Simply put, adaptive leadership is leadership tailored to task. The adaptive leader is flexible in seeking to apply the most appropriate style of leadership to the situation at hand so as to focus the collective human will of his force with greatest effect in the efficient accomplishment of the mission.
To be effective, the adaptive leader must be able to provide the right leadership to the right people at the right time under the right conditions - clearly not an easy task, made all the
more difficult by the need not to become “chameleon-like” and unpredictable in the eyes of subordinates. This approach argues that using different leadership styles indifferent situations or elements of different styles in the same situation is not inconsistent. The opposite is true if you can use only one leadership style, you are inflexible and will have difficulty operating in situations where that style does not fit Admiral Woodward’s style was inflexible and indeed he did have difficulty as shall be shown.
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