You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter

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You Are The Placebo (1)
unknown—where you are no body, no one, no thing, and in no place and in no time. You have to become pure consciousness (nothing but a thought

or an awareness that you’re aware in avoid of potentials) so that your brain can recalibrate.
And when the body wants to distract you, but you keep mastering it and settling it back into the present moment over and over again until it acquiesces, the way you read about earlier, then that line that goes into the future no longer exists because the body is no longer living in that predictable destiny. You’ve disconnected from it or unplugged your energy circuits from it.
Similarly, if your body is conditioned and addicted to emotions you’ve memorized that keep you connected to the past, but you manage to bring your body back and settle it down every time you feel angry or frustrated until your body finally surrenders into the present moment, then that line that goes into that past no longer exists either. You’ve unplugged from that line, too. And when both your past and your future lines disappear,
your predictable genetic destiny vanishes as well.
In this moment, there’s no longer any past to drive the future, and there’s no longer any predictable future based on the past. You’re solely in the present, where you have access to all those potentials and possibilities. And the longer you’re invested in the unknown by unplugging from those timelines and lingering in those possibilities, the more energy you liberate from your body and make available for creating something new. Figure 11.2
demonstrates how the past and the future no longer exist when the brain and the body are totally in the present moment. The predictable reality of knowns does not exist, therefore you’re in the unknown realm of possibilities.

When you find the sweet spot of the present moment and you forget about yourself as the same personality, you have access to other possibilities that already exist in the quantum field. That’s because you are no longer connected to the same body-mind, to the same identification with the environment, and to the same predictable timeline. In the moment,
the same familiar past and future literally no longer exist, and you become pure consciousness—a thought alone. That is the moment that you can change your body,
change something in your environment, and create anew timeline.
The meditation outlined in the next chapter includes a period where you get to linger in this potent unknown, in the blackness of possibility,
and invest your energy into the void of potentials that exist in the present moment. Remember that even though it may look as if there’s nothing there, it really isn’t just empty blackness it’s the quantum field, and it’s just bursting with energy and possibility.
When my colleagues and I examined our advanced-workshop students who were able to become pure consciousness—a thought separate from this known reality—we saw the greatest strides in their ability to change

their brains, their bodies, and their lives. If the placebo is about changing the body by thought alone, then a very important step is to become a thought—alone.
Seeing Without Eyes
Here’s one of my favorite examples of what can happen when you focus on the unknown in meditation. Not long ago, I was doing a workshop in
Sydney, Australia, in which I was leading a meditation where I’d asked the participants to be no body, no one, no thing, and to be in no place and in no time—to become pure consciousness, lingering in the unknown (just as you’re about to do in the next chapter).
As I was watching the group meditate, I happened to notice a woman,
named Sophia, sitting in the third row, meditating with her eyes closed,
just like everyone else. And all of a sudden, I saw her energy change.
Something just told me to wave to her, so I did, and still with her eyes closed, Sophia waved back I motioned for two of my trainers who were at the other end of the room to come over. When they got tome, I pointed directly at Sophia, and she waved back at me again—without ever opening her eyes.
“What’s going on my trainers whispered.
“She’s seeing without eyes I told them. As I said, when you focus on the unknown, you get the unknown. After we finished the event in
Sydney, we had a more advanced workshop in Melbourne one week later,
and Sophia came to that workshop as well.
“Hey, I saw you, and I saw the trainers she told me, proceeding to describe everything that had happened in the room during the meditation when she’d had her eyes closed. She was extremely accurate.
After the workshop, Sophia decided to apply to become one of my corporate trainers, and I selected her because of her ability. So she came to a training just a few months later.
At the end of everyday of my trainings, I always have the new trainers close their eyes while I run through the entire day’s lessons in 30 minutes,
just to reactivate the new circuits in their long-term memories. So as I
was doing that, Sophia was sitting therewith her eyes closed, and all of a sudden, she opened her eyes, shook her head, closed her eyes again,
turned around to look behind her, and then turned back around and looked straight at me with an amazed expression on her face. After she repeated this a few times, I motioned for her to just stay with the meditation, and we spoke afterward.
Not only could Sophia see in front of her with her eyes closed in

meditation, she told me, but now she could see a full degree view.
She could see what was in front of her, what was behind her, and what was all around her at the same time. Because Sophia had been in the habit of seeing with her eyes open for her whole life, she kept opening her eyes and closing them again in are exive attempt to see what she was already seeing.
I happened to have Dr. Fannin at that training, and we were scanning some of the trainers brains just so that we could plan what patterns of brainwaves we’d be measuring in our students for our first advanced workshop in Arizona. When it was Sophia’s turn, I didn’t say anything to
Dr. Fannin about her. So he hooked her up to the EEG machine, and then with her back to us, we sat down about seven feet away to watch her scan on the monitor. All of a sudden, the back of Sophia’s brain, which is the visual cortex, lit upon the computer screen.
“Oh, look Dr. Fannin whispered tome. Shes visualizing!”
“No,” I said softly, shaking my head. Shes not visualizing.”
“What do you mean he mouthed.
“She’s seeing,” I quietly responded.
“What do you mean he repeated, confused. So I waved at her. And still sitting with her back tome, she reached above her head, turned her hand backward, and waved back. It was amazing. The proof was right on the scan Sophia was seeing without eyes. Her visual cortex was processing information, just as though she were seeing, but it washer ibraini that was doing the seeing—not her eyes.
As I said, if you focus on the unknown, you get the unknown. Ready to see for yourself?

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