Genevieve’s old self: Genevieve, a 45-year-old
artist and musician,
currently resides in Holland and travels quite a bit because of her vocation. During the February event, I was watching her brain scan with
Dr. Fannin during her meditation. We started to notice some significant changes in her energy during the middle of her inward journey. When we both saw a particular reading on her scan at the same time,
we looked at each other, knowing something was about to happen. Within moments,
when we turned to look at her, we saw tears of joy running down her face.
Genevieve was in ecstasy. She was in utter pleasure, and her body was responding quite readily. We’d never seen anything like this before.
Genevieve’s scans: If you look at Figure 10.17
, you’ll see a relatively normal brain scan before Genevieve’s meditation. The areas of green spread throughout
the brain signify a healthy, well-adjusted woman with a balanced brain. The blue areas of lessened sensory-motor activity before she begins, in alpha 13 to 14 Hz, where you seethe arrows, probably indicate jetlag, because she’d just arrived from Europe that day. If you observe Genevieve’s
brain during the meditation, you see an overall increase in balance. What happens next is off-the-chart amazing. When we saw her reach this peak moment at the end of her meditation, we knew from watching her scans that she had quite a bit of energy in her brain.
Now take a peek at Figure 10.18
. This type of red activity, showing high amounts of energy in all brainwave range frequencies,
suggests thatGenevieve is in a highly altered state. Someone who didn’t know that she was meditating and who just saw the brain scan would say that she was experiencing an extreme level of anxiety or psychosis. But because her personal testimonial described her being in sheer ecstasy, we know that all of the red represents a lot of energy in her brain. Her brain is at 3 SD
above normal. It’s energy, in the form of emotion stored in her body as the mind, that is being released and is traveling back to her brain.
Figure 10.19
, which shows her EEG reading, validates this position. If you review the purple
lines where the arrow is, you’ll see that this part of the brain is processing ten times the normal amounts of energy. The area that’s circled in red tells us that the experience is so emotionally profound that it’s being stored in Genevieve’s long-term memory. At the same time, she is also trying to verbally understand and make sense of what’s happening to her in that moment. She might be saying something to herself like,
Oh my God This is amazing. I feel so great What is thisfeeling? Her inner experience is
as real as any outward event, and she’s not trying to make it happen—it’s just happening to her. She’s not visualizing;
she’s experiencing a profound moment.
Interestingly, we scanned Genevieve again in July, at the event in
Colorado, and she still displayed the same energy changes. When we handed her the
microphone during both events, all she could say was that she was so in love with life that her heart was fully open and that she felt connected to something greater than herself. She was in a state of grace,
and she felt so great that she wanted to stay in the present moment. If you look at Figure 10.20
, you’ll see that her brain had the same patterns and effects at the July event as it had at the February event. The experience was still happening to her months later. She was truly altered from her personal transformation.
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