1 Mission Statement 2

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Brigham Young University – Idaho
Department of Nursing

Student Handbook

Revised June 2015

Table of Contents

Section I – Introduction

1 Mission Statement 2

2 Outcomes 3

Section II – Department of Nursing Student Policies

1 Professionalism 4

2 CPR Certification and Immunization Documentation 5

3 Student Health 5

4 Advising/Counseling 6

5 Student Representation on Faculty Councils 6

6 Clinical Agency Requirements 6

7 clinical credit hours 7

8 Degree Progression 7

9 Electronic Accessory Use 7

10 Excellence in Writing 7

11 Communication/Appeals Process 8

12 Clinical Evaluations 8

13 Graduation Requirements 8

14 communication of Concerns 8

15 Disciplinary Process 9

16 Risk Management 9

17 Grading Standard 10

18 Changes in Policy 10

19 Confidentiality 10
Section I




The Department of Nursing faculty, administration, and staff welcome you and wish you a rewarding and successful experience in nursing. The curriculum has been planned to prepare professional nurses for excellence as a generalist in nursing practice. Faculty, administration, and staff are available to assist students to progress toward that goal.

Nursing students have the same rights, privileges, and responsibilities as all other university students and are expected to abide by university standards. This Handbook contains the policies and procedures for the baccalaureate nursing program. Students are responsible for knowing and following the policies and procedures outlined in this Handbook. The Handbook is available in two locations on the Nursing website: http://www.byui.edu/nursing/bsn/resources and http://www.byui.edu/nursing/rn-to-bsn/resources.

When questions arise or information is needed during the nursing program, students should refer to the Handbook before seeking the answers from other sources. If questions are not answered in the Handbook, students may refer questions to the appropriate faculty or advisor.

May you enjoy a successful educational experience!

I.1 – Mission Statement

Brigham Young University- Idaho Mission Statement

Brigham Young University- Idaho is affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Its mission is to:

  1. Build testimonies of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and encourage living its principles

  2. Provide a quality education for students of diverse interests and abilities

  3. Prepare students for lifelong learning, for employment, and for their roles as citizens and parents

  4. Maintain a wholesome academic, cultural, social, and spiritual environment

Department of Nursing

Our Mission is to:

  1. Care through inspiration and professionalism

  2. Promote a high regard for quality, safety and collaboration

  3. Engage in the scholarship of the discipline

  4. Innovate health practice

I.2 – Outcomes

Nursing Process

  1. The graduate will think critically, substantiated with evidence to provide quality, safe, patient-centered care. UO2, UO3

Professional Identity

  1. The graduate will develop professional identity through leadership, technology, ethical/legal, and health care policy considerations. UO1, UO5


  1. The graduate will demonstrate multiple methods of effective communication and collaboration in a variety of settings. UO4

Cultural Sensitivity

  1. The graduate will respect and advocate for diverse patients, families, and populations.

Personal Growth

  1. The graduate will demonstrate core values, Christ-centered care, and a commitment to life-long learning. UO1, UO2, UO5, UO6

I.3 – BYU-Idaho Learning Model

Underlying Assumptions

  1. Everyone at BYU–Idaho is a learner and a teacher.

  2. Learners and teachers at BYU–Idaho are at different levels in their individual progress toward learning by study and also by faith.

  3. The principles of the Learning Model apply to all aspects of the BYU–Idaho experience.

  4. Our understanding of the learning and teaching process grows as we pursue inspired inquiry and innovation.


Learners and teachers at BYU–Idaho:

  1. exercise faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as a principle of power;

  2. understand that true teaching is done by and with the Spirit of the Holy Ghost;

  3. lay hold upon the word of God as found in the holy scriptures and in the words of the prophets in all disciplines;

  4. act for themselves and accept responsibility for learning and teaching;

  5. love, serve, and teach one another.

Student Process

To learn more about the Learning Model click or copy/paste the following URL into your web browser: http://www.byui.edu/about/defining-aspects/learning-model

Section II

Department of Nursing Student Policies
All University Student Policies as found in the BYU-Idaho catalog (http://www.byui.edu/catalog) are congruent with the Department of Nursing student policies. In addition, the Department of Nursing has established the following student policies:

II.1 Professionalism:

Professionalism is a critical aspect of nursing, and includes education. Professional behavior is exemplified by:

  • Punctuality

  • Preparation

  • Respect and civility

  • Professional ethic with electronic devices

  • Appropriate child care outside of the classroom to preserve a high quality learning environment

  • Adhere to the BYU-Idaho honor code, including dress and grooming standards and academic honesty http://www.byui.edu/student-honor-office/ces-honor-code

  • Promote and maintain a safe and respectful environment, including prohibiting sexual misconduct in all forms http://www.byui.edu/dean-of-students/sexual-misconduct-policy

BYU-Idaho Department of Nursing respects and honors the following Code of Ethics from the American Nurses Association (ANA): http://www.nursingworld.org/Mobile/Code-of-Ethics in conjunction with the BYU-Idaho honor code: http://www.byui.edu/student-honor-office/ces-honor-code

ANA Code of Ethics provisions for making decisions based on a sound foundation of ethics is an essential part of nursing practice.

  1. The nurse, in all professional relationships, practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and uniqueness of every individual, unrestricted by considerations of social or economic status, personal attributes, or the nature of health problems.

  2. The nurse's primary commitment is to the patient, whether an individual, family, group, or community.

  3. The nurse promotes, advocates for, and strives to protect the health, safety, and rights of the patient.

  4. The nurse is responsible and accountable for individual nursing practice and determines the appropriate delegation of tasks consistent with the nurse's obligation to provide optimum patient care.

  5. The nurse owes the same duties to self as to others, including the responsibility to preserve integrity and safety, to maintain competence, and to continue personal and professional growth.

  6. The nurse participates in establishing, maintaining, and improving health care environments and conditions of employment conducive to the provision of quality health care and consistent with the values of the profession through individual and collective action.

  7. The nurse participates in the advancement of the profession through contributions to practice, education, administration, and knowledge development.

  8. The nurse collaborates with other health professionals and the public in promoting community, national and international efforts to meet health needs.

  9. The profession of nursing value, for maintaining the integrity of the possession and its practice, and for shaping social policy.

II.2 – CPR Certification and Immunization Documentation:

  1. The student is responsible for maintaining American Heart Association (AHA) Healthcare

Provider CPR certification throughout enrollment in nursing courses. AHA certification is the only certification accepted by the BYU-Idaho Department of Nursing.

  1. The student is responsible for providing immunization documentation including the following:

  • Tdap (within the last 10 years)

  • Annual verification of a negative TB/PPD skin test report (a positive result requires a clear chest x-ray report)

  • MMR (vaccination dates (2) or positive titers)

  • Hepatitis B (vaccination dates (3) or positive titer)

  • Varicella/Chicken pox (positive titer only)

  • Annual flu vaccine (for Fall and Winter semesters)

  • Through the immunization tracker, you will be required to obtain a 10-Panel Drug Test + alcohol

  1. Current and prospective students will be responsible for maintaining current documentation through TruScreen. The link and information regarding cost is found on the BYU-I Nursing website http://www.byui.edu/nursing/bsn/application.

  2. Students are responsible for maintaining original documents. Copies of department documents are $15.00 each.

  3. All associated costs are the responsibility of the student.

II.3 –Student Health:

  1. All students are required to maintain a level of personal health that will not jeopardize patient’s welfare and which will lead to successful completion of the program of nursing

  2. Students are responsible for maintaining health insurance throughout enrollment of BYU-Idaho. Visit the BYU-Idaho policy here: http://www.byui.edu/health-center/insurance-and-health-plan/student-health-plan/health-plan-requirement

  3. Any health related concerns that may affect ability to fulfill all clinical requirements must be discussed with the instructor. Failure to complete clinical requirements within the semester may result in a course failure. All course requirements must be completed within the semester enrolled.

II.4 – Advising/Counseling:

  1. Student Academic Advising is available for nursing students by contacting the College of Agriculture and Life Science (CALS) Academic Discovery Center (ADC) through the information provided here: http://www.byui.edu/agriculture-life-sciences/cals-academic-advising or 208-496-9839. Students should meet with a Nursing Advisor early in the program and at least once prior to applying for graduation.

  2. Students are recommended to use the Degree Audit and Grad Planner tools to map academic requirements. Both tools are found in the Student tab on myBYUI:

      1. The Degree Audit provides a current outline of courses completed and remaining required courses.

      2. The Grad Planner provides a means to map out and schedule those remaining required courses shown in the Degree Audit.

  1. The Academic Catalog contains general information, academic policies, university standards, admission and financial policies, support services, and specifics of the various programs, including nursing. The current BYU-Idaho Academic Catalog may be found here: http://www.byui.edu/catalog

  2. The student will be assigned a nursing faculty mentor for general nursing and career advising. The student can locate their faculty member assigned to them under the myBYUI student tab.

  3. Counseling services are available for those students who may be experiencing considerable stress and/or interpersonal conflicts at www.byui.edu/counselingcenter

  4. Students with disabilities are invited to visit the following website: http://www.byui.edu/dean-of-students/sexual-misconduct-policy

II.5 – Student representation on faculty councils:

Nursing student input and recommendations are actively solicited in planning and improving all areas of BYU-Idaho’s nursing programs. Since active involvement in professional affairs is part of professional nursing, all students are urged to participate actively in department and university student body matters.

The procedure for nursing student Focus Groups are as follows:

  1. Focus group sessions for the Nursing Program will be conducted each semester. A facilitator will create random lists of students in the program to ensure that group composition is fresh so feedback will come from larger groups rather than the same people each time.

  2. The Faculty Council will review focus group feedback routinely on their agenda and use feedback to plan for program improvement.

II.6 – Clinical Agency Requirements:

In addition to the BYU-Idaho honor code, students are expected to abide by all clinical facility requirements.

Approved BYU-I nursing uniform is required for all clinical experiences (including lab and simulation). Please see the following webpages for more information: BSN http://www.byui.edu/nursing/bsn/resources or RN-BSN http://www.byui.edu/nursing/rn-to-bsn/resources

II.7 – Clinical credit hours:

Nursing course credit hours/clock hours are equated as follows:

Theory/classroom: 1:1 (one credit hour = one classroom hour)

Clinical practice: 1:3 (one credit hour = three hours clinical/lab hours)

Simulation/lab practice: 1:2 (one credit hour = two hours simulation hours)

-Lab and simulation times are calculated at a 1:2 ratio, because the intensity of lab/sim is greater than in a clinical setting.

II.8 –Degree Progression:

  1. Students progress through the nursing program according to a set sequences of nursing courses, which is prescribed upon acceptance into the program.

  2. The BSN and RN-BSN course sequences are shown on the following webpages:

      1. BSN: http://www.byui.edu/nursing/bsn/course-sequence

      2. RN-BSN: http://www.byui.edu/nursing/rn-to-bsn/course-sequence

II.9 – Electronic Accessory Use:

In keeping with the BYU-Idaho Academic Policy regarding electronic devices:

In order to promote such a learning environment, the University requires, as general policy, that electronic devices be turned off during class time. These devices include laptop computers, cell phones and all other electronic devices. Instructors may, for the sake of achieving learning objectives or to meet individual student needs, authorize the use of specific electronic devices in their classrooms.  http://www.byui.edu/Documents/catalog/2015-2016/Academic%20Policies.pdf

II.10 – Excellence in Writing:

Precision and clarity of written expression is critical in the nursing profession. Review the following program requirements:

  1. All work submitted is to be original work created by the student

  2. APA format is expected for all nursing papers

  3. Correct grammar, punctuation and sentence structure must be used

  4. Content must be carefully organized in a logical, readable manner

  5. To improve your writing skills, visit the BYU-I Writing Center website here: http://www.byui.edu/academic-support-centers/writing

  6. APA style website helps:

Owl Purdue: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/
APA Style Website: http://www.apastyle.org/

  1. All work submitted is to be original work created by the student

  2. When writing papers, use reputable sources such as peer reviewed journals, government (.gov), and education (.edu). The BYU-Idaho McKay Library has access to many of these sources and also has an online section specific to Nursing here: http://libguides.byui.edu/sb.php?subject_id=5360

II.11 – Communication/Appeals Process:

  1. The appropriate sequential line of authority to follow when trying to resolve a problem is:

  1. First, address the problem with the primary person(s) involved.

  2. If additional consultation is needed:

  1. Contact course/clinical instructor

  2. Course Lead

  3. Program Director

  4. Department Chair

II.12 –Clinical Evaluations:

Each student will participate in clinical evaluations in each clinical course. This is to provide opportunity for input from the student and faculty.

II.13 – Graduation Requirements:

Students are responsible for meeting all university requirements for graduation as directed on the Graduation website at: http://www.byui.edu/graduation.

II.14 – Communication of Concerns:

  1. The BYU-Idaho Department of Nursing follows a progressive process directed toward student performance improvement and support. This process is initiated when a student fails to meet the expectations of the Professionalism, Integrity, and Safety Policy, or required clinical/lab/simulation performance in all instances where a student is representing BYU-I. Progression from verbal to written counseling is based on student conduct, the need to ensure client safety, and the development of professional behaviors and accountability. Depending on the severity of a given situation, immediate initiation of disciplinary action may be warranted in consultation with the Department Chair.

  1. Verbal Counseling is the first level of counseling and consists of real-time verbal discussions of behavioral or dispositional concerns. Verbal counseling discussions focus on minor errors in judgment, unintentional student errors, or initial instances of performance or communication issues. The instructor conducts a verbal counseling conference with the student. Verbal counseling is constructive: information-specific, issue-focused, based on observations, and in the context of behavioral expectations and/or professional standards. Feedback is delivered in a direct and straight-forward manner, faculty and student discuss a plan for remediating the problem with a designated timeline for remediation.

  2. Written Counseling occurs when initial behavioral/ dispositional issues have not been resolved. While continuing to focus on specific student performance improvement and support, written counseling includes contractual requirements between the student and faculty that include an action plan and learning contact.

  3. Disciplinary Action. If problem is not resolved in the designated timeline, the student shall be referred to the Faculty Council for formal disciplinary action.

II.15 –Disciplinary Process:

The Faculty Decision Tree guides faculty members through the disciplinary process

  1. All nursing students are expected to:

    1. Observe the BYU-Idaho Honor Code at all times

    2. Maintain safety for self and others consistently, including HIPAA considerations

    3. Failure to demonstrate professionalism, integrity and safe behavior at all times is grounds for disciplinary action and dismissal from the BYU-Idaho Nursing Program, regardless of performance in other aspects of the course.

II.16 – Risk Management:

  1. Injury to Patient: The student is covered by malpractice insurance paid for by BYU-Idaho. If a patient is injured, the incident must be reported immediately to the instructor and charge nurse so the patient will receive all appropriate care. Documentation must be completed according to facility policy. Students are required to provide safety for self and others. Review II. 15. Academic or Clinical Concerns

  1. Injury to Student: If a student sustains an injury in a program required clinical setting, the student is responsible for all costs incurred. Students are reminded that they are required to maintain personal health insurance throughout their nursing program. Additionally the student must:

        1. Immediately report the accident to clinical faculty and the appropriate facility nurse

        2. Follow all facility policies related to accidents and injury

        3. The student must report the accident within 24 hours, to the Department Chair and Campus Safety Officer. See: The Blood Borne Pathogen Exposure Procedures http://www2.byui.edu/safety/forms/needleform.htm

  1. If the student has university student health plan; the Student Health Center may be the first choice for an examination and possible referral to a private physician

  2. The Safety Officer may contact the student and conduct a thorough investigation of the student’s accident and, if deemed necessary, and prepare and file additional reports as indicated

  3. HIPAA Privacy Rule:

  1. (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) The HIPAA Privacy Rule establishes national standards to protect individuals’ medical records and other personal health information and applies to health plans, health care clearinghouses, and those health care providers that conduct certain health care transactions electronically. The Rule requires appropriate safeguards to protect the privacy of personal health information, and sets limits and conditions on the uses and disclosures that may be made of such information without patient authorization. Patient information should only be accessed on a need to know basis. Such as providing treatment of that patient and in performance of professional duties.

  2. Students may NOT access medical records of family or friends, nor discuss a patient’s care or treatment with friends or family members. Private information should not be discussed in public places like cafeterias, elevators, public hallways, or social media formats. See, A Nurses Guide To Social Media: https://www.ncsbn.org/Social_Media.pdf

  1. Patient Confidentiality: No portion of the patient’s chart - electronic medical record, printed materials, or materials with patient names blacked out may be removed from any facility. This will be strictly observed. Failure to demonstrate professionalism, integrity and safe behavior at all times is grounds for dismissal from the BYU-Idaho Nursing Program, regardless of performance in other aspects of coursework.

II.17 – Grading Standard:

As stated in the BYU-Idaho Course Catalog (page 377), BSN nursing students must maintain a minimum of a “C-“in all major courses. The faculty of BYU-Idaho Department of Nursing has adopted the following standard for letter grading for nursing courses:

93-100 = A

78-80 = C+

60-64 = D-

90-92 = A-

76-77 = C

Below 60 = F

87-89 = B+

74-75 = C-

84-86 = B

70-73 = D+

81-83 = B-

65-69 = D

II.18 – Changes in Policy:

In the event of a policy or curriculum or policy change, students will be given notice of the change. Current nursing students will be notified by email, website, and/or letter.

II.19 – Confidentiality:

All student information provided by the student to the Department of Nursing is maintained in locked storage in the department. Only authorized Department employees have access to the student’s information. Information cannot be revealed to any third party by Department employees without written permission from the student. Students are responsible for keeping their contact information current with the Department at all times.

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