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15. Puthoff, HE. Phys. Rev. D, volume 35, p. 3266, 1987. See also New Scientist, volume 115, p. 26, 9 July 1987.
16. Cetto, AM. and Pena, L. de la. Found. Phys, volume 19, p. 419,
17. See Puthoff, HE. Phys. Rev. A, volume 39, p. 2333, 1989 and references therein.
18. Milonni, PW. Physica Scripta, volume T 21, p. 102, 1988.
19. See, for example, Pantell, RH. and
Puthoff, HE, Fundamentals of Quantum Electronics, pp. 179 ff, Wiley, New York, 1969.
20. Wheeler, J.A. *Geometrodynamics*, Academic Press, New York,
21. Marshall, T.W. Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc, vol. 61, p. 537, 1965.
22. Boyer, TH. Phys. Rev, vol. 182, p. 1374, 1969.
23. Puthoff, HE. Phys. Rev. A, volume 40, p. 4857, 1989. Errata in Phys. Rev. A, volume 44, p. 3385, 1991. See also New Scientist, volume
124, p. 36, 2 December 1989.
24. Milonni, PW. Am. J. Phys, volume 49, p. 177, 1981.
25. Davies, P.C.W. J. Phys. A, volume 8, p. 609, 1975.
26. Unruh, W.G. Phys. Rev. D, volume 14, p. 870, 1976. Fora semi- classical derivation, see also Boyer, TH. Phys. Rev. D, volume 21, p. 2137,
27. Sakharov, AD. Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR [Sov. Phys. - Dokl., volume 12, p. 1040], 1968. See also Misner, CW, Thorne, KS. and Wheeler,
J.A. Gravitation, pp. 426-428, Freeman, San Francisco,
28. Forward, R.L. Phys. Rev. B, volume 30, p. 1700, 1984.
29. Rafelski, J, Fulcher, LP. and Klein, A. Phys. Rep, volume 38, p.
227, 1978. See also "The Decay of the Vacuum, Scientific American, volume 241, p. 150, 1979.
30. For the original concept see Casimir, H.B.G., Physica, volume 19, p. 846, 1956. Early follow-on efforts include Boyer, TH, Phys. Rev, volume
174, p. 1764, 1968; Milton, K.A., Annals Phys, volume 127, p. 49, 1980;
DeRaad, LL, Jr. and Milton, K.A., Annals Phys, vol. 136, p. 229, 1981;
Brevik, I, Annals Phys, volume 138, p. 36, 1982; Brevik, I. and
Kolbenstevdt, H, Annals Phys, volume 143, p. 179, 1982.
31. Booth, LI. Speculat. Sci. Tech, volume 10, p. 201, 1987.
32. Lee, TD. Particle Physics and Introduction to Field Theory, p. 826,
Harwood Academic Publ., London, 1988.
33. Podolny, R. Something Called Nothing, Mir Publ., Moscow

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