You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter

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You Are The Placebo (1)
energy . . . into three dimensions as matter. . . .
And now let go and give it up . . . and allow it to be executed by a
greater intelligence in away that’s right for you. . . .
And now . . . take your left hand and place it over your heart . . . and I
want you to bless your body . . . that it be lifted to anew mind . . . and
bless your life . . . that it bean extension of your mind . . . to bless your
future . . . that it never be your past . . . to bless your past . . . that it

turns to wisdom . . . to bless the adversity in your life . . . that it initiates
you into greatness . . . and that you seethe hidden meaning behind all
things . . . to bless your soul . . . that it wake you up from this dream . . .
and to bless the divine in you . . . that it moves in you . . . that it moves
through you . . . and that it moves all around you . . . that it shows
cause in your life. . . .
And finally . . . I want you to give thanks fora new life before it’s
made manifest . . . so that your body, as the unconscious mind, begins
to experience that future now. . . . For the emotional signature of
gratitude means the event has already happened. . . . For gratitude is . . .
the ultimate state of receivership. . . .
And just memorize this feeling . . . bring your awareness . . . back to a
new body . . . to anew environment . . . and to a whole new time . . . and
when you are ready, you can open your eyes.

Becoming Supernatural
Some critics may categorize this body of work as faith healing. I’m actually fine with that accusation at this point in my life, because what is faith but when we believe in thought more than anything else Isn’t it when we accept a thought—independent of the conditions in our environment—and then surrender to the outcome to such a degree that we live as if our prayers were already answered Sounds like a formula for the placebo. We’ve always been the placebo.
Maybe it’s not so important that we pray rigorously everyday to have our prayers answered, but that we instead getup from our meditations as if our prayers have already been answered. If we accomplish this daily, we are at a level of mind where we’re truly living in the unknown and expecting the unexpected. And this is when the mysterious knocks on our door.
The placebo response is about being healed by thought alone. Thought by itself, however, is unmanifested emotion. Once we embrace that thought emotionally, it begins to become real—that is, it becomes reality. A thought without an emotional signature is void of experience,
and thus it is latent, waiting to be made known from the unknown. As we initiate a thought into an experience and then into wisdom, we are evolving as human beings.
When you look into the mirror, you see your reflection and know that whom you are seeing is the physical you. But how do the true self, the ego, and the soul see themselves Your life is a mirror image of your mind, your consciousness, and who you really are.
There are no schools of ancient spiritual wisdom sitting high on mountaintops in the Himalayas waiting to initiate us into becoming mystics and saints. Our lives are our initiation into greatness. Maybe you and I should see life as an opportunity to reach greater and greater levels of self so that we can overcome our own limitations with more expanded levels of consciousness. That’s how a pragmatist, instead of a victim, sees it.
To abandon the familiar ways in which we’ve grown accustomed to thinking about life in order to embrace new paradigms will feel unnatural in the beginning. Frankly, it takes effort—and it’s uncomfortable. Why?
Because when we change, we no longer feel like ourselves. My definition of genius, then, is to be uncomfortable and to be okay with being

How many times in history have admirable individuals who struggled against outdated beliefs, living outside of their comfort zones, been considered heretics and fools, only to later emerge as geniuses, saints, or masters In time, they became supernatural.
But how do you and I become supernatural We have to begin to do what’s unnatural—that is, to give in the midst of crisis, when everyone is feeling lack and poverty to love when everyone is angry and judging others to demonstrate courage and peace when everyone else is in fear to

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