Argentina's “Dr. Eduardo L. Holmberg” research vessel left for a second cruise of tooth fish, pollock, Patagonian grenadier and squid assessment. The cruise is expected to last thirty days and will be operating between 45o and 54o30' South and catching samples at depth ranging from 50 to 400 meters.
The cruise is focused in density and biomass of the different austral species, with a particular interest in Patagonian grenadier (Macruronus magellanicus) and its population structure. However this second research cruise of the season is also looking for data on the Merluccius australis; Dissostichus eleginoides; Genypterus blacodes; Salilota australis; Micromesistius australis; Merluccius hubbsi; Squalus acanthias and other condrictious species. As to squid interest in focused on Doryteuthis gahi and Onykia ingens.
In related news INIDEP, the Argentine Mar del Plata based Fisheries Research and Development Institute is showing a documentary audiovisual on the Illex argentinus squid under the heading of: “Squid: sustainable catches of one of our most important marine resources”.
According to the video, the squid, a cephalopode has a life span of approximately a year in which they are born, grow, reproduce and die. The squid season normally extends from February first to August 31, and catches can be landed or processed on board. In a good season jiggers can return to port every twenty days with 500 tons of squid.
Three Argentine ports concentrate 94% squid landings, Mar del Plata, 43%; Puerto Deseado, 30% and Puerto Madryn 21%. Most squid is exported to China and Spain.
Finally “Argentina is not the only country to exploit squid in the southwest Atlantic since every year almost 300 vessels operate outside Argentina's EEZ and in Malvinas”. Most of these vessels and jiggers come from China, South Korea, Taiwan and Spain, concludes the report.