Anaesthetist, pre-anaesthesia consultation (Professional attendance by a medical practitioner in the practice of anaesthesia) a brief consultation involving a targeted history and limited examination (including the cardio-respiratory system) and of not more than 15 minutes s duration, not being a service associated with a service to which items 2801 - 3000 apply
A consultation on a patient undergoing advanced surgery or who has complex medical problems, involving a selective history and an extensive examination of multiple systems and the formulation of a written patient management plan documented in the patient notes - and of more than 15 minutes but not more than 30 minutes duration, not being a service associated with a service to which items 2801 - 3000 applies
A consultation on a patient undergoing advanced surgery or who has complex medical problems involving a detailed history and comprehensive examination of multiple systems and the formulation of a written patient management plan documented in the patient notes - and of more than 30 minutes but not more than 45 minutes duration, not being a service associated with a service to which items 2801 - 3000 apply
A consultation on a patient undergoing advanced surgery or who has complex medical problems involving an exhaustive history and comprehensive examination of multiple systems , the formulation of a written patient management plan following discussion with relevant health care professionals and/or the patient, involving medical planning of high complexity documented in the patient notes - and of more than 45 minutes duration, not being a service associated with a service to which items 2801 - 3000 apply
Anaesthetist, consultation (other than prior to anaesthesia) (Professional attendance by a specialist anaesthetist in the practice of anaesthesia where the patient is referred to him or her) - a brief consultation involving a short history and limited examination - and of not more than 15 minutes duration, not being a service associated with a service to which items 2801 - 3000 apply
A consultation involving a selective history and examination of multiple systems and the formulation of a written patient management plan - and of more than 15 minutes but not more than 30 minutes duration, not being a service associated with a service to which items 2801 - 3000 apply
A consultation involving a detailed history and comprehensive examination of multiple systems and the formulation of a written patient management plan - and of more than 30 minutes but not more than 45 minutes duration, not being a service associated with a service to which items 2801 - 3000 apply
—A consultation involving an exhaustive history and comprehensive examination of multiple systems and the formulation of a written patient management plan following discussion with relevant health care professionals and/or the patient, involving medical planning of high complexity, - and of more than 45 minutes duration, not being a service associated with a service to which items 2801 - 3000 apply
Anaesthetist, consultation, other (Professional attendance by an anaesthetist in the practice of anaesthesia) - a consultation immediately prior to the institution of a major regional blockade in a patient in labour, where no previous anaesthesia consultation has occurred, not being a service associated with a service to which items 2801 - 3000 apply
—Where a pre-anaesthesia consultation covered by an item in the range 17615-17625 is performed in-rooms if: (a) the service is provided to a patient prior to an admitted patient episode of care involving anaesthesia; and (b) the service is not provided to an admitted patient of a hospital; and (c) the service is not provided on the day of admission to hospital for the subsequent episode of care involving anaesthesia services; and (d) the service is of more than 15 minutes duration not being a service associated with a service to which items 2801 - 3000 apply
Group T7 - Regional or field nerve blocks |
Intravenous regional anaesthesia of limb by retrograde perfusion
Intrathecal or epidural infusion of a therapeutic substance, initial injection or commencement of, including up to 1 hour of continuous attendance by the medical practitioner (Anaes.)
Intrathecal or epidural infusion of a therapeutic substance, initial injection or commencement of, where continuous attendance by the medical practitioner extends beyond the first hour (Anaes.)
Derived fee: The fee for item 18216 ($290.90) plus $33.90 for each additional 15 minutes or part thereof beyond the first hour of attendance by the medical practitioner.
Infusion of a therapeutic substance to maintain regional anaesthesia or analgesia, subsequent injection or revision of, where the period of continuous medical practitioner attendance is 15 minutes or less
Infusion of a therapeutic substance to maintain regional anaesthesia or analgesia, subsequent injection or revision of, where the period of continuous medical practitioner attendance is more than 15 minutes
Intrathecal or epidural infusion of a therapeutic substance, initial injection or commencement of, including up to 1 hour of continuous attendance by the medical practitioner, for a patient in labour, where the service is provided in the after hours period, being the period from 8pm to 8am on any weekday, or any time on a Saturday, a Sunday or a public holiday
Intrathecal or epidural infusion of a therapeutic substance, initial injection or commencement of, where continuous attendance by a medical practitioner extends beyond the first hour, for a patient in labour, where the service is provided in the after hours period, being the period from 8pm to 8am on any weekday, or any time on a saturday, a sunday or a public holiday
Derived fee: The fee for item 18226 ($416.40) plus $33.90 for each additional 15 minutes or part thereof beyond the first hour of attendance by the medical practitioner
Interpleural block, initial injection or commencement of infusion of a therapeutic substance
Intrathecal or epidural injection of neurolytic substance (Anaes.)
Intrathecal or epidural injection of substance other than anaesthetic, contrast or neurolytic solutions, not being a service to which another item in this Group applies (Anaes.)
Epidural injection of blood for blood patch (Anaes.)
Trigeminal nerve, primary division of, injection of an anaesthetic agent (Anaes.)
Trigeminal nerve, peripheral branch of, injection of an anaesthetic agent (Anaes.)
Facial nerve, injection of an anaesthetic agent, not being a service associated with a service to which item 18240 applies
Retrobulbar or peribulbar injection of an anaesthetic agent
Greater occipital nerve, injection of an anaesthetic agent (Anaes.)
Vagus nerve, injection of an anaesthetic agent
Glossopharyngeal nerve, injection of an anaesthetic agent
Phrenic nerve, injection of an anaesthetic agent
Spinal accessory nerve, injection of an anaesthetic agent
Cervical plexus, injection of an anaesthetic agent
Brachial plexus, injection of an anaesthetic agent
Suprascapular nerve, injection of an anaesthetic agent
Intercostal nerve (single), injection of an anaesthetic agent
Intercostal nerves (multiple), injection of an anaesthetic agent
Ilio-inguinal, iliohypogastric or genitofemoral nerves, 1 or more of, injection of an anaesthetic agent (Anaes.)
Pudendal nerve, injection of an anaesthetic agent
Ulnar, radial or median nerve, main trunk of, 1 or more of, injection of an anaesthetic agent, not being associated with a brachial plexus block
Obturator nerve, injection of an anaesthetic agent
Femoral nerve, injection of an anaesthetic agent
Saphenous, sural, popliteal or posterior tibial nerve, main trunk of, 1 or more of, injection of an anaesthetic agent
Paravertebral, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral or coccygeal nerves, injection of an anaesthetic agent, (single vertebral level)
Paravertebral nerves, injection of an anaesthetic agent, (multiple levels)
Sciatic nerve, injection of an anaesthetic agent
Sphenopalatine ganglion, injection of an anaesthetic agent (Anaes.)
Carotid sinus, injection of an anaesthetic agent, as an independent percutaneous procedure
Stellate ganglion, injection of an anaesthetic agent, (cervical sympathetic block) (Anaes.)
Lumbar or thoracic nerves, injection of an anaesthetic agent, (paravertebral sympathetic block) (Anaes.)
Coeliac plexus or splanchnic nerves, injection of an anaesthetic agent (Anaes.)
Cranial nerve other than trigeminal, destruction by a neurolytic agent, not being a service associated with the injection of botulinum toxin (Anaes.)
Nerve branch, destruction by a neurolytic agent, not being a service to which any other item in this Group applies or a service associated with the injection of botulinum toxin (Anaes.)
Coeliac plexus or splanchnic nerves, destruction by a neurolytic agent (Anaes.)
Lumbar sympathetic chain, destruction by a neurolytic agent (Anaes.)
Cervical or thoracic sympathetic chain, destruction by a neurolytic agent (Anaes.)