Zero Point Energy

Zero-Point Vacuum Fluctuation Towards a Unified Electrodynamic View of the Fundamental Fields of Nature

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Zero-Point Vacuum Fluctuation

Towards a Unified Electrodynamic View of the Fundamental Fields of Nature

By Don Reed, raum&zeit, Vol 3, No 2, 1992

We surveyed a novel electromagnetic field based on the topology of a Moebius band or a Klein bottle. This field is apparently the agent for the production of unique phenomena, chief of which among these is the decrease of gravitational potential or mass of certain substances placed within the proximity of the field.

Such phenomena are clearly foreign to present scientific understanding. from the standpoint of the bodies of knowledge underlying rela-tivity. quantum physics, and even classical electromagnetic theory. However. it is not entirely inconceivable that the structure of nature at its primordial sub-atomic level might be the seat of a ubiquitous groundform energy field. Furthermore. its dynamical char-acteristics could account for known phenomena in the relativistic and quantum domains, as well as certain recorded anomalous phenomena which cannot as yet be incorporated into contemporary scientific paradigms.

Exactly such a feature has played an important role in explicating many of the initially enigmatic findings of quantum electrodynamics in particular. It has been termed the "zero-point vacuum fluctuations," or ZPF. The name derives from the existence of this basic energy even at the lowest temperature in nature, 0 Kelvin. One of the substantial effects of this postulated fluctuating vacuum groundform is the oscillatory feature ascribed to the elec-tron as it interacts with the ZPF. known as the "Zitterbewegung" or jitter (ZBW will be suitable for our purposes). In view of the recent emergence of oper-ating free energy machines. it will be advantageous to study the characteristics of the Zitterbewegung. In this light, focusing on the ZBW will provide us with a rational basis with which to ascribe the workings of such devices, to prevent the classification of them as perpetual motion machines.

At this juncture. it would be prudent to outline to readers unfamiliar with these topics. the history of discoveries in the peculiarities of electron behavior that brought these notions to light. The initial difficulty came at the turn of the century with the aborted attempt by H. A. Lorentz to compatibly integrate the electron into the electromagnetic field theory of Maxwell-Hertz.(1) The prob-lems arose from Lorentz' assumption of a spherical charge distribution emanating from an electron treated as a structureless point source of the Coulomb electrostatic field. The result obtained was a quantiatively divergent (infinite) interaction energy between the electron and its own radiation field. Despite many later attempts to correct this defect. none have yet succeeded. In the mid-1920s. the spectral evidence of the so-called “anomalous” Zeeman effect, as well as the observed space quantization of the electron magnetic moment demonstrated by the Stern-Gerlach experiment, compelled physicists to ascribe to the electron a self angular momentum factor called "spin."(2) Yet the quantum aspects of this particular dynamics showed that spin could not in any sense be related to the intuitive notions of ordinary rota-tional motion. It was the first phe-nomenon in the history of science that had absolutely no correspondence with any concept in the macroscopic world. The mysterious nature of this notion was underscored by Born when he described it as: "The idea of a spin without the existence of something spinning ..." Moreover, any attempts to ascribe a geometric structure to spin were summarily prevented by the de-velopment of the Schrodinger wave equation and Heisenberg matrix wave mechanics in the late 1920s. According to the philosophical underpinnings of this so-called Copenhagen Interpre-tation of quantum theory. no structure of sub-atomic units (apart from point particles) is possible.

In the early 1930s, Dirac's model, based upon a relativistic covariant lin-earization of the Schrodinger equation, demonstrated that electron spin is a direct consequence of the mathematical structure of the theory.(3) Specifically, this entailed the use of a unique four-component wave function (spinors) which accounted for the observed half-integral spin of the electron, the anomalous Zeeman effect, and the existence of negative energy states by the prediction of the positron.

By the middle 1940s, the Dirac theory was found to be deficient since it could not account for the small, albeit measurable. anomalous magnetic moment of the electron. Through quantum electrodynamics as developed by Schwinger, Bethe, Feynman, the rea-son for the anomalous moment was discovered to be due to the electron's self-interaction with the substratum vi-brations. To this, in turn, was ap-pended the term zero-point vacuum fluctuations. One key experiment which verified the influence of the ZPF, was the Lamb shift of the spectral lines of hydrogen.(4) The Zitterbewegung mo-tion (ZBW), was then applied to the reaction of the electron to the ambient ZPF, describing the area in which the electron tends to oscillate with the di-mensions of the Compton wavelength (V/mc). Actually, the concept of the ZBW concept was first introduced by Schrodinger to interpret high-frequency oscillations in free particle wave packets of the Dirac theory. These oscillations, with angular frequency 2mc^2 /h/. were interpreted as interference be-tween positive and negative energy components of a wave packet.

Until recently, the majority of the prac-titioners of quantum field theory at-tributed no real significance to the ZBW. It was held that the ZBW is a math-ematical artifact of the one-particle Dirac theory. which does not appear in a correctly formulated quantum field theory. Others, inasimilarvein, claimed that the ZB\Al is an inconsequential erratic motion of the electron due to random electron-positron pair creation and annihilation. However. important new evidence has surfaced causing a growing group of the physics commu-nity to regard the ZBW in a more substantial role. Indeed, the findings reached by several prominent theo-retical physicists(5) is that the ZBVY is a localized helical motion of the electron with an angular momentum which can be identified with the electron spin. In re-casting the Dirac theory in the Clifford analysis of his multivector geometric algebra, D. Hestenes(6) has said to bare the geometric content of electron spin, which has been formerly shrouded by the formalistic artifice of matrix me-chanics and quantum field theory. According to these findings, the ZBW need not be attributed to interference between positive and negative energy states as Schrodinger originally pro-posed. but provides the key to a com-plete understanding of the Dirac theory of the electrons, including a physical interpretation for the complex phase factor in the Dirac wave function. Furthermore. he has convincingly re-vealed. through mathematical argu-ment. the unprecendented picture of the electron as the seat of a bound oscillating electromagnetic field similar to de Brogue's concept of a pilot wave. Thus it tells us that the ZBW is re-sponsible for a kind of electromagnetic wave-particle duality which is implicit not only in the Dirac theory. but has manifestations in every application in quantum mechanics. even in the non-relativistic domain covered by the Schrodinger theory. Contrary to or-thodox opinion which views the elec-tromagnetic field as merely incidental to quantum theory. the new findings by Hestenes and others. ascribes a central role to the electromagnetic field. In this sense, not only is the latter a generating source for ZPF. but it is the seat of the associated electron Zitterbewegung, its characteristic half-integral spin. and all other manifestations of quantum physics including the uncertainty in position and momentum of sub-atomic units. The uncertainty relations can now be viewed as consequences of a zero-point particle motion with a fixed zero-point angular momentum, the spin of the electron. This explains why the limiting constant /h/2 in the uncer-tainty relations (Ax * Ap = /h/ 2) is exactly equal to the magnitude of the electron spin.

In this regard, the once obscure paper of Furutsu(7) takes on the significance of landmark proportions. His two-part monograph investigation, in conjunction with Hestene's work and the work of Puthoff, to be described, deserves close scrutiny by all theorists concerned with explicating the fundamental questions of physics. Furutsu mathematically showed that the classical statistical theory of electomagnetic waves in a fluctuating medium corresponds to the commutation relations in the quantum mechanics of the Heisenberg equation of motion. Specifically, there exists a one to one correspondence between the so-called Green's function in the statistical wave theory. and the associated probability amplitude function in quantum mechanics. which satisfies the Schrodinger equation.

Although these revelations indeed point to a possible major role of the electro-magnetic field in quantum mechanics. the reader may well wonder what significance such findings may have for revealing the long sought-after master field of nature under which both gravi-tational and electromagnetic phenomena are unified and subsumed. For one thing, the discovery of a sub-atomic feature demonstrating the theoretical link between gravitation and electro-magnetism would tend to help place such phenomena generated by the Moebius Electromagnetic field in a more substantial and less of a fictional light when considering possibilities for viable future alternate energy sources.

One key for the realization of this primordial unified field structure. is to adopt the model originally promoted in 1967 by Sakharov.(8) This model pur-ports that gravitation is not a funda-mental interaction at all. but rather an induced effect brought about by changes in the ZPF when matter is present, in much the same way as the Van der Waals and Casimir forces. Pursuing the Sakharov hypothesis further, in a recent article in the Physical Review, H. Puthoff (9) develops a classical model of ZPF founded upon the related work of T. Boyer on stochastic electrody-namics.(10) The Puthoff work predicts a value for the Newtonian gravitational constant G which is determined as a direct function of the oscillatory frequency of the ZPF:

G = Pic^5 / 2/h/ wc o wdw, wc = (Pic5/ /h/G) 1/2

where Wc corresponds to an effective Planck cutoff frequency of the ZPF spectrum. Thus the small value of the gravitational constant is an inverse re-flection of the high frequency cutoff value of the ZPF. Here, gravitational mass is shown to correspond to the kinetic energy of the ZPF-induced particle motion, or ZBW. while the customary attractive inverse square law force is attributed to a long range Van der Waals type. associated with the broad spectrum ZPF radiation fields, also generated by the ZBW. Now we are beginning to clearly see a pattern developing which possibly reveals the ZPF as the master electrodynamic field underlying all phenomena in physics.

Considering the high oscillatory frequency of the ZPF (~10^24 cycles per second), one might wonder whether the microscopic domain could be engineered as a viable energy source. Following this lead, in another article(11) Puthoff suggests that engineering of the ZPF might have enormous implications for power generation. He bases this view on the so-called Casimir effect, which is an experimentally verified ZPF-induced powerful attractive quantum force between closely spaced metal or dielectric plates. Along these lines Puthoff suggests that engineers try designing zero-point energy machines with a cold, charged plasma or gas. Like the metal plates. the Casimir effect would pinch the plasma together producing energy in the form of heat and condensed charged particles.

The various so-called free energy de-vices now in operation might be em-ploying similar principles, allowing co-herence of the ZPF under specific exci-tation of the vacuum, producing visible macroscopic effects. One such device is the Plasmatron generator built by Moscow physicist A. Chernetsky.(12) This apparatus reportedly takes 700 watts of electricity, and via heavy cur-rent pulse discharge created through unstable plasma states, gives back 3500 watts manufacturing slightly more than three horsepower out of nothing. The mysterious discharge stimulating addi-tional energy extraction was called self-generating discharge. Measurements showed that part of the discharge power went back into the network as if two series-connected electromotive forces are at work. In one special test, current discharge was so great that a megawatt substation near the experiment burned out. This brings to mind a similar event experienced by Nikola Tesla during one of his experiments where a power plant caught fire. It is entirely possible that vacuum energy from the ZPF can explain both these incidents.

Another prominent energy device which operates independently of any priming power other than a manual start, appears to be a true free energy system. This is the Swiss M-L Converter first mentioned by Davidson in his book The Secret of the Creative Vacuum.(13) It provides some of the power used by the spiritual community of Methernitha. The dynamic com-ponents of this device constitute a modern version of a self-propelled Wimshurst machine, with large Leyden jars forming capacitors for electrostatic energy stoarge.(14) Once the machine is started manually, the high electrostatic potential generated primes the system. Solid state components include twin bifilar-wound coils situated within the capacitors. In addition there are two horseshoe magnets also wound with bifilar coils and other self-standing ca-pacitors connected in the circuit. Interestingly. this is a hybrid system, since it involves both dynamic and solid-state conversion features. There is a harmonous combination of electrostatic as well as electromagnetic circuit elements. Notably. a similar hybrid power combination comprised the Hutch inson-Hathaway experiments of the 1980s. which produced anomalous phenomena via the crudely constructed arrangement which ad-joined a Van Der Graaff generator to two modified Tesla coils, along with other field-shaping elements.(15) The videotaped record of these experiments shows the complete levitation of several objects including 20 pound tool boxes. as well as the frequent catastrophic fracturing of pieces of metal or other samples, giving them the appearance of corrugated cardboard.

Another device in which output power is claimed to exceed that input by a factor of ten, is the recent invention by Hyde.(16) Although not too many details apart from the patent are yet available, electrical engineer M. King offers an excellent analysis of its principles of operation as well as interesting insight into its mode of anomalous energy generation.(17) Once again, the coherence of the ZPF is counted among the main possibilities for this surplus energy production.

Thus, in many ways it appears that the concept of the passive 19th century luminiferous aether plenum that had been banished with the advent of Einsteinian Relativity. has returned in a much different guise invested with the dynamic properties of the ZPF as enumerated by quantum field theory. In the next chapter of this series. we will examine a specific geometric model for this primordial energy field. based upon the toroidal topology invested within Kenneth Killic’s tachion pair arrangement. In accordance with this model, the land-mark work of physicist Peter Gschwind will be investigated and found to contain a natural mathematical structure (biquatemion analysis) which, in a projective geometric framework, can be effectively brought to bare on many of the current enigmas of physics.


  1. Lorentz. HA.. Theory of Electrons, New York. Dover reprint.

  2. Gerlach. W.. Stern. 0.. ZeitschriftFuer Physik vol. 9.1922. p.349.

  3. Dirac. P.. Proceedings of the Royal Society (London). Al 24(1928), p.610.

  4. Lomb, H.. Science. vol.123, 1956.p.439.

  5. Huang. K.. "On the Zitterbewegung Of the Electron", American Journal of Physics, vol.20,1952, p.479. Barut, A.O., Bracken, A.j, Physical Review D, vol.23,1981, p.2454.

  6. Hestenes, B.. Quantum Mechanics from Self-Interaction", Foundations of Physics, vol. 15 no.1, 1985.p.63. "The Zitterhewegung Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics", Foundations of Physics, vol.20 no.10,1990, p.1213.

  7. Furutsu. K., On the Statistical Theotyof Electromagnetic Waves in O Fluctuating Medium(I)". Natl Bur. Stds. Journal of Research. vol. 67D (Radio Propagation). no.3.1963. p.303. On the Statis-tical Theory of Electromagnetic Waves in a Fluctuating Medium(JI). NatL Bur. Stds. Monograph 79.1970. p.1.

  8. Sakharov. A.D.. Doki. Akad. Nauk SSSR, (Soviet Physics-Doklady). vol. 12.1968. p.1040.

  9. Puthoff. H. E.. "Gravity as a Zero-Point Fluctuation Force". Physical Review A vol, 39 no.5.1989. p.2333.

  10. Boyer. T.. Physical Review D. vol.21. 1980. p.2137.

  11. Puthoff. H. B.. "The Energetic Vacuum: Implications for Energv Research". Speculations in Science and Tech-nology vol.13 no.3.1990. p.247.

  12. Samokhin. A.. "Vacuum Energv – A Breakthrough?". Speculations in Sci-ence and Technology. vol.13 no.3. 1990. p.273. Davies. 0.. "Volatile Vacu-ums . Omni. vol.13 no. 5.1991. p.56.

  13. Davidson. J.. The Secret of the Cre-ative Vacuum. 1989. p.231.

  14. Kelly, D.. "A Review' of the Free Energv Scenario". Speculations in Science & Technology. vol.13 no.3 1990. p.267.

  15. Hathaway. G. B.. "An Introduction to Non-Conventional Propulsion Technology". Proc. of the 1988 Intl. Tesla Symposium. 1988. Chap. 6. p.1.

  16. Hyde. W.. "Electrostatic Energv Field Power Generating System". U.S. Patent no.4.897.592.1990.

  17. King. M. B.. "Tapping the Zero-Point Energy as an Energy Source". Speculations in Science and Technology. vol.13 no.3.1990. p.258. Unpub. paper. 1991.

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