6: 00am Tea in Zendo & Zazen (25x3) 7: 30am

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This is the Fifth Anniversary of the founding of the Silent Thunder Order (STO). This is our Annual STO Conference Report. Over these five years we have grown from nine to fifteen active affiliates (note the location map above). With this we have added six new Black Robe Novice Priests and Two Brown Robe as well. Our STO website has over 160 members and hundreds of visits each week. We added online registration for sesshins and have extensive archive work on the Atlanta Soto Zen Center as well as STO, underway. We offer online weekly Dharma study and are looking to a curriculum approach in the future. At this time we are moving forward with a Fall Pilgrimage to Japan to follow the footsteps of Matsuroka Roshi. There will be a video of the trip made available to STO members after the trip. You will also read about an exciting opportunity to have a rural retreat center in North Carolina available to us in 2016. We must continue to look at ways to get more members engaged in the services of the larger Sangha, including increasing Dana and securing additional financial support through membership dues and fund raising efforts with foundations, corporations, and individuals. In August a new slate of Directors will be elected and new organizational structure put in place to shift some STO duties to two Associate Abbots and thereby allowing Taiun Roshi to focus more time on community outreach and visits to our Affiliate Sanghas. This has been an exciting year and we invite all who read about what is happening to join us in sharing the Dharma.


July 11, 2015

6:00am Tea in Zendo & Zazen (25x3)

7:30am Breakfast
8:30am Conference Opening and Workshops

Remarks by Taiun Roshi

Remarks by ASZC Representative

Announcement as to how to become a Full Voting Member and Supporting Member. Opportunity to join before afternoon sessions by paying annual $100 dues to Treasurer during a break.

Verbal announcement regarding workshop format and schedule.

9:00am Finance Committee Workshop

9:30am Communications Committee Workshop

Including Newsletter, bulk mail use, Facebook, archives, etc.

10:00am Dharma Study Committee Workshop

Including making Dharma Study audio available form Web site.

10:30am Retreat Committee Workshop

11:00am Abbots Council Discussion

11:30am General Questions and Discussion.
Noon Lunch
1:00pm STO Affiliation

Meaning for Individuals and Affiliates

STO / ASZC Coordination Discussion

Questions and Discussion

1:30pm Break & setting up for annual meeting

2:00pm STO 2015 Annual Meeting

Take Roll

Report on Active Membership List

Brief committee reports so that those not attending the morning session can be briefed.

Introduce current STO Board members. Explain office nominees. Enlist co-chairs with the advice and consent of the STO Board. Nominations for the BOD and officers discussion. Election with Members voting in August.

Old Business

STO Pilgrimage to Japan

New Business


Closing Remarks by Taiun Roshi

5:30pm Informal Supper
(Return to normal sesshin schedule)
7:30pm Zazen (1x30)

8:00pm Dharma Talk

9:00pm Tissarana Close

Opening of Conference

Present: Taiun Elliston-Roshi, Zenku Jerry Smyers, Tesshin Jim Smith (via Skype), Getsu Roger Cochran (via Skype), Bryan Price, Uji Elizabeth Bridges, Kosetsu Randy Earl, Sangaku Dan Joslyn, Daishin Thomas Pongratz, Lobsang Tenkeng Yuesen Yuen, Musa Joey Charles, Maiko Ikegami, Borko Jovanovic, Zammai Lawrell Studstill, Nyoze Nat Brown, Gaku Stephen Sengupta, Ryushin Rushton Bowen, Mitsugo Liz Lawlor
Taiun Elliston Roshi began the conference with opening remarks. He reviewed the course of his practice beginning with meeting Matsuoka-Roshi in Chicago, moving to Atlanta in 1970, starting to teach in 1974 at a Unitarian Church and incorporating ASZC in 1977. In 2010, STO was incorporated. Sensei talked of the suffering caused because of equating success and failure with change. The changes continue as Tesshin Jim Smith and Zenku Jerry Symers will be Associate Abbots with Sensei being Abbott STO.
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Zammai Lawrell Studstill, representative from ASZC, reported on the recent remodeling of the ASZC kitchen. ASZC has 4 full time residents and will have an opening in August. Residents need to understand that they will be required to work as part of their residency. Future plans are to remodel the attic to accommodate more residents. Sensei added that there are also plans for remodeling the interior and exterior of ASZC. The interior changes will expand the dining and entrance areas and provide an area for ceremonies preparation using the Kaisando. ASZC also has access to a retreat center located in a rural setting which enables ASZC to provide services/retreats in urban and rural settings.
ASZC can also be used for various events, secular as well as other Buddhist groups. Currently ASZC does not advertise/reach out with the exception of First Friday events nor has it turned away requests to use the facility. In the future it was suggested that a speaker could be scheduled at ASCZ then tour other affiliates. Speakers could be from within the ASZC and STO or outside the organization.
Zenku Jerry Smyers, Chair of the STO Board talked about full voting membership being open to Disciples and Priest. Dues are $100 per year with hardship scholarships available for those in need. At this level members have the opportunity to be more involved in the board activities and ability to nominate individuals for Board membership. Dues support Sensei and pay other expenses of STO. Supporting members are those who provide dana to STO at any level.
Nyoze Nat Brown reported for the Finance Committee. There are three accounts.

  1. Staff payroll account which includes General Donations

  2. Savings account with a $100 deposit monthly from the checking account.

  3. Bill pay account in which membership dues are deposited. This account is low because some dues were sent to the staff payroll account. This will be corrected.

The accounts are currently on Quick Books which is a program on the ASZC computer. This limits access to those needing it. If the account records could be moved to an online option then those needing access could obtain it.
Dana for 2015 is less than for 2014. Funds are generated in four ways:

  1. Disciples dues and monthly pledge.

  2. Supporting members Dana.

  3. November Founder's Month Fundraiser.

  4. Affiliate Sangha donations.

  5. Donations from disciples, priests, and sanghas are all tracked.

Discussed the difference between the finance committee which manages funds and a fund raising committee which generates funds. Currently financial support is generated through the core group or hot pool. Fund raising needs to move to warmer and cooler pools to generate more funds. Suggested to connect with Lobsang Tenkeng, Yuesen Yuen, and Kuyo Shane Schneider to generate ideas for fund raising. There was discussion to separate the finance committee and fund raising. However, it was felt that the BOD did not have the staff to create two committees and fund raising would continue to be part of finance. It was recognized that more emphasis needed to be on generating fund raising ideas from the warmer and cooler pool of people.
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Mitsugo Liz Lawlor reported for the communications committee. The purpose of the communications committee is to increase communication between STO and affiliates through STO website, monthly newsletter, and retreat registration. Jiko Adrian Fish spearheads a monthly newsletter that has been sent out for over 2 years and just recently the newsletter will be sent out on bulk email on the STO template and ASZC template. The registration procedure has been improved with the new online registration developed by Daishin Thomas Pongratz. The following needs were identified:

  1. Improved affiliate communication: reaching out to less active affiliates.

  2. Making podcast available to both disciples and for fund raising.

  3. Facebook page for STO. Uji Elizabeth Bridges volunteered to do so.

  4. Better communication with SZBA.

  5. Improve communication with practice leaders.

  6. More prominent recognition of STO with affiliates.

  7. Past files uploaded to Dropbox. Liz will do this.


Getsu Roger Cochran reported on the Dharma Study Committee. He gave a brief history on the study group and an overview of the 2015 curriculum. We are currently currently studying American Teachers. And over the course of the group have had approximately 56 participants. Some of whom participated once while others participant regularly. The format evolved over time and we are now experimenting with Sensei making opening comments then each person asking a question and Sensei responding immediately afterwards. Needs of the committee are volunteers to moderate, make connections via Skype, and record. (see attached for detailed information) Discussed the direction for 2016. After much discussion concerning the audience, future use of the talks, and what sources should be the core of our discussions, it was decided to divide the year into quarters with the first quarter targeting beginners and each quarter discussing increasing more complex material ending the year with Dogen. Resources are: continuing to use the STO practice path, Sensei's materials, newcomers course by Joan Halifax, Shasta Abbey's Receiving the Buddhist Precepts book given to initiates. The goal is to produce the discussions in a for-purchase-package.

A Brief History of Dharma Studies

The Dharma Studies group began with Sensei inviting several students into telephone discussions on Dogen writings.


Spring, discussions on Nishijima method of understanding Shobogenzo. By mid summer an irregular schedule had been established with exploration of Layman Pang, Fukanzazengi, Bendowa, and then delving into Matsuoka. Participants in these Senior Discussions included Jason Farrow, Kevin McNeil, R Krugeman; Harold Sanki Schlechtweg; Don Riley; Jim Feldman; Adrian Fish; Jim Smith, Eddie Easterling; Zoey Roy; Liz Lawler; JD Slattery;.and Roger Cochran.

By mid-year we had held 10 discussions on Bendowa, 5 discussions on Fukanzazengi, 3 discussions on Genjokoan and 2 or 3 on Layman Pang.
Then in October, Sensei recommended that we more formally organize the discussion. Initially it was thought these discussions would be mainly for senior students (black robes or sewing a robe) but all would be welcome. We thought of these discussions as alternating between Dogen and Matsuoka texts. By the end of the year a Gang of Four had informally organized in a manner to allow Sensei to respond to the directions that the group would set out and would manage all connections, recording, and identification of weekly discussion topics. Sensei’s tasks would be to show up and talk about the reading at hand then respond to questions.
By this point we recognized that there were differences between the Shasta Abbey version of Shobogenzo and the Nishijima and Cross translation. We had settled on the Nishijima and Cross version as preferred but with Shasta Abbey for a kind of cross check and as an easier read in some cases.
Around the end of the year we had a regular structure for a Dharma Studies Committee. We laid out a plan to discuss major fascicles of Shobogenzo over 2012 and 2013. As the year concluded we had had 21 unduplicated participants.

We started the year with the intent that each month we would discuss one or two Dogen fascicles and one Matsuoka essay. The intent was for the Matsuoka essay to bring Dogen from the 13th C to the 21st C. The structure was set up to b e The format of the discussions is for the Moderator to introduce the fascicle with a brief outline of the chapter and an introductory question or comment for Sensei to use as a point of initial commentary. After this introductory commentary the moderator will seek follow up questions or comments from participants. This would allow Sensei to tailor his commentary to specific questions or issues of participants. There was a lot of flux in the style of the discussion format over the first 6 months. But we settled into a regular weekly meeting pattern. There was a steep learning curve with the use of Skype. As we became more organized there was more interest in participation and as January concluded we had added 7 new participants.

We also began requesting volunteers to make connections, make recordings of the discussions, and to act as a Moderator to keep us on task.
As we started the 2nd quarter we discussed Dogen’s admonitions about lay life in Soto Zen. Because we are a lay and not a monastic community.
Then by June we had structured a monthly approach in which week 1 was a core question about an issue in lay life; week 2 was a Matsuoka commentary on the subject; week 3 was a Dogen commentary; and week 4 was a discussion of what we had learned. This format was followed for the rest of 2013 with monthly topics such as “What do the Precepts mean for Me?”, What is Responsibility?”, or “What is the Source of Conflict.”
During this period we began setting up an outline for the Moderator to follow: We started with asking all participants to make a comment or raise a question. Then after all the group has responded Sensei would respond to the questions or comments. In a general way this has been the organization of Cloud Dharma that we have followed since. Although that is now up for re-evaluation.
Some time in 2013 we began sending out weekly reminders asking who planned to participate so that the person making connections would be able to better gather participants into the group.
By August we had 48 unduplicated participants who had connected at least once since we started in 2011.
At the end of 2013 we had developed a more formal “Dharma Cloud Moderator’s Guide” to keep a consistent sense of structure for the discussions.

During 2014 we decided to organize the year in to 3 Trimesters in which we studied: Indian texts and teachers, Chinese texts and teachers, and Japanese ancestors. We organized for each discussion with a beginning commentary by Sensei, then soliciting comments and questions from participants, followed by responses by Sensei and finally ending with an opportunity for a follow up question and response.

The Indian Trimester used the Surangama Sutra, the Heart Sutra , the Lankavatara Sutra and Kanzeon.
The Chinese Trimester used Sandokai; Precious Mirror; Faith in Mind/Hsinhsinming and the Platform Sutra. We began experimenting with various translations to see if we could better understand the intent of the sutras, especially considering the influence of translating from ideograms to syllabic language.
The Japanese ancestors Trimester allowed us to discuss teachers we don’t often hear about: Keizan Joikin and Hakuin as well as Dogen but also including Matsuoka’s “Reflections”.

This year has brought us to a consideration of modern and mostly American teachers. We have started the year with a discussion essays by John Daido Loori and his students in “The Art of Just Sitting”.

The second quarter has been on Soto Zen as seen by American Women Soto Zen priests. Thise discussion allowed us to see both the commonality of Zen across genders and some unique perspectives on understanding Dogen. The third quarter is just starting with discussion of Shohaku Okamura’s “Living By Vow”. We will end by using Sensei’s draft book “Living a Zen Life” which encourages us to sit still enough, long enough so that change can come from within.

As we enter a new year we must consider three things that will direct the Cloud Dharma program:

1) Who is the audience for these weekly discussions?

Are we focused on STO members?

Those navigating the Practice Path?

Regular participants in the affiliated groups?

Those curious enough to show up?

2) What texts, topics or approaches will encourage greater participation?

We have not exhausted Dogen. Should we circle back to foundational writings such as Bendowa, and Fukanzazengi.

How do we incorporate Matsuoka’s writings?

Do we begin to use the on line essays that Sensei posts?

Do we want a broader survey of the range of Buddhist practices in the Theravadan, Mahayana, and Vajrayana traditions?

Do we continue to tap into the broad range of Zen related books that emerge? Or should we turn to recent works by Zen practitioners such as Robert Aitken, Joan Halifax, and others?

3) How should the weekly discussions be structured?

Sensei has recently suggested a more interactive format.

What will lead to a more participative engagement?


Uji Elizabeth Bridges reported on the retreats for the year. Three major retreats are scheduled: sewing traditional in January but held in March due to scheduling conflicts; precepts retreat and STO conference; Rohatsu. Uji Elizabeth Bridges suggested the retreats follow Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. Rohatsu would be the "Buddha" retreat. Precepts retreat would be the "Dharma" retreat. The sewing retreat would be the "Sangha" retreat. Discussed trying to coordinate the Skype discussions content with the retreat dharma talks. The survey sent by Uji for the 2015 year established a foundation for the retreats. It was suggested to continue using the survey to determine needs for training, co-teaching, and attendance. An Ango Retreat will also be scheduled. Uji requested to step down as chair for Retreat Committee but would continue to serve on the committee. Daishin Thomas Pongratz will chair and Bryan Price will co-chair.

Kosetsu Randy Earl presented the current status and needs for STO's presence on the web. (For more detailed information see presentation PowerPoint.) The purpose of this discussion was to facilitate sangha communication and cohesion, provide communication methods for teaching and news, and archival and making available teaching from STO.

Activities include the following:

  1. Websites: storder.org, ASZC.org, DriveTimeZen.org (alpha mode), and STOcloud.org

  2. Email systems: bulk email on STO domain, ASZC BOD

  3. Storage systems

Recent accomplishments include the following:

  1. Self-controlled storage solution

  2. Researched and proofed podcast concept/tech

  3. Another content management system option for websites

Needs in this area are as follows:

  1. STOrder.org: High-migration to newer codebase; Low-modernized re-design

  2. ASZC.org: High-easier content management, Medium-migration to newer codebase; Low-modernized ew-design

  3. DriveTimeZen.org: finalize design/layout; volunteers to edit/manage the audio files, upload, enter, etc.

  4. STOcloud.org: develop offline back-up routine; test integration of 3rd party storage

  5. Amazon S3 storage: determine best use such as a back-up method

  6. STO Dropbox: watch size and maintain account

  7. STO SugarSyn: no needs as this was replaced by OwnCloud

  8. STO Flickr Account: download for back-up purposes; increase awareness and use

  9. Bulk emailer: update as part of STO redesign; may need solution depending on CMS

  10. ASZC BOD mail list: better process for updating BOD members on the list

  11. Hosting Servers: time to do migration

The next steps are as follows:

  1. Migrate websites to current, secure software

  2. Re-design sites to current desired use and best practice

  3. Better communication for all to know what tools are available and how to use them

  4. Social media integration

The challenges to over-come to achieve the nest steps are:

  1. Kosetsu needs to be able to focus on back end of technology while others need to manage the content

  2. New ideas and innovation (e.g. Registration and use of google calendar)

  3. Organizational help for processes (BOD list updates, file transfer, storage; podcast process, etc.)

  4. Effective re-design will require group participation and is a multi-step process: organizational goals, target audience, information architecture which could involve online workshops


Zenku Jerry Smyers discussed the Abbots Advisory Council. This advisory council has usually been used only when there has been conflicts. STO is seeking to expand the use of the Abbots Council to include the following:

  1. Maintain communication with disciples and priests.

  2. Communicate with SZBA.

  3. Assist Abbot with responsibilities that can be delegated.

  4. Report monthly to the BOD.

  5. Provide avenue with grievances within the STO Sangha.

  6. Abbots Advisory Council will be added to grievance procedure.


During lunch Bryan Price presented an informal talk with pictures describing the Watershed Retreat Center. It is named Watershed because of the literal and figurative meanings of "watershed". Literally, a watershed area is an area where water drains. In that area communities of plants and animals come together to live. Figuratively, a watershed moment is a turning point. The two definitions capture Bryan's vision of what the area is and can become. His goal was to purchase acreage as a retreat from the city. The property is away from roads, near water, and next to the Fire's Creek Wilderness Area. There is a total of 94 acres. One section has restrictions that limit new building and the other two sections have no restrictions on new constructions. From the property one can hike to the Appalachian Trail. It is next to two mountain ranges with a basin and no development. It is in a watershed area with a main cabin, barn, and primitive cabin. The date the main cabin was built is unknown but it is believed to be from the 1930's and was once the residence/art studio of Jean Joan Jackson.

Retreats have been held at the property. The main cabin has two sleeping lofts, 1 1/2 baths, with an updated kitchen. Twelve people would be the maximum the cabin could accommodate for a retreat. The primitive cabin does not have electricity or running water and has been used for an Ango.

Future plans are to convert the barn to the Zendo and creating a permaculture as the area has a variety of herbs some of which are not widely found. The area would be used for retreats but not limited to zen retreats (eg writer's, psychiatrist, business).
Sangaku Dan Joslyn discussed the meaning of being a STO affiliate. In the beginning, disciples who trained with Sensei through ASZC and then moved away from Atlanta and wanted to continue practicing. As others outside of Atlanta connected with Sensei the affiliates continued to grow. There are 17 affiliates, some more active than others, serving over 800 people per month (number of people served is from 2 years ago). While most are in the southeast part of the U.S., there are affiliates in the Midwest, northwest, and three in Canada. Being an affiliate means the organization recognizes the importance of Matsuka-Roshi and Elliston-Roshi's legacy. More information is needed on the how STO can support affiliates. As the organization continues to grow, our procedures and policies need to be reviewed to be certain our protocols are aligned with SZBA. It was noted that only a Brown Robed Priest can give the precepts during Jukai as clarified by SZBA.

Taiun Elliston-Roshi, Zenku Jerry Smyers, Tesshin Jim Smith (via Skype), Getsu Roger Cochran (via Skype), Bryan Price, Uji Elizabeth Bridges, Kosetsu Randy Earl, Sangaku Dan Joslyn, Daishin Thomas Pongratz, Lobsang Tenkeng Yuesen Yuen, Musa Joey Charles, Maiko Ikegami, Borko Jovanovic, Zammai Lawrell Studstill, Nyoze Nat Brown, Gaku Stephen Sengupta, Ryushin Rushton Bowen, Mitsugo Liz Lawlor


Currently have 20+ active members as compared to 32 active members with 2 or 3 of those sponsored. At the beginning of the year, disciples and priests are sent an email explaining the benefits and accomplishments or STO. Then phone calls are made to those not responding to the email. It was noted that it is important not to make assumptions about those not responding to STO queries.

These reports are follow-up reports from the conference.
Web Strategy Committee
Kosetsu Randy Earl noted that his efforts are towards the function not design or content. He does need help with development of a comprehensive strategy. The following have volunteered or will be invited to join: Stephanie Elder (will be invited to join), Uji Elizabeth Bridges, Getsu Roger Cochran, Daishin Thomas Pongratz, Gaku Stephen Sengupta, Tesshin Jim Smith, Zenku Jerry Smyers. For podcast development, the following have volunteered: Josh Warden (will be invited), Zenku Jerry Smyers, Uji Elizabeth Bridges, Mitsugo Liz Lawlor. A listserv email group will be established for the group.
Abbots advisory Council
Those on the advisory council will need a Listserv email group. The council will work to re-establish and have a stronger presence for the practice leaders to utilize. (During training, it was discussed that STO should organize the purchase and printing of materials for affiliates and initiates. The purchasing of wagesa and bead sets are through a company in Japan. The wagesa and bead sets are current $35 each. Printed materials need to be available online and each affiliate should be responsible for the production of them. The purchase price for materials in stock at ASZC are Home Practice manuals $10 each and Chant Card and/or Precepts Manuals $5 each. The Precepts Manual is from Shasta Abby and we have permission to reproduce the manual for our in-house use.)
In future we hope to have all print collateral downloadable for local printing, with reasonable donations to STO for licensing (I suggest to the expense fund but this is not my strong suit).
Retreat Committee
A suggestion for the next Precepts retreat is to build in networking time for members of affiliates to share. Discussed that through the Abbots Advisory Council practice leaders "committee" would be incorporated and perhaps develop a discussion forum. Meetings could be held via phone using freeconferencecalls.com,
Dharma Study Committee
Reviewed plan for next year. The first quarter will target beginners with each quarter discussing increasingly more complex teachings and ending the year with Dogen. Resources for each quarter will be needed.
Finance Committee

Discussed needing new members to join the committee with a focus on individuals with experience in fund raising. The committee will discuss the fund raising versus financial management and decide whether it is best to have one committee or two committees. Discussed the need for a membership button on the web page and a donate button as membership and general donations are two different categories. Discussed whether a person donating to ASZC is also a supporting member of STO.

Communications Committee

No new discussion is needed.

Zenku Jerry Smyers (Chair), Nyoze Nat Brown (Treasurer), and Mitsugo Liz Lawlor (Secretary), Uji Elizabeth Bridges agreed to continue to serve in their current positions and Sangaku Dan Joslyn to serve in role as determined. The following members have been nominated to be on the board: Andrew Dietz, Kosetsu Randy Earl, Axel Lebious, Gaku Stephen Sengupta, Peter Pintauro, John Slattery, Harold Schlechtweg. Lobsang Tenkeng Yuesen Yuen, Tesshin Jim Smith, Getsu Roger Cochran, Ryushin Rushton Bowen agreed to serve on committees but not as a board meeting.
Note current By-Laws allow for eight (8) board members.
Pilgrimage to Japan

The teaser film was shown. All agreed it was very well done. Chase Breedlove reviewed the status of the Matsuoka Documentary film fund raising. To date a little less than $800 has been raised. A total of $13,000 is needed for two people to attend. Three grants have been submitted. The first option is for two people to attend (Chase and Trevor). If that is not possible, one person could attend for $6,500. A third option is for one person to go by borrowing the money if needed and pay the load with monies collected from grants. A fourth option is for those going to take film footage and then Chase and Trevor create a film. It was discussed starting another fund raiser but did not think it would be successful. It was pointed out that people will give because of personal connections and not because of the fund raiser film. To raise the additional $5,700 needed for one person to go or $12,200 or two people, it was advised to contact friends and Sangha members. Discussed fund raising through the Affiliates. There will be few people who knew Matsuoka-Roshi interviewed. Discussed interviewing people who knew him such as his disciples in U.S. It will be best if the film could be a combination of Japan and U.S. Connections and places. Chase will need guidance on whom to interview and include in the final film.

There are 6 confirmed people going with Chase and Trevor being 8 if they can go. Connections with all places have confirmed with the exception of Eihei-ji. Efforts are still being made to finalize the visit there.
Sewing Policy

The sewing policy was reviewed with no additions or suggestions.


No questions.

Presentation and closing remarks

Zenku presented Sensei with an Okesa made by the combined efforts of all affiliates and Kaaren Wiken. Sensei concluded the Conference and Annual Meeting with his closing remarks.

To Do

By Whom

By When

Connect with Yusen Yen and Shane Schneider for ideas with fund raising

Finance committee

Podcast available to wider audience

Kosetsu Randy Earl will lead with

Facebook page for STO

Uji Elizabeth Bridges

Past files uploaded to Dropbox

Mitsugo Liz Lawlor

Alternative to financial record keeping that is online and more accessible to those needing access

Finance committee

Develop 2016 Dharma Study Curriculum

Getsu Roger Cochran lead

Schedule 2016 STO Retreats

Daishin Thomas Pongratz and Bryan Price

Create listserv email group for the web strategy committee and abbots advisory council

Kosetsu Randy Earl

Affiliate fund raising for the Matsuoka Documentary Film

All Affiliates

Confirm nominations for BOD


August 27, 2015

The next STO Board meeting is set for August 20, 2015.

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