a dog Fido.

JP: Yeah.

SP: Or, you know whatever, well they don’t, none of them I know have that. They don’t have that concept. I remember being in a facility and talking to a computer and I said to the computer what’s your name? And the computer said I don’t have a name. Do you want to give me a name? And it’s just something that we humans do. So, but I guess if I looked at a map, a star map, I’m pretty sure of it, I could actually say, “Oh that’s what we call it.” And then I can come back on your radio show and I can say, “All right that. . . that’s the human name for it.” Because if I looked at the right path of the map, then I would have a pretty clear idea of where they come from. I know it is twenty. . . the speed of light is 186,000 miles a second, so they are coming at about 179,000 miles a second, so twenty-six years, twenty-five-and-a-half years at that speed gives you, and I know which direction it is coming from, so that would be, you know, I could work out where it came from.

JP: Right. Have you heard of the Stellarium, Simon?

SP: No I haven’t.

JP: That’s what you want. It’s an observatory. It’s free software. It runs on your PC, Stellarium. Everybody can get it. It’s brilliant.

SP: Oh.

JP: It’s a, yeah, it’s my next thing as well and so you can type in your, whether you have, what is it, bright attention and destination. Is that the right. . .

SP: Okay, yeah.

JP: So and you can type that in. It’s like Google Sky. Google Sky can do that as well.

SP: Wonderful.

JP: So you get your coordinates in there. So there you go. Right so.

SP: Tea time.

JP: Tea time yes. I thought since we are talking about money, we wanted a nice old-time one. Here’s Frank Sinatra with Pennies from Heaven, and welcome back. I don’t know if Simon’s back or not.

SP: Hello.

JP: Oh you are, excellent, excellent. That’s perfect timing. Pennies from Heaven indeed. Has the penny dropped yet? Here’s a question, a strange question, very strange. Here, I mean we deal with the strange here. Dear Simon and JayPee, this is from Daniella. Is it true that most of the well-known people, royals, politicians, celebrities are transgender? Example, Michelle Obama was born a man and changed into a woman. What is the reason behind this agenda? Thank you so much for all you do and for your sense and courage. Together we will win this battle and humanity will be free again. Lots of love to you and God bless you. Daniella. So transgender, born a woman, end up a man; born a man, end up a woman.

SP: I don’t know.

JP: Flowers. That’s strange. Do you remember Flowers? During the Y2K things, there was this fellow, Gwyneth Flowers, and she was like some government spokesperson and it turns out she was in my father-in-law’s brigade as General Flowers, a male, anyway so long story. But to track transgenderism in terms of people in the news that are, you know, people are not what they seem.

SP: Right.

JP: What’s the story?

SP: I know lots of Americans talk about Michelle Obama having a sex change or this than and the other. I haven’t met Michelle Obama. It’s not something that has come across my radar basically, but I can say that is within the Illuminati culture there is a preponderance—there is an offshoot—for such things to happen. It sits sort of alongside the magical grouping. It is generally in terms of control and in terms of family units. In other words you would have a traditional patriarchal-type family, but you might have somebody in there who has had a change in their sexual design. And that allows the controlling organization to blackmail them for no other reason than that. Purely and simply to blackmail somebody, and not just that person but the person they live with or the person they are married to, and if that is a high-end family, then it could bring that family down. So one of the reasons for doing that is simply for control network. Is it widespread? No it’s not. It’s incredibly a small operation not at all widely met with, but yes there is definitely a root within the system to provide that so you are right but I don’t want to give the impression this is widespread. It is not.

JP: So it’s a thing, but it’s not a big thing. Okay. Okay, so my seven-year-old, Pimberly, my seven-year-old, who is very serious for her age said one day she was in one of the bedrooms in our house and with no warning a black ghost came out of a picture and sneered at her. He looked like he didn’t expect to see her so he went back into the picture. When I asked her what the ghost looked like, she said it looked mean and sneered at her and looked like an evil genie from Disney movies or cartoons. She said it really looked like a genie, not a ghost, but that it moved fast like a ghost. It was all black with a mean face. Okay, so what was it? Do I have the house saged? Should I throw away the picture? The picture is a print. It is not old; it is new with a glass front and wooden frame. One day I did walk into the room and all the pictures were askewed. I asked everyone if they had moved them and everyone said no. What should we do? Could the thing in the picture harm us? Thank you for all you both do. I love listening to you Simon. I wish you were on every Sunday. I have left several messages on Simon’s website for readings but I haven’t heard anything. Thank you. So, get that?

SP: Yeah, we will start with the last one first. And I’m just about to take the next bunch of inquiries and start processing them. I tend to do it in groups, so people may email and not hear for two weeks, but then we take groups and we do it as a bunch. Right, incredibly frustrating to me, this isn’t meant rudely at all, it is incredibly frustrating for me because the questioner hasn’t described the print that this thing came out of. All we know is that it is a print. It is absolutely vital that I know what it was. Was it a picture or a painting. Was it a drawing? Was it a photograph? What was it of? Absolutely vital! Okay that’s the first point. The second point is that whenever you have a child who reports something like that, you give them crayons and a piece of paper and you say go and draw it for me, and you don’t stand over them. You let them draw, and over a period of time you will get drawings that clearly represent what that child has seen. This is the less traumatic way to do it. It is also a more accurate way. So we don’t have the evidence unfortunately of any drawings before us. We don’t have any evidence of the prints. We do have evidence that more than one picture was knocked askew, and this is not a ghost; this is a jinn; it is an interdimensional entity. It is using the picture as a portal. That’s why it’s so important to know what to do with it. You’ve got to be very careful. If you destroy the portal you may destroy its only method of getting away in which case you will trap it in the house. If it is out of the portal at the time you destroy the picture; you want to be very careful about this. The other pictures are all askew. There are several reasons for that but we can’t speculate without more information. What we can, what I can say to you is that yes it is a jinn. Your daughter has already told you that because she said that’s a genie. Anyway the word genie comes from jinn. I think what I’ll ask you to do is to email me again and in the title of the if you email directly Simonparkes3@BTopenworld.com if you put in the title Jinn, j-i-double n in the heading, then I will or whoever very kindly goes through my emails will actually spot that and you will get a reading. You need some assistance because there is a child involved, and one thing that is very important, one thing that is very important is that children are targeted by these creatures, and we need to insure that they are safe. Okay, thank you very much. I see you have given me an email.

JP: Yeah, I just put the email there.

SP: Well that’s fine. Okay, well then tell her it’s not. . . I’ve got your email here so I’ll be in touch with you. You don’t need to email me. I’ve got it. Thank you. Right. Before we go on to the next one, it’s thank you time.

JP: Oh yeah, I think I have a little music to play for this, but anyway go on.

SP: Yeah, if you could create a violin playing. So first of all I want to thank people who donated, you know, it’s so kind of you. Thank you so much. Here we go. Now this is really, this is one called Hypnofix. What a lovely name, so thank you Hypnofix, Kirby, Lydia, looks like Ian, or Ianch, sorry if I cannot pronounce your name properly, Clay.

JP: I think you pronounce it Inga.

SP: Oh, Inga, fantastic. Carolyn, Hilda, Michael, Jason, Sheryln, Ann, John, Sandra, Rudolph, Chi, Christine, Steven, Helen, Margaret, Ram-Trady, thank you very much Ram-Trady. That’s a. . . I’ve got my beans and toast again now. Kim, Simone, Natalie, Ken, Ken Tu Chaw, Danielle, Meir, Michael K, there were two Michaels, so there is Michael and this is Michael K., thank you Michael K., Michel, Urease, Pamela, Bruno, Drumset, that’s another great one, Drumset. I love that. George, Eddie, Samantha, Diana, Vincent, Candice, Murray, Gerand, Sawted, and Sue, that’s Su, so thank you ever so much. Now those of you who have been very kind in donating I haven’t read your name out, I’m really sorry, but hopefully next time I will. Thank you to everybody who supports me, that keeps me, that keeps my website open and keeps me to be able to drive around to conferences, and you know, just to survive because I don’t have the day job. So thanks very much. Okay JayPee, that’s it.

JP: Thank you for what you do and also who donates to Wolf Spirit Radio, and there was a change and some people might find that their subscription has kind of refused them. You will see a. . . so just go back and refresh your details and it should work. It should work. I don’t know. Anyhow, now this is a really, this one, this is left field of the left field. This is a dream from Debbie. She dreamt: last night I had an experience with a very social-like creature, which was very real and he showed himself to me as being, [1:13:16][?Tiger?Tyga]1, who is a rapper. Once he undergoes a big process to change himself. The location was a seedy warehouse with dark sex tied to it. Is this a type of Reptilian and could this have been a visitation?

SP: I really don’t have enough information to give any response to that at all. I really welcome people writing in, but I need to have much more information. To the individual, sometimes they don’t remember everything and there are certain things that they remember. For instance when I was about five years old, and I did my recollection of the character I called dad, to me as a five-year-old, his wings, his residual wings seemed huge. So of course when I would replicate them, they would be really big and now when I look at it now I think well no that’s not right. I was seeing them with the eyes of a five-year-old. They need to be much smaller, so when we see things, unless you have the experience, you don’t tend to report what someone like myself needs to be able to take it further. You tend to say the things that impressed you on an energy level but from a dispassionate point of view, that’s not the information that I need. So there is just not enough there for me to tell you anything at all. I’m really sorry. You need to get in touch with me and give me much more information. Thank you.

JP: Okay. This is from Mazea. Thank you for your great work. I’m going to abbreviate some of this. Well the question is about black goo and its relationship to the Archons. And this is the experience. In the mornings before I wake up almost every day when I’m in a state between being awake and asleep, I have encountered many different beings such as a hand to smoky figures, but on one occasion an entity grabbed me from my bed and when he stood me straight energetically, he attached himself to the back of my neck trying to suck something. At the time I wasn’t afraid; I was just angry at his intrusion so I tried to get him away from me, and by grabbing his hands, they felt to be made of some kind of plastic. He himself felt to be like a jelly bean. What do you think it was? Was it a facet? Was it an Archon? Was it something else? Or, was it just a projection of my own imagination? So.

SP: No it is not a projection of your imagination at all. If I was a psychiatrist, which I’m not, I’d probably say you were making it all up because you had had too much [1:16:03][chews] the night before. In reality the way you described it, it is a vampire, not in the true sense of the word that we would think of the horror films, but a vampiric entity. You are much better placed to immediately repulse these creatures no matter how brave you might feel. You just need to say get away from me. I don’t want you near me. I don’t give you permission. There’s no deal between us and you need to leave now because I’m not going to, you know, hold this space with you at all. So when you feel these creatures coming to you push them away; reject them totally. And you describe several entities here: a classic jinn, potentially a shadow being, but I think you have described a jinn. You are talking about a sort of a Reptilian, but certainly the attachment to the neck, that is a vampiric entity. I don’t understand where the black goo comes in with it.

JP: Well I think she was implying that the being that, because she couldn’t see him it was behind her; it was a bit behind her, so the question in the middle. . . what is your take on black goo in it?

SP: Oh.

JP: Are there two types of black goo, an alien one and an earthly one and have the Archons come here by the alien black goo?

SP: Right, okay, no. The aliens have not come here by the black goo. There are two sorts of black goo. There’s a native version and there is a transported alien version, which is attempting to suck Earth’s native version. The Archons are using the black goo because it’s a sentient. It’s neither organic in terms of a mammal, but neither is it a computer, so it is a smart circuit. It is something that maintains its own consciousness and the Archons are trying to work with it. That’s absolutely accurate, but the Archons and black goo are not associated if you trace it back in time, so thank you for that.

JP: Okay. Well this is a quiet interesting one. This is about hybrids. Hi Simon. Humans have the capacity to expand their consciousness to very high dimensions, and many other physical beings like Reptilians don’t have or have lost this possibility, and have been creating genetic hybrids with human genes. Do these hybrids have this capacity and will humans lose this capacity with the actual transhuman agenda? Thank you for your great service, Sandy.

SP: That’s a really good question. That’s why we’ve got to resist transhumanism fullstop. One of the reasons, there are many reasons, but one of the reasons that geneticists off planet have been hybridizing humans with something else is precisely because they want what we have and we take for granted. If you take the connection to potentially twelve strands of DNA, which remember, Reptilians don’t have, Greys don’t have, Mantids don’t have. The only things that are related to the human tree, have access to, this is what they were after. It’s not just gold, platinum that trades for a very high price; it’s genetics. So if you could put together a human creature that has a bloodline history, that’s very psychic, that has a potential to connect to the twelve strands of DNA and you then genetically put in with an off planet alien whose evolution is twenty, thirty, forty, fifty times longer than the human race so has a superior intellect. I’m not talking about superior spirituality, superior intellect and you can combine a superior intellect with a potential of the twelve strands of DNA, you then have a creature that has the capability of hypnotizing just about everyone and anyone within ten feet of it. You have the ability to be hugely telepathic. You have the ability to communicate with animals. You have the ability to switch lights off and on with your mind. You have the ability to intercept telephone calls. This is why, from that perspective, it is so profitable to combine human and nonhuman genetics, and also because the vast majority of these off planet creatures don’t know what it is like to feel. They don’t know what it is like to experience, so that’s one of the major reasons. There are several and that is one of the major reasons why there is such a drive and there has been for goodness knows how long to hybridize humans in something else. Yeah, that’s a good question.

JP: Oh so that’s to anchor their DNA into the body of being able to accept it, like the [1:21:50][?Kenna Hook] thing.

SP: Either that if you want to live on the planet. If you’ve no intention of staying here, then you don’t need to go to that level. I sometimes when I talk to groups, I say I’m all ready to imagine they’re a needle on a dial and it goes from let’s just say one to twelve, and if six is equal, that’s fifty percent human material, fifty percent alien material, and so if you put your needle at six you’ve got a fifty-fifty split, so if you drop the needle down to three, you’ve got very, very little alien and lots of human so what you’ve got is something that looks really human but doesn’t have any telepathy, doesn’t have telekinesis. You know it’s just quiet from that point of view, but if you push the needle up to eight, nine, ten, you have something that looks less and less human, more and more strange, but has more and more psychic gifts. The problem is that as you push that needle up to ten and eleven that creature is (A) not going to be accepted by human society because it’s going to look totally nonhuman; (B) it’s not anchored energetically into the planet so they will start to develop a lot of diseases. Their bodies won’t function properly, and the planet doesn’t want them. So all of these experiments have been how far can you push this needle on the dial up toward the alien part before the planet rejects them, and that’s the point so you will get something that’s really, really looks the business and is very, very telepathic, so they are right on the button. They’ve got it absolutely spot on, but the next one that comes off the production line, you know the needle may have been in the same position, but the genetics were from different donors or subject to different

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