100% Vitality Newsletter #11 Glisten-Up! Fall 2010

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100% Vitality Newsletter #11

Glisten-Up! Fall 2010


  In this issue:


1. Taurox4Vitality – Yippee! Price Reduction and Nov. Special

2. Customer Testimonial
3. Taurox – Antioxidant Kick-starter
4. Tuning In, Out or UP? + Freedom’s Blog Link
5. Preserving our Precious Heritage – Fresh Water
6. Glisten-Up with AquaLiv Water
7. Why Quality Water Intake is Crucial to Good Health
8. Nutri-Blog Link: Lomatium Dissectum? Herbal Virucide-like Properties
9. Gluten-Free Recipes by Char Tara (alias for Stara)

The most comprehensive TaurImmune™ online store
+ DramaticDetox™ products.

Free Shipping on ALL Taurox Orders!

See ordering information below.
If you have an area of health interest that you would like addressed, have questions, want to share your testimonial or want to unsubscribe, send your email to charstara@gmail.com. Thanks, Char Tara Albert



Yippee! Price Reduction

All TaurImmune Products - $2 - $5 less expensive now!

New Retail Prices - Effective Nov. 1st

See below for special.


TaurImmune™ Essential Melting Microspheres™    NOW $12 (was $14)


TaurImmune™ Essential Drops - 25 ml.    NOW $22 (was $25)


TaurImmune™ Allergy Spray  - 1 fl oz   NOW $20 (was $23)


Flurox™ Spray -1 fluid ounce NOW $18 (was $21)


TaurImmune™ Fatigue - 13.5 ml NOW $26 (was $29)


TaurImmune™ Premium Strength (PS) – 1 dram

Melting Microspheres™ NOW $42 (was $47)
Cold & Flu Kit
 1 Essential Microspheres + 1 Flurox™ Spray 1 fl oz NOW $28 (was $32)

Taurox4Vitality – November Special
Buy 2 TaurImmune Essential Drops – Get 1 Free!


Product Descriptions: http://www.taurox4vitality.com/taurimmune_info.html


 Specials will not show up in the shopping cart, but rest assured they will be included in your package.

Free Shipping Everyday! ~ Membership plans make Taurox affordable

Want to learn more how to choose the best Taurox formula
or combination of formulas?

Call Taurox Specialist Char Tara Albert on our
Toll Free Information Line:
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888-4-Taurox (888-482-8769)
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If you go to our site and don’t see our specials or see old prices, please delete your browsing history, close the site and reopen.

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• One Time Fee - Only $11.95 to join
• Cost is actually $0! – Receive TaurImmune Essential

Microspheres worth $12.
• Go to Store: www.taurox4vitality.com/store
- Membership is the first item.


Customer Testimonial


From T.B. in Asheville, NC:


I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue in May 2008.  Back then, I tried to tackle it with a very pure diet and a radical change in my life style.  This helped a tad, but my insomnia and low energy levels were driving me crazy. 


In April 2010 I found out that one of the root factors driving my Adrenal Fatigue was that I had high levels of heavy metal poisonings. 


I met CharTara in May 2010 who told me about the Taurox.  I have been steadily taking a variety of her Taurox products and LOVE them.  My energy is up, and my insomnia is a thing of the past.


Also, I just received my latest hair analysis back (I had one done prior to starting Taurox in May 2010, and then just had a follow up done in October 2010).


Here are the results:






























For mercury, .01 may not look like much on the chart, but it is VERY significant.  And, though I did increase some supplements, I did not use any other detox products other than Taurox. 


The two most significant products that I believe got me back to health were Taurox and Celtic Mineral Salt (at one point I was taking a tablespoon a day – yes, that is right.  I really needed it, and my health is much improved).


Thanks Char Tara.  I will always be grateful for you in my life!





TauroxTM Antioxidant Kick-Starter

Taurox is the key ingredient in all TaurImmune™ Products


Taurox™ is a homeopathically prepared compound that appears to act as a DNA cell signaling agent thus impacting internal antioxidant mechanisms. The body makes antioxidants at a far greater ratio then what can be consumed in the diet or by supplementation. Due to the presence of industrial chemicals in our environment, our body’s ability to generate sufficient amounts of internal antioxidants may be inhibited. Taurox is an immune modulator and there is good reason to believe that taking Taurox containing products maybe able to offset this deficiency and kick-start the antioxidant metabolism process, thus having a wide ranging and corrective effect on the immune, endocrine and nervous systems.


Thomas Dunn at the University of Maryland in College Park performed numerous pharmacological experiments on Taurox (1). He observed several changes in T-cell activity and other immune cell functions that suggest Taurox can help regulate immune responses.  The key factor initiating the action of Taurox may be the change in calcium flux it induces.  This is a primary activation signal for immune cells leading to an amplifying cascade of immune stimulation under appropriate conditions.  This phenomenon was observed at exceedingly low (nanomolar) doses.  Dunn suggested that Taurox may serve to keep the immune systems active in the elderly as it is thought by some that diminished calcium response is a factor in lowered T cell activity in older persons.  This is only one of the many possible applications of his findings.


Other studies of Taurox indicate a role in boosting vaccine effectiveness and as part of anti-cancer therapy.  These studies involved various laboratory animals and compassionate use in pets. 


Homeopathic and Low Dose Medicine
Low dose medicine, or MicroMedicine™, has a long history but is often poorly understood.  Low dose medicine is accepted for immunology by both allopathic (standard) and homeopathic schools of medicine.  The immune system is known to be exquisitely sensitive; almost microscopic amounts of allergens such as poison ivy, pollens or bee sting toxins cause very significant symptoms in susceptible people.  The principle of vaccination is that a small amount of an infectious agent (preferably a weakened agent or a fragment of the agent so that it is no longer infectious) will activate the immune system to prevent future infection. 


Homeopaths call this principle of vaccination the “Law of Similars” commonly referred to as “like may cure like”.  Similarly, both allopathic and homeopathic physicians routinely use extremely small amounts of an allergen to desensitize and decrease an abnormal allergic response.  Although this aspect of homeopathic medicine is broadly accepted, many allopathic physicians would like to dismiss the law of similars and all of homeopathy.  In many cases, this may be justified.  Some homeopathic drugs lack effectiveness, and some lack any of the original physical drug material.  However, many homeopathic medicines have very significant numbers of molecules, but fewer molecules than allopathic preparations.  Some of these have been evaluated by standard double blind trials and found effective. (2,3,4)  Some are commonplace in pharmacies. 


It may be that those homeopathic preparations that are effective are those that affect the immune system and are thus amplified by accepted immune regulatory cascades of cytokines.  Cytokines are active at the microgram and lower doses.  Homeopathic preparations given at these moderate doses have proved exceptionally safe in clinical practice.  These doses are a small fraction of the doses animal studies indicate are potentially toxic.  (In contrast, many prescription and conventional OTC pharmaceuticals are given at doses much closer to the toxic levels.)  To date, human experience has shown that any material given sufficiently below the toxic animal dose will also be non-toxic in humans.  Modern science supports this.


1. Dunn, T.M. Immunostimulatory Effects of Taurox SB™, Thesis, University of Maryland Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2000.


2. Lussignoli, S, Bertani, S, Metelmann, H, Bellavite, P, Conforti, A.  Effect of Traumeel S, a homeopathic formulation, on blood-induced inflammation in rats. Complement. Ther. Medicine, 1999, Dec; 7(14):225-30.


3. Oberbaum, M, Yaniv, I, Ben-Gal, Y, Stein, J, Ben-Zvi, N, Freedman, LS, Branski, D.  A randomized, controlled clinical trial of the homeopathic medication TRAUMEEL S in the treatment of chemotherapy-induced stomatitis in children undergoing stem cell transplantation.  Cancer, 2001, Aug 1; 92(3):684-90.


4. Hirt M, Nobel S, Barron E. Zinc nasal gel for the treatment of common cold symptoms: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Ear Nose Throat J. 2000 Oct;79(10):778-80, 782.



Tuning In, Out or Up?


Our attitude – does it move us forward or cause our growth to stall? In writing the article below on fresh water and sharing my personal experience I had to dip into the darker side where lack of natural resources, chemical pollution and toxic effects exist. However, effective teamwork requires that all on board face the facts. We are on this earth together and our awareness does make a difference.  It is a fact that current environmental trends don’t look good. We can choose to place our trust in mankind’s inherent goodness to triumph over such “evil” forces.  At the same time, I feel that if we wish to remain solution oriented it is best to not spend too much energy finger pointing. 


The blame game I speak of is a mind trap that can lead to overwhelm and tuning out rather than tune in. Being tuning in and up for forward growth is a state of mind that fills the body with energy. We can take in the facts yet keep our mood UP! If I notice that I am growing anxious or hyperactive type thoughts, I do best to stop, take a breath and become more still. Only then can I best adjust the brightness of my mood. Inspiring music is a fantastic tool to tune UP with. All we can do is the best we can, in the place we are with the skills we have.


Read my blog – Posted Oct 27, 2010 at:  http://lifeinzenmotion.blogspot.com/


Freedom’s Blog - How to Turn Down to UP! In 5 Part Harmony.  Part 1 – Riding The MOM (More of Me) Wave




Preserving Our Precious Heritage – Fresh Water 


Water – We need to use it again and use less experts say. Six billion humans are putting a strain on our fresh water resources while only a small fraction of Earth’s water is available for drinking, irrigation or industrial use. Sandra Postel, of the Global Water Policy Project, said that China and India’s grain production will be reduced by 10 to 20 percent in the coming decades due to groundwater depletion. The once mighty Yellow River in China, the Nile, Ganges and several Colorado Rivers barely reach the sea in dry season. Mother Nature’s liquid life is drying up.


Agriculture takes 70 percent of water whereas only 10 percent of water consumed worldwide is for household use. Worldwide, two-thirds of urban wastewater doesn’t even get treated, much less recycled and this certainly needs to change. The problem put simply is - there is not enough water to meet the demands nor is the water adequately clean.


It is imperative that this challenge be addressed as Earth’s population increases and food needs soar. By 2025 it is estimated there will be an additional 2 billion planetary people. How can we work together to responsibly utilize and conserve our fresh water for the coming generations? This is a huge question to ponder. First let us more deeply appreciate this precious life sustaining gift. Let us not take even one drop for granted and be willing to be informed of what is really going on.


My Personal  Story – The Ecological Mishap of 2010
I grew up in the Baltimore with access to the Chesapeake Bay Area, one of the most unique estuaries in the world. During my childhood our neighborhood was very communal. Our families often joined in work, parties and vacations together. Several times each summer we formed a caravan and drove either to the bay beaches or Ocean City Maryland for fun and swimming. Wherever I was and up until just recently, I relished immersing myself in natural water. Even in cold weather I would peel off my socks and shoes just to get a toe in the stream. I love the feeling of water!


In 2005 I began my exodus from living in the now crowded Baltimore area. I moved to a mellow town on the Atlantic Ocean in Florida to be near the beloved ocean.  I am a mermaid at heart, floating and diving in the sea and collecting seashells with intense absorption. That is until a certain pipeline began leaking in the spring of 2010 and soaked the Gulf of Mexico with escaped oil and toxic chemicals. Even though I was on the Atlantic side I saw the effect as the skies darkened. The usually clear high blue skies turned to chronically smoggy and overcast. Day after day during the supposed rainy season, the clouds hung ominous and non-productive of rain. During this eco disaster I developed an array of unusual-for-me neurological symptoms.


I don’t know if my point of contact with the chemicals was by air or water, however each time I swam in the ocean or took a bath or shower, an eerie feeling took over my skin and my nerves would twitch for hours on end. I experimented and found that bathing in purified water did not produce symptoms. For weeks my heart raced erratically and I had problems sleeping. I developed estrogenic effects and headaches. Fatigue and mental fog eventually set in. My hair fell out in bunches. Walking in my neighborhood while the sprinklers or fountains were on, led to coughing. I was forced to retreat to the inside of my home whereas normally I love being outdoors.


Creepy Crawley Skin Feeling
The most pronounced symptom was a strange and uncomfortable excitation of the nerves on my skin, unlike anything I had ever experienced before. During the time when the pipeline under the ocean was gushing out of control, I left Florida two times, once for 5 day and then 12 days, enough to learn that the severity of my symptoms gradually abated when I left Florida, only to resume upon my return.  I could only suppose I was reacting to the presence of gas and or Correxit, the dispersant that was applied to contain the oil spill for 80 plus days.  Since it is very humid in Florida in June and July, I figured whatever was in the water must also be floating around in the air and vice versus.  Eventually I left Florida for my health’s sake. I retreated to the forests in Maryland in order to reboot and rejuvenate my nervous system. My unfortunate experience however pointed my nose towards more research in the water safety issue.

Clean or Chemical Laden?

How safe is our water to drink? How about bathing & swimming? My son is studying environmental policy at William & Mary College. His interest revolves around water issues and he had been telling me for several years that Florida has the most citations for toxic fish in the U.S. due to high pesticide use and what scientists and regulators now call “emerging contaminants”.  That is a loose definition of chemicals that includes animal hormones, pharmaceutical and over the counter drugs, flame retardants, plasticizers and cosmetics. Over 80,000 chemicals are registered for use in the United States. The bench mark safety level of many of these is unknown and equipment to test for their presence undeveloped or expensive.  Certainly many of these unregulated contaminants pass right through waste water treatment plants thus forcing our aquatic life to live in a toxic brew.


In a Texas Observer article I read – There’s Something in the Water – 6/25/10 - (www.texasobserver.org ) about research conducted by the Southern Nevada Water Authority. Categorized as the most comprehensive peer-reviewed study to date, they tested the tap water of 15 utilities that serve 28 million Americans. “Thirteen had measureable levels of contaminants, including the anti-convulsant phenytoin, the pesticide atrazine and the insecticide DEET.” Now the EPA is considering pharmaceuticals for regulation under the Safe Drinking Water Act. Better late than never I suppose.


Mutant Fish
I read about mutant fish swimming in Pecan Creek in the Texas Observer article. Dr. Bryan Brooks and his colleagues from the University of North Texas found male fish turning into females. They collected numerous fish over time and found in their flesh Prozac and Zoloft and their human metabolites (anti-depressants that humans consumed and excreted). This same chemical-infused water can end up in our tap if recycled wastewater is used to offset diminishing freshwater supplies.


Biologists and toxicologists link exposure to “emerging contaminants” to a wide range of developmental, behavioral and reproductive problems in aquatic species such as algae, mussels, minnows and game fish.  Researchers at Clemson University exposed the striped bass to relatively low levels of Prozac which alters serotonin levels. This shift tilted their feeding behavior off course and caused the fish to float with their fins poking out of the water. “Others floated vertically, tails down and mouths above the water level, like a kid dog-paddling in a pool.”  The picture I see in my mind is weird and scary. I have avoided eating seafood lately.


You can learn more about how our seafood is being harvested and grown:



“Just as multinational corporations have forever changed the way food is grown on land to the detriment of public health, the environment, local communities and food quality itself, they are poised to do the same at sea. The identical factory-farm model is being adopted for aquaculture: growing food as cheaply as possible using toxic chemicals and other harmful techniques, packaging it in enormous bulk, and shipping it to distant grocery stores and restaurants all around the world….”


The YouTube Video on the same page brings your attention humorously to the first genetically modified fish that has been approved by the FDA – they call it the Frankenfish!  If you are someone who cares about your health, these directions affecting our food are something to be carefully considered and watched!


Back to My Childhood Playground – The Chesapeake Bay

Way back when in 1983, The Chesapeake Bay Agreement was supposed to improve and protect the water quality and living resources of the bay. The plan was to restore the bay by the year 2000. The goals and deadlines to clean up this precious resource went unmet, mired in a net of government, agriculture and industry breakdowns. One article I read (Urbanite, July 2010, Now or Never) states “Today the bay’s situation is murkier than it was when the cleanup effort began. In 1985, about one-third of the bay met the Clean Water Act’s standard for clarity, in 2007 less than one-eight of the bay met the standard. In the 1980’s, about 40 percent of the Bay’s deepest waters formed dead zones so low in oxygen that aquatic creatures fled or died. Between 2006 and 2008, more than 80 percent of the deep waters were summertime dead zones.”  The EPA says the bay is impaired by pollutants from farm runoff – slurry of fertilizers, herbicides and animal waste that rainfall washes into the rivers and then dumps into the bay. 


I personally have mixed feelings about swimming in natural water these days. I also feel real sad for the aquatic life. Then I reflect again upon my childhood neighborhood, how the men would bring bushels of really fresh crabs back from the bay, the women cooking together in the kitchen and then the joy and feasting we all shared in our backyards. What will be the fate of the Chesapeake Bay I wonder? There is the jelly fish issue….according to statistics, oyster and crab production is way down because species that do well in polluted waters like the jelly fish are taking the place of fish and shellfish that used to thrive there. Some rivers around the bay are nearly clogged with jelly fish at certain times of the year, I read. 


Yet there is hope for a cleaner tomorrow. The Urbanite article does express that under the Obama Administration progress is being made. Thanks to executive orders to pursue more aggressive actions and a new restoration strategy, the future is looking up. Time will tell since we all know that big business has a way of protecting its interests over that of eco safety.  What we can do right now is start with this greater awareness. We can also say a prayer for healing in our hearts.  Somehow someway our precious fresh waters, the aquatic life breathing beneath the surface and the creatures of the earth must be valued more highly as truly precious and preserved for future generations.   



Glisten-Up with AquaLiv Water
A Premium at-the-tap-filtration Solution

A brand new first class water purification technology
The Inclean Water Gold features true sub-micron filtration enhanced with “Vortex Implosion Technology” to create wetter, micro-clustered water that is

ultra pure and much more hydrating!




I discovered the AquaLiv after much searching.  The price was affordable and installation took only minutes. I delighted in the soft clean taste immediately!


BEST of ALL The Inclean Water Gold is Affordable!
No need for pricey water machines!


Inventor Chris told me this water allows for better absorption of nutrients from food and supplements and overall helps the digestive system function more smoothly. Cellular metabolism is increased with greater hydration and detoxification sped up. All this adds up to helping the body stay more alkaline.


• I found it easy to install

• I could see and feel that the components were heavy duty & quality made
• The look is both compact and attractive


The Inclean Water Gold Reduces:

• Dirt and soot
• Pathogens such as Giardia and Cryptosporidium
• Chorine, chemicals and drugs
• Algae, molds and spores
• Heavy Metals and asbestos
• Fluoride Removal Cartridge is optional


Cost?  Only $179 

Add $90 for the optional Fluoride Removal Cartridge – I bought both.



That saves about $20!


To ORDER or for information contact Char Tara Albert at

Call 888-551-6764 or email
The cartridges last approximately 1 year


Why Quality Water Intake is Crucial to Good Health

Water is the most common substance on Earth. It is also the nutrient most needed by the human body. Between 55 and 75 percent of adult body weight is water (about 10 to 12 gallons). It is critical in regulating body temperature and organ functions as well as dissolving solids and moving nutrients throughout the body.


Research has shown that proper hydration may help to alleviate chronic pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis, lower back strain, migraines, and colitis. It can also help to lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Water is naturally low in sodium, has no fat, cholesterol or caffeine and isn't flushed straight through the body, as are most other beverages.


It is recommended that the normal adult drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day. The average person consumes only six 8-ounce servings of water daily. This is well below the recommended eight servings. How much is really needed depends on body size, activity level and air temperature.


To determine one's ideal daily water intake, experts at the Mayo Clinic suggest dividing body weight in half and using this number as the ounces of water one should consume. Based on this formula, a 125-pound person should consume the recommended eight servings of water each day; however, someone who weighs 175 pounds should strive for eleven servings.


Humans lose a pint or more of water every day simply by breathing! We normally lose a total of about 10 cups of fluid a day in exhaled air, perspiration, and other bodily secretions. What is lost must be replaced to maintain a fluid balance. If one is physically active, the American Dietetic Association recommends adding one to three cups of water to the daily intake for each hour of physical activity.


A variety of other factors also affect the amount of water needed. Among them:

• The body tends to dehydrate while traveling, particularly on airplanes. An additional 8 oz. of water per hour is suggested.

• Exposure to summer heat requires additional water. The body uses a great deal of water through skin-cooling perspiration.

• Exposure to winter cold also requires additional water. The body loses water while breathing cold air. This is because while laboring to breathe, water is evaporating from the lungs.
• Illness can often lead to dehydration. That's why doctors frequently advise patients to drink plenty of liquids.
• Caffeine and alcohol dehydrate the body. Coffee and tea should always have a water chaser.
• During vigorous exercise, one can lose fluid reserves before becoming aware of thirst. During exercise, it's recommended that fluids be replenished every 20 minutes. One should also drink plenty of water before and after exercise. Thirst is not always an adequate indicator of the body's need for fluid replenishment.
• Nursing mothers need more water for breast milk. Because what they drink is distributed throughout not only their body but also their child's, expectant mothers should consume additional water daily. Once the baby is born, breast-feeding mothers should be sure to continue replenishing water lost through nursing.
• Smoking can also have a dehydrating effect. The chemicals in tobacco cause blood vessels to temporarily constrict, a reaction similar to dehydration. When dehydration and smoking are combined, the body's need for water is intensified. Smoking also accelerates how quickly the body metabolizes caffeine and, as a result, it aggravates caffeine's dehydrating effect on the body
• Age brings vulnerability to the effects of dehydration. As people grow older, their kidney functions may decrease, their thirst signals may become dulled, their overall activity level declines, and their bodies retain less water. Older people also tend to take more prescription drugs that can dehydrate their bodies. For these reasons, people over 70 should drink at least the recommended number of water servings per day.
• Active, school-age children tend to dehydrate even more quickly and should be encouraged to drink an 8-ounce serving of water before heading out to play as well as once every 20-30 minutes during play (especially if it's hot outside). Since infants can't always express thirst, the best way to monitor their hydration level is by checking their diaper, which should require frequent changes throughout the day.
One of the best ways to recognize dehydration is to pay close attention to the color of one's urine. Ideally, light to clear urine indicates proper water intake.


The first sign of dehydration may be a headachy feeling at the end of the day.


Because the brain is made up of 75% water, moderate dehydration can often cause lightheadedness, dizziness, headaches and nausea. More severe dehydration may also raise the body's core temperature, effect muscle strength, endurance and coordination as well as increase the risk of cramps, heat exhaustion and life-threatening heat stroke.


There are a number of ways to integrate more water into your lifestyle.
• Pour the water into an easy-to-use water bottle. Add ice, and a slice of lemon or lime. Chill the water. Drink moderate-size portions spread over the course of a day, rather than drinking it all at one time.

• Keep a bottle of water on the kitchen counter. Visit the office water cooler, and take a water break instead of a coffee break.

• Make drinking water a habit - drinking water at the same times each day will make it much easier.

• Don't wait for thirst to replenish water. By the time it develops, 2 or more cups of total body water have probably been lost.

• Carrying a bottle of water on the morning commute or keeping a cup of water at one's desk can contribute to proper hydration.


• Most importantly……….

• Drink quality water designed to super-hydrate your body, ultra pure water that can absorb toxins and cleanse the blood.  Your blood is your river of life, keep it pure.


Lomatium Dissectum? Herbal Virucide-like Properties

Traditional American Remedy


See my October 28th 2010 Nutri-Blog post for this amazing story. Go here for direct link. (Blog: http://chartalbert.wordpress.com/)



Healthy Recipes by Stara to Enjoy!



100% Fortitude Juice
1 cup Almond Milk

½ cup pure water

1 tbs. wheat grass juice powder (or any other greens powder)

1 tbs. unsulphured black strap molasses

1 tsp. psyllium seed or husk powder
Blend and enjoy this super high B vitamin, iron and protein body building drink.
When you have something amazing to do, like reaching for your dream, when you want pure fortitude and little drag on your energy, reach for Fortitude Juice! Make a big batch and store in your fridge for a quickie energy boost.

Wave-Nog by Stara

Place in a blender:

2 cups almond milk – unsweetened

1 cup water

1 tsp. vanilla extract

2 tsp. wheat grass juice powder

2 tsp. maca root powder

2 tsp. whey powder

1 tsp. nutmeg – freshly grated is best

1 tsp. soy lecithin

1 tsp. psyllium seed powder
Blend till frothy. Let sit for 10 minutes and blend again. Enjoy!

Cherry Delight - Gluten-Free

Preheat oven to 375 degrees

Place in medium pot:

2 cups pitted black cherries

1 cup sliced mango (can use frozen)

¼ cup dried cranberries

¼ cup dried cherries

1 cup cherry or cranberry juice

Bring to a boil, take off heat and add:

¼ cup arrowroot powder dissolved in ¼ cup water

Stir until thickened and place in 7x5 loaf pan
Crumble topping

¾ cup brown rice flour + ¾ cup white rice flour

2 Tbsp egg replacer or tapioca flour

½ tsp. salt

1/16 tsp stevia

¼ cup sesame seeds

1/8 cup white poppy seeds (available in Indian food markets)

½ cup grapeseed oil

¼ cup maple syrup + ¼ cup light brown organic sugar

½ tsp vanilla extract

Blend dry ingredients in bowl. Whisk oil, syrup and extract in large mixing cup and pour over dry ingredients. Blend till even clumps form. Reduce heat to 350 degrees and bake 40-45 minutes or until done.

Hot and Sour Yum Soup by Char Tara Albert

1/2 tofu cut in small chunks

3 teabags Celestial Seasonings Lemon Zinger – stepped in 3 cups water

5 Tbs. soy sauce

6 thin slices ginger root

1 tsp. grated lime rind

½ small jalapeno pepper diced (or less)

1/2 a small onion, halved again and sliced crosswise 1/4-inch thick

1 Tbs. chili powder

¼ cup pineapple

1 cup fresh Portobello mushrooms, sliced in 1/4-inch pieces

1 small tomato, cut in bite-size wedges (optional)

2 green onions, cut in thin rounds

Juice of 1-2 limes, to desired sourness

1/2 cup cilantro leaves or short cilantro sprigs

A few sprigs of cilantro for garnish

Steep the Lemon Zinger tea and discard the tea bags. Place all the ingredients except for the tofu, lime juice and cilantro in a medium pot and bring to a boil. Simmer for 20-30 minutes and then add the tofu for the last 5 minutes. Add the lime juice and cilantro just before serving.

Veggie Burgers with Green Curry Sauce

2 cups vegetable pulp*

4 spring onions chopped

5 Tbsp. Veganaise (egg free mayo)

1 tsp. curry powder

1 tsp. sea salt

1 tsp. dill weed

¼ tsp. black pepper

1 tsp. Coriander

1 Tbsp. arrowroot powder (or cornstarch)

Mix well and sit for 10 minutes before forming into patties. Fry in pan with canola oil, carefully flipping to cook on both sides or you can bake in an oiled pan in 400 degree oven till firm.
*I use the pulp left over from making fresh vegetable juice, typically some combination of carrot, cabbage, celery, beet, ginger, parsley etc. If you don’t have a juicer you can use a food processor or blender to mush up an assortment of vegetables, best to use about half carrots. You may have to use more arrowroot due to the pulp being wetter.

Green Curry Sauce

¼ small onion

2 cloves garlic

2 Tbsp. organic canola oil
Sauté onion & garlic for 5 minutes in oil
Add to pan:

2 Tbsp. curry powder

1 tsp. coriander powder
Cook for 1 minute & add 1 can of coconut milk and stir well

Squeezed juice of ½ lime

1 Tbsp. Fish Sauce (can substitute tamari)

1 tsp. sugar (xylitol works well)

¼ cup finely chopped fresh basil

Cook for 5 minutes

Blend 2 tsp. arrowroot powder (or cornstarch) with

1 tsp. water in small cup and add to sauce to thicken. Stir and cook for 5 minutes.
One serving option is to prepare frozen peas. Serve the veggie burgers and peas with the sauce spooned over top.



Visit http://www.wavedancz.com/Recipes.html for more recipes

Wishing you glistening health beyond your wildest dreams!
Char Tara Albert 


We Guarantee Your Satisfaction

You need to use Taurox as directed on the package for at least 30 days to determine its effectiveness. If you are not happy after 30 days of usage and prior to 60 days after purchase from www.Taurox4Vitality.com,contact our toll-free information line at 888-551-6764. Our Taurox Information Specialist will be there to discuss our upgrade option that allows you to apply the price of your purchase towards a more concentrated TaurImmune product which may be of greater benefit. You may also request a 100% refund. We are dedicated to help you and to improve your health with Taurox.
Thank you for reading this newsletter. I appreciate your continued interest in Taurox and in health and wellness. Please contact me for further discussion.
 Char Tara Albert charstara@gmail.com (questions or to unsubscribe)

888-4 TAUROX ~ 888-482-8769 Order Entry Line

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