9th March 2016
Dear Parent Guardian
Accelerated Reader Programme
‘There is no such thing as a child who hates to read; there are only children who have not found the right book yet.’ Frank Serafini
Reading is something that helps children develop their vocabulary, become more knowledgeable and articulate their thoughts and ideas more clearly. In September we implemented a programme called Accelerated Reader to help students in Year 7 and 8 improve their reading ages and it is already having a huge effect.
Students are given the opportunity to read for 20 minutes a day during their English and Opening Minds lessons. On Monday we have Drop Everything and Read (DEaR) where all tutor groups, including teachers, read during tutor time.
We have recently launched the ‘Millionaires Club’ celebrating students’ achievements when they have read a million words. They also have the opportunity to be rewarded through the school’s BESt points system, especially when they complete and pass quizzes based on the books they are reading.
We feel so strongly about the Accelerated Reading Programme that we have asked all staff to show which books they are reading. You will see names of staff and the current book they are reading in tutor rooms and on doors around the school.
I would like to request your support in encouraging your child to continue to read books whenever possible and have conversations with them about the books they are reading, as this is a highly motivational activity.
Yours faithfully
Mr P Akhtar
Subject Leader IT & Computing
Lead Accelerated Reading Programme
Northgate Bridgnorth Shropshire WV16 4ER
Headteacher Mr P Loveday : Chair of Governors Mr M Freathy
Telephone 01746 762103 : Fax 01746 768340
Email: admin@bridgnorthendowed.co.uk website: www.bridgnorthendowed.co.uk
Bridgnorth Endowed School is a charity and a company limited by guarantee, registered office in England and Wales with company number 8296889 whose registered office is at: Bridgnorth Endowed School, Northgate, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, WV16 4ER
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