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顾阳Gu Yang

教授 Professor



文学学士(西安外国语大学)BA (Xi'an Foreign Studies University)

文学硕士(美国亚利桑那州立大学)MA (Arizona State University)

文学硕士, 哲学博士(美国康奈尔大学)MA, PhD (Cornell University) 


研究方向 Research Interests

语言学 linguistics



Refereed Publications: Journal papers/Books/Book chapters

    1. 2015. “On the Internal Structure of Comparative Constructions: From Chinese, Japanese to English.” (first author with GUO Jie). [Chinese Syntax in a Cross-Linguistic Perspective, 334-374 edited by Andrew Simpson, Audrey Li and Dylan Tsai. Oxford University Press.]

    2. 2014. “On the Status of the Compared Elements in Chinese Comparatives.” (first author - with GUO Jie), in Peaches and Plums, edited by James C.-T. Huang and LIU Feng-his, special volume of Linguistics and Language, 21-52, Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.

    3. 2013. “Semantic Properties and Morphosyntactic Forms of the Frequentative Aspect,” In Foreign Language Teaching & Research, 26-37. (with LIU Hongyong & ZHANG Qinwen)

    4. 2012. “Frequentative Aspect and Pluractionality in Nuosu Yi.” In Plurality and Classifiers across Languages of China, XU Dan (ed.). Berlin: De Gruyter de Mouton. (co-author - with LIU Hongyong)

    5. 2012. “On Studies of Tense and Aspect.” In Series of Commentaries on Frontier Research in Humanities and Social Sciences in the West, CHEN Dongdong and WANG Zhijie (eds.). Beijing: Commercial Press. [In press]. (first author - with GUO Jie; contribution 65%)

    6. 2011. “Hanyu chabiju de shanchu xiangxiang” [Deletion in the comparative constructions of Mandarin Chinese]. In Hanyu yufa yanjiu de xin tuozhan [New Explorations in Research on Chinese Grammar], ed. by Jingmin Shao and Dingxu Shi, 248-261. Beijing: Peking University Press. (first author with GUO Jie; contribution 60%)

    7. 2011. “Nominalization in Nuosu Yi.” In Nominalization in Asian Languages: Diachronic and Typological Perspectives, Volume 1: Sino-Tibetan and Iranian Languages, Foong Ha Yap, Karen Grunow-Harsta & Janick Wrona (eds.). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. (co-author - with LIU Hongyong; contribution 50%)

    8. 2010. “Chomsky’s Theories of Generative Grammar.” In the Special Issue of 2010 Chomsky in Beijing/Taiwan, 14-19. Beijing: 2010 Chomsky in Asia Editorial Board.

    9. 2009. “Free and Not-so-free Demonstratives in Jingpo.” Journal of East Asian Linguistics 18.4: 273-295. (co-author - with LIU Hongyong; contribution 50%)

    10. 2009. “A Reader’s Guide.” In Minimalist Syntax: Exploring the structure of English, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press & Cambridge University Press. (Invited Expert)

    11. 2009. “Revisiting langai & mi, and the Nominal Structure in Jingpo.” Linguistic Sciences 8.3: 225-238.

    12. 2008. “On the Embedded Clause Marker and Evidential Marker di in Nosu Yi.” Ethnic Linguistics [Minzu Yuwen] 2: 16-23. (co-author - with LIU Hongyong; contribution 50%)

    13. 2008. “Theories of Tense and Aspect and Temporal Reference in Chinese.” In Contemporary Linguistic Theories and Related Studies on Chinese, Shen Yang and Feng Shengli (eds.). Commercial Press, Beijing, 97-119. (Invited Expert). [First appeared in Linguistic Sciences 6.4: 22-38, 2007.].

    14. 2006. “Events of Motion and Causation in Hong Kong Sign Language”, Lingua 1223:1-42. (second author - with Gladys Tang; contribution 30%)

    15. 2006. “Classifiers of Jingpo and Yi and Their Referential Properties”. In Studies on Classifiers in Sino-Tibetan Languages, Li Jingfang and Hu Suhua (eds.). Central University for Nationalities Press, Beijing, 48-72. (first author - with WU Da; contribution 65%)

    16. 2006. “On the Parallelism between Nominal Structure and Clausal Structure”. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Bilingual Studies, Dai Qingxia and Jia Yi Min (eds.). Jinan University Press. pp. 25-49. (first author - with WU Da; contribution 70%)

    17. 2004. “On the Cantonese Resultative Predicate V-can,” Concentric: Studies in Linguistics 30.2.: 35-67. (first author - with Virginia Yip; contribution 70%)

    18. 2004. “Remarks on Noun Phrase Structure in Classifier Languages.” In Bilingual Studies II, DAI Qingxia (ed.). Beijing: Nationality Press, 2004, 377-395.

    19. 2003. Modern Linguistic Theories and Research on Minority Languages in China, Beijing: Nationality Press. (co-chief editor - with DAI Qingxia; contribution 50%)

    20. 2003. “On the Structure of Jingpo [NP+ADJ]”. In Modern Linguistic Theories and Research on Minority Languages in China, DAI Qingxia and GU Yang (eds.). Beijing: Nationality Press. (first author - with DAI Qingxia; contribution 70%)

    21. 2003. “On the Grammatical Category of Topic: A Morpho-syntactic Analysis of Topics in Jingpo”. In Modern Linguistic Theories and Research on Minority Languages in China, DAI Qingxia and GU Yang (eds.). Beijing: Nationality Press, 50-69. (co-author - with DAI Qingxia; contribution 50%)

    22. 2003. “On the Grammatical Function of nga in Jingpo.” In Modern Linguistic Theories and Research on Minority Languages in China, DAI Qingxia and GU Yang (eds.). Beijing: Nationality Press, 100-122. (second-author - with Gladys Tang and DAI Qingxia; contribution 33%)

    23. 2003. “On Copular Verbs in Jingpo.” In Modern Linguistic Theories and Research on Minority Languages in China, DAI Qingxia and GU Yang (eds.). Beijing: Nationality Press, 123-148. (second author - with Virginia Yip, Gladys Tang and DAI Qingxia; contribution 35%)

    24. 2003. “On the Syntactic Projection of Causatives: Resultative Compound Predicates Revisited,” in Chinese Syntax and Semantics, Monograph in Language Science and Technology 1, XU Jie (ed.). London and Singapore: Prentice Hall, 27-64.

    25. 2002. “Some Interface Properties of Morphology and Syntax.” In New Explorations in Research on Chinese Grammar, XU Liejiong and SHAO Jingmin (eds.). Zhejiang Education Press, 387-411.

    26. 2001. “A Further Investigation into the Complement Structure of Mandarin V-de Resultative Construction.” In Studies in Chinese Linguistics II, Pan Hai Hua, ed., Linguistic Society of Hong Kong Book Series, 1-30. (first author - with PAN Haihua; contribution 60%)

    27. 2001. Theories in Generative Grammar and Researches on Mandarin Chinese (Series in New Thoughts on Linguistic Research), Heilongjiang Education Press. (Refereed book; co-author - with HE Yuanjian and SHEN Yang; contribution 33%)

    28. 2001. “The Derivation of Synthetic Compounds in Chinese,” Zhongguo Yuwen [Chinese Linguistics], Beijing: Commercial Press, 122-133. (first author - with SHEN Yang; contribution 60%)

    29. 2000. “Verb Aspect and Aspectuality,” (translated into Japanese) in Chinese Linguistic Information 2, Yu Kong and Zhang Qin, eds. Japan: Kohbun, 283-414.

    30. 2000. “A Reader’s Guide.” In Syntax: A Minimalist Introduction, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press & Cambridge University Press, F10-F30. (Invited Expert)

    31. 2000. “An Inquiry into the Syntax and Semantics of Mandarin Double Object Constructions.” In Studies on the Chinese Language, Vol. 10: Grammatical Research and Exploration, Beijing: Commercial Press, 131-134.

    32. 2000. “Argument Structure and Argument Structure Change.” In Theories of Valance and Related Studies in Chinese, SHEN Yang, ed., Beijing: Language Press, 141-155.

    33. 1999. “Object-induced Adverbial Quantification.” In Modern Chinese Grammar Studies: Meeting Challenge of the New Century, LU Jianming (ed.). Shangdong Education Press, 248-263. (second author - with WANG Lidi; contribution 45%)

    34. 1999. “On Verb Aspect,” in Universals and Specificity, XU Lie Jiong, (ed.). Beijing: Beijing University of Language and Culture Studies Press, 191-212.

    35. 1999. “On Double Object Constructions,” in Universals and Specificity, XU Liejiong, (ed.). Beijing: Beijing University of Language and Culture Studies Press, 60-90.

    36. 1998. "Causativity & the Feature Checking Mechanism: From A Minimalist Perspective." In Studia Linguistica Serica, B. T’sou, (ed.). Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press, 365-383.

    37. 1998. Studies in Chinese Linguistics, Linguistic Society of Hong Kong Book Series. (edited volume)

    38. 1998. "Reflections on Incorporation, Conflation, and the Resultative Compound Formation," In Studies in Chinese Linguistics, GU Yang (ed.). Linguistic Society of Hong Kong Book Series, 83-115.

    39. 1998. "Subject Orientation in the Chinese Reflexive 'ziji'." In Studies in Chinese Linguistics, GU Yang (ed.). Hong Kong: Linguistic Society of Hong Kong Book Series, 195-216. (second author - with Gladys Tang; contribution 45%)

    40. 1997. "Theoretical Issues about Existential Sentences." Modern Foreign Languages 3, 14-25.

    41. 1997. "On Defining Causativity and the Significance of Discourse Information,” Text 17.4: 435-455. Mouton de Gruyter Publisher, Berlin, Germany.

    42. 1997. "On the Postverbal Duration Phrases in Mandarin Chinese." In Referential Properties of Chinese Noun Phrases, (Collection des Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale 2), XU Liejiong (ed.). Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Scineces Scociales (EHESS), Paris, France, 117-138.

    43. 1996. "Generative Grammar and Some Verbal Properties in the Lexicon," feature article, Linguistics Abroad [Guowai Yuyanxue] (now Dangdai Yuyanxue [Contemporary Linguistics]) 3: 1-16.

    44. 1995. "Aspect Licensing, Verb Movement, and Feature Checking," Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale 2: 49-83.

    45. 1994. “The Theory of Argument Structure,” feature article, Linguistics Abroad [Guowai Yuyanxue] (now Dangdai Yuyanxue [Contemporary Linguistics]) 2: 1-12.

    46. 1991. "On the Locative Existential Construction in Chinese," Proceedings of the Tenth West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, D. Bates, (ed.). Stanford University Press, 183-195.


Refereed Publications: Professional Report 

    1. 1998. Report on the Follow-up Study on the Effective Use of the English Language Self-Learning Packages For New Arrival Children. Submitted to The Education Department, Hong Kong Government, Hong Kong, China. (with Gladys Tang)

Non-referred Publications

    1. “From Self-access to Self-direction: English Learning by New Arrival Children.” In Proceedings of the Children’s Agenda for Hong Kong in the 21st Century, the Save Children Fund & Hong Kong University, 1999. (co-author - with Gladys Tang)

    2. Catalogue of Chinese Linguistics. Beijing: Beijing Foreign Studies University Press, 2001. (with XU Liejiong, WANG Zhijie and SHI Dingxu)

    3. "Aspect Licensing and the Checking Theory," Proceedings of the Sixth North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, University of Southern California, 1995, 74-83.

    4. "WordNet and Some of Its Implications in Computational Lexical Research," Humanities Bulletin 5, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1995, 142-44.

    5. "Some Theoretical Considerations on the Lexicon with Reference to the Minimalist Program," Proceedings of the Post-COLING94 International Workshop on Directions of Lexical Research, 1994, 62-65, Beijing: Tsinghua University.

    6. "Aspect Licensing and Verb Movement in Mandarin Chinese," CUHK Papers in Linguistics 4, 1993, 68-87, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Conference Presentations

    1. “NP de VP or VP de NP,” (with YANG Jing). Paper presented at the International Conference on Contemporary Chinese Grammar, I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Dec. 2-5, 2011.

    2. “On the Derivation of Mandarin Comparative Sentences,” (with GUO Jie). Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Contemporary Chinese Grammar (ICCCG-6), I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Dec. 2-5, 2011.

    3. “The Copular Verbs and Stance Marking in Jingpo,” (with Vera ZU Xin). Paper presented at the Workshop on Stance Marking across Languages, July 18-20, 2011. Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

    4. “Feature Checking at the Right Periphery: A Case in Jingpo,” (with Vera ZU Xin). Paper presented at the IACL-19 Annual Conference, Nankai University, Tianjin, June 11-13, 2011.

    5. “Positively Comparative,” (with Marcel Den Dikken & GUO Jie). The Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar. Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea, August 17-20, 2010.

    6. “On the Projection of Tense in Chinese: Remarks on Adjectives,” (with GUO Jie). The International Conference on Modern Chinese Grammar. Beijing University, Aug. 17-18, 2010.

    7. “A Further Investigation into the Chinese bi Comparative Construction,” (with GUO Jie), paper presented at the IACL-17 Annual Conference, Paris, France, July, 2008.

    8. “Move and Merge of Causatives” (with LIU Hongyong), paper presented at the IACL-16 Annual Conference, Beijing University, May-June, 2008.

    9. “On Nominalization in Yi” (with LIU Hongyong), paper presented at the Linguistic Seminar, Dept. of Linguistics & Modern Languages, CUHK, Dec., 2007.

    10. “Reduplication and pluractionality” (with Liu Hongyong and Yap Foong Ha), paper presented at des Vingt-et-uniemes Journees de Linguistique d'Asie Orientale, June 28-30, 2007, EHESS, CRLAO, Paris, France.

    11. “Resultativity in Jingpo” (with Peng, Guozhen), paper presented at the Joint Meeting of The15th International Association of Chinese Linguistics & the 19th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, May 25-28, 2007, Columbia University, New York, USA.

    12. “From Causative to Imperative: ʂu in Nuosu Yi” (with LIU Hongyong and WU Da). Paper presented at the 15th annual conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics, May 25-28, 2007, Columbia University, New York, USA.

    13. “Causatives and Serial Verb Construction in Norsu Yi” (with LIU Hongyong and Wu Da), paper presented at the International Workshop on Nominalization and Copulars in East Asian and Neighboring Languages, Jan. 9-11, 2007, Chinese University of Hong Kong.

    14. “Determiner or Nominalizer: The Morpheme Suu in Yi” (with WU Da and LIU Hongyong), paper presented at the International Workshop on Nominalization and Copulars in East Asian and Neighboring Languages, Jan. 9-11, 2007, Chinese University of Hong Kong.

    15. “Aspectuality and Tense: An investigation into Temporal Structures”, paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Bilingual Studies, Guangxi University for Nationalities, Nanning, Guangxi, Nov. 24-26, 2006.

    16. “Resultative Constructions in Jingpo,” (with Peng Guozhen) paper presented at the 2006 LSHK Annual Research Forum, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Dec. 2-3, 2006.

    17. “The Development of Stance Markers in East Asian Languages: Diachronic and Syntactic Perspectives,” (with YAP Foong Ha) paper presented at the 11th Symposium on Contemporary Linguistics, Tian Jin Normal University, China, Oct. 13-16, 2006.

    18. “A Further Investigation of the Jingpo Aspect Marker nga,” paper presented at the joint conference of IACL-14 & IsCLL-10, May 25-29, 2006, Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.

    19. “The Jingpo Aspect Marker nga Revisited,” paper presented at the 38th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fu Jian, Oct., 28-31, 2005.

    20. “Complementization and the Morphemes ai/sai/na in Jingpo,” paper presented at the conference New Reflections on Grammaticalization 3, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, July 17-20, 2005.

    21. “On Numeral, Classifier and In/definiteness - A Cross-linguistic Analysis of the Nominal Phrase” (with WU Da), paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics, University of Leiden, the Netherlands, June 9-11, 2005.

    22. “From Nominalizer to Stance Marker: A Syntactic Account of Some Grammaticalization / Pragmaticization Phenomena,” (with YAP Foong Ha & LIU Hong Yong) paper presented at the FITIGRA Conference (From Ideational to Interpersonal: Perspectives from Grammaticalization, Katholieke University, Leuven, Belgium, Feb., 10-12, 2005.

    23. “On Classifiers and Related Issues in Jingpo and Yi” (with WU Da), paper presented at the First Research Forum on Classifiers in Sino-Tibetan Languages, Beijing Central University for Nationalities, Nov. 2004.

    24. “On the Syntax and Semantics of the Jingpo Consultative Mood Morpheme ga,” paper presented at the Chronos 6 Conference, University of Geneva, Geneva, Swiss, Sept. 22-24, 2004.

    25. “Remarks on Agent Demotion, Passivization and Word Order in Burma-Loloish Languages” (with WU Da) paper presented at the 37th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL-37), Lund University, Sweden, Oct. 1-3, 2004.

    26. “The Grammatical Case Marking in Analytical Languages: The Jingpo Morpheme hpe as a Case Study,” paper presented at the 10th Research Forum of Contemporary Linguistics, Cheng Du Foreign Studies University, Sichuan, Dec. 1-3, 2004.

    27. “On the Existential Constructions in Mandarin Chinese,” paper presented at the 12th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics, Nankai University, Tianjin, China. June 16-18, 2004.

    28. “An Investigation into the Syntax and Semantics of the Morpheme ai in Jingpo,” paper presented at the SEAL 14 Conference, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand, May 19-21, 2004.

    29. “An Investigation into the Sentence Final Particle sai in Jingpo” (with Stephanie Chan & Carmen Kan), paper presented at the 2003 LSHK Annual Research Forum, Polytechnic university of Hong Kong, Dec., 2003.

    30. “On Mass/Count Distinction, Classifiers, and Zero-syntax of Noun Phrases in Burman-Lolo Languages,” paper presented at the 36th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages & Linguistics, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, Nov., 2003.

    31. “Grammaticalization: What Is It? And Why does It Work the Way It Does?” (with YAP Foong Ha and JIANG Ping) paper presented at the International Conference on Chinese Culture: Transmission and Transformation in Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Oct. 30-31, 2003.

    32. “A Further Exploration on the Sentence Final Morpheme ga in Jingpo” (with GU Gang), paper presented at the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong Annual Research Forum, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Dec. 2002.

    33. “An Investigation into the Consultative Particle ga in Kachin” (with GU Gang), paper presented at the Workshop on Kachin Grammar, the 35th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages & Linguistics, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA, Nov. 17-20, 2002.

    34. “Remarks on the Copular Verbs in Kachin” (with V. Yip, G. Tang & Dai Qingxia), paper presented at the Research Workshop on Kachin Grammar, the 35th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages & Linguistics, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA, Nov. 17-20, 2002.

    35. “On the Aspectual Properties of nga in Kachin” (with G. Tang & Dai Qingxia), paper presented at the Research Workshop on Kachin Grammar, the 35th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages & Linguistics, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA, Nov. 17-20, 2002.

    36. “The Event Structure of the Causative Predicate Shi in Mandarin Chinese,” paper presented at the 11th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics, Aichi Prefectural University, Nagoya, Japan, August 20-22, 2002.

    37. “A Structural Analysis of the Kachin [NP+A] Constructions,” (with DAI Qingxia), paper presented at the 2002 Conference on Modern Linguistic Theory and Minority Languages in China, Beijing Central University for Minorities, Beijing, China, May 22-24, 2002.

    38. “On the Grammatical Category of Topic: A Morphological Analysis of Topic in Jingpo,” (with DAI Qingxia), paper presented at the 2002 Conference on Modern Linguistic Theory and Minority Languages in China, Beijing Central University for Minorities, Beijing, China, May 22-24, 2002.

    39. “Remarks on the Jinpo Copular Predicate rai,” (with V. Yip, G. Tang & DAI Qingxia), paper presented at the 2002 Conference on Modern Linguistic Theory and Minority Languages in China, Beijing Central University for Minorities, Beijing, China, May 22-24, 2002.

    40. “Remarks on the Grammatical Functions of nga in Jingpo,” (with G. Tang & DAI Qingxia), paper presented at the 2002 Conference on Modern Linguistic Theory and Minority Languages in China, Beijing Central University for Minorities, Beijing, China, May 22-24, 2002.

    41. “On the Grammatical Function of the Morpheme hpe in Jingpo: A Preliminary Analysis,” (with V. Yip and G. Tang), paper presented the LSHK Annual Research Forum, The Baptist University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Dec. 8-9, 2001.

    42. “Synthetic Compounds in Chinese: A Case of Verb Argument Structure and Word Syntax,” paper presented at the Joint Meeting of the 10th Annual Conference of International Association of Chinese Linguistics and the 13th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, University of California, Irvine, USA, June 22-24, 2001.

    43. “Language of Cyber-sex” (with V. Yip & G. Tang), paper presented at the Love & Sexuality Conference, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Feb., 22-23, 2001.

    44. “Where Morphology Meets Syntax,” paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Modern Chinese Grammar for the New Millenium, City University of Hong Kong, Feb.1-3, 2001.

    45. “Modality, Topic, and Focus in Mandarin Chinese” (with WONG Nai Fai), paper presented at the International Symposium on Topic and Focus in Chinese, Polytechnic University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, June, 2000.

    46. “On the Cantonese Adversative Predicates: Constraints on Argument Structure” (with V. Yip), paper presented at the 12th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, San Diego State University, California, USA, June, 2000.

    47. “Perception and Implementation: the Role of Teacher in the Development of Learner Autonomy” (with G. Tang), paper presented at the ’99 International Language in Education Conference, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Dec., 1999.

    48. “On the Argument Structure of the Cantonese Adversative Causativity” (with V. Yip), paper presented at the LSHK Annual Research Forum, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Dec., 1999.

    49. “Rheme and Reason,” presented at the special penal Linguistics and the New Millennium: Linguistics and the Language Teacher of the LSHK Annual Research Forum, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Dec., 1999.

    50. “From Self Access to Self Direction: English Learning by New Arrival Children” (with G. Tang) paper presented at the Children’s Agenda for Hong Kong in the 21st Century, University of Hong Kong, Aug., 1999.

    51. “On the Syntax of Causativity,” paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics, University of Melbourne, Australia, July, 1999.

    52. “On the Cantonese Verbal Particle CAN: A Case of Causativity/Unaccusativity” (with V. Yip), paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Cantonese and Other Yue Dialects, Hong Kong University, June, 1999.

    53. “A Further Inquiry into Locative Inversion in Mandarin Chinese,” paper presented at the ’98 ICCL/NACCL Joint Conference, Stanford University, USA, June, 1998.

    54. “On the Syntactic and Semantic Properties of Mandarin Double Object Construction”, paper presented at the International Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Beijing University, Aug., 1998.

    55. “Some Issues on the Mandarin Double Object Construction,” paper presented at the Hong Kong – Lund Symposium on Linguistics, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, May, 1998.

    56. “ECM or Control: A Further Investigation into the Resultative Constructions” (with PAN Hai Hua), paper presented at the LSHK Annual Research Forum, University of Hong Kong, Dec. 6-7, 1997.

    57. “Distributed Representation of Lexical Semantic Information” (with LI Ping and Beth Engiles), paper presented at the 19th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Stanford University, USA, August 7-10, 1997.

    58. “Nominals in Locative Existential Constructions: A Probe into Argument Structure and Argument Structure Change,” paper presented at Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute Workshop on Interface Strategies, Cornell University, USA, July, 1997.

    59. “Reflections on the Double Object Constructions,” paper presented at Colloquium on Syntax, Semantics, Phonology and Other Interface Issues, Polytechnic University of Hong Kong, Oct., 1996.

    60. “On the Postverbal Duration Phrases in Mandarin Chinese,” paper presented at Symposium on Referential Properties of Chinese Noun Phrases, City University of Hong Kong, June 24-25, 1996.

    61. “On the Lexical-Semantic and Syntactic Properties of TAKE,” paper presented the Eighth North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA, May 17-19, 1996.

    62. “Remarks on the Experiencer Verbs: A Typological Difference,” paper presented at the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong Annual Research Forum, Hong Kong University, Dec., 1995.

    63. “The Syntax and Semantics of Light Verb Constructions,” paper presented at the ’95 Joint Meeting of ICCL-4/NACCL-7, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, June, 1995.

    64. “Some Notes on the Licensing of Chinese Indefinites,” paper presented at Linguistic Society of Hong Kong Discussion on the Definiteness Effects of Chinese Noun Phrases, City University of Hong Kong, April, 1995.

    65. “Light Verb and Verb Movement: Two Sides of the Coin,” paper presented at the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong Annual Research Forum, Hong Kong University, Dec., 1994.

    66. “On Verb Properties: from the Perspective of the Generative Grammar,” paper presented at the Fifth Research Forum of Linguistics Abroad, Heilongjiang University, Haerbing, China, August, 1994.

    67. “Some Theoretical Considerations on the Lexicon with Reference to the Minimalist Program,” paper presented at the Post-COLING 94 International Workshop on Directions of Lexical Research, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, August, 1994.

    68. “Causativity & the Feature Checking Mechanism: From A Minimalist Perspective,” paper presented at the Third International Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Hong Kong City Polytechnic, June, 1994.

    69. “An Application of Linguistic Theory to Automated Chinese Processing System” (with WONG Wing Shing and QIN An), paper presented at the Third International Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Hong Kong City Polytechnic, June, 1994.

    70. “Aspect Licensing and the Checking Theory,” paper presented at the Sixth North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, The University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA, May, 1994.

    71. “Reflections on Incorporation, Conflation, and the Resultative Compound Formation,” paper presented at the LSHK Workshop on Chinese Syntax & Semantics, City Polytechnic of Hong Kong, April, 1994.

    72. “Remarks on the Chinese V-de Constructions and the Syntax of Causativity,” paper presented at the Second International Conference on Chinese Linguistics, University of Paris, France, June, 1993.

    73. “Aspect Licensing and Verb Movement in Mandarin Chinese,” paper presented at Linguistic Society of Hong Kong Annual Research Forum, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Dec., 1992.

    74. “Verbal Measure Phrases and Light Predicate Raising, ” paper presented at the Fourth North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, University of Michigan, USA, May, 1992.

    75. “Two Types of Event Quantification and Their Structural Representations,” paper presented at the Second Annual Cognitive Studies Workshop, Cornell University, USA, May, 1992.

    76. “The Prenominal Duration & Frequency Expressions in Chinese, ” paper presented at the Third North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Cornell University, USA, May, 1991.

    77. “On the Locative Existential Construction in Chinese,” paper presented at the Tenth West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, Arizona State University, USA, March, 1991.

    78. “The Locative Existential Construction and the Predication Theory,” paper presented at the Workshop of Theoretical Linguistics on East Asian Languages, University of California at Irvine, USA, March, 1991.




王恩冕Wang Enmian


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