A regular board of commissioiners meeting of the

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A regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners was held in the boardroom of the newly renovated Conway Municipal Complex at 7:30 pm on March 1, 2016.

The following members were present: Mayor Tommy Barrett, Commissioners Willie G. Simmons, Gail C. Wade, Stewart Woodard, Lokie W. Majette and Lee Duke.
Also present were: Town Administrator Nancy W. Jenkins, Town Clerk Roslyn Gay, Police Chief Billy W. Duke, Patrolman Jimmy Bracy, Public Works Director Roger Coffield, and Attorney John F. McKellar.
There was one citizen at the meeting.
Mayor Barrett called the meeting to order and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion was made by Commissioner Wade and seconded by Commissioner Simmons to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion was made by Commissioner Wade and seconded by Commissioner Simmons to approve the minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
There was no one on the agenda to be heard.
221.1000, 222.1000 Southern Bank -ss and fwt taxes 5,932.06

223.1000 NC Dept. of Revenue-swt 943.76

229.1003 NC Local Governmental Employees Retirement System 2,717.20

224.1001, 229.1003 Prudential Retirement-police retirement (BWD & JEB) 768.34

104200.1500 Byrd’s Heating & Cooling – Town Hall service call (1/15) 60.00

105100.1700 Flythe Bros – change oil (unmarked car) 50.65

105800.1700 Flythe Bros – tires and installation (Chevy truck) 859.04

308100.1100 CenturyLink (2751) – water dept 17.39

308100.1100 CenturyLink (7321) – water dept 20.91

106900.6300 CenturyLink (4948) – fire dept 105.06

104200.1100 CenturyLink (5772) – town hall 47.09

105800.1100 CenturyLink (6370) – public works 106.99

225.1001 Aflac-insurance premium 374.14

229.1002 Municipal Insurance Trust of NC-monthly medical ins. premium 6,237.20

104200.1500 Dominion NC Power-town hall 219.54

106900.6600 Dominion NC Power-VMP lights 59.99

105600.1300 Dominion NC Power – RR security lights 49.64

104200.1500 Dominion NC Power-fire dept. 239.32

105800.1300 Dominion NC Power-public works 899.69

104200.1500 Dominion NC Power – CMC (Conway Municipal Complex) 54.63

106400.1500 Dominion NC Power - cemetery sign light 22.90

105600.1300 Dominion NC Power – welcome signs 22.23

408100.1300 Dominion NC Power-lift stations 1,563.03

308100.1300 Dominion NC Power-wells 1,241.75

105600.1300 Dominion NC Power-street lights 2,131.63

104200.1100 – ITS – telephone (town hall) 74.76

104200.1100 – ITS – telephone (police dept) 23.51

106900.6300 – ITS – telephone (fire dept) 23.21

105100.1100 U.S. Cellular – cell phone & laptop air cards- police dept. 189.51

308100.1100 U.S. Cellular – cell phone - public works 66.78

104100.0400 John McKellar – March retainer fee 200.00

106900.6300 Judy Davis – cleaning fire dept (February) 85.00

104200.1500 Terminix – fire dept pest control 75.00

227.1000, 105800.3500 Unifirst – uniforms (2/5) 91.58

227.1000, 105800.3500 Unifirst – uniforms (2/12) 91.58

227.1000, 105800.3500 Unifirst – uniforms (2/19) 95.03

105800.3500 Unifirst – contract buyout 3,355.79

105800.7800 Republic Services – monthly basic service dumpster fee 101.81

105100.3100, 105800.3100, 308100.3100, 408100.3100 Parker Oil – gas (2/17) 473.74

104200.1500 Diversified Energy – LP gas CMC (2/11) 261.49

104200.1500 Diversified Energy – LP gas town hall (2/11) 323.62

104200.1500 Diversified Energy – LP gas fire dept (2/11) 312.57

104200.1500 Diversified Energy – LP gas public works (2/11) 495.36

104200.1500 Diversified Energy – LP gas fire dept (2/25) 360.81

105100.1800 Mediacom – security system IP address & high speed ultra pkg 111.19

105800.1700 C & K (NAPA) – spark plug wires – 2007 Chev (2/4) 63.12

105800.3300 C & K (NAPA) – nitrile gloves (2/4) 32.72

105800.1700 C & K (NAPA) – ignition coil – 2007 Chev (2/5) 419.35

105800.3300 Ace – copper tubing, PVC caps, couplers, bushings, etc (2/2) 109.45

105800.3500 Ace – cored hex plugs, connectors, PVC tees (2/2) 42.29

104200.7800 Ace – misc hardware, bulbs, kitchen light fixture, etc for CMC (2/13) 47.89

105100.7800 Ace - misc hardware, bulbs, kitchen light fixture, etc for CMC (2/13) 47.88

308100.7800 Ace - misc hardware, bulbs, kitchen light fixture, etc for CMC (2/13) 47.88

408100.7800 Ace - misc hardware, bulbs, kitchen light fixture, etc for CMC (2/13) 47.88

408100.3300 Ace – battery for lagoon pH meter (2/16) 21.36

104200.7800 Ace – various CMC keys (2/16) 16.66

105100.7800 Ace – various CMC keys (2/16) 16.65

308100.7800 Ace – various CMC keys (2/16) 16.65

408100.7800 Ace – various CMC keys (2/16) 16.65

104200.7800 Ace – keys for lobby doors (2/18) 13.32

308100.3300 Ace – PVC cleanout plugs, wire brush (2/19) 16.10

104200.7800 Ace – concrete for flagpole at CMC (2/22) 16.03

105100.7800 Ace – concrete for flagpole at CMC (2/22) 16.02

308100.7800 Ace – concrete for flagpole at CMC (2/22) 16.02

408100.7800 Ace – concrete for flagpole at CMC (2/22) 16.02

104200.3300 Ace – fluorescent bulbs (2/25) 13.90

105100.7800 Ace – telephone wire to run police radio line in CMC (2/26) 13.90

105800.3300 Gay Implement – lawnmower filters (2/18) 64.83

408100.3300 State Electric Supply – jumper bars, terminals – LS#7 34.77

104200.7800 Xerox – customer move 75.97

105100.7800 Xerox – customer move 75.97

308100.7800 Xerox – customer move 75.97

408100.7800 Xerox – customer move 75.97

105800.3300 CAB Construction – riprap (10/21/15) 664.02

105100.3300 Office Depot – color printer ink cartridge 48.34

104200.3300 Office Depot – steno pads, calculator paper 13.75

105100.3300 Office Depot – hanging file frame for file cabinets 8.89

105800.3300 Office Depot – time clock for public works 298.89

104200.3300 Office Depot – rubber bands, vertical file 9.61

105100.3300 Office Depot – shredder 61.48

105800.3300 Office Depot – printer ink cartridge 43.45

104200.3300 Office Depot – hanging file frame for file cabinets 26.68

105100.3300 Office Depot – copier toner 129.69

105100.3300 Office Depot – hanging file frames for file cabinets 35.57

104200.3300 Office Depot – key tags 18.13

104200.3300 Office Depot – permanent markers, labeler, label cartridge 50.09

104200.3300 Office Depot – labeler, label cartridge (RETURNED) (41.26)

104200.3300 Office Depot – floor mat for chair 68.31

104200.3300 Office Depot – floor mat for chair 106.74

104200.3300 Office Depot – business card holders, counter stool/chair, carpet mat 450.24

104200.3300 Office Depot – carpet chair mat (RETURNED) (211.35)

105100.3300 Office Depot – drawer organizers, hanging folders 61.21

104200.3300 Office Depot – drawer organizer, hanging folders 123.83

105100.3300 Office Depot – rest room employees only sign 9.28

104200.3300 Office Depot – rest room employees only sign 9.27

105100.3300 Office Depot – floor mats for chairs 136.62

104200.3300 Office Depot – floor & carpet mats for chairs, copy paper, legal pads 222.88

104200.3300 Office Depot - carpet chair mat (RETURNED) (56.03)

104200.7800, 308100.7800, 408100.7800 – Floras Glass & Mirror –moving glass CMC 1,665.00

105100.7800 Lynch’s Signs – outdoor sign for Police Dept 138.57

104200.0400 Upper Coastal Plain COG – planning services 103.75

104200.3300 The Copy Center – business cards mayor, admin 70.62

105100.3300 The Copy Center – business cards police 47.08

308100.4600 RCR & Co – repair water leak 12905 Hwy 158 East (1/14) 1,180.00

106400.1500 R-C News-Herald – 4 cemetery mowing ads 269.76

104100.4400 NoCo Board of Elections – 11/3/15 election billing 1,608.44

308100.1600 Ferguson Waterworks – flag flowmeter main line 2,702.17

104200.7800 RT Software – move & set up computers & set up copiers 171.00

105100.7800 RT Software – move & set up computers & set up copiers 171.00

308100.7800 RT Software – move & set up computers & set up copiers 171.00

408100.7800 RT Software – move & set up computers & set up copiers 171.00

104200.3300 Office Depot – notebook divider tabs for commissioner school books 7.17

104100.1700 Xerox – monthly copier lease 507.59
Motion was made by Commissioner Wade and seconded by Commissioner Simmons to pay all bills. Motion passed unanimously.
Administrator Jenkins thanked Clerk Roslyn Gay for a job well done on the latest newsletter. Jenkins stated numerous compliments had been received stating it was the best newsletter yet and it was very informative.
Administrator Jenkins reported Jay Watson, Northampton County Building Inspector, had completed the final inspection on the Conway Municipal Complex and a Certificate of Occupancy was received. Jenkins stated Mr. Watson instructed the exit door knobs needed to be changed to door handles and an evacuation route needed to be posted in the board room. Jenkins stated both of those had been completed.
Administrator Jenkins reminded the board of the training workshop with the Planning Board on Wednesday, March 9th at 7 pm.
Administrator Jenkins reported the generator had been moved by Tommy Vaughan and all hook ups are complete. She stated the charge for moving the generator was $1,550.00.
Administrator Jenkins reported the work on the security doors was complete.
Administrator Jenkins reported the Unifirst buyout was complete. The complete cost of the buyout was $3,355.79.
Budget Meeting: Administrator Jenkins reminded the board the next budget workshop would be at 7 pm, before the April board meeting.
There was no new business.
Police Department: Chief Duke gave each board member a handout showing the quote for the radar units that will be required June 2017. Duke stated that he might be able to get a partial grant from the Governor’s Highway Safety Program to help with the cost.
Chief Duke reported during the month of March he will be compiling a junk vehicle list that will be ready for the April meeting.
Chief Duke also reported the outdoor police department sign has been installed.
Public Works Department: Mayor Barrett stated he asked Roger and Jonathan to present the minimum help they need for grass cutting. Public Works Supervisor Roger Coffield presented the following help:
Conway Municipal Complex: public works

Sidewalks & Curbing: will not be done this year

Well #8-Matthew Smith: (cut every two weeks at $50.00 a cut)

Veterans Memorial Park: Matthew Smith (cut free of charge last year)

Flower bed at 221 W. Main Street: Matthew Smith (as needed, on per hour basis)
Motion was made by Commissioner Duke and seconded by Commissioner Wade to contract with Matthew Smith to cut Well #8, every two weeks at $50.00 a cut, weed flower bed at 221 W. Main Street as needed on a per hour basis, and ask if he will continue to cut the Veterans Memorial Park at no charge. Motion passed unanimously.
Supervisor Coffield stated Chief Duke has assisted with mowing the lagoon and reading water meters since 2007. Coffield stated he would like to continue this arrangement and reminded the board if this work was contracted out it would cost the town more money.

Motion was made by Commissioner Wade and seconded by Commissioner Majette to continue to allow Chief Duke to assist with mowing the lagoon and reading water meters as needed. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Woodard stated he was meeting with Lewis Kee tomorrow concerning cutting the cemetery.
Commissioner Majette stated he had looked at all the storm drains on Saturday and there is a lot of pine cones and straw. Supervisor Coffield stated he and Jonathan cleaned the storm drains on Thursdays when they are picking up limbs.
Commissioner Simmons asked who took care of the town’s webpage. He stated it needed updating and suggested contacting Lance Jenkins to see if he would be interested. Administrator Jenkins stated The Computer Guy from Roanoke Rapids takes care of the webpage at this time.
Commissioner Simmons asked how many people are using the credit card machine to make payments and how much it is costing the town. Administrator Jenkins stated she would have to research the statements to give him an accurate answer. She stated she would have a report for the April meeting.
Commissioner Simmons stated the parking spaces in the parking lot needed to be repainted and handicap signs needed to be installed.
Mayor Barrett stated he would contact Trinity Paving to obtain a quote on repainting the existing lines in the parking lot. Commissioner Woodard stated the person who painted the parking lot lines at Conway Baptist Church did a good job and he knows the handicap requirements. Mayor Barrett asked Commissioner Woodard to give Supervisor Coffield the contact information and he will obtain an additional quote.
Mayor Barrett stated he talked with Fire Chief Albert Vann who requested internet to be installed at the fire department for training. Barrett stated Clerk Roslyn Gay called Century Link and discussed the installation of the internet, and based on the discussion, the bill, with the addition of the internet, should not increase the monthly bill more than five dollars.
Motion was made by Commissioner Wade and seconded by Commissioner Duke to approve internet installation at the fire department. Motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Barrett stated the town has not distributed $6,000.00 budgeted for utilities to the Conway Severn Rescue Squad. Barrett stated he felt like the money needed to be released and asked if any of the board members had heard anything concrete concerning the rescue squad.
Commissioner Woodard stated he had not heard anything, but said he doesn’t see how they will survive. Woodard stated that a lot of towns own the rescue squad. Mayor Barrett stated with the debt the rescue squad has he doesn’t see the town paying for it.
Commissioner Duke asked if the rescue squad gets paid for all their services. A board member stated they do not charge town residents, but all other services are invoiced. Duke stated he did not think the board had enough information to make a decision and asked to table the decision. He also stated a member of the rescue squad needs to come to a meeting to discuss their future plans.
The board agreed to table the decision and agreed to ask Brian Ferguson, Captain, to come to the April meeting to discuss the future plans of the rescue squad.
Mayor Barrett addressed the request sent to NC Representative Michael H. Wray by Citizen Brian E. Bolton. Barrett explained Bolton has requested our state legislators to rename the portion of NC Highway 35 from the Town of Conway to the Town of Woodland, “Andrew Jackson Maddrey Memorial Highway” as a way to honor his legacy. Barrett stated Mr. Maddrey passed away on January 27, 2016 and he was the oldest living WWII veteran in Conway.
Mayor Barrett stated the problem he sees with this request is the number of people who will have to change their addresses. Barrett stated he did not think Conway has the right to push this on other towns. Barrett also stated he had talked with Commissioner Majette who has agreed to talk with Mr. Maddrey’s son concerning a memorial of some type. Barrett stated it was suggested installing a sign on the west side shoulder of Highway 35 across from Martin Street where Mr. Maddrey lived. He stated a brick in the Veterans Memorial Park was suggested, and after researching it, Mr. Maddrey’s church had purchased a brick in honor of him.
Commissioner Majette stated he had talked with several people who live on this highway and they do not want their address changed. A question was raised how do you honor one WWII veteran and not honor them all. A suggestion was made to honor Mr. Maddrey at the Veterans Day Ceremony and invite his son and family. Attorney John McKellar suggested the board come back and visit this at a later date when emotions have calmed down and decide if it warrants this.
After further discussion, it was decided by the town board they were not in favor of renaming the portion of NC Highway 35 from the Town of Conway to the Town of Woodland as per Citizen Brian E. Bolton’s request.
Mayor Barrett stated he would see Representative Michael Wray on Thursday. He asked the board if they wanted him to convey their decision on the request. The board agreed for Mayor Barrett to let Representative Wray know of their decision.
Motion was made by Commissioner Woodard and seconded by Commissioner Majette that the town board was not in favor of renaming the portion of NC Highway 35 from the Town of Conway to the Town of Woodland as per Brian E. Bolton’s request. Motion passed unanimously.
There was no public comment.
Motion was made by Commissioner Wade and seconded by Commissioner Simmons to go into executive session for attorney advice and personnel as stated in G.S.143-318.11(a)(3) and (a)(6). Motion passed unanimously.
Motion was made by Commissioner Simmons and seconded by Commissioner Wade to return to regular session. Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.


Gail C. Wade, Commissioner


Willie G. Simmons, Commissioner


Stewart W. Woodard, Commissioner


Lokie W. Majette, Commissioner


Lee Duke, Commissioner


W. T. Barrett, Jr., Mayor


Nancy W. Jenkins, Administrator

Page of Meeting Minutes, March 1, 2016

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