1 Project Information 1 Project Title

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Annex I Work Plan
1 Project Information
1.1 Project Title: Nano-encapsulation of anti-TB drugs for targeted delivery

1.2 Project Science and Technology Areas:
Primary: Chemistry

Secondary: Biotechnologies, Agricultural Sciences and Medicine
1.3 Project Manager:
Name: Macaev Fliur Zainutdin (Doctor)

Phone: (+373.22) 739754

Fax: (+373.22) 739954

E-mail: flmacaev@cc.acad.md; flmacaev@gmail.com
1.4 Coordinating Institution:

Name: Institute of Chemistry of ASM of Academy of Sciences of Moldova

Address: 2028, Academy 3, Chisinau, Moldova
1.5 Participating institution manager:

Name: Crudu Valeriu Nicolae (PhD)

Phone: (+373.22) 738250

Fax: (+373.22) 735583

E-mail: valcrudu@mail.md, vcrudu@mednet.md
1.6 Participating Institution:

Name: Institute of Phthisiopneumology "Chiril Draganiuc" of Academy of Sciences of Moldova of Ministry of Health

Address: 2025, Virnav 13, Chisinau, Moldova
1.7 Foreign Collaborators:

Person: Geronikaki Athina

Country: Greece

Organization:Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki

Phone: (+30.231) 0997616

Fax: (+30.231) 0998559

E-mail: geronik@pharm.auth.gr

Person: Lange Christoph

Country: Germany

Organization:Borstel Research Center

Phone: (+49.045) 371880332

Fax: (+49.045) 37188313

E-mail: clange@fz-borstel.de

Person: Homorodean Daniela

Country: Romania

Organization:Phthisiopneumology Clinical Hospital "Leon Daniello"

Phone: (+40.264) 592933

Fax: (+40.264) 592933

E-mail: dhomorodean@yahoo.com

Person: Kalyan Yuriy

Country: U. S. A.

Organization:Forest Research Institute

Phone: (+1.631) 4362631

Fax: (+1.631) 9520456

E-mail: yuriy.kalyan@frx.com

Person: Skenders Girts

Country: Latvia

Organization:Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases Center, Riga East University Hospital

Phone: (+371.670) 48249

Fax: (+371.679) 01014

E-mail: girts.skenders@aslimnica.lv

1.8 Project location and facilities:
Institute of Chemsitry, ASM
6 laboratory rooms for the project use

- Equpment: standard laboratory glassware for organic synthesis and extraction, drying closets, stirrers, vacuum distillator.

- Gas chromatography, colon and thin-layer chromatography equipment.

- Spectrophotometer PerkinElmer LAMBDA 25 UV/Vis

- Elements analyzer ELEMENTAR VARIO LIII .

- Spectrometre IR Spectrum 100 FT-IR spectrophotometer (Perkin -Elmer) using the universal ATR sampling accessory.

- Spectrometre NMR "Bruker-Advance III" (400.13 and 100.61 MHz).
Institute of Phthisiopneumology
- System BACTEC MGIT 960 "Becton Dickinson", Germany - for detection and rapid test of M.tuberculosis sensitivity;

- Test-system for molecular genetics "GenoType®MTBDR plus" Hain - Lifescience, Germany - for quick test of M.tuberculosis sensitivity;

- System BD ProbeTecTM "Becton Dickinson"

- Fluorescent Microscopes Carl Ziess, Germania; Leica USA;

- Rooms for biological safity Class I and II ESCO biohazard safety cabinet, Esco Global

- Freezer -86 degrees Celsium, Binder GmbH, Germany

- Autoclave; SYSTEC MLV 5075, Systec GmbH, Germany

- Thermostate 37 degrees Celsius 400 l. Model BD 400. Binder GmbH, Germany

- Electronic balances, Adam Equipment Co Ltd., England

- Water distillators

- Centrifuges, pentru 30-60 tub, RCF 3000x - 8000x g, Eppendorf AG, Germany

2 Detailed Description of Work Plan
2.1 Introduction

What is the problem?

Tuberculosis is one of the deadliest infectious diseases killing annually 1,5 million people worldwide. The major problems connected with the tuberculosis treatment are: strong side effects of the majority of the existent antituberculosis drugs, long duration of treatment, high dosage, unpleasant organoleptic properties and high frequency of administration. These factors very often cause the lack of compliance of the patient with treatment. The last fact in association with low bioavailability and insufficient enantiomeric purity of some antituberculosis drugs, altogether lead to development of drug-resistant (DRTB), multiple drug-resistant (MDRTB), and extensively drug-resistant (XTRB) tuberculosis.

The problem with tuberculosis puts Moldova among the top five European countries with high rate of new infections. The current situation becomes more complicated because of high percentage (aprox. 25%) of MDRTB infections, with proportion of previously treated cases that became MDR-TB reaching 65.1%. [Zignol M. Bulletin of the WHO, 2012]

In order to resolve the problem a multidisciplinary approach is needed. One of the possibilities can be introduction of more patient-friendly types of antituberculosis drugs that will with lower frequency of administrations, shorter time of treatment, lower doses and less side effects. For the development of such drugs a wide knowledge in phthisiology and tuberculosis drugs chemistry is needed.


Zignol M. et al. Surveillance of anti-tuberculosis drug resistance in the world: an updated analysis, 2007–2010. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2012; vol. 90, p. 111-119D. doi: 10.2471/BLT.11.092585

2.1 Literature Search
What are other people doing?
In order to reduce duration of treatment, frequency and quantity of the administered doses of drugs, to avoid first pass effect and to reduce the side effects, new antituberculosis drug entities and different micro- and nanoparticle based systems for nebulisation have been proposed.

Thus, in the field of the micro- and nanoparticulate systems, a lyposomal system loaded with rifampicin is known. The system contains phosphatidile choline and cholesterol as main vehicles. In order to increase the specificity of the system accumulation in macrophages, it has been covered with macrophag-specific ligands – O-stearyl amylopectin and maleylated bovine serum albumin. [1]

The main disadvantages of this system are:

  • susceptibility to phospholipid oxidation, and as consequence, lower stability;

  • increased costs of the production technology;

  • short half-life time in the body;

Many similar compositions developed by the leading specialists in the field are known. [2-7]

The closest by composition known microparticulate systems are gelatin based microparticles covered with manosyl groups and loaded with isoniazid [8], and microspheres based on alginate-chitozan used for transport of different anti-tuberculosis drugs [9].

The main disadvantage of these systems is the fact that they only facilitate accumulation of drugs in the macrophages, but do not facilitate their penetration in the mycobacterial cell.

In the field of new anti-mycobacterial drugs, recently, many groups of researchers have proposed entities from different chemical classes: thiolactomycins [10], benzothiazones [11], substituted quinolinyl chalcones [12], cinnamic derivatives [13].

Development of new classes of anti-tuberculosis drugs is in permanent emergency since the resistance to older ones appears sooner than the new ones are registered.

The leading scientists in the field are:

  1. Makarov V - A. N. Bakh Institute of Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia

  2. Sharma M. - Division of Medicinal and Process Chemistry, Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow 226001, India.

  3. Khuller G.K. - Department of Biochemistry, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India

  4. Baltas M. - Université de Toulouse, Toulouse, France

  5. Tomioka H. - Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Shimane University School of Medicine, Izumo, Shimane, Japan

  6. Jordão A.K. - Universidade Federal Fluminense, Departamento de Química Orgânica, Instituto de Química, Outeiro de São João Baptista, Niterói, RJ, Brazil

  7. Miller M.J. - Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, USA.


  1. Vyas S. P., Kannan, M. E., Jain, S. et al. Design of liposomal aerosol for improved delivery of rifampicin to alveolar macrophages. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 2004, 269, 37–49;

  2. Pandey, R., Sharma, S. & Khuller, G. K. Nebulization of liposome encapsulated antitubercular drugs in guinea pigs. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents. 2004, 24, 93–4;

  3. Sharma R., Saxena, D., Dwivedi, A. K. et al. Inhalable microparticles containing drug combinations to target alveolar macrophages for treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Pharmaceutical Research. 2001, 18, 1405–10;

  4. Edwards D., Fiegel J., Sung J. Particles for treatment of pulmonary infection. Patent WO2007/011396. Published: 25.01.2007

  5. Shim C. K., Yang R. Pharmaceutical composition for lung targeting. Patent KR20080043333 20080509. Published: 09.05.2008

  6. Ahmad Z., Pandey R., Sharma S., Khuller G.K. Alginate nanoparticles as antituberculosis drug carriers: formulation development, pharmacokintecs and therapeutic potential. The Indian Journal of Chest Diseases&Allied Sciences. 2006, vol. 48., p. 171–176;

  7. Tiwari S., Chaturvedi A.P., Tripathi Y.B., Mishra B. Macrophage-specific targeting of isoniazid through mannosylated gelatin microspheres. AAPS PharmSciTech, 2011, 12(3), 900-8;

  8. Saraogi G.K., Sharma B., Joshi B., Gupta P., Gupta U.D., Jain N.K., Agrawal G.P. Mannosylated gelatin nanoparticles bearing isoniazid for effective management of tuberculosis. J. Drug Target. 2011, 19(3):219-27;

  9. Pandey R., Khuller G.K. Chemotherapeutic potential of alginate-chitosan microspheres as antitubercular drug carriers. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2004, vol. 53, p. 635 – 640;

  10. Kamal, A., Azeeza, S., Malik, M.S. et al.: Efforts towards the development of new antitubercular agents: potential for thiolactomycin based compounds. J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci. 11, 56(s)-80(s) (2008)

  11. Makarov, V., Manina, J., Mikusova, K. et al.: Benzothiazinones kill Mycobacterium tuberculosis by blocking arabinan synthesis. Science. 5928, 801-804 (2009)

  12. Sharma, M., Chaturvedi, V., Manju, Y.K. et al.: Substituted quinolinyl chalcones and quinolinyl pyrimidines as a new class of anti-infective agents. Eur. J. Med. Chem. 44, 2081-2091 (2009)

  13. De, P., Yoya, G.K., Bedos-Belval, F., Constant P. et al.: Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of new cinnamic derivatives as antituberculosis agents. J. Med. Chem. 54, 1449-1461 (2011)

How are their results being applied?
The nano-and micro-encapsulated anti-tuberculosis treatment and diagnosis systems are only entering the market, being proposed by the small pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies.

Different biotechnological and pharmaceutical companies are looking for the new developments in the field of treatment of tuberculosis. One of the companies is Evonik Industries AG from Essen, Germany. The company has expertise for feasible studies, formulation and product development, drug delivery formulation analysis, scale-up, clinical lot preparation, clinical trial manufacturing, and commercial manufacturing (aseptic manufacturing and terminal sterilization). They work with virtually all drug classes, including small molecules, peptides, proteins, nucleic acids, and cell fragments. Evonik’s patented microparticle technologies includes microparticles for treating or preventing intracellular infections such as tuberculosis and HIV. 

Another company in the field is Innate Immunotherapeutics Limited from Auckland, New Zealand. This is a public unlisted biotech company that has designed and manufactured a unique immunomodulator microparticle technology. This technology can be used to induce the human immune system to fight certain cancers and infections, or turn off certain immune mechanisms which lead to autoimmune diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis. The same technology can be used in the design of better vaccines to potentially treat or prevent diseases such as influenza, cancer, malaria, or tuberculosis.

There is a plenty of companies specialiazing in microparticles production for different medical purposes that might be interested in partnering for new production. One of the examples is Phosphorex Inc from Hopkinton, MA, USA. They can encapsulate any molecule, e.g. a drug (small or large molecule), or a dye (fluorescent or non-fluorescent) into micropsheres and nanospheres. They also are specialized in coating biomolecules (e.g., protein, peptide, oligonucleotide or antibody) onto the surface of microspheres and nanospheres.

Also, PolyMicrospheres, Division of Vasmo, Inc from Indianapolis, IN, USA works in the field. PolyMicrospheres and Advanced Nanotechnologies, Divisions of Vasmo, Inc., are leaders in developing Microparticle and Nanoparticle-based Drug Delivery Systems with embedded chemotherapeutics and other pharmaceutical compounds for the controlled-release delivery of drugs to affected tissues over an extended period. The portfolio of their technologies includes: controlled-release technology, extended-release delivery, targeted and site-specific delivery, drug stabilization and solubilization, micro-encapsulation and matrix technologies, emulsification and solvent evaporation, emulsification and solvent extraction, complex coacervation, protein gelation, spray drying.

The market description will be given in the section 1.19. Other companies that are specializing in the field of pulmonary drug delivery will be investigated in the market research during the implementation of the project.

2.3 Purpose and Objective
What are we going to do?
The project resolves the problem of new pharmaceutical compositions for tuberculosis treatment. The main advantage features of this composition are:

  • new active substances in the core with proved or highly potential anti-tuberculosis activity. The substances will be synthesized or extracted from the local medicinal plants resources.

  • encapsulation of the substances in cyclodextrins as main encapsulating agents that will also serve as promotors of the substances penetration in the mycobacterial cell.

  • loading of the nano-encapsulated drugs into the alginate-chitosan microparticles that will help them to penetrate into macrophages infected with mycobacteria.

The main activities include:

  • obtaining of new nano-encapsulated entities with potential antituberculosis activity: brevicarin and brevicolin, analogues of traptamin alkaloid from the derivatives of 1,3,4-oxadiazoles an 3-amino-2-chinazolin-4-(3H)-ons;

  • determination of anti-mycobacterial activity of the substances and their nanocomplexes through in vitro studies on the M.tuberculosis;

  • evaluation of toxicity of the substances and their nanocomplexes on laboratory animals

The main phases of the project will be:

  • Synthesis and extraction of substances with anti-tuberculosis activity

  • Nano-encapsulation of the substances

  • Biological evaluation of the activity and toxicity of he substances and their encapsulated forms.

What’s the objective?
The main objective of the project is to obtain nano-encapsulated anti-tuberculosis remedies with higher efficiency and fewer side effects. As the main objects of the study alkaloids and their synthetic derivatives from the group of oxadiazoles and chinazolinones will be used. As main nano-encapsulating agents, cyclodextrins will be used.

2.4 Expected Significance
What’s new?
The investigations will cover new group of active anti-tuberculosis substances – brevicarine group alkaloids, oxadiazoles, chinazolinones, as well as new forms of their delivery in the body – encapsulated in cyclodextrins.

This should improve the treatment of tuberculosis, by:

  • reducing the time of treatment

  • reducing the dosage of the drugs

  • reducing the frequency of the drugs’ administration

  • reducing thus side effects, especially on liver

  • increasing thus patient compliance with the regimen of treatment

The main feature that differs this project from other in the field is use of cyclodextrins for encapsulation of the anti-tuberculosis substances not only as solubilizers, but to promote their penetration through the mycobacterial cell wall. The data that cyclodextrins extract cholesterol from the mycobacterial cell wall and thus increase its permeability has been published in recent years [Brzostek, 2009; Donova 2007], and it has not been yet applied for the anti-tuberculosis drug promotion according to best of our knowledge.

  1. Brzostek A., Pawelczyk J., Rumijowska-Galewicz A., Dziadek B., Dziadek J. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is able to accumulate and utilize cholesterol. Journal of Bacteriology. 2009, vol. 191, no. 21, p. 6584 – 6591;

  2. Donova M.N., Nikolayeva V.M., Dovbnya D.V. et al. Methyl-b-cyclodextrin alters growth, activity and cell envelope features of sterol-transforming. Mycobacteria. Microbiology. 2007, vol. 153, p. 1981 – 1992;

2.5 Organization, Qualification and Staffing
Who are we?
The project will be performed by 2 Moldovan teams united in one group. The teams are coming from the Institute of Chemistry of ASM and the Institute of Phthisiopulmology of Moldova.
The research group from the Institute of Chemistry of ASM (ICH) headed by Dr.hab. Fliur Macaev has a wide experience in the discovery of new catalysts (metal-mediated and metal-free) for asymmetric synthesis via C-C and C-N bonding, mechanistic investigations of reactions which proceed with high levels of regio- and stereoselectivity, ionic liquids as green alternatives to solvents and the total synthesis of biologically active products by use of computer-aided molecular design and structure-activity analysis. The group is specialized in the synthesis and study of new groups of biologically active substances with high antiviral, antimycobacterial activity. Among these groups are terpenes, alkaloids oxadiazole, thiourea, imidazole, triazole, oxindole, spirooxindoles, etc, including enantiopure derivatives. Total number of articles in peer-reviewed editions on this topic is 14, number of topic related patents 5. They are capable of conducting the total synthesis and the analysis of the obtained substances. The lab is one of the leading research centers of the former USSR states in the field of the chemistry of natural products. Over the years, the group accumulated a broad expertise in synthetic and medicinal chemistry; therefore they are well set to successfully carry out the proposed programme. The group leader, Dr.hab. Fliur Macaev has got a long time experience in coordination of international projects. He has participated in 10 international projects as coordinator, as well as member of a group.
Fliur Macaev – Prof., Dr. hab in Chemistry was born on June 17, 1959. Since 1999, the Head of the laboratory of Organic Synthesis of Institute of Chemistry, ASM. Over the last years the group has elaborated synthetic methods of model polycyclic compounds of required structure and symmetry and containing appropriate functional groups by intermolecular ring cyclization and rearrangement reactions, etc. At the present the group is specializing at the discovery of new catalysts (metal-mediated and metal-free) for asymmetric synthesis via C-C and C-N bonding, mechanistic investigations of reactions which proceed with high levels of regio- and stereoselectivity, ionic liquids as green alternatives to solvents and the total synthesis of biologically active products by use of computer-aided molecular design and structure-activity analysis. During the last 5 years, Dr. Macaev has published 1 book, 4 chapters in books, 45 scientific articles and has been author of 11 patented inventions. As co-author: Bronze Medals at the International Exposition INFOINVENT-2004, International Exposition INFOINVENT-2007 (Chisinau, Moldova) Gold Medals at the International Expo - Brussels Eureka Innova 2010 (Brussels, EU), at the International ExpoEuroinvent 2011 (Iasi, EU), at the 39th Salon International des Inventions de Geneve 2011 (Geneva, Switzerland) and at the International ExpoEuroinvent 2012 (Iasi, EU).

Prof. Macaev has successfully participated in 10 international projects as coordinator (INTAS projects Ref. № 2000-0711 and Ref. № 2006-8064, MD-US projects CRDF/MC2-3007 and CRDF/MERL-7031, MD-Russia project - Ref. № 06.21CRF, MD-Belarus project Ref. № 05.15BF, MD-Ukraine project Ref. № 10.820.09.01/UA, MD-Germany project Ref. № 09.820.05.08 GF, The Royal Society International Joint Project Ref. № JP090309), as well as member of a group (SCOPES, Ref. Nr.110823).

Languages: English, Russian, Romanian, Polish, Tatar.
Serghei PogrebnoiPhD in Chemistry from 2006 was born on June 25, 1963. Since 2006, the Superior researcher at the Laboratory of Organic Synthesis of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. The field of scientific interests of Dr. Pogrebnoi is the synthesis and investigation of new heterocyclic (triazol-, imidazol and 1,3,4-oxadiazole) compounds with biological properties, novel chiral precursors from monoterpenoids, ionic liquids as green alternatives to solvents and catalysts, synthesis of the biologically active products via PASS prediction program. During the last 5 years, Dr. Pogrebnoi has published 29 scientific articles and has been author of 5 patented inventions.

Dr. Pogrebnoi has successfully participated in 4 international projects as member of a group in INTAS project Ref. № 2000-0711, MD-US project CRDF/MC2-3007, SCOPES, Ref. Nr.110823, MD-Ukraine project Ref. № 10.820.09.01/UA.

Languages: English, Russian, Polish, Romanian.
Liudmila Vlad - PhD in chemistry from 1972 was born on May 7, 1938. She is specialist in the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds and an established interest in medicinal chemistry via molecular drug design.

During the last 5 years, Vlad L. has published 11 scientific articles. Dr. Vlad has successfully participated in 3 international projects as executor (INTAS projects Ref. № 2006-8064, MD-Belarus project Ref. № 05.15BF, MD-US projects CRDF/MC2-3007).

Languages: Russian, Romanian, English, German

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