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Born: at Ireland

Home Town: Chicago, Illinois

Newhall, Stephen K.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Stephen K. Newhall, Private First Class, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Machine-Gun Company, 113th Infantry Regiment, 29th Division, A.E.F., near Bois-de-Etrayes, France, October 23, 1918. After being seriously wounded Private Newhall volunteered and carried a message through a heavy barrage to his company commander. He refused to be evacuated until his message had been delivered to the proper officer.

  • General Orders No. 35, War Department, 1919

Born: at Billerica, Massachusetts

Home Town: Brooklyn, New York

Newlin, Elmer L.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Elmer L. Newlin, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company C, 111th Infantry Regiment, 28th Division, A.E.F., at Fismette, France, August 10, 1918. Having heard that two wounded comrades were lying in advance of the line immediately north of Fismette, Private Newlin and two other members of his company volunteered to go through machine-gun and rifle fire to bring them in. In their first attempt all were wounded and driven back, but in spite of their injuries they advanced a second time and reached the wounded men. Their courageous effort, however, was unfortunately in vain, as their comrades had been killed.

  • General Orders No. No. 116, War Department, 1918

Born: at Trainer, Pennsylvania

Home Town: Chester, Pennsylvania

Newton, Harry Lee


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Harry Lee Newton, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company C, 21st Machine-Gun Battalion, 7th Division, A.E.F., near Vieville-en-Haye, France, November 1, 1918. Private Newton acted as runner during offensive operations, and under severest enemy barrages carried important messages to and from the front lines.

  • General Orders No. 37, War Department, 1919

Born: at Roadhouse, Illinois

Home Town: Whitehall, Illinois

Newton, Isaac M.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Isaac M. Newton, Corporal, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company H, 119th Infantry Regiment, 30th Division, A.E.F., near Bellicourt, France, September 29, 1918. With another soldier, Corporal Newton attacked and destroyed two enemy machine-gun posts, 200 yards in advance of our fines. While the other soldier stood guard at the entrance of a dugout, he entered it and brought out 75 German soldiers and three officers, who were taken back to our lines as prisoners.

  • General Orders 81, War Department, 1919

Born: at Kerr, North Carolina

Home Town: Kerr, North Carolina

Nichols, Harley N.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Harley N. Nichols, Sergeant, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company C, 345th Tank Battalion, Tank Corps, A.E.F., near Charpentry, France, October 4, 1918. While making an attack with four other tanks Sergeant Nichols's tank was struck by an enemy shell, which put it out of action. He continued to fire on a machine-gun nest until it was apparently destroyed, when he with his driver dismounted, and started to the nest, but they were fired on by the German gunners. They killed the two gunners and disabled the guns, and then drove the gunners from another gun. Under the protection of another tank they started to our own lines 1,500 meters away. On the way back two Germans with antitank rifles were encountered, the rifles captured. Sergeant Nichols and his driver were under heavy machine-gun and artillery fire throughout the operation.

  • General Orders No. 46, War Department, 1919

Born: at Kingman, Kansas

Home Town: St. Louis Park, Minnesota

Nichols, Harold O.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Harold O. Nichols, Sergeant First Class, U.S. Army Air Service, for repeated acts of extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 7th Balloon Company, U.S. Army Air Service, A.E.F., near Griscourt, France, August 11, 1918; and near Avocourt, France, October 1 and 9, 1918. On August 11, Sergeant Nichols volunteered and ascended for the purpose of making observation. He continued with his work until the balloon was set on fire by attacking enemy planes. On October 1, he remained on duty until his balloon was fired by incendiary bullets, and again on October 9, while on duty with another observer, he remained with his balloon under attack until it was set on fire by enemy planes, and he then refused to jump until his companion had escaped.

  • General Orders No. 26, War Department, 1919

Born: at Galveston, Texas

Home Town: El Paso, Texas

Nicholson, William John


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to William John Nicholson, Brigadier General, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 157th Infantry Brigade, 79th Division, A.E.F., near the Bois-de-Beuge, Montfaucon, France, September 29, 1918. General Nicholson established and maintained his brigade post of command on an exposed elevation near the Bois-de-Beuge, in order that he might effectively direct the attack of his brigade upon the Madeleine Farm and its surrounding woods. Realizing the important of increased artillery support, he personally visited the division post of command behind Montfaucon to seek such support. In his absence the brigade post of command open to enemy observation was swept by a concentration of enemy machine-gun fire and artillery fire. In the face of this terrific fire General Nicholson, with great coolness and with complete disregard for his own safety, rode forward on horseback to his brigade post of command to issue orders for the renewed attack upon the Madeleine Farm, supervising the formation for attack, and by his brave and gallant example inspired the men of his command with renewed courage and determination, which enabled them to reach their objective and hold it against repeated enemy counterattacks.

  • General Orders No. No. 15, War Department, 1923

Born: at Washington, D.C.

Home Town: Washington, D.C.

Nickels, Charles E.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Charles E. Nickels, Sergeant, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company D, 2d Engineers, 2d Division, A.E.F., near St. Etienne-a- Arnes, France, October 5 - 7, 1918. Advancing ahead of the infantry, Sergeant Nickels made several reconnaissances of the town of St. Etienne-a-Arnes, France, and, in spite of the danger, exposed to machine-gun and artillery fire of our own and enemy guns, he procured and returned with valuable information.

  • General Orders No. 23, War Department, 1919

Born: at Boerne, Texas

Home Town: Boerne, Texas

*Nickerson, Simeon L.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Simeon L. Nickerson, Sergeant, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company D, 101st Infantry Regiment, 26th Division, A.E.F., near Epieds, France, July 23, 1918. Sergeant Nickerson, Corporal M. J. O'Connell, and Private Thomas Ryan volunteered to cross an open field in front of their company, in order to ascertain the location of enemy machine guns. While engaged in this courageous enterprise they were shot and killed. The heroic self-sacrifice of these three men saved the lives of many of their comrades who would have been killed had the company attempted to make the advance as a whole.

  • General Orders No. No. 116, War Department, 1918

Born: at Middleboro, Massachusetts

Home Town: Middleboro, Massachusetts

*Nickles, Edward E.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Edward E. Nickles, Sergeant, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company B, 101st Field Signal Battalion, 26th Division, A.E.F., near Verdun, France, October 24, 1918. At a time when the telephone lines were badly needed, Sergeant Nickles remained without shelter for several hours, testing out the lines, until a shell burst in his vicinity, wounding him. He died from the effects in a few hours.

  • General Orders No. No. 21, War Department, 1918

Born: at Charlestown, Massachusetts

Home Town: Cambridge, Massachusetts

Nicol, Alexander L.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Alexander L. Nicol, First Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company L, 128th Infantry Regiment, 32d Division, A.E.F., near Juvigny, north of Soissons, France, August 30, 1918. After being severely wounded Lieutenant Nicol directed the orderly retirement of his company and organized it under heavy fire of artillery and machine guns. At great personal risk he made several trips forward to bring in wounded men. Throughout the entire action he fearlessly exposed himself to fire in order to encourage and cheer his men. His energetic and faithful work furnished an example of calmness and courage to the men under his command.

  • General Orders No. 116, War Department, 1919

Born: at Sparta, Wisconsin

Home Town: Sparta, Wisconsin

Nicol, William O.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to William O. Nicol, Sergeant, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company A, 111th Machine-Gun Battalion, 29th Division, A.E.F., near Verdun, France, October 12, 1918, in keeping the guns of his section in action under heavy shell fire covering the advance of the infantry. Sergeant Nocol’s section was caught in a hostile barrage, by which two of his men were killed and fire wounded. Sergeant Nicol lead the rest of the section to shelter and then returned under shell fire and rescued the wounded and dead bodies.

  • General Orders No. No. 35, War Department, 1920

Born: at Jersey City, New Jersey

Home Town: Jersey City, New Jersey

Nielsen, Julius


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Julius Nielsen, Corporal, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company H, 53d Infantry Regiment, 6th Division, A.E.F., near Landersbach, Alsace, October 4, 1918. Corporal Nielson was in a detachment of 50 soldiers who were attacked by a hostile raiding party composed of 300 storm troops. Although wounded, he maintained his position under the heaviest bombardment and refused to leave his post until the enemy was repulsed.

  • General Orders No. 27, War Department, 1919

Born: at Hull, Iowa

Home Town: Lake Benton, Minnesota

*Nightingale, Harry M.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Harry M. Nightingale, Corporal, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company F, 103d Infantry Regiment, 26th Division, A.E.F., near Bois-de-St. Remy, France, September 12, 1918. Leading his squad forward to attack an almost impregnable machine-gun nest, Corporal Nightingale continued to press on when only two of his squad remained, until he, himself, fell mortally wounded.

  • General Orders No. 34, War Department, 1919

Born: at New Brunswick, Canada

Home Town: Auburn, Maine

*Niles, Julius


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Julius Niles, First Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 6th Infantry Regiment, 5th Division, A.E.F., near St. Mihiel, France, September 12, 1918. While leading his platoon across an open space in front of a wood, Lieutenant Niles was confronted by a sudden and terrific fire from German machine guns, which killed several of his men, Wishing to make a flank attack, and finding it difficult to pass the orders along, he rose up and started to the front wave of his platoon to give the necessary orders, but was killed before he could get the flank attack started.

  • General Orders No. 20, War Department, 1919

Born: at Denver, Colorado

Home Town: St. Louis, Missouri

Nimmo, William T.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to William T. Nimmo, Sergeant, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company F, 101st Infantry Regiment, 26th Division, A.E.F., near Bois-de-St. Remy, France, September 12, 1918. During the drive across the St. Mihiel salient, Sergeant Nimmo led a group of 25 men through a severe machine-gun fire and into the woods occupied by the enemy. There lie charged a machine-gun nest single handed and captured the gun. The gun crew attempted to escape by entering a nearby dugout, but Sergeant Nimmo followed them into the dugout alone and captured the entire crew.

  • General Orders No. 46, War Department, 1919

Born: at St. albans, Vermont

Home Town: Waltham, Massachusetts

Nims, Willie Harrison


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Willie Harrison Nims, First Sergeant, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company G, 118th Infantry Regiment, 30th Division, A.E.F., near Montbrehain, France, October 8, 1918. After all his company officers had been wounded, Sergeant Nims, though himself wounded in the leg by shell fire, assumed command and led his company with remarkable dash through heavy machine-gun fire. Using a stick as a crutch, he continued forward until the objective was reached and the position consolidated, when he consented to go to the rear for treatment.

  • General Orders No. 46, War Department, 1919

Born: at Fort Mill, South Carolina

Home Town: Fort Mill, South Carolina

Nixon, George R.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to George R. Nixon, First Lieutenant (Field Artillery), U.S. Army Air Service, for repeated acts of extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 3d Balloon Squadron, U.S. Army Air Service, A.E.F., near Domevre-en-Haye, France, August 28, 1918, and near Malancourt, France. September 28, 1918. On August 28 Lieutenant Nixon was locating active enemy batteries from his balloon and was attacked several times by enemy planes, but refused to descend until one had set fire to the balloon. On September 28, while he was on a reglage mission, five enemy planes fired at him. He remained in the basket until the balloon was a mass of flames, and one of the enemy aviators followed him to the ground firing at him. Despite his narrow escape, he immediately re-ascended.

  • General Orders No. 46, War Department, 1919

Born: at Dayton, Ohio

Home Town: Indianapolis, Indiana

Nixon, Lonnie H.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Lonnie H. Nixon, Captain (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 7th Infantry Regiment, 3d Division, A.E.F., near Fossoy, France, July 15, 1918. Captain Nixon fearlessly led a counterattack through an intense barrage, inspiring his men to success by his personal example. He was seriously wounded while in the performance of this act.

  • General Orders No. 44, War Department, 1919

Born: at Anson, Texas

Home Town: Eugene, Oregon

Nixon, William J.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to William J. Nixon, Private, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Sanitary Detachment, 111th Infantry Regiment (Attached), 28th Division, A.E.F., near Fismette, France, August 10 - 13, 1918. Seeing five of our men lying wounded on the enemy side of the street in the town of Fismette, Private Nixon voluntarily attempted the rescue of them, despite the fact that the enemy was pouring a deluge of machine-gun fire on the location. He organized a counterattacking force and repeatedly exposed himself in attacking the nest, finally succeeding in his mission of rescuing the wounded.

  • General Orders No. 50, War Department, 1919

Born: at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Home Town: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Noble, Alfred Houston


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Alfred Houston Noble, First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism while serving with the Eighty-Third Company, Sixth Regiment (Marines), 2d Division, A.E.F., in action in the Bois-de-Belleau, France, June 6 - 8, 1918. First Lieutenant Noble was conspicuous for his judgment and personal courage in handling his company in attacks against superior numbers in strongly fortified machine-gun positions. His fortitude and initiative enabled his command each time to achieve success.

  • General Order No. 110, War Department, 1918

Born: at Federalsburg, Maryland

Home Town: Federalsburg, Maryland

Other Award: Navy Cross (Same Action)

*Noble, Clarence G.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Clarence G. Noble, First Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 128th Infantry Regiment, 32d Division, A.E.F., near St. Gilles, France, August 3, 1918. Lieutenant Noble voluntarily exposed himself to heavy shell fire in placing his men under cover during a heavy bombardment. While assisting a wounded soldier he was struck by a shell and killed.

  • General Orders No. 37, War Department, 1919

Born: at Reedsville, Wisconsin

Home Town: Soperton, Wisconsin

*Noble, Earl S.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Earl S. Noble, Corporal, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Company D, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division, A.E.F., near the Forest of Argonne, France, October 9, 1918 After four members of his automatic rifle squad had become casualties in an effort to get their automatic rifle into action against a machine-gun nest, Corporal Noble fearlessly exposed himself, set up the rifle, and silenced the machine gun just as another enemy machine gun on the flank opened fire and killed him.

  • General Orders No. 46, War Department, 1919

Born: at Bird City, Kansas

Home Town: Bird City, Kansas

*Noble, Elmer J.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Elmer J. Noble, First Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 364th Infantry Regiment, 91st Division, A.E.F., near Bois-de-Cheppy, France, September 26, 1918. Lieutenant Noble gallantry led his men under heavy fire in an attack through barbed-wire entanglements on the enemy positions before Bois-de-Cheppy. His conduct had a marked moral effect upon his men and he continued leading the attack until killed by enemy fire.

  • General Orders No. No. 39, War Department, 1920

Born: at Snohomish, Washington

Home Town: Seattle, Washington

Noble, George B.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to George B. Noble, First Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 168th Infantry Regiment, 42d Division, A.E.F., east of Sergy, northeast of Chateau-Thierry, France, July 28, 1918. First Lieutenant Noble gave proof of unhesitating devotion and energy during the offensive operations of Sergy, brilliantly leading his platoon to the assault in disregard of all danger. While charged with the support and protection of a reconnaissance in No Man's Land lie gave the best example of calmness, decision, and courage under intense machine-gun fire. Wounded in this action, he refused to be evacuated and remained in command of his platoon until ordered off the field by his major.

  • General Orders No. 99, War Department, 1918

Born: at Leesburg, Florida

Home Town: Portland, Oregon

Noel, Henry M.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Henry M. Noel, Second Lieutenant (Infantry), U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 103d Infantry Regiment, 26th Division, A.E.F., east of Belleau Wood, France, July 20, 1918. Discovering a German machine-gun nest which was inflicting severe damage upon his battalion, Second Lieutenant Noel led 12 men to the right flank of the nest and charged it up a steep hill under fire from other guns. He and his men wiped out this center of resistance and made possible the advance of his company. Although wounded himself, he personally took command of large numbers of men of the company, after his captain and other platoon commanders had been killed or wounded, and advanced with them to the company's objective and held it.

  • General Orders No. No. 125, War Department, 1918

Born: at Webster Groves, Missouri

Home Town: St. Louis, Missouri

Nolan, Dennis Edward


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Dennis Edward Nolan, Brigadier General, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving with 55th Infantry Brigade, 28th Division, A.E.F., near Apremont, France, October 1, 1918. While the enemy was preparing a counterattack, which they preceded by a terrific barrage, General Nolan made his way into the town of Apremont and personally directed the movements of his tanks under a most harassing fire of enemy machine-guns, rifles, and artillery. His indomitable courage and coolness so inspired his forces that, about 400 of our troops repulsed an enemy attack of two German regiments.

  • General Orders No. 50, War Department, 1919

Born: 4/22/1872 at Akron, New York

Home Town: Akron, New York

Nolan, Vincent A.


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to Vincent A. Nolan, Pharmacist's Mate, U.S. Navy, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving as Corpsman (Attached), Second Battalion, Fifth Regiment (Marines), 2d Division, A.E.F., near St. Etienne, France, October 5 - 9, 1918. During the operations at Blanc Mont Ridge, Pharmacist's Mate Nolan repeatedly went through intense machine-gun and shell fire to administer first aid to officers and soldiers who were wounded and lying in exposed positions.

  • General Orders 98, War Department, 1919

Born: at Livingston, Montana

Home Town: Livingston, Montana

Nolte, William Vermont


The Distinguished Service Cross is presented to William Vermont Nolte, Hospital Apprentice First Class, U.S. Navy, for extraordinary heroism in action while serving as Corpsman (Attached), Fifth Regiment (Marines), 2d Division, A.E.F., near Blanc Mont, October 4, 1918. Apprentice Nolte rendered exceptional assistance to his wounded comrades by continually giving first aid to them under machine-gun fire.

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