Abortion clinics/services (4) Abuse prevention (70)

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Abortion clinics/services (4)
Abuse prevention (70)
Adoption (58)
Adult education--literacy, basic skills & GED (246)
Adult/continuing education (122)
Adults (4)
Adults, men (1)
Adults, women (4)
Afghanistan (4)
Africa (99)
African Americans/Blacks (127)
Aging (1005)
Aging, centers/services (851)
Agriculture (135)
Agriculture, farm bureaus/granges (5)
Agriculture, farm cooperatives (11)
Agriculture, farmlands (12)
Agriculture, livestock issues (2)
Agriculture, soil/water issues (7)
Agriculture/food (78)
AIDS (434)
AIDS research (196)
AIDS, people with (88)
Albania (5)
Alcoholism (121)
Alcoholism research (7)
Allergies (12)
Allergies research (9)
ALS (8)
ALS research (5)
Alzheimer's disease (153)
Alzheimer's disease research (59)
American Red Cross (466)
American studies (8)
Anatomy (animal) (1)
Anatomy (human) (3)
Anesthesiology (9)
Anesthesiology research (4)
Animal population control (24)
Animal welfare (1191)
Animals/wildlife (481)
Animals/wildlife, bird preserves (27)
Animals/wildlife, clubs (2)
Animals/wildlife, endangered species (19)
Animals/wildlife, exhibition (5)
Animals/wildlife, fisheries (34)
Animals/wildlife, preservation/protection (604)
Animals/wildlife, sanctuaries (28)
Animals/wildlife, special services (20)
Animals/wildlife, training (3)
Antarctica (1)
Anthropology/sociology (20)
Antigua & Barbuda (2)
Aquariums (44)
Architecture (55)
Archives (7)
Argentina (13)
Armenia (21)
Arms control (40)
Art & music therapy (9)
Art conservation (12)
Art history (19)
Arthritis (61)
Arthritis research (32)
Arts (10669)
Arts councils (51)
Arts education (382)
Arts, artist's services (39)
Arts, cultural/ethnic awareness (145)
Arts, folk arts (15)
Arts, multipurpose centers/programs (219)
Arts, services (22)
Asia (91)
Asians/Pacific Islanders (74)
Asthma (16)
Asthma research (9)
Astronomy (9)
Athletics/sports, academies (46)
Athletics/sports, amateur competition (20)
Athletics/sports, amateur leagues (77)
Athletics/sports, baseball (57)
Athletics/sports, basketball (19)
Athletics/sports, equestrianism (57)
Athletics/sports, fishing/hunting (6)
Athletics/sports, football (18)
Athletics/sports, golf (39)
Athletics/sports, Olympics (19)
Athletics/sports, professional leagues (10)
Athletics/sports, racquet sports (32)
Athletics/sports, school programs (82)
Athletics/sports, soccer (34)
Athletics/sports, Special Olympics (58)
Athletics/sports, training (38)
Athletics/sports, water sports (28)
Athletics/sports, winter sports (39)
Australia (34)
Austria (6)
Autism (49)
Autism research (23)
Azerbaijan (3)

Bahai (1)
Bahamas (15)
Bahrain (1)
Ballet (238)
Bangladesh (7)
Belarus (5)
Belgium (8)
Belize (4)
Bermuda (5)
Better business bureaus (1)
Big Brothers/Big Sisters (119)
Bioethics (6)
Biological sciences (120)
Biomedicine (95)
Biomedicine research (40)
Black studies (1)
Blind/visually impaired (100)
Bolivia (10)
Bosnia-Herzegovina (8)
Botanical gardens (227)
Botanical/horticulture/landscape services (41)
Botany (7)
Botswana (2)
Boy scouts (435)
Boys (2)
Boys & girls clubs (741)
Boys clubs (80)
Brain disorders (25)
Brain research (36)
Brazil (29)
Breast cancer (40)
Breast cancer research (37)
Buddhism (37)
Bulgaria (7)
Burn centers (18)
Burundi (1)
Business school/education (293)
Business/industry (79)
Business/industry, better business bureaus (1)
Business/industry, trade boards (2)

Cambodia (6)
Cameroon (3)
Camp Fire (8)
Campaign finance reform (1)
Camps (206)
Canada (177)
Cancer (1499)
Cancer research (997)
Cancer, leukemia (91)
Cancer, leukemia research (29)
Caribbean (29)
Caroline Islands (1)
Cemeteries/burial services (69)
Cemeteries/burial services, burial association (14)
Cemeteries/burial services, cemetery company (34)
Central Africa (1)
Central America (51)
Ceramic arts (15)
Cerebral palsy (71)
Cerebral palsy research (16)
Chemistry (36)
Child abuse (136)
Child development, education (348)
Child development, services (364)
Children (184)
Children, adoption (58)
Children, day care (101)
Children, foster care (38)
Children, services (1237)
Children/youth (77)
Children/youth, services (5858)
Chile (13)
China (70)
China & Mongolia (5)
Chiropractic (5)
Chiropractic research (1)
Choreography (11)
Christian agencies & churches (6344)
Circus arts (8)
Civic centers (24)
Civil liberties, advocacy (68)
Civil liberties, death penalty issues (5)
Civil liberties, due process (3)
Civil liberties, first amendment (16)
Civil liberties, freedom of information (2)
Civil liberties, freedom of religion (2)
Civil liberties, reproductive rights (60)
Civil liberties, right to die (2)
Civil liberties, right to life (28)
Civil liberties, right to privacy (1)
Civil rights (386)
Civil rights, advocacy (68)
Civil rights, aging (10)
Civil rights, disabled (18)
Civil rights, gays/lesbians (67)
Civil rights, immigrants (21)
Civil rights, minorities (36)
Civil rights, race/intergroup relations (149)
Civil rights, voter education (9)
Civil rights, women (62)
College (845)
College (community/junior) (83)
Colombia (5)
Community development (3406)
Community development, business promotion (37)
Community development, citizen coalitions (27)
Community development, civic centers (24)
Community development, men's clubs (1)
Community development, neighborhood associations (16)
Community development, neighborhood development (311)
Community development, public/private ventures (8)
Community development, real estate (8)
Community development, service clubs (30)
Community development, small businesses (36)
Community development, women's clubs (20)
Computer science (43)
Congo (2)
Consumer protection (11)
Continuing education (11)
Correctional facilities (12)
Costa Rica (6)
Courts/judicial administration (20)
Crime/abuse victims (4)
Crime/law enforcement (158)
Crime/law enforcement, correctional facilities (12)
Crime/law enforcement, counterterrorism (2)
Crime/law enforcement, DWI (3)
Crime/law enforcement, missing persons (2)
Crime/law enforcement, police agencies (53)
Crime/violence prevention (78)
Crime/violence prevention, abuse prevention (70)
Crime/violence prevention, child abuse (136)
Crime/violence prevention, domestic violence (155)
Crime/violence prevention, gun control (16)
Crime/violence prevention, sexual abuse (18)
Crime/violence prevention, youth (84)
Croatia (9)
Cuba (5)
Cultural/ethnic awareness (145)
Cyprus (3)
Cystic fibrosis (66)
Cystic fibrosis research (34)
Czech Republic (12)

Dance (211)
Day care (101)
Deaf/hearing impaired (28)
Denmark (7)
Dental care (75)
Dental school/education (59)
Depression (13)
Design (25)
Developing countries (35)
Developmentally disabled, centers & services (137)
Diabetes (208)
Diabetes research (131)
Diagnostic imaging (3)
Diagnostic imaging research (2)
Digestive diseases (14)
Digestive disorders research (14)
Disabilities, people with (1076)
Disasters, 9/11/01 (119)
Disasters, domestic resettlement (1)
Disasters, fire prevention/control (198)
Disasters, floods (8)
Disasters, Hurricane Katrina (73)
Disasters, preparedness/services (138)
Disasters, search/rescue (22)
Diseases (rare) (3)
Diseases (rare) research (11)
Dispute resolution (7)
Domestic violence (253)
Dominican Republic (8)
Down syndrome (17)
Down syndrome research (1)
Drawing (7)
Drop-out prevention (20)

Ear & throat diseases (38)
Ear & throat research (16)
Early childhood education (403)
Eastern Europe (25)
Eating disorders (8)
Economic development (376)
Economic development, visitors/convention bureau/tourism promotion (6)
Economically disadvantaged (1496)
Economics (126)
Ecuador (6)
Education (17827)
Education, alumni groups (14)
Education, bilingual programs (1)
Education, community/cooperative (15)
Education, continuing education (11)
Education, drop-out prevention (20)
Education, early childhood education (403)
Education, ESL programs (11)
Education, gifted students (12)
Education, PTA groups (7)
Education, reading (281)
Education, services (101)
Education, special (107)
Egypt (5)
El Salvador (11)
Elementary school/education (465)
Elementary/secondary education (3174)
Elementary/secondary school reform (23)
Employment (231)
Employment, job counseling (10)
Employment, labor unions/organizations (27)
Employment, retraining (6)
Employment, services (77)
Employment, sheltered workshops (2)
Employment, training (74)
Employment, vocational rehabilitation (7)
End of life care (12)
Energy (54)
Engineering (67)
Engineering school/education (163)
Engineering/technology (190)
England (35)
Environment (2428)
Environment, air pollution (19)
Environment, beautification programs (72)
Environment, energy (54)
Environment, forests (69)
Environment, global warming (11)
Environment, land resources (168)
Environment, natural resources (1835)
Environment, noise pollution (2)
Environment, plant conservation (41)
Environment, pollution control (38)
Environment, radiation control (2)
Environment, recycling (6)
Environment, toxics (17)
Environment, waste management (8)
Environment, water pollution (26)
Environment, water resources (117)
Environmental education (119)
Epilepsy (16)
Epilepsy research (8)
Eritrea (2)
Estonia (8)
Ethiopia (6)
Ethnic studies (10)
Europe (65)
Eye diseases (332)
Eye research (153)

Family planning (510)
Family services (1631)
Family services, adolescent parents (15)
Family services, counseling (20)
Family services, domestic violence (110)
Family services, home/homemaker aid (2)
Family services, parent education (37)
Family services, single parents (18)
Federated giving programs (4568)
Fiji (1)
Film/video (174)
Financial services (8)
Financial services, credit unions (1)
Finland (7)
Folk arts (15)
Food banks (264)
Food distribution, groceries on wheels (17)
Food distribution, meals on wheels (94)
Food services (587)
Food services, agency eatery (4)
Food services, commodity distribution (5)
Food services, congregate meals (10)
Foreign policy (53)
Foster care (38)
Foundations (community) (692)
Foundations (corporate) (1)
Foundations (non-grantmaking, non-operating) (2)
Foundations (private grantmaking) (174)
Foundations (private independent) (37)
Foundations (private operating) (34)
Foundations (public) (284)
France (43)
Fraternal societies (37)
Fraternal societies (501(c)(8)) (1)
French Guiana (1)

Genealogy (18)
General charitable giving (1217)
Genetics/birth defects (39)
Genetics/birth defects research (19)
Geology (6)
Georgia (Republic of) (4)
Geriatrics (44)
Geriatrics research (10)
Germany (36)
Gerontology (7)
Ghana (5)
Girl scouts (145)
Girls (32)
Girls clubs (36)
Global programs (44)
Global warming (11)
Goodwill Industries (19)
Government agencies (38)
Government/public administration (507)
Graduate/professional education (85)
Greece (33)
Guatemala (19)
Guinea (3)
Gun control (16)

Haiti (17)
Health care (6853)
Health care, blood supply (9)
Health care, burn centers (18)
Health care, clinics/centers (195)
Health care, cost containment (7)
Health care, counseling/pastoral care (4)
Health care, emergency transport services (32)
Health care, EMS (22)
Health care, financing (21)
Health care, HMOs (4)
Health care, home services (58)
Health care, infants (45)
Health care, insurance (8)
Health care, organ/tissue banks (10)
Health care, patient services (49)
Health care, rural areas (5)
Health care, support services (36)
Health organizations (5231)
Health sciences school/education (28)
Heart & circulatory diseases (256)
Heart & circulatory research (153)
Hematology (1)
Hematology research (7)
Hemophilia (6)
Hemophilia research (8)
Higher education (13440)
Higher education reform (4)
Higher education, college (845)
Higher education, college (community/junior) (83)
Higher education, university (1700)
Hinduism (23)
Hispanics/Latinos (71)
Historic preservation/historical societies (1168)
Historical activities (238)
Historical activities, centennials (1)
Historical activities, genealogy (18)
Historical activities, war memorials (17)
History/archaeology (137)
Holistic medicine (1)
Home economics (2)
Homeless (473)
Homeless, human services (373)
Honduras (16)
Hong Kong (8)
Horticulture/garden clubs (42)
Hospices (575)
Hospitals (general) (6175)
Hospitals (psychiatric) (7)
Hospitals (specialty) (507)
Hospitals, intensive care (2)
Housing/shelter (573)
Housing/shelter, aging (68)
Housing/shelter, co-ops (3)
Housing/shelter, development (455)
Housing/shelter, expense aid (11)
Housing/shelter, home owners (11)
Housing/shelter, homeless (96)
Housing/shelter, owner/renter issues (1)
Housing/shelter, public housing (14)
Housing/shelter, rehabilitation (5)
Housing/shelter, repairs (12)
Housing/shelter, search services (6)
Housing/shelter, services (40)
Housing/shelter, SROs (1)
Housing/shelter, temporary shelter (36)
Human services (18154)
Human services, emergency aid (81)
Human services, financial counseling (42)
Human services, gift distribution (7)
Human services, mind/body enrichment (17)
Human services, personal services (12)
Human services, self-help groups (7)
Human services, transportation (3)
Human services, travelers' aid (1)
Human services, victim aid (21)
Humanities (341)
Hungary (16)

Iceland (3)
Immigrants/refugees (82)
Immunology (16)
Immunology research (16)
Independent housing for people with disabilities (1)
India (146)
Indian Subcontinent & Afghanistan (1)
Indigenous people (2)
Indonesia (12)
Infants/toddlers (8)
Insurance, providers (3)
Internal medicine research (2)
International affairs (288)
International affairs, arms control (40)
International affairs, foreign policy (53)
International affairs, goodwill promotion (52)
International affairs, national security (4)
International affairs, U.N. (6)
International agricultural development (8)
International conflict resolution (11)
International democracy & civil society development (1)
International development (131)
International economic development (45)
International economics/trade policy (4)
International exchange (16)
International exchange, arts (10)
International exchange, students (11)
International human rights (181)
International migration/refugee issues (9)
International peace/security (130)
International relief (200)
International relief, 2004 tsunami (8)
International studies (32)
International terrorism (6)
Iran (3)
Iraq (4)
Ireland (17)
Islam (60)
Israel (369)
Italy (32)

Jamaica (5)
Japan (36)
Jewish agencies & temples (7354)
Jewish federated giving programs (3786)
Jordan (3)
Journalism school/education (8)
Journalism/publishing (105)

Kazakhstan (2)
Kenya (17)
Kidney diseases (49)
Kidney research (36)
Korea (8)
Kuwait (1)
Kyrgyzstan (3)

Labor studies (2)
Labor unions/organizations (27)
Landscaping (10)
Language (foreign) (8)
Language/linguistics (50)
Laos (1)
Latin America (79)
Latvia (8)
Law school/education (347)
Law/international law (28)
Leadership development (185)
Learning disorders (31)
Learning disorders research (4)
Lebanon (12)
Legal services (241)
Legal services, public interest law (28)
Legal services, tenant law (2)
Lesotho (2)
Leukemia (91)
Leukemia research (29)
LGBTQ (121)
Liberia (4)
Libraries (academic/research) (16)
Libraries (law) (2)
Libraries (medical) (7)
Libraries (public) (668)
Libraries (school) (44)
Libraries (special) (52)
Libraries, archives (7)
Libraries/library science (882)
Libya (1)
Literature (173)
Lithuania (7)
Liver disorders (6)
Liver research (11)
Lung diseases (54)
Lung research (33)
Lupus (19)
Lupus research (16)
Luxembourg (2)

Macedonia (4)
Madagascar (3)
Malawi (3)
Malaysia (9)
Malta (1)
Marianas (3)
Marine science (72)
Marshall Islands (1)
Mathematics (68)
Media, film/video (174)
Media, journalism/publishing (105)
Media, radio (163)
Media, television (227)
Media/communications (305)
Medical care, bioethics (6)
Medical care, community health systems (52)
Medical care, in-patient care (235)
Medical care, outpatient care (35)
Medical care, rehabilitation (260)
Medical research (2247)
Medical school/education (983)
Medical specialty research (15)
Medicine/medical care (23)
Men (4)
Mental health, addictions (6)
Mental health, association (43)
Mental health, clinics (8)
Mental health, counseling/support groups (17)
Mental health, depression (13)
Mental health, disorders (13)
Mental health, eating disorders (8)
Mental health, gambling addiction (1)
Mental health, grief/bereavement counseling (1)
Mental health, residential care (14)
Mental health, schizophrenia (5)
Mental health, smoking (14)
Mental health, stress (1)
Mental health, transitional care (1)
Mental health, treatment (64)
Mental health/crisis services (422)
Mental health/crisis services, hot-lines (8)
Mental health/crisis services, rape victim services (10)
Mental health/crisis services, suicide (13)
Mentally disabled (29)
Mexico (110)
Micronesia (2)
Middle East (57)
Migrant workers (6)
Military/veterans (12)
Military/veterans' organizations (84)
Minorities (473)
Minorities/immigrants, centers/services (132)
Moldova (5)
Monaco (1)
Mongolia (3)
Mormon agencies & churches (60)
Mozambique (3)
Multiple sclerosis (99)
Multiple sclerosis research (26)
Multipurpose centers/programs (219)
Muscular dystrophy (42)
Muscular dystrophy research (7)
Museums (2488)
Museums (art) (1069)
Museums (children's) (121)
Museums (ethnic/folk arts) (69)
Museums (history) (154)
Museums (marine/maritime) (54)
Museums (natural history) (92)
Museums (science/technology) (100)
Museums (specialized) (166)
Museums (sports/hobby) (11)
Music (946)
Music (choral) (33)
Music composition (21)
Music ensembles/groups (37)
Mutual aid societies (5)
Myasthenia gravis (2)
Myasthenia gravis research (2)

Native Americans/American Indians (167)
Natural resources (1835)
Neighborhood centers (75)
Nepal (13)
Nerve, muscle & bone diseases (38)
Nerve, muscle & bone research (29)
Netherlands (16)
Neuroscience (39)
Neuroscience research (58)
New Zealand (9)
Nicaragua (14)
Nigeria (8)
Nonprofit management (47)
North Korea (2)
Northeast Africa (1)
Northern Ireland (1)
Norway (1)
Nursing care (158)
Nursing home/convalescent facility (112)
Nursing school/education (266)
Nutrition (105)

Obstetrics/gynecology (1)
Obstetrics/gynecology research (2)
Oceania (10)
Offenders/ex-offenders (1)
Offenders/ex-offenders, prison alternatives (4)
Offenders/ex-offenders, rehabilitation (14)
Offenders/ex-offenders, services (9)
Offenders/ex-offenders, transitional care (1)
Opera (422)
Optometry/vision screening (20)
Orchestra (symphony) (857)
Organ diseases (12)
Organ research (13)
Orthodox Catholic agencies & churches (91)
Orthopedics (14)
Orthopedics research (12)

Painting (27)
Pakistan (19)
Panama (2)
Papua New Guinea (2)
Paraguay (1)
Paranormal/mystic studies (3)
Parasitic diseases (2)
Parasitic diseases research (3)
Parkinson's disease (28)
Parkinson's disease research (26)
Parks/playgrounds (286)
Pathology (5)
Pathology research (3)
Pediatrics (111)
Pediatrics research (49)
Pensions (2)
Pensions, teacher funds (2)
Performing arts (1740)
Performing arts (multimedia) (6)
Performing arts centers (290)
Performing arts, ballet (238)
Performing arts, choreography (11)
Performing arts, circus arts (8)
Performing arts, dance (211)
Performing arts, education (109)
Performing arts, music (945)
Performing arts, music (choral) (33)
Performing arts, music composition (21)
Performing arts, music ensembles/groups (37)
Performing arts, opera (422)
Performing arts, orchestra (symphony) (857)
Performing arts, theater (943)
Performing arts, theater (musical) (22)
Performing arts, theater (playwriting) (25)
Peru (18)
Pharmacology (3)
Pharmacology research (1)
Pharmacy/prescriptions (36)
Philanthropy/voluntarism (440)
Philippines (30)
Philosophy/ethics (28)
Photography (44)
Physical therapy (20)
Physical/earth sciences (37)
Physically disabled (29)
Physics (19)
Planetarium (4)
Podiatry (2)
Poland (26)
Political science (34)
Population studies (37)
Portugal (7)
Poverty studies (5)
Pregnancy centers (2)
Prostate cancer (5)
Prostate cancer research (14)
Protestant agencies & churches (3519)
Protestant federated giving programs (46)
Psychology/behavioral science (32)
Public affairs (562)
Public affairs, citizen participation (52)
Public affairs, election regulation (1)
Public affairs, finance (7)
Public affairs, government agencies (38)
Public affairs, political organizations (12)
Public health (144)
Public health school/education (15)
Public health, bioterrorism (2)
Public health, communicable diseases (4)
Public health, epidemiology (4)
Public health, occupational health (3)
Public health, STDs (5)
Public policy, research (242)

Race/intergroup relations (149)
Radio (164)
Rape victim services (10)
Reading (282)
Recreation (890)
Recreation, camps (207)
Recreation, centers (36)
Recreation, community facilities (55)
Recreation, country clubs (4)
Recreation, fairs/festivals (6)
Recreation, parks/playgrounds (286)
Recreation, social clubs (18)
Recycling (8)
Religion (2288)
Religion, interfaith issues (70)
Religious federated giving programs (82)
Reproductive health (53)
Reproductive health, abortion clinics/services (4)
Reproductive health, family planning (511)
Reproductive health, fertility (5)
Reproductive health, OBGYN/Birthing centers (4)
Reproductive health, prenatal care (15)
Reproductive health, sexuality education (8)
Reproductive rights (59)
Research (242)
Residential/custodial care (249)
Residential/custodial care, group home (50)
Residential/custodial care, half-way house (7)
Residential/custodial care, hospices (574)
Residential/custodial care, senior continuing care (73)
Residential/custodial care, special day care (7)
Roman Catholic agencies & churches (2191)
Roman Catholic federated giving programs (161)
Romania (13)
Rural development (70)
Rural studies (1)
Russia (44)
Rwanda (6)

Safety, automotive safety (11)
Safety, education (34)
Safety, first aid training (1)
Safety, poisons (1)
Safety/disasters (172)
Saint Kitts-Nevis (1)
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines (1)
Salvation Army (891)
Samoa (3)
Saudi Arabia (1)
Scandinavia (1)
Schizophrenia (5)
Scholarships/financial aid (2051)
Science (532)
Scotland (12)
Sculpture (29)
Secondary school/education (1447)
Senegal (1)
Senior continuing care (73)
Serbia (5)
Sexual abuse (18)
Sickle cell disease (1)
SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) (4)
SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) research (2)
Sierra Leone (2)
Singapore (9)
Single parents (19)
Skin disorders (21)
Skin disorders research (12)
Slovakia (8)
Slovenia (4)
Smoking (14)
Social entrepreneurship (8)
Social sciences (128)
Social sciences, interdisciplinary studies (4)
Social work school/education (6)
South Africa (38)
South America (49)
South Korea (5)
Southeast Asia (16)
Southern Africa (10)
Soviet Union (Former) (14)
Space/aviation (37)
Spain (11)
Speech/hearing centers (53)
Spine disorders (26)
Spine disorders research (28)
Sri Lanka (4)
Stress (1)
Student services/organizations (51)
Students, sororities/fraternities (42)
Sub-Saharan Africa (6)
Substance abuse, prevention (65)
Substance abuse, services (295)
Substance abuse, treatment (57)
Substance abusers (2)
Sudan (4)
Suicide (13)
Surgery (12)
Surgery research (13)
Suriname (1)
Swaziland (1)
Sweden (7)
Switzerland (11)
Syria (3)

Taiwan (13)
Tajikistan (2)
Tanzania (12)
Teacher school/education (58)
Telecommunications (12)
Telecommunications, electronic messaging services (14)
Television (228)
Terminal illness, people with (1)
Thailand (14)
Theater (943)
Theater (musical) (22)
Theater (playwriting) (25)
Theological school/education (624)
Theology (14)
Thrift shops (7)
Transportation (34)
Trinidad & Tobago (2)
Tropical diseases (2)
Tropical diseases research (1)
Turkey (8)
Turkmenistan (2)
Turks & Caicos Islands (1)


Uganda (8)
Ukraine (17)
United Arab Emirates (1)
United Kingdom (56)
University (1703)
Urban League (7)
Urban studies (1)
Urban/community development (148)
Uruguay (5)
Uzbekistan (4)

Vatican City (2)
Venezuela (6)
Venture philanthropy (36)
Veterinary medicine (42)
Veterinary medicine, hospital (27)
Vietnam (14)
Visitors/convention bureau/tourism promotion (6)
Visual arts (444)
Visual arts, architecture (55)
Visual arts, art conservation (12)
Visual arts, ceramic arts (15)
Visual arts, design (25)
Visual arts, drawing (7)
Visual arts, painting (27)
Visual arts, photography (44)
Visual arts, sculpture (29)
Vocational education (139)
Vocational education, post-secondary (33)
Vocational rehabilitation (7)
Vocational school, secondary (3)
Voluntarism promotion (127)
Volunteers of America (5)
Voter education (9)

Wales (5)
Waste management (10)
Water pollution (26)
Welfare policy/reform (8)
West Bank/Gaza (8)
Western Africa (3)
Women (838)
Women's studies (8)
Women, centers/services (462)

YM/YWCAs & YM/YWHAs (1196)
Young adults (3)
Young adults, female (5)
Young adults, male (2)
Youth (148)
Youth development (1477)
Youth development, adult & child programs (77)
Youth development, agriculture (18)
Youth development, business (33)
Youth development, centers/clubs (292)
Youth development, citizenship (46)
Youth development, community service clubs (24)
Youth development, intergenerational programs (5)
Youth development, religion (33)
Youth development, scouting agencies (general) (73)
Youth development, services (288)
Youth, pregnancy prevention (36)
Youth, services (1167)
Yugoslavia (5)

Zambia (6)
Zimbabwe (6)
Zoos/zoological societies (344)
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