All nominations, supporting documentation and letters of recommendation for honors and awards must be submitted by Thursday, January 3, 2013, to: Dr. Shepard S. Goldstein, Chair, Honors and Awards Committee, c/o Trina Andresen, American Association of Endodontists, 211 E. Chicago Ave., Suite 1100, Chicago, IL, 60611-2691.
The Part-Time Educator Award may be given annually to recognize an Active, Life, or Retired AAE member endodontist whose contributions to endodontics in the field of education have demonstrated dedication to endodontics as a part-time teacher of endodontics in a predoctoral program, or in an advanced specialty education program in endodontics, and whose valuable contributions have instilled in his/her students the desire to pursue excellence in their career. Nominations for this award remain active for two years.
The recipient must have demonstrated status as an outstanding part-time educator and mentor for a minimum of 20 years by earning the esteem and respect of peers, colleagues, faculty, and current or former students. The twenty years may be an accumulation of teaching years at different institutions.
The Chair of Endodontics or Director of the advanced specialty education program in endodontics where the nominee taught shall make the nomination. Nominations must include:
verification of part-time teaching status from the institution
the nominee’s current curriculum vitae
at least six but no more than ten letters from present/former students, endodontic educators/administrators, and other evidence as appropriate to support their value to endodontics as part-time educator.
Part-time shall be defined as an educator who is not considered full-time by the dental school or hospital where the educator taught endodontics in predoctoral programs or advanced specialty education programs in endodontics. The nominee may or may not have received compensation for their teaching.
Previous Part-Time Educator Recipients
J. Gordon Marshall '13
Please review the enclosed criteria when completing your nominations. A list of past award recipients is enclosed for reference.
AAE Part-Time Educator Award
Nominee (please print):
Qualifications for award, include CV:
Nomination Submitted By (please print):
Please return nominations with supporting documents by mail, fax or e-mail to:
Dr. Shepard S. Goldstein
Honors and Awards Committee Chair
c/o Trina R. Andresen
American Association of Endodontists
211 E. Chicago Avenue, Suite 1100
Chicago, IL 60611
Fax: 866/451-9020
E-mail: tandresen@aae.org
Nominations will remain confidential and must be received by Thursday, January 3, 2013.
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