You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter

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You Are The Placebo (1)
The Sweet Spot of the Present Moment
After walking you through open focus, the meditation you’ll do will move you into the practice of finding the present moment. Being present gives us access to possibilities on the quantum level that we didn’t have access to before. Remember how I said that in the quantum field, the subatomic particles exist simultaneously in an infinite array of possibilities In order for that to be true, the quantum universe can’t have only one line of time. It must have an infinite number of timelines,
simultaneously containing all of these possibilities stacked on top of one another. In fact, every experience—past, present, and future—of every single thing from the smallest microorganism to the most advanced culture in the universe exists within the field of unlimited information called the quantum field.” I said the quantum world has no time, but the truth is that it has all time simultaneously—it just doesn’t have linear
time, which is the way we usually think of time.
As the quantum model of reality says, all possibilities exist in the present moment. But if you’re waking up every morning and doing the same sequence of events—making the same choices that lead to the same behaviors that create the same experiences that produce the same emotional payoff—then you aren’t open to any of those other possibilities and you aren’t going anywhere new.
Take a look at Figure 11.1
. The circle represents you in the present moment on a particular line of time. The line to the left of that represents your past, and the line to the right represents your future. Let’s say that everyday, you wake up, go to the bathroom, brush your teeth,
take the dog out, drink your coffee or tea, have the same breakfast, get dressed in the same routine way, drive to work along a familiar route, and

soon. Each of these events is represented by a point on the timeline of your immediate future.
Each dot on the timeline represents the same thought, choice, behavior, experience, and emotion from past days, weeks, months, and even years. Therefore, the past becomes the future. Since a habit is a redundant set of automatic thoughts, actions, and feelings that is acquired through frequent repetition—that is, when the body becomes the mind—then for most, our bodies are already programmed to be in the same predictable future based on our state of being from the past. And if we memorize emotions that keep us connected to the past, and those feelings drive our thoughts, then our bodies are literally living in the past.
We are rarely in the present moment.
So let’s say you’ve gone through pretty much that same sequence everyday for ten years. Your body is then already programmed by habit to be in the future, based on your past, because as you emotionally begin to anticipate each of those events on your timeline, your body (as the unconscious mind) believes it’s in that same predictable reality. And the same emotion signals the same genes in the same way, and now you’re in

that predictable future line of time. In fact, you could take that timeline from your past and just lift it up and set it into your future, because in this scenario, your past is your future. You’re like the piano players who installed the circuitry in their brains just by thinking about playing the same sequence of keys over and over again and like the finger exercisers who changed their bodies by thought alone you’re priming your brain and conditioning your body into the same future as you mentally rehearse the same predictable daily scenario in your mind from yesterday.
We can never find the present moment, because our brains and bodies are already living in a known future reality based on the past. Now take a look at all of those points on your timeline that represent the choices,
habits, actions, and experiences that create the same emotions in order to remind you of the feeling of you. There’s no room for something new or unknown, something uncommon or miraculous, to show up in your life,
because those points are so closely knit together. It would be too inconvenient, and frankly, it would disrupt your routine. How upsetting it would be for something new to show up in the life of a personality that’s unconsciously anticipating the future based on the past!
I should warn you here that when you begin a meditation practice, if you just insert your meditation as another event on your timeline, there’s a danger that you’ll merely be adding another item to your to-do list. And if that’s how you approach it, you still won’t be able to find the present moment. To accomplish what you’re after here, healing and making lasting changes, you have to be fully in the present moment, not thinking about what the next predictable event is on your timeline.
That’s true because wherever you place your attention is where you’re placing your energy. So if you’re paying even the smallest bit of attention to things, people, places, or events in your external environment, then you’re reaffirming that reality. And if you’re in the habit of obsessing about time—thinking about either the past (the known) or the future,
which is based on your past (and so is also the known)—then you’re missing the present moment, where all possibility exists. When you focus on the known, you, as the quantum observer, can only get more of exactly that. You’ll be collapsing all those possibilities in the quantum field into the same patterns of information called your life.
In order to access the unlimited potential that’s waiting for you in the quantum field, you have to forget about the known (your body, your face,
your gender, your race, your profession, and even your concept of what you have to do today) so that you can remain fora while in the

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