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Born: at Somerville, Massachusetts

Home Town: Somerville, Massachusetts

Morton, Lawrence A.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Lawrence A. Morton, Private First Class, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company H, 4th Infantry Regiment, 3d Division, A.E.F., near Les Evaux, France, July 10, 1918. After being badly wounded, Private Morton continued to perform his duties as runner at a relay post on the front line under heavy machine-gun fire.

  • General Orders No. 32, War Department, 1919

Born: at Jeanette, Pennsylvania

Home Town: Jeanette, Pennsylvania

Moscow, Lonnie J.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Lonnie J. Moscow, Corporal, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company C, 107th Infantry Regiment, 27th Division, A.E.F., near Ronssoy, France, September 29, 1918. In the attack on the Hindenburg line, corporal Moscow was an advanced scout for his platoon. The platoon was temporarily halted by machine-gun fire from a section of the enemy trench in their immediate front. Corporal Moscow rushed through the heavy enemy fire to the trench and at the point of his rifle compelled twelve of the enemy to surrender. He then signaled for the platoon to advance.

  • General Orders No. No. 19, War Department, 1920

Born: at Ogdensburg, New York

Home Town: Watertown, New York

Moseley, Gaines


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Gaines Moseley, Captain, U.S. Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism while serving with the Fifth Regiment (Marines), 2d Division, A.E.F., in action near St. Etienne, France, October 4, 1918. As commander of an assault company, Captain Moseley displayed exceptional courage in carrying his line forward during a heavy artillery and machine-gun barrage.

  • General Order No. 37, War Department, 1919

Born: at Aiken, South Carolina

Home Town: Aiken, South Carolina

Other Award: Navy Cross (Same Action)

*Moseley, James A.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to James A. Moseley, First Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 166th Infantry Regiment, 42d Division, A.E.F., near Suippes, France, July 15, 1918. When two others had failed, one killed and the other wounded, Lieutenant Moseley left his shelter during a most intense enemy artillery bombardment, searched for and located a wounded corporal of his platoon, bringing him a distance of more than 400 yards to safety.

  • General Orders No. 20, War Department, 1919

Born: at Raleigh, North Carolina

Home Town: Glen Ridge, New Jersey

Moses, Ellison


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Ellison Moses, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company C, 371st Infantry Regiment, 93d Division, A.E.F., near Ardeuil, France, September 30, 1918. After his company had been forced to withdraw from an advanced position, under severe machine-gun and artillery fire, Private Moses went forward and rescued wounded soldiers, working persistently until all of them had been carried to shelter.

  • General Orders No. 46, War Department, 1919

Born: at Mayesville, South Carolina

Home Town: Mayesville, South Carolina

*Mosher, Henry E.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Henry E. Mosher, Captain (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 28th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division, A.E.F., during a heavy bombardment near Cantigny, France, May 28, 1918. Captain Mosher displayed heroic conduct and utter disregard of his own safety while successfully directing the consolidation and defense of the position taken by his command. After succeeding in the accomplishment of his task he was struck by enemy fire and killed.

  • General Orders No. 99, War Department, 1918

Born: at Falconer, New York

Home Town: Falconer, New York

Moskowitz, Daniel (AKA Daniel A. Morse)


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Daniel Moskowitz, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company F, 108th Infantry Regiment, 27th Division, A.E.F., near Ronssoy, France, September 28, 1918. Private Moskowitz exhibited exceptional bravery by leaving shelter and going out into an open field under heavy machine-gun and shell fire to rescue wounded soldiers.

  • General Orders No. No. 139, War Department, 1918

Born: at New York, New York

Home Town: New York, New York

Moskowitz, Herman


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Herman Moskowitz, Private First Class, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company C, 312th Infantry Regiment, 78th Division, A.E.F., near Talma Hill, France, October 17 - 21, 1918. As a runner Private Moskowitz displayed exceptional courage and devotion to duty in frequently volunteering and carrying messages through dangerous zones in addition to his regular duties. Though lame as the result of an accident, he carried a number of messages through a heavy barrage until he was severely wounded by a bursting shell.

  • General Orders No. 133, War Department, 1919

Born: at Long Island, New York

Home Town: Passaic, New Jersey

Moss, Thomas M.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Thomas M. Moss, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company I, 324th Infantry Regiment, 81st Division, A.E.F., in Bois- de-Manheulles, France, November 9, 1918. With utter disregard for personal safety, Private Moss went forward under intense machine-gun fire to rescue an officer who had been mortally wounded.

  • General Orders No. 32, War Department, 1919

Born: at Cullasaja, North Carolina

Home Town: Macon County, North Carolina

Motley, Frank L.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Frank L. Motley, Corporal, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company M, 139th Infantry Regiment, 35th Division, A.E.F., near Apremont, France, September 29, 1918. When the enemy was counter attacking, having succeeded in planting machine-guns behind a smoke screen, he advanced with utter disregard of personal danger and jumped into an enemy machine-gun nest where there were about 15 Germans. Single-handed, he killed the gunner and loader, and engaged the remainder of the Germans until he received help from his platoon.

  • General Orders No. 59, War Department, 1919

Born: at Sharpe, Virginia

Home Town: St. Joseph, Missouri

Motley, Robert E.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Robert E. Motley, First Lieutenant (Dental Corps), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Medical Detachment, 125th Infantry Regiment (Attached), 32d Division, A.E.F., near Chateau-Thierry. France, July 31 - August 7, and near Verdun, France, October 14 - 16, 1918. Realizing the need of medical attention at the front, lieutenant Motley went beyond the scope of his duties as dentist by advancing with the infantry and establishing and maintaining dressing station with the leading elements of his command. For seven days, from July 31 to August 7, he safely evacuated many patients by his prompt and fearless action. He again volunteered and went forward in the attack of October 14 - 16, and on the latter date, carried a message back to the supply officer, requesting food for the men. Although wounded and badly gassed, he accomplished his mission, refusing evacuation until the food was started for the lines.

  • General Orders No. 59, War Department, 1919

Born: at Pittsfield, Illinois

Home Town: Verden, Illinois

*Mottern, Virgil C.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Virgil C. Mottern, Sergeant First Class, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company C, 105th Field Signal Battalion, 30th Division, A.E.F., near Mazinghein, France, October 19, 1918. Sergeant Mottern lost his life while personally laying a telephone line over exceedingly dangerous ground, under continuous artillery fire which had caused a great loss among the runners. He attempted the laying of this line in order to give his men a rest in a place of safety.

  • General Orders No. 35, War Department, 1919

Born: at Jonesboro, Tennessee

Home Town: Jonesboro, Tennessee

Mounts, Wayne D.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Wayne D. Mounts, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company D, 15th Machine-Gun Battalion, 5th Division, A.E.F., near Brieulles, France, November 4, 1918. Although suffering painfully from a severe shoulder wound, Private Mounts refused to reveal his condition, but courageously remained on duty until the termination of hostilities seven days later.

  • General Orders No. 35, War Department, 1919

Born: at Lindsey, West Virginia

Home Town: Williamson, West Virginia

Moyer, Ralph


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Ralph Moyer, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company F, 103d Infantry Regiment, 26th Division, A.E.F., near Bois-de- St. Remy, France, September 12, 1918. Although painfully wounded while cutting wires under terrific shell fire, Private Moyer refused to be evacuated and continued at his work until a lane had been opened and his platoon had passed through. He then joined his platoon and engaged in the battle until he became so weak from his wounds that he had to be sent to the rear.

  • General Orders No. 46, War Department, 1919

Born: at Argentine, Kansas

Home Town: Willard, Kansas

Moynahan, Timothy J.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Timothy J. Moynahan, Major (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 146th Infantry Regiment, 37th Division, A.E.F., near Cierges, France, September 28 - 30, 1918. Displaying remarkable personal courage and leadership, Major Moynahan personally led his battalion without support. On either flank, through terrific artillery bombardment, in the face of direct machine-gun fire and enfilading fire from one-pounder guns on the right, capturing his objective on the ridge east of Cierges and repelling four hostile counterattacks.

  • General Orders No. 21, War Department, 1919

Born: at Ireland

Home Town: Brooklyn, New York

Moyse, Herman


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Herman Moyse, First Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 125th Infantry Regiment, 32d Division, A.E.F., near Cierges, northeast of Chateau-Thierry, France, July 31, 1918. After advancing through five stages of artillery barrage and machine-gun fire, First Lieutenant Moyse led a patrol of five men forward to capture two machine guns which were endangering the success of the operation. Although seriously wounded in the chest and foot by machine-gun fire, he would not consent to being taken to the rear until the guns had been captured.

  • General Orders No. No. 117, War Department, 1918

Born: at St. Gabriel, Louisiana

Home Town: Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Mudge, Josiah B.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Josiah B. Mudge, First Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 6th Infantry Regiment, 5th Division, A.E.F., at Frapelle, France, August 17, 1918. First Lieutenant Mudge displayed notable courage and determination by leading his company to its objective through a heavy enemy barrage of high-explosive gas shells. Although gassed and wounded in the leg by a shell fragment, he remained in command of his company until it was relieved.

  • General Orders No. 15, War Department, 1919

Born: at Manhattan, Kansas

Home Town: Lawrence, Kansas

Mudgett, Bryan


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Bryan Mudgett, Second Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 357th Infantry Regiment, 90th Division, A.E.F., near St. Mihiel, France, September 12 - 13, 1918. On several occasions during the advance of September 12, Lieutenant Mudgett out-maneuvered enemy machine guns, capturing both guns and crew. On the night of September 12 - 13, he led a patrol of two squads through the German lines, advancing over 1,000 yards to the front of the line of resistance, captured a German battery, one non-commissioned officer, and seven men. He then fought his way back through the enemy's lines, losing but one prisoner before meeting the advancing American troops.

  • General Orders No. 46, War Department, 1919

Born: at Odessa, Texas

Home Town: Carlsbad, New Mexico

Mueller, Joseph, Jr.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Joseph Mueller, Jr., Private First Class, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company F, 127th Infantry Regiment, 32d Division, A.E.F., near Jametz, France, November 10 - 11, 1918. Private Mueller, a runner, successfully maintained liaison between his company, which formed the liaison group with another division, and regimental headquarters, promptly carrying numerous messages across an area under heavy fire.

  • General Orders 66, War Department, 1919

Born: at Austria-Hungary

Home Town: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Muhlenberg, Frederick Augustus


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Frederick Augustus Muhlenberg, Captain (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 314th Infantry Regiment, 79th Division, A.E.F., near Nantillois, France, September 26 - 30, 1918. As regimental adjutant Captain Muhlenberg displayed the utmost disregard for personal danger in assisting his regimental commander in maintaining liaison with the front lines. After being painfully wounded and gassed by a bursting gas shell, this officer refused to be evacuated, but remained on duty, carrying orders to the front line and bringing back valuable information, until he was ordered to the rear.

  • General Orders No. 37, War Department, 1919

Born: at Reading, Pennsylvania

Home Town: Reading, Pennsylvania

Mulhall, Henry T.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Henry T. Mulhall, Sergeant, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company G, 23d Infantry Regiment, 2d Division, A.E.F., near St. Etienne-a-Arnes, France, October 3 - 9, 1918. Sergeant Mulhall led his platoon against a machine-gun nest and continued to his objective after being wounded. He was instrumental in capturing three prisoners and one machine gun.

  • General Orders No. 35, War Department, 1919

Born: at Lattimer, Pennsylvania

Home Town: West Hazleton, Pennsylvania

Mulholland, Emmett Paul


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Emmett Paul Mulholland, Second Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 326th Infantry Regiment, 82d Division, A.E.F., near St. Juvin, France, October 15, 1918. After having been severely wounded in the leg Lieutenant Mulholland continued to direct his men under terrific artillery fire in the attack against two enemy machine guns. Due to his initiative and gallantry the enemy position was captured.

  • General Orders No. 72, War Department, 1920

Born: at Gilmore City, Iowa

Home Town: Fort Dodge, Iowa

Mullen, Roger H.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Roger H. Mullen, First Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 6th Infantry Regiment, 5th Division, A.E.F., near Romagne, France, October 14, 1918, and near Fontaines, France, November 7, 1918. Lieutenant Mullen, on October 14, under heavy machine-gun and artillery fire, personally led an attack on enemy machine-gun nests, capturing three machine-guns, and numerous prisoners. On November 7 he attacked and captured an enemy machine-gun nest which was holding up the advance of his company, taking machine guns and 16 prisoners.

  • General Orders No. 37, War Department, 1919

Born: at Chicago, Illinois

Home Town: Chicago, Illinois

Mulligan, James J.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to James J. Mulligan, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company I, 114th Infantry Regiment, 29th Division, A.E.F., near Bois De Ormont, France, October 12, 1918. Private Mulligan volunteered to carry a message from the firing line to the rear over a route commonly known as the "Valley of Death," under heavy machine-gun and shell fire. During the journey, he was severely wounded in the thigh and leg, but delivered his message. Instead of waiting for treatment, Private Mulligan hopped and crawled back to the firing line with his answer.

  • General Orders No. 32, War Department, 1919

Born: at New York, New York

Home Town: Mount Vernon, New York

Mullins, Ray H.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Ray H. Mullins, Sergeant, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Machine-Gun Company, 30th Infantry Regiment, 3d Division, A.E.F., near Crezancy, France, July 15, 1918. After his gun crew had been bombed out of the emplacement by the enemy coming from the rear, Sergeant Mullins continued with the aid of one man, to fire his gun, even after his hand had been wholly shot off.

  • General Orders No. 32, War Department, 1919

Born: at Egypt, Kentucky

Home Town: Peoples, Kentucky

*Mullins, Sam


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Sam Mullins, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company H, 119th Infantry Regiment, 30th Division, A.E.F., near Bellicourt, France, September 29, 1918. When certain units of his company were halted by heavy enemy fire, Private Mullins was sent to them successively and, displaying marked personal bravery and leadership, carried them forward under heavy fire. He led two squads forward under heavy fire and flanked a machine-gun emplacement, which had blocked his company's advance. In this undertaking, he was mortally wounded.

  • General Orders 87, War Department, 1919

Born: at Columbus, Mississippi

Home Town: East Alton, Illinois

*Mulrain, Carl


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Carl Mulrain, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company D, 308th Infantry Regiment, 77th Division, A.E.F., near Ville- Savoye, France, August 23, 1918. While the 1st Battalion of his regiment was making an attack to regain ground from the enemy in the outpost zone along the Vesle river, Private Mulrain continued to advance when he discovered that three enemy machine guns occupied the high ground in front of him. With great courage and utter disregard for his own safety he continued to go forward in the face of concentrated enemy machine- gun fire, thus helping materially to force the enemy to evacuate his machine-gun emplacement, though himself killed by a machine-gun bullet.

  • General Orders No. 9, War Department, 1923

Born: at Whitinsville, Massachusetts

Home Town: Uxbridge, Massachusetts

Multer, Walton L.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Walton L. Multer, Private, U.S. Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism while serving with the Seventy-Fifth Company, Sixth Machine-Gun Battalion, Sixth Regiment (Marines), 2d Division, A.E.F., in action near St. Etienne, France, October 5, 1918. Private Multer voluntarily went forward for a distance of 800 meters under heavy shell fire and rescued a wounded soldier who had been left there the night before when the advance patrols had been withdrawn.

  • General Order No. 37, War Department, 1919

Born: at Washington, D.C.

Home Town: Kingston, Pennsylvania

Other Award: Navy Cross (Same Action)

Muncaster, John H.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to John H. Muncaster, Major (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 11th Infantry Regiment, 5th Division, A.E.F., near Cunel, France, October 14, 1918. After the loss of all his company commanders, Major Muncaster advanced at the head of his battalion, leading the men from a very disadvantageous position to the capture of a nearby hill held by the enemy. In the counterattack which followed he not only, commanded the men of his battalion personally but assisted in the defense of the position.

  • General Orders No. 37, War Department, 1919

Born: at Canada

Home Town: Charleston, South Carolina

Munday, William T. J.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to William T. J. Munday, Lieutenant, British Expeditionary Forces, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 112th Battery, 24th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, British Expeditionary Forces, near Vierstraat, Belgium, August 30 and 31, 1918. While in command of an accompanying gun, Lieutenant Munday advanced in close support of the attack of the 106th American Infantry. With a signaler, he made a daring reconnaissance in advance of our lines and returned with valuable information. In an encounter with an enemy patrol near Rossignol Wood two of the enemy were captured.

  • General Orders No. No. 50, War Department, 1920

Born: at England

Home Town: England

*Munro, George N.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to George N. Munro, Captain (Military Police), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 5th Train Headquarters and Military Police, 5th Division, A.E.F., near Cunel, France, October 10, 1918. Organizing a company of men who had become separated from their own organizations, Captain Munro led them with exceptional skill and bravery in an attack, materially aiding in the advance In the course of the assault this officer was killed by machine-gun fire.

  • General Orders 89, War Department, 1919

Born: at Buena Vista, Georgia

Home Town: Buena Vista, Georgia

*Munroe, George


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