Ada Iformation Clearinghouse Newsletter July 1989 Volume VII no. 2 The Ada Information Clearinghouse (AdaIC) Newsletter is a quarterly publi- cation of the AdaIC

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Ada Iformation Clearinghouse Newsletter July 1989 Volume VII no. 2 The Ada Information Clearinghouse (AdaIC) Newsletter is a quarterly publi- cation of the AdaIC. Comments concerning this publication should be brought to the attention of the AdaIC at the following address: Ada Infor- mation Clearinghouse, Rm 3D139 (1211 Fern St./C-107), The Pentagon, Wash- ington, DC 20301-3081, (703) 685-1477. The AdaIC is contractor operated for the Department of Defense, Ada Joint Program Office (AJPO). Support is provided by IIT Research Institute. Letter from Dr. Solomond Director, Ada Joint Program Office Dear friend of Ada: As this is the first issue of the Ada Information Clearinghouse Newsletter since I became the AJPO#s Director, I'd like to look at two of the Ada community#s most important projects: the Ada Technology Insertion Program (ATIP); and the revision of Ada that will bring this language into the '90s -- Ada 9X. For FY89, the ATIP program will have a budget of about $7 million. To date, ten projects have been approved: two Army, three Navy, three Air Force, and two from the Defense Communications Agency. A future issue of this newsletter will describe these programs. ATIP's objectives are straightforward: to provide risk reduction for the insertion of Ada technology into DoD systems; and to accelerate Ada usage in currently developing systems. Individual ATIP projects typically ad- dress high-risk projects, or projects that pose multiple technological barriers to the use of Ada. Those objectives alone indicate that ATIP is Ada's leading edge. But we also have to look at ATIP from the point of view of people who aren't using Ada to the full extent possible -- or who aren't familiar enough with Ada to realize its benefits. These people are programmers, designers, and administrators -- decision makers of all sorts. In a time of budgetary constraints, it's a natural tendency to stick with existing technology. We hope that the ATIP projects will show how jobs can be done effectively and economically with Ada. But we have to make sure that the news gets to those who will benefit from it. I hope you'll keep up on the projects. If one or more of them looks particularly interesting, please call the AdaIC and ask for more information. The more informed you are, the more informed the entire user community will be. And if you see any opportunities that you think we might be missing, I hope you'll let us know that, too. Your help is also vital to the success of the Ada 9X Project. The revision of Ada is an evolutionary process, and those who actually use Ada Information Clearinghouse Newsletter Ada are the most important element in that evolution. The Ada 9X Project Manager, Christine Anderson, is encouraging as broad an input as possible -- from both DoD and non-DoD sources, from both commercial and academic sources, from the United States and overseas, and from the international standards community. The main requirement for contributors is simply that requests for revision be accompanied by sound, well reasoned justifications. You can check the December 1988 issue of this newsletter for the appropriate format; or call the AdaIC. And if you'd like to see what others have suggested, contact the AdaIC; all revision requests are made available to the public via the Ada 9X electronic bulletin board. In the days ahead, I and other AJPO staff may meet some of you at the vari- ous conferences that focus on Ada. For those of you we don't meet person- ally, I hope you'll feel free to keep in touch with the AJPO electroni- cally. Together, we can continue the AJPO's record of service to the Ada community and to all those who benefit from Ada programs. AJPO Has New Director Dr. John P. Solomond has been appointed Director of the Ada Joint Program Office. Dr. Solomond comes to the AJPO from Headquarters, Army Materiel Command, where he was Chief of Acquisition, Software. Prior to that, he was Army Deputy Director of the Software Technology for Adaptable Reliable Systems (STARS) program. He is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Elec- In This Issue New AJPO Director 2 Common APSE Interface Set 2 ASEET Symposium 2 Ada Documents at DTIC/NTIS 3 Ada 9X Project Announcement 3 Dear AVO 4 Ada 9X Report 5 CECOM Explores Real-Time 6 Embedded Systems Validated Ada Compilers List 10 Ada Usage Database 26 Compiler Validation Procedures 38 Update Ada Calendar 39 tronics Engineers (IEEE), and a referee for one of the IEEE's publications, IEEE Software. Dr. Solomond is a graduate of Carnegie-Mellon University, having received his bachelor's and master's degrees in electrical engineering there; his Ph.D. is from Texas A&M University. Common APSE Interface Set (CAIS) Developed under a Tri-Service Memorandum of Agreement, the Common APSE Interface Set (CAIS) was designed to provide a tool portability layer that would be implementable on a variety of computer hardware and operating- system configurations. Implementation of the CAIS provides the tool builder with a standard set of tool interfaces described in the STONEMAN KAPSE. In addition, the CAIS design's underlying node model design provides support for entity management and process management -- which are critical elements of a truly integrated programming support environment. The basic functionality of the CAIS has been expanded to include such fea- tures as typing, distribution, transaction support, expanded input/output, resource control, and security. This expanded interface set is CAIS-A, and its specification is in the formal standardization process for release later this year. NATO has accepted CAIS-A as the basis for production quality implementa- tions of a NATO APSE; software development tools are in design for integra- tion in this environment. Two of the three STARS Competing Primes have adopted CAIS as the basis of their software engineering environments; they are also developing tools for subsequent integration. A demonstration of a CAIS/VMS implementation is scheduled for the WADAS '89 conference in June; also, a demonstration of a prototype CAIS-A implementa- tion is being planned for SIGAda later this summer. These demonstrations will provide the Ada community with an opportunity to observe real imple- mentations of the CAIS specification and to learn about future CAIS-related activities. ASEET Symposium in Houston As we went to press, the Fourth Annual Ada Software Engineering Education and Training (ASEET) Symposium was on schedule for June 13 to June 15 in Houston, Texas. Educators from the Department of Defense (DoD), industry, and academia are participating in the forum. The purpose of the symposium is to discuss Ada education and training using good software engineering techniques and the role of ASEET in the implementation of Ada. To date, approximately 250 attendees have registered to attend this symposium. The keynote speaker is Dr. Robert Firth of the Software Engineering Insti- tute. Dr. Firth was a member of the Ada language design team and, to- gether with Jean Ichbiah and John Barnes, developed the first DoD-sponsored Ada course. At the symposium, Dr. Firth will express his views on the role of a programming language as a means of instruction. The symposium is sponsored by the ASEET Team, and Team members are sched- uled to teach the three tutorials offered on Tuesday: Introduction to Ada; Advanced Ada Topics - Generics/Tasking; and Ada Implementations - APSE & CAIS/Ada for Program Managers. Papers and panels include such topics as data structures, training managers, object-oriented design, training is- sues, and education. With more than 20 speakers, the symposium offers too much material to summarize here. Sixteen vendors are scheduled to have exhibits at the Symposium. The Sym- posium is an opportunity for both vendors and educators to share ideas on software engineering and Ada-education issues. Ada Documents: Recent Releases The following documents have recently been made available from the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) and the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). Registered DTIC users can receive a regular listing of such releases by asking for the Current Awareness Bibliography (CAB) on the Ada programming language. Design Specification for Test and Evaluation of the NATO Common Ada Pro- gramming Support Environment (APSE) Interface Set (CAIS) Implementation February 1989 AD A206 554 A North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Special Working Group (SWG) on Ada Programming Support Environments (APSEs) was established in October 1986. Its charter is to develop a tool set that constitutes an APSE, to evaluate the APSE on both an individual component basis and on a holistic level, and to define a NATO interface standard for APSEs. The agreed-upon tool interface set for the NATO effort is a variant of the CAIS standard, DoD-STD-1838. CAIS provides a standard set of kernel interfaces for APSE tools, thus promoting portability of tools across disparate architectures. This report outlines an approach and specifies the design for the develop- ment of the test and evaluation environment. The design outlines the tests to be developed and discusses attributes of the test environment that in- fluence the design of the test suite. Conformity Issues of Ada Tasking and the Effects of Ada Generics on Object Code Size March 1989 AD-A206-095 This thesis was intended to explore three areas of concern in Ada compiler testing. First, tests were designed and implemented to try to determine the fairness of Ada task scheduling algorithms within the run-time system of Ada compilers. Next, an algorithm for using the Ada conditional entry call in implied priority schemes was developed. The algorithm was then coded and verified for correctness. Third, the author explored the effect of Ada generics on object code generation. Six Ada programs were devel- oped in both generic and explicit forms to determine the extent of object code inflation when using generics. Results of the work show that many individual compilation systems approach the problem of task scheduling dif- ferently. The evidence gathered showed that, for the tests used in this part of the work, the compilers were generally not fair to equal priority tasks. While the tests were structured to ensure that all tasks had equal priorities and equal duties to perform, they were also designed with disregard for timing re- quirements on the rendezvous. Hence, the unfairness of a compilation sys- tem may be traceable to the large overhead involved in using the rendez- vous. Parallel Ada Implementation of a Multiple Model Kalman Filter Tracking System: A Software Engineering Approach. March 1989 AD A206 094 The success of the Strategic Defense Initiative depends directly on sig- nificant advances in both computer hardware and software development tech- nologies. Parallel architectures and the Ada programming language have ad- vantages that make them candidates for use in SDI command and control com- puter systems. This thesis examines those advantages in the context of an SDI-type application: The implementation of a Kalman filter tracking sys- tem. This research consists of three parts. The first is a set of soft- ware engineering guidelines developed for use in creating parallel designs suitable for implementation in Ada. These guidelines covert the design process from initial problem analysis to final detailed design. Methods of problem decomposition are discussed, as are language partitioning strate- gies. Justification is provided for using the Ada task construct for proc- ess boundaries, and Ada multitasking design issues are reviewed. A paral- lel software design methodology is also described. The documents above can be ordered from DTIC or NTIS at the following loca- tions: Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) Cameron Station Special Ada 9X Project Announcement from Chris Anderson Ada 9X Project Manager It is with great pleasure that I announce the selection of members of the Ada 9X Project Requirements Team, and the Distinguished Reviewers Group. For those of you in the Ada community who could not commit this much time to the project but would still like to participate, there will be many other opportunities to review and comment on Ada 9X Project activities. Requirements Team Technical Cy Ardoin Institute for Defense Analyses Paul Baker CTA, Inc. Doug Dunlop Intermetrics Joe Linn Institute for Defense Analyses Steve Michell Prior Data Systems, Canada Karl Nyberg Grebyn Corp. Management/Support Audrey Hook Institute for Defense Analyses Cathy McDonald Institute for Defense Analyses Distinguished Reviewers Emeritus Member Jean Ichbiah Alsys Members Grady Booch Rational Ben Brosgol Alsys Norm Cohen IBM Robert Dewar New York University Gary Dismukes TELESOFT David Fisher Incremental Systems Anthony Gargaro Computer Sciences Corp. Alexandria, VA 22314 202/274-7633 or National Technical Information Service (NTIS) U.S. Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 703/487-4650 Mark Gerhardt ESL John Goodenough Software Engineering Institute Ernesto Guerrieri SofTech Tim Harrison SPC Stephen Heilbrunner IABG, Germany Marlow Henne Sverdrup Paul Hilfinger Univ. of California at Berkley Mike Kamrad Unisys Roudolf Landwehr CCI, Germany Kit Lester Portsmouth Polytechnic, UK Randal Leavitt Prior Data Sciences, Canada Lennert Mansson TeleLogic, Sweden Bob Mathis Contel Mike Mills Air Force/ASD Charlie Mitchell Digital Equipment Corporation Erhard Ploedereder Tartan David Pogge Navy/NWC Kent Power Boeing Olivier Roubine Syseca, France Tucker Taft Intermetrics Bill Taylor Ferranti, UK Eugen Vasilescu GNV Tom Wheeler Army/CECOM Dear AVO The AJPO, Ada Validation Organization (AVO) and the Ada Validation Facili- ties (AVFs) receive and answer many questions concerning procedures and guidelines for compiler implementation. In the interest of promoting a better understanding of how the compiler validation process actually works, the AdaIC publishes these answers as a regular column. If you have ques- tions or comments, please send them to the AdaIC. (Attn: Michele Kee) Question: I've just started reading the newsletter, but I understand that the December issue announced some changes to the validation process for Ada compilers. I was wondering what those changes were -- is it possible to get copies of old issues? Also, the new version (1.11) of the Ada Compiler Validation Capability becomes the official test suite on Dec. 1 this year. I'm not clear on how policy changes are related to changes in the ACVC. Does the validation policy change with new versions of the test suite? Answer: For back issues of the newsletter, just contact the Ada Informa- tion Clearinghouse. Briefly, though, the recent changes affected two points: the life of the test suite, and the life of validation certificates. Henceforth, a test suite will have a life of 18 months. (It used to be 12 months.) ACVC 1.11 went into its public, field-test period on June 1; it enters its official period on Dec. 1 of this year (when ACVC 1.10 expires). ACVC 1.11 will expire on June 1, 1991. One -- and only one -- version of the test suite will be in its official period at any one time. Also, there will now be a common expiration date for all validation cer- tificates that are awarded for successful testing under a given version of the AVCV test suite. Certificates will all expire one year after the expi- ration of the test-suite version. So, all validation certificates awarded under ACVC 1.10 will expire on Dec. 1, 1990 -- regardless of when they were issued. Moving to your question about validation policy and the test suite, the two are not tied together. Policy changes that affect the life of a test suite and validation certificates are independent of a particular ACVC version. AJPO policy decisions respond to the Ada community's requirements for change. In making the changes mentioned above, for instance, the AJPO's main intent was to reduce the burden of validation testing on vendors -- regardless of which test-suite version was in effect. Question: My copy of the ##Ada Validation Procedures and Guidelines'' (issued by AJPO) is dated January 1987. I've heard a rumor that the guide- lines have been been revised. If they have, is the new version available yet? And why were they revised? Answer: There's truth in that rumor, and there are a couple of reasons for revision. First, the guidelines have been revised to reflect current Ada Validation Facility (AVF) practices. Also, the changes reflect current policy for the life of a test suite and for the life of validation certificates. (See the question above and ##Dear AVO'' in the December 1988 issue of this newslet- ter.) In the validation process, the steps for validation by AVF testing remain the same. For validation by registration, however, the revised version spells out procedures in more detail. Changes were made so that all ven- dors will provide complete information substantiating a registration re- quest. The revised ##Ada Validation Procedures and Guidelines'' should be avail- able during July. To get a copy, you can ask your AVF manager, or call the Ada Information Clearinghouse. Ada 9X Chris Anderson Ada 9X project Manager Air Force Armament Laboratory REPORT TO THE PUBLIC Lots of activity has occurred since my last report in January. I have had the pleasure of meeting and talking with many of you -- and most impor- tantly, listening to your thoughts regarding the revision process. I would like to take this opportunity once again to stress that the Ada 9X Project focuses on a revision and not a redesign of the language. I am very con- cerned about any impact of the revision on the Ada community, and I intend to strategically balance necessary change and stability. ADA 9X BULLETIN BOARD The Ada 9X Project Office has established a toll-free electronic bulletin board in the U.S.; it contains the current state of the Project, important announcements, and revision requests. The number is 1-800-Ada9X25 (301/ 459-8939). In Europe, Karel de Vriendt of the European Economic Commission has established a sister Ada 9X electronic bulletin board on the EuroKom system. For more information about the European bulletin board, contact EuroKom in Dublin: tel +353 1 697890; or send a message to PROJECT PLAN The Ada 9X Project Plan was completed in January and distributed at several conferences in February. On March 1, I formally ##unveiled'' the Plan in a presentation at the SIGAda/AdaJUG meeting in Santa Clara, Calif. The Plan is available via the Defense Technical Information Center (202/274-7633) as document AD A205-230. It is also available on the Ada 9X Bulletin Board (minus the figures). I was pleased to hear from several Ada Board members that I had captured the intent of their recommendations as recorded in the Ada Board's Ada 9X Strategy Report. ********* If you have comments on the test suite please send them to the AVO so fu- ture releases can be improved. Ms. Audrey Hook Institute for Defense Analyses 1801 Beauregard Street Alexandria, VA 22311 REVISION REQUEST COLLECTION The collection of revision requests is underway and will continue until October 1989. Request forms are available on the Ada 9X Bulletin Board with mailing directions. As of June 1, we had received 101 new requests. Also, the issues turned into ISO WG-9 over the past few years will auto- matically be considered. Requests may be viewed on the Ada 9X Bulletin Board. GOVERNMENT ADVISORY GROUP The first meeting of the Government Advisory Group was held on Feb. 23 in Destin, Fla. Representatives from various DoD organizations, the FAA, and NASA attended. Special guests included Mr. William Ritchie, then Acting Director of the AJPO, and Dr. John Solomond, now Director of the AJPO. It was an extremely productive meeting, and very gratifying to see representa- tives from such diverse government organizations united for a common pur- pose. The next meeting is scheduled for September. TEAM APPLICATIONS Thank you for the very positive response to the call for Requirements Team and Distinguished Reviewer candidates. I wish I could have selected every- one, but that would make group dynamics difficult -- not to mention blow my budget! For those not selected, I urge you to continue to actively par- ticipate; there will be more opportunities later. (See p.3 for the names of those selected) Ada 9X PROJECT REQUIREMENTS WORKSHOP Ada experts from around the world gathered the week of May 22-26, 1989 at the Ada 9X Project Requirements Workshop in Destin, Florida, to identify and articulate revision requirements for the Ada language standard, ANSI/ MIL-STD-1815A. Workshop participants were selected based on one-page posi- tion statements they submitted to the Ada 9X Project. Participants were organized into five working groups: o Trusted Systems/Verification -- formal methods, security, trusted systems, and verification. o Software Engineering in the Large -- object-oriented design, reuse, prototyping, and interfacing with secondary standards or other languages. o Real-Time Embedded Systems -- real-time embedded systems issues, in- cluding shared variables, scheduling, tasking, and communications. o Distributed/Parallel Systems -- distributed systems and parallel sys- tems issues, including shared variables, scheduling, tasking, and communi- cations. o Information Systems -- military and commercial information systems including command and control applications. The task of each working group was to prepare a draft report of recommended revision requirements, which will be finalized by 16 June. The Workshop was tremendously successful. Many valuable discussions re- sulted in excellent recommendations for the Ada 9X revision process. A compilation of the working group reports will be distributed at the Ada 9X Project Public Forum, 30 June, 1989, 0900-1600 at the Tyson's WestPark Hotel in McLean, VA. Ada 9X PUBLIC FORUM The Ada 9X Project is sponsoring a Public Forum: June 30, the Westpark Hotel (703/734-2800), McLean, Va., from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Attendance is free and limited only by seating (about 600). No registration is required. Since parking is limited, we have arranged a shuttle bus from the Hilton in McLean to the Westpark. This should also help attendees of the SIGAda Washington Ada Symposium who wish to stay over Friday to attend the Forum. Topics on the agenda include Project status, results of the Ada 9X Require- ments Workshop, and news of upcoming contracts and other opportunities to participate. Hope to see you there. As always, please feel free to contact me via e-mail at anderson@eglin-vax/ arpa or by telephone at 904/882-8264 or 904-882-2961. CECOM Explores Technology for Ada Real-Time Embedded Systems The U.S. Army Communications Electronics Command (CECOM) is exploring is- sues involved with the effective use of Ada for real-time embedded applica- tions. These efforts are part of CECOM's ongoing technology program in support of its systems; they are being performed by the Advanced Software Technology (AST) directorate of the CECOM Center for Software Engineering (CSE). The program is intended to provide guidance for the development of embedded real-time Ada systems; its objective is to develop concepts for near-term work-arounds to critical problems, in parallel with researching long-term solutions. The program's approach is to base the effort on recognized problems and the consensus of experts. This approach begins with research followed by proof- of-concept experiments that test proposed methods, guidelines, and con- cepts. This technology program is in its third year, and is currently addressing such topics as: scheduling issues for uniprocessor and distrib- uted applications; Ada tasking performance issues; proof-of-concept tasks for tailoring and configuring an Ada runtime environment and for transport- ing Ada real-time programs; race-control analysis in Ada schedulers; reuse for real-time and Ada/Posix real-time binding issues; Ada runtime perform- ance using composite benchmarks; distributed-development issues; and speci- fication and verification of timing constraints for real-time applications. The following is a list of final reports from studies that have been com- pleted: o Issues Involved in Developing Ada Real-Time Systems; o Real-Time Ada Problem Study; o Methodology Study for Real-Time Ada Problems; o Real-Time Ada Problem Solution Study; o Guideline to Select, Configure, and Use an Ada Runtime Environment; o Real-Time Ada Demonstration Project; o The Software First System Development Methodology; o Analysis of the Impact of the Ada Runtime Environment on Software Reuse; o Transportability Guideline for Ada Real-Time Software; o Establish and Evaluate Ada Runtime Features of Interest for Real-Time Systems; o Real-Time Performance Benchmarks for Ada; o Distributed Ada Target Applications; o An Approach to Tailoring the Ada Runtime Environment; and o Catalog of Ada Runtime Implementation Dependencies. The first eight are summarized below, with a brief synopsis of the task and the results obtained. The remainder will be contained in the next issue of this newsletter. At that time, a further explanation of the current pro- gram topics in real-time will be presented -- as well as an introduction to the software reuse and software methods and tools areas that are also being addressed. Copies of the reports above are available through Mrs. Mary Bender at the following address: U.S. Army CECOM Center for Software Engineering AMSEL-RD-SE-AST-SS (M. Bender) Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703-5000 Issues Involved in Developing Ada Real-Time Systems This task identified areas of concern for developers of hard real-time embedded defense systems. Problems exist, but resourceful application builders and Ada language implementors have found effective work-arounds. To produce effective real-time systems, there is a need to provide legal extended features economically within the current Ada standard. The study's conclusion is that the short-term solution to providing most of the features needed by real-time applications is found within the Ada run- time system (RTS), either by modifying it or by using compiler-dependent features. For the long term, the proposed solution is the standardization of tested extensions that meet the requirements of a class of real-time. The study contends that the existence of well defined interfaces is the key to RTS customization, and that three distinct levels of interface need to be examined. The first is the interface between the RTS and the code gen- erated by a compiler. A representative interface has been defined by the Ada RunTime Environment Working Group (ARTEWG) in the Model Runtime System Interface (MRTSI). This interface could encourage the development and widespread availability of application-specific Ada runtime systems. A second important level of interface is within the RTS -- between RTS modules that represent functions that need application-specific tailoring. A third level of interface is also within the RTS -- between the applica- tion program and modules that are directly used by the application. Real-Time Ada Problem Study This study includes the results of two separate but related efforts to establish a set of generic recognized problems encountered in the develop- ment of embedded real-time Ada systems. These problems were uncovered both by extensive interviews with real-time application developers and program managers and by the expertise and experience of the investigators. The resultant problems were analyzed and placed into various categories, such as managerial, training, and technical (including tools and methods used). Examples of problems indicate that certain ones are caused by the immatur- ity of the Ada compilation systems and runtime environments (RTEs) commer- cially available at the time the study was done. There is a need for de- terministic behavior and performance from the RTE based on specific time requirements for a real-time system; this need causes concern because of the interaction between Ada language features and execution-time support for these features. Other problems point to the the lack of Ada debugging tools and to the substantial resources needed to develop Ada software. In addition, inexperience with Ada imposes many management concerns. Methodology Study for Real-Time Ada Problems This task utilized the set of generic problems established in the ##Real- Time Ada Problem Study,'' above. Its purpose was to show the relationship of the occurrence or avoidance of each problem to the development methods employed on the projects. The findings of this investigation are summarized in a matrix of the prob- lems versus features of commonly used development methods, and in a data- base that explains the impacts shown in the matrix. Some not-so-surprising results are that: 1) Ada-oriented design methods had a large number of fa- vorable impacts; 2) the most popular methodology tools automate documenta- tion or provide design-quality feedback; and 3) there is a strong prefer- ence toward tools and methods that are easy to learn and easy to use. Other, more surprising, conclusions are that: 1) projects do not use a single, recognized development method, but rather a hybrid approach; and 2) the choice of a method is very dependent on management recommendation or previous use within an organization, rather than on an evaluation specifi- cally directed to choosing a suitable method for a particular project. Real-Time Ada Problem Solution Study The goals of this study were to suggest solutions to the generic real-time Ada problems defined in the ##Real-Time Ada Problem Study.'' Theoretical solutions to these problems were devised. Participants in actual Ada proj- ects were interviewed to confirm or discount the theoretical proposals and to add new solutions. Final recommendations combined the theoretical and practical solutions. The types of solutions identified were classified by method (technical, methodology, tools, and management), timeframe (short-term or long-term), and approach (preventive or remedial). The study concluded that the prob- lems encountered in the development of real-time Ada software can be solved or avoided within the bounds of good software engineering practice. Guidelines to Select, Configure, and Use an Ada Runtime Environment A difficult problem for real-time developers is that of matching an Ada compiler and its runtime to the particular needs of an application -- rather than simply finding the ##best compiler''. To address this problem, the guideline presents the results of a survey of all validated compilers that generate code for bare machine targets. Information was obtained through vendor responses, vendor documentation, compiler users, and infor- mation in the public domain. Depending on available data for each com- piler, the report gives the degree of configurability, PIWG benchmarks, a graphical display of runtime component sizes, package System and package Standard, and vendor responses to questions critical to real-time program- ming. In order to analyze Ada runtime features, the guideline provides a brief summary of the ARTEWG document ##A Framework for Describing Ada Runtime Environments''. The guideline also provides characteristics of typical application areas, such as: electronic warfare, weapon guidance, fire con- trol, simulation systems, C3I systems, operating systems, navigation sys- tems, artificial intelligence, and robotics/process control. The RTE fea- tures are then matched with the needs of an application domain. The guidelines for selecting an RTE feature a checklist of important ques- tions that should be asked when choosing the optimal runtime environment for a particular application. The configuring guidelines present three mechanisms that can be utilized: vendor-supplied runtime routines, linker options, and pragmas. The guidelines for using an RTE focus on two essen- tial aspects: communicating the characteristics of a configured RTE to the software designers, and maintaining the configuration for future releases. Real-Time Ada Demonstration Project The objectives of this project were to select a prominent time-critical application problem and show how to solve it in Ada. The problem chosen was the lack of performance cited when using Ada tasking and an Ada runtime environment for real-time applications. The project's approach was: 1) to develop an application with a single Ada program that contained multiple tasks; 2) then to distribute it onto multiple processors to obtain the performance lacking when using a single processor; and 3) to have a graphi- cal display of the results. The difficulties in distributing tasks within a single Ada program onto multiple processors were studied and documented. The project chose a typical weapon-system application that would be recog- nizable to real-time users and developers, but not tied to any one specific system. The application was named the Border Defense System (BDS) and includes target tracking, weapon guidance, graphics and user-interface functions, and a simulator to provide target and rocket motion. It is a hard, deadline-driven application where failure to meet timing requirements will result in mission failure. The project requirements specify develop- ment in the Ada language with concurrency expressed exclusively by means of the Ada tasking model using the rendezvous. Conclusions of this project included the following: 1) A real-time distrib- uted Ada system is possible and can be used to solve problems associated with insufficient performance -- since the demonstration successfully pro- duced a distributed Ada system that met its stringent time requirements. 2) The use of Ada tasking constructs for the distribution process extends the benefits of compiler checking and the uniform model of concurrency beyond individual processors. 3) The project identified areas in the Ada language definition that are vague and need special clarification with respect to distributed systems. 4) Although the execution rate of gener- ated and runtime code is considerably better than a few years ago, the most complex features of Ada are not well tested enough for life-critical appli- cations; also, errors in runtime code do exist. Therefore, it is best to have runtime source available in order to understand and track down errors. The Software First System Development Methodology This is a new approach to system development. The software first system development methodology provides a means to alleviate problems associated with traditional development methodologies. A basic tenet of the software first approach is to postpone selection of the target hardware until as late as possible in a system's development. The Ada language is a major technological advance that makes the software first approach feasible. The major benefits of developing the software for a system prior to hard- ware selection are the following: Software will be more maintainable, be- cause all design decisions will be based on what is best for the software. The selection of hardware will be made only after more is known about the system, and the hardware will be more mature. Evolutionary requirements will be better managed because no hardware has been selected and therefore locked into the system. The report provides a description of software first; it also identifies two initial activities that are central to the successful implementation of software first and warrant special consideration: system requirements defi- nition, and software performance evaluation. Analysis of the Impact of the Ada Runtime Environment on Software Reuse The expected potential for software reuse within embedded real-time mis- sion-critical systems is difficult to predict. There are many factors that contribute to the successful reuse of software. The principal threats to software reuse are the impediments that the RTE presents to developing applications with hard real-time requirements. However, it is evident that Ada will be a primary influence in determining this potential in the near term. This task reviews software reuse from the design and implementation per- spectives, and deliberately provides a language-independent treatment of the subject. Then it relates the Ada language contribution to the design and implementation of reusable software parts. The significant areas of an RTE are analyzed for their imposition of constraints on software reuse. The report summarizes studies that have investigated how to deal with some of these constraints. The report identifies revision to the Ada standard as the preferred choice for addressing RTE impediments to software reuse for applications with hard real-time requirements. However, it is prudent to examine resolutions outside of this revision process so that techniques can be devised to en- sure that any remaining RTE issues are addressed. These resolutions may include standard packages to support the RTE, classes of RTEs, tailorable RTEs, and guidelines for using the RTE. Validated Ada Compilers - (as of 1 June 1989) The following is a list of validated Ada compilers, listed alphabetically by vendor. There are currently 194 validated base Ada compilers and 63 derived compilers. This list is updated monthly. For the most current information on validated Ada compilers, please contact the Ada Information Clearinghouse. Vendor & HOST TARGET AETECH IBM PS/2, Model Same as Host IntegrAda, 80 (under IBM Version 2.0.1 PC-DOS, 3.30) (#880624W1.09122) EXPIRES: 89-08-24 AETECH Zenith Z-184 Same as Host IntegrAda, (under Zenith Version 2.0.1 MS-DOS, 3.21) (#880624W1.09123) EXPIRES: 89-08-24 AETECH Zenith Z-248 Same as Host IntegrAda, (under Zenith Version 2.0.1 MS-DOS, 3.21) (#880624W1.09124) EXPIRES: 89-08-24 AETECH PC's Limited 386 Same as Host IntegrAda, (under Compaq Version 2.0.1 MS-DOS, 3.1) (#880624W1.09125) EXPIRES: 89-08-24 AETECH Compaq Deskpro Same as Host IntegrAda, 286 (under MS DOS Version 4.1.0 3.1) (#890113W1.10024) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 AETECH KayPro 386 (under Same as Host IntegrAda, MS DOS 3.21) Version 4.1.0 (#890113W1.10025) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 AETECH Compaq Deskpro Same as Host IntegrAda, 386/25 (under MS Version 4.1.0 DOS 3.31) (#890113W1.10026) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Aitech Software MicroVAX II Motorola MVME Engineering Ltd. (under MicroVMS, 133 board AI-ADA/020, Version 4.5) (MC68020) (bare Version 1.0 machine) (#880520W1.09061) EXPIRES: 89-06-29 *Derived Aitech Software MicroVAX 3500, Aitech XC 120 Engineering Ltd. 3600, & II; board (68020) AI-ADA/020, VAX-11/730, 750, (X=1,2,3,4,5 Version 1.0 780, 782, & 785; denotes (BASE VAX 8200, 8250, ruggedness #880520W1.09061) 8300, 8350, 8500, level) (bare EXPIRES: 89-06-29 8530, 8550, 8600, machine) 8650, & 8700; VAXserver 3600 & 3602; VAXstation I , II, 2000, 3200, & 3500 (under MicroVMS Versions 4.5, 4.6, & 4.7; and VMS Versions 4.5, 4.6, & 4.7, as appropriate) *Derived Aitech Software DEC MicroVAX II, Motorola MVME Engineering, Ltd. 3500, & 3600; 133 board AI-ADA/020, VAX-11/730, 750, (MC68020) (bare Version 1.0 780, 782, & 785; machine) (BASE VAX 8200, 8250, #880520W1.09061) 8300, 8350, 8500, EXPIRES: 89-06-29 8530, 8550, 8600, 8650, & 8700; VAXstation I, II, 2000, 3200, & 3500 (under MicroVMS & VMS 4.5, 4.6, & 4.7) Alliant Computer Alliant FX/80 Same as Host Systems (under Corporation Concentrix, Alliant FX/Ada Release 4.0) Compiler, Version 2.1 (#880620W1.09063) EXPIRES: 89-07-23 *Derived Alliant Computer Alliant FX/40, Each Host, Systems FX/8, FX/4, & self-targeted Corporation FX/1 (under Alliant FX/Ada Concentrix, Compiler, Release 4.0) Version 2.1 (BASE #880620W1.09063) EXPIRES: 89-07-23 Alsys VAX 11/750 (under Same as Host AlsyCOMP_018, VMS, Version 4.5) Version 3.21 (#880609A1.09101) EXPIRES: 89-07-29 Alsys MicroVAX II Same as Host AlsyCOMP_010, (under ULTRIX, Version 3.21 Version 2.2) (#880609A1.09102) EXPIRES: 89-07-29 Alsys VAX 11/785 (under Motorola 68020 AlsyCOMP_022, VMS, Version 4.5) (MVME 133-1 Version P3.4 16.67 Mhz) (with (#880609A1.09103) RealTime Craft, EXPIRES: 89-08-19 Version XEC 68 V2.0) (bare machine) *Derived Alsys VAX-11/725, 730, Motorola 68000 AlsyCOMP_022, 750, 780, 782, (MVME 101 Version 3.5 785; VAX 8200, board), 68010 (BASE 8300, 8500, 8600, (MVME 121 #880609A1.09103) 8650, 8800; VAX board), 68020 EXPIRES: 89-08-19 6200; & MicroVAX (MVME 133-1, II (under VMS, MVME 130C0F Version 4.5) boards), with ARTK Version P3.4; 68020 (MVME 133-1, MVME 130C0F boards), with VRTX Version 3.31 (bare machines) Alsys Sun 3/260 (under Motorola 68010 AlsyCOMP_015, Sun UNIX BSD 4.2, (MVME 121) (with Version P3.4 Release 3.2) ARTK, Version (#880609A1.09104) P3.4) (bare EXPIRES: 89-08-19 machine) *Derived Alsys SUN 3/52, 75, Motorola 68000 AlsyCOMP_015, 110, 160, 180, (MVME 101 Version 3.5 260, & 280 (under board), 68010 (BASE SUN UNIX BSD 4.2, (MVME 121 #880609A1.09104) Release 3.2) board), 68020 EXPIRES: 89-08-19 (MVME 133-1, MVME 130C0F boards), with ARTK Version P3.4; 68020 (MVME 133-1, MVME 130C0F boards), with VRTX Version 3.31 (bare machines) Alsys HP9000/320 (under Motorola 68020 AlsyCOMP_012, HP-UX, Version 5) (MVME 130C0F) Version P3.4 (with VRTX, (#880609A1.09105) Version 3.31) EXPIRES: 89-08-19 (bare machine) *Derived Alsys HP9000/318, 319, Motorola 68000 AlsyCOMP_012, 320, 330, 350, & (MVME 101 Version 3.5 360 (under HP-UX, board), 68010 (BASE Version 5.2) (MVME 121 #880609A1.09105) board), 68020 EXPIRES: 89-08-19 (MVME 133-1, MVME 130C0F boards), with ARTK Version P3.4 (bare machines) Alsys IBM PS2 Model 60 Motorola 68000 AlsyCOMP_028, (under PC/DOS, (MVME 101) (with Version P3.4 Version 3.3) ARTK, Version (#880609A1.09106) P3.4) (bare EXPIRES: 89-08-19 machine) *Derived Alsys IBM PC/AT and Motorola 68000 AlsyCOMP_028, PS/2 Model 50 & (MVME 101 Version 3.5 60; Zenith Z-248 board), 68010 (BASE PC; SPERRY IT; HP (MVME 121 #880609A1.09106) VECTRA; WANG PC board), 68020 EXPIRES: 89-08-19 280; Data General (MVME 133-1, DASHER (under MVME 130C0F PC/DOS Version boards), with 3.3) ARTK Version P3.4; 68020 (MVME 133-1, MVME 130C0F boards), with VRTX Version 3.31 (bare machines) Alsys Zenith Z-248 Same as Host AlsyCOMP_003 (under MS/DOS Version 4.1 version 3.2) (#881121A1.10003) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 *Derived Alsys PC/AT, Vectra 286 Each Host, AlsyCOMP_003, (ES/12) & Compaq self-targeted Version 4.2 386 (under MS-DOS (BASE v3.2) #881121A1.10003) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 *Derived Alsys Sperry IT (under Same as Host AlsyCOMP_003, MS-DOS v3.2) Version 4.2 (BASE #881121A1.10003) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Alsys IBM PS/2 Model 60 Same as Host AlsyCOMP_003 (under MS/DOS Version 4.1 version 3.2) (#881121A1.10004) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 *Derived Alsys PS/2 Model 80 Same as Host AlsyCOMP_003, (under MS-DOS Version 4.2 v3.3) (BASE #881121A1.10004) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Alsys WANG PC 386 Same as Host AlsyCOMP_016 (under MS/DOS Version 4.1 with Pharlap (#881121A1.10005) Extender version EXPIRES: 90-12-01 3.2) *Derived Alsys Compaq 386 (under Same as Host AlsyCOMP_016 MS-DOS with Version 4.2 Pharlap Extender (BASE Version 3.1) #881121A1.10005) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Alsys IBM PS/2 Model 80 Same as Host AlsyCOMP_016 (under MS/DOS Version 4.1 with Pharlap (#881121A1.10006) Extender version EXPIRES: 90-12-01 3.2) Alsys COMPAQ DESKPRO Same as Host AlsyCOMP_032 386 (under OS/2 Version 4.1 version 1.0) (#881121A1.10007) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Alsys IBM PS/2 Model 60 Same as Host AlsyCOMP_032 (under OS/2 Version 4.1 version 1.0) (#881121A1.10008) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Alsys MULTITECH 1100 Same as Host AlsyCOMP_034 (under Version 4.1 Interactive (#881121A1.10009) 386/ix release EXPIRES: 90-12-01 1.04 (Unix system V.3)) *Derived Alsys Sun 386i (under Each Host, AlsyCOMP_034 SunOS v4.0); self-targeted Version 4.1 Prime EXL 320 (BASE (under System V #881121A1.10009) Release 3.0 PRIME EXPIRES: 90-12-01 EXL) *Derived Alsys Compaq 386/20e Same as Host AlsyCOMP_034 (under Version 4.2.1 Interactive (BASE 386/ix v2.01) #881121A1.10009) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 *Derived Alsys Zenith Z-248 Intel iSBC 86/35 AlsyCOMP_019, series (under & iSBC 186/03 Version 4.2 MS-DOS v3.2) (BASE #881121A1.10032) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Alsys IBM 9370 Model 90 Same as Host AlsyCOMP_006 (under VM/IS CMS Version 4.1 release 5.1) (#881216N1.10012) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Alsys IBM PC/AT (under IBM 370 3084Q AlsyCOMP_013 PC-DOS 3.1) (under MVS 3.2) Version 4.1 (#881216N1.10013) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Alsys IBM PC/AT (under IBM 9370 Model AlsyCOMP_013 PC-DOS 3.1) 90 (under VM/IS Version 4.1 CMS release 5.1) (#881216N1.10014) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Alsys IBM 9370 Model 90 IBM 370 3984Q AlsyCOMP_006 (under VM/IS CMS (under MVS 3.2) Version 4.1 release 5.1) (#881216N1.10015) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Alsys Zenith Z-248 Intel iSBC AlsyCOMP_019, Model 50 (under 286/12 single Version 4.1 MS/DOS, Version board computer (#890119A1.10032) 3.2) (bare machine) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Alsys APOLLO DN 4000 Same as Host AlsyCOMP_004, (under Domain/OS Version 4.31 SR 10.0) (#890314A1.10036) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Alsys SUN 3/260 (under Same as Host AlsyCOMP_005, Sun OS release Version 4.3 3.2) (#890314A1.10037) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Alsys HP 9000 S 350 Same as Host AlsyCOMP_002, (under HP-UX, Version 4.3 Version 6.2) (#890314A1.10038) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Alsys APPLE MACINTOSH Same as Host AlsyCOMP_027, II (under A/UX Version 4.3 release 1.1 Beta (#890314A1.10039) 1) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Alsys CETIA UNIGRAPH Same as Host AlsyCOMP_035, 6000 (under Version 4.3 Unigraph/X (#890314A1.10040) release 3.0.1) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Alsys Ltd IBM 370 3084Q Same as Host AlsyCOMP_023 (under MVS Version 3.5 Version 3.2) (#880528N1.09064) EXPIRES: 89-06-29 Apollo Computer, Apollo DN4000 Same as Host Inc. (under Domain/IX, Domain/Ada, Release SR9.7) Version 2.0 (#880620W1.09070) EXPIRES: 89-07-23 BiiN BiiN 60 (under Same as Host Biin Ada, V2.00 BiiN/OS V1.02) (#881208W1.10010) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 BULL BULL DPX 2000 Same as Host SP-Ada, Version (under SPIX, 5.5-300 Version 31.2) (#880609A1.09109) EXPIRES: 89-08-24 CAP Industry Ltd MicroVAX II Intel iAPX 80286 CAPTACS-E286 (under MicroVMS (protected mode) Version 2.1 Version 4.6) (bare machine) (#880528N1.09065) EXPIRES: 89-07-22 *Derived CAP Industry Ltd MicroVAX II Intel 80386 CAPTACS-E286 (under MicroVMS (bare machine) Version 2.1 4.6) (BASE #880528N1.09065) EXPIRES: 89-07-22 *Derived CAP Industry Ltd MicroVAX II Intel iAPX 80286 CAPTACS-E286, (under MicroVMS (bare machine) Version 2.2 4.6) (BASE #880528N1.09065) EXPIRES: 89-07-22 CISI Ingenierie SUN 3/50 (under Same as Host EMER-Ada, Emeraude V10.3 / Version 5.5-SUN SUN UNIX BSD 4.2, (#880609A1.09107) Release 3.5) EXPIRES: 89-08-24 CISI Ingenierie BULL SPS7/70 Same as Host EMER-Ada, (under Emeraude, Version Version 22.0.3 5.5-SPS7/70 emer 10.4) (#880609A1.09108) EXPIRES: 89-08-24 Concurrent MASSCOMP MC6600 Same as Host Computer Corp. (with M68030 CPU (formerly & M68882 FPA) MASSCOMP) (under MASSCOMP MASSCOMP Ada, RTU, Version 4.0) Version 1.1 (#880520S1.09110) EXPIRES: 89-08-19 *Derived Concurrent MASSCOMP MC5400, Each Host, Computer Corp. MC5450, MC5520, self-targeted (formerly MC5550, MC5600, MASSCOMP) MC5700 (all with MASSCOMP Ada, M68020 CPU & Version 1.1 M68881 FPA); (BASE MASSCOMP MC6300, #880520S1.09110) MC6400, MC6700 EXPIRES: 89-08-19 (all with M68030 CPU & M68882 FPA) (under RTU 4.0) Concurrent MASSCOMP MC5600 Same as Host Computer Corp. (with M68020 CPU (formerly & Lightning FPA) MASSCOMP) (under MASSCOMP MASSCOMP Ada, RTU, Version 4.0) Version 1.1 (#880520S1.09111) EXPIRES: 89-08-19 *Derived Concurrent MASSCOMP MC5400, Each Host, Computer Corp. MC5450, MC5520, self-targeted (formerly MC5550, MC5700 MASSCOMP) (all with M68020 MASSCOMP Ada, CPU & Lightning Version 1.1 FPA); MASSCOMP (BASE MC6300, MC6400, #880520S1.09111) MC6600, MC6700 EXPIRES: 89-08-19 (all with M68030 CPU & Lightning FPA) (under RTU 4.0) Concurrent Concurrent Same as Host Computer Computer Corporation Corporation 3280 C3 Ada, MPS (under OS/32, R02-00.00 Version (#880627W1.09093) R08-02.02) EXPIRES: 89-07-29 *Derived Concurrent Concurrent Each Host, Computer Computer self-targeted Corporation Corporation C3 Ada, Version Series 3200: R02-00.00 3200MPS, 3203, (BASE 3205, 3210, 3230, #880627W1.09093) 3250, 3230XP, EXPIRES: 89-07-29 3250XP, 3230MPS, 3260MPS, & 3280MPS (under OS/32, Version R08-02.03) Control Data CYBER 180-930-31 Same as Host Corporation (under NOS/VE, CYBER 180 Ada Level 700) Compiler, Version 1.1 (#880624S1.09132) EXPIRES: 89-08-29 *Derived Control Data CYBER 180 Series Any Host Corporation (under NOS/VE CYBER 180 Ada LEVEL 700) Compiler, Version 1.1 (BASE #880624S1.09132) EXPIRES: 89-08-29 CONVEX Computer CONVEX C210 Same as Host Corporation (under CONVEX CONVEX Ada Unix, Version Version 1.1 7.1) (#890508W1.10077) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 *Derived CONVEX Computer CONVEX C201, Any Host Corporation C202, C120, C210, CONVEX Ada C220, C230, C240, Version 1.1 C210i, C220i & (BASE C230i (under #890508W1.10077) CONVEX Unix, EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Version 7.1) CRAY Research, Cray X-MP (under Same as Host Inc. UNICOS 3.0) CRAY Ada Compiler, Version 1.0 (#880610W1.09099) EXPIRES: 89-07-29 *Derived CRAY Research, CRAY X-MP (under Same as Host Inc. UNICOS 4.0) CRAY Ada Compiler, Version 1.0 (BASE #880610W1.09099) EXPIRES: 89-07-29 CRAY Research, Cray-2 (under Same as Host Inc. UNICOS 3.0) CRAY Ada Compiler, Version 1.0 (#880610W1.09100) EXPIRES: 89-07-29 Data General MV/20000 (under MV/20000 (under Corporation AOS/VS, Version AOS/VS, Version ADE, Version 7.56) 7.56) and 3.00 MV/15000 (under (#880527S1.09112) AOS/RT32, EXPIRES: 89-08-24 Version 4.03) DDC International VAX 8530 (under Same as Host A/S VMS 4.5) DDC-I Ada Compiler System Version 4.3 (#881212W1.10011) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 DDC-I, Inc. RC900 (386/UNIX V Same as Host DACS-386/UNIX, Workstation) Version 4.2 (under UNIX B (#880728S1.09140) Rel. 1.0.4) EXPIRES: 89-09-29 DDC-I, Inc. ICL/DRS 300 Same as Host DACS-386/UNIX, (under DRS/NX Ver Version 4.2 3 Level 0 (#880728S1.09141) Increment 50, EXPIRES: 89-09-29 running over UNIX SYSTEM V/386 Rel. 3.1) DDC-I, Inc. SUN-3/50 Same as Host DACS-68020/SUN, Workstation Version 4.2 (under SunOS UNIX (1.0) Version 4.2 Rel (#880728S1.09142) 3.4EXPORT) EXPIRES: 89-09-29 DDC-I, Inc. MicroVAX II Intel 80186 iSBC DACS-80186, (under MicroVMS 186/03A (bare Version 4.3 4.6) machine) (#890324S1.10067) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 *Derived DDC-I, Inc. DEC family of Intel 8086 iSBC DACS-8086, VAX, VAXstation & 86/05A (bare Version 4.3 MicroVAX machine) (BASE computers (under #890324S1.10067) MicroVMS 4.6 and EXPIRES: 90-12-01 VAX/VMS 4.6 & 5.0) *Derived DDC-I, Inc. DEC family of Intel 80186 iSBC DACS-80186, VAX, VAXstation & 186/03A (bare Version 4.3 MicroVAX machine) (BASE computers (under #890324S1.10067) MicroVMS 4.6 and EXPIRES: 90-12-01 VAX/VMS 4.6 & 5.0) *Derived DDC-I, Inc. DEC family of Intel 80286 iSBC DACS-80286, VAX, VAXstation & 286/12 (bare Version 4.3 MicroVAX machine) (BASE computers (under #890324S1.10067) MicroVMS 4.6 and EXPIRES: 90-12-01 VAX/VMS 4.6 & 5.0) DDC-I, Inc. MicroVAX II Intel Multibus I DACS-80386 (under MicroVMS 80386 iSBC Protected Mode, 4.6) 386/21 (bare Version 4.3 machine) (#890324S1.10068) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 *Derived DDC-I, Inc. DEC family of Intel Multibus I DACS-80386 VAX, VAXstation & 80386 isBC Protected Mode, MicroVAX 386/21 & Intel Version 4.3 computers (under Multibus II (BASE MicroVMS 4.6 and 80386 iSBC #890324S1.10068) VAX/VMS 4.6 & 386/116 (bare EXPIRES: 90-12-01 5.0) machine) Digital Equipment VAX 8800 (under Same as Host Corporation VMS, Version 5.0) VAX Ada, Version 2.0 (#890127S1.10033) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 *Derived Digital Equipment MicroVAX I, II, Any Host Corporation 2000, 3500 & Vax Ada, Version 3600; VAXstation 2.0 II, 2000, 3200, (BASE 3500 & 8000; #890127S1.10033) VAXserver 3500, EXPIRES: 90-12-01 3600, 3602, 6210 & 6220; VAX-11/730, 750, 780 & 785; VAX 6210, 6220, 6230, 6240, 8200, 8250, 8300, 8350, 8500, 8530, 8550, 8600, 8650, 8700, 8800, 8810, 8820, 8830, 8840, 8842, 8974 & 8978; and Raytheon Military VAX Computer Model 860 (under VMS, Version 5.0) Digital Equipment VAX 8800 (under MicroVAX II Corporation VMS, Version 5.0) (under VAXELN VAX Ada, Version Toolkit Version 2.0 3.2, in (#890127S1.10034) combination with EXPIRES: 90-12-01 VAXELN Ada Version 2.0) *Derived Digital Equipment MicroVAX I, II, MicroVAX I, II, Corporation 2000, 3500 & 2000, 3500 & VAX Ada, Version 3600; VAXstation 3600; 2.0 II, 2000, 3200, VAX-11/725, 730 (BASE 3500 & 8000; & 750; IVAX 620 #890127S1.10034) VAXserver 3500, & 630; KA620 & EXPIRES: 90-12-01 3600, 3602, 6210 800; rtVAX 1000, & 6220; 3200, 3500, VAX-11/730, 750, 3600, 8550 & 780 & 785; VAX 8700; and VAX 6210, 6220, 6230, 6210, 6220, 6240, 8200, 8250, 6230, 6240, 8300, 8350, 8500, 8500, 8530, 8530, 8550, 8600, 8550, 8700, 8650, 8700, 8800, 8800, 8810 & 8810, 8820, 8830, 8820 (under 8840, 8842, 8974 VAXELN Toolkit & 8978; and Version 3.2, in Raytheon Military combination with VAX Computer VAXELN Ada Model 860 (under Version 2.0) VMS, Version 5.0) Elxsi Elxsi 6400 (under Same as Host Elxsi VADS, 5.5 ENIX, 4BSD) (#880610W1.09088) EXPIRES: 89-07-29 Encore Computer Encore Multimax Same as Host Corporation 320 (under Umax Encore Verdix 4.2, Version Ada Development R3_1.1) System, Version 5.5 (#880620W1.09092) EXPIRES: 89-07-29 Encore Computer Encore Multimax Same as Host Corporation 320 (under MACH, Parallel Encore Version 0.4 Beta) Verdix Ada Development System, Version 5.5 (#890113S1.09160) EXPIRES: 89-11-30 Encore Computer Encore Multimax Same as Host Corporation 320 (under Umax Encore Verdix V, Version R2.2) Ada Development System, Version 5.5 (#890113S1.09161) EXPIRES: 89-11-30 GEC Software Ltd HP 9000/350 Same as Host VADS Version 5.5 (under HP-UX (#880602N1.09079) Version 6.01 B) EXPIRES: 89-06-29 GEC Software Ltd SUN 3/50 GEC 4195 VADS Version 5.5 Workstation Minicomputer (#880714N1.09135) (under SUN UNIX (OS4000 Release EXPIRES: 89-09-29 4.2 Release 3.2) 4.17) Gould Inc. Gould PowerNode Same as Host APLEX Ada Model 9080 (under Compiler, UTX/32S, Revision Version 2.1 1.1) (#880523W1.09054) EXPIRES: 89-08-29 *Derived Gould Inc. Gould PowerNode Any Host APLEX Ada Models 90xx & Compiler 60xx (under Revision 2.1 UTX/32S Revision (BASE 1.1) #880523W1.09054) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Gould Inc. Gould PowerNode Gould CONCEPT/32 APLEX Ada Model 9080 (under Model 6744 (bare Compiler, UTX/32, Revision machine) Version 2.1 2.1) (#880523W1.09055) EXPIRES: 89-08-29 *Derived Gould Inc. Gould PowerNode Gould PowerNode APLEX Ada Models 90xx & Models 90xx & Compiler 60xx (under 60xx, and Gould Revision 2.1 UTX/32 Revision CONCEPT/32 (BASE 2.1) Models 97xx & #880523W1.09055) 67xx (bare EXPIRES: 90-12-01 machines) Gould Inc. Gould NP1 Model Gould CONCEPT/32 APLEX Ada 4050 (under Model 6780 Compiler, UTX/32 Revision (under MPX-32, Version 2.1 3.0) Revision 3.4) (#880523W1.09056) EXPIRES: 89-08-29 *Derived Gould Inc. Gould NP1 Model Gould CONCEPT/32 APLEX Ada 40xx (under Models 97xx & Compiler UTX/32 Revision 67xx (under Revision 2.1 3.0) MPX-32 Revision (BASE 3.4) #880523W1.09056) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Gould/Computer Gould/Encore Same as Host Systems Inc. PowerNode Model APLEX Ada 9080 (under Compiler, UTX/32 Revision Revision 2.2 2.1) (#890418W1.10069) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 *Derived Gould/Computer Gould/Encore Any Host Systems Inc. PowerNode Models APLEX Ada 90xx, 60xx, and Compiler Gould/Encore Revision 2.2 CONCEPT/32 Models (BASE 67xx (under #890418W1.10069) UTX/32 Revision EXPIRES: 90-12-01 2.1) Gould/Computer Gould/Encore Gould/Encore Systems Inc. PowerNode Model CONCEPT/32 Model APLEX Ada 9080 (under 6744 (bare Compiler, UTX/32 Revision machine, with Revision 2.2 2.1) Ada Real Time (#890418W1.10070) Executive) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 *Derived Gould/Computer Gould/Encore Gould/Encore Systems Inc. PowerNode Models PowerNode Models APLEX Ada 90xx & 60xx, and 90xx & 60xx, and Compiler Gould/Encore Gould/Encore Revision 2.2 CONCEPT/32 Models CONCEPT/32 (BASE 67xx (under Models 97xx & #890418W1.10070) UTX/32 Revision 67xx (bare EXPIRES: 90-12-01 2.1) machine, with Ada Real Time Executive) Gould/Computer Gould/Encore NP1 Same as Host Systems Inc. Model 4050 (under APLEX Ada UTX/32 Revision Compiler, 3.1) Revision 2.2 (#890418W1.10071) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 *Derived Gould/Computer Gould/Encore NP1 Any Host Systems Inc. Models 40xx APLEX Ada (under UTX/32 Compiler Revision 3.1) Revision 2.2 (BASE #890418W1.10071) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Gould/Computer Gould/Encore Same as Host Systems Inc. CONCEPT/32 Model APLEX Ada 9780 (uner MPX-32 Compiler, Revision 3.4U02) Revision 2.2 (#890418W1.10072) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 *Derived Gould/Computer Gould/Encore Any Host Systems Inc. CONCEPT/32 Models APLEX Ada 97xx, 67xx & 98xx Compiler (under MPX-32 Revision 2.2 Revision 3.4U02) (BASE #890418W1.10072) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Harris Corp. Harris NH-3800 Same as Host Harris Ada, (under CX/UX, Version 5.0 4.0) (#890118W1.10016) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 *Derived Harris Corp. Harris NH-3800, Any Host Harris Ada, NH-3400 & NH-1200 Version 5.0 (under CX/UX 4.0, (BASE and under CX/RT #890118W1.10016) 4.0) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Harris Corp. Harris HCX-9 Harris NH-3800 Harris Ada, (under CX/UX, (under CX/UX, Version 5.0 4.0) 4.0) (#890118W1.10017) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 *Derived Harris Corp. Harris HCX-2300, Harris NH-3800, Harris Ada, HCX-2500, NH-3400, NH-1200 Version 5.0 HCX-2550, (under CX/UX (BASE HCX-2900, 4.0, and under #890118W1.10017) HCX-7100, CX/RT 4.0) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 HCX-7201, HCX-7202; Harris NH-7100 & NH-7200 (under CX/UX 4.0, and under CX/RT 4.0) Harris Harris H1200 Same as Host Corporation (under VOS, Harris Ada Version 7.1) Compiler, Version 4.0 (#880603W1.09058) EXPIRES: 89-07-10 *Derived Harris Harris H1600, Any Host Corporation H1500, H1200, Harris Ada H1100, H1000, Compiler, H900, H800, H700, Version 4.0 & & H60 (under VOS 4.0.1 7.1) (BASE #880603W1.09058) EXPIRES: 89-07-10 Harris Harris HCX-9 Same as Host Corporation (under CX/UX, Harris Ada Version 3.0) Compiler, Version 4.0 (#880603W1.09059) EXPIRES: 89-07-07 *Derived Harris Harris HCX-7 & Each Host, Corporation HCX-5 (under self-targeted Harris Ada CX/UX 3.0) Compiler, Version 4.0 (BASE #880603W1.09059) EXPIRES: 89-07-07 *Derived Harris Harris HCX-2300, Any Host Corporation HCX-2500, Harris Ada HCX-2550, Compiler, HCX-2900, Version 4.0 HCX-7100, (BASE HCX-7201, #880603W1.09059) HCX-7202; and EXPIRES: 89-07-07 Harris NH-7100 & NH-7200 (under CX/UX 4.0) Hewlett Packard HP 9000 Series Same as Host Company 300 Model 350 HP 9000 Series (under HP-UX, 300 Ada Version 6.5) Compiler, Version 4.35 (#890504W1.10078) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 *Derived Hewlett Packard HP 9000 Series Each Host, Company 300 Models 350, self-targeted HP 9000 Series 332, 330 & 320 300 Ada (under HP-UX, Compiler, Version 7.0) Version 4.35 (BASE #890504W1.10078) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Hewlett Packard HP 9000 Series Same as Host Company 300 Model 370 HP 9000 Series (under HP-UX, 300 Ada Versin 6.5) Compiler, Version 4.35 (#890504W1.10079) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 *Derived Hewlett Packard HP 9000 Series Each Host, Company 300 Models 370, self-targeted HP 9000 Series 360 & 340 (under 300 Ada HP-UX, Version Compiler, 7.0) Version 4.35 (BASE #890504W1.10079) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Honeywell Bull DPS 8000, DPS Each Host, Inc. 8/70, & DPS 90 self-targeted GCOS 8 Ada (under GCOS 8, Compiler, Version SR3000) Version 2.1 (#880608S1.09144) EXPIRES: 89-05-22 (pending) IBM Corporation IBM RT PC Same as Host IBM Development 6150-125 (under System for the AIX, Release 2.1) Ada Language, AIX/RT Ada Compiler, Version 1.1.0 (#880610W1.09098) EXPIRES: 89-09-29 InterACT VAX-11/785 (under Fairchild Corporation VMS, Version 4.5) F9450/1750A InterACT Ada (held in an HP 1750A Compiler 64000 System, Release Workstation) 3.0 (bare machine) (#880715S1.09153) EXPIRES: 89-09-23 *Derived InterACT VAX-11/785 (under Fairchild Corporation VMS 4.5) 9450/1750A (bare InterACT Ada machine) 1750A Compiler System, Release 3.1 (BASE #880715S1.09153) EXPIRES: 89-09-23 *Derived InterACT VAX-11/785 (under Fairchild Corporation VMS 4.5) 9450/1750A (bare InterACT Ada machine) 1750A Compiler System, Release 3.2 (BASE #880715S1.09153) EXPIRES: 89-09-23 Intermetrics, IBM 3083 (S/370) Same as Host Inc. (under UTS, UTS Ada Version 2.3) Real-Time Compiler, Version 202.35 (#880617W1.09115) EXPIRES: 89-08-24 Intermetrics, IBM 3083 (S/370) Same as Host Inc. (under CMS, CMS Ada Release 4) Real-Time Compiler, Version 202.35 (#880617W1.09116) EXPIRES: 89-08-24 Intermetrics, IBM 4341 (under Same as Host Inc. MVS/370, Release MVS Ada 1.3.4) Real-Time Compiler, Version 202.35 (#880617W1.09117) EXPIRES: 89-08-24 International IBM RT PC Same as Host Business Machines 6150-125 (under Corporation AIX, Release 2.2) IBM Development System for the Ada Language, AIX/RT Ada Compiler, Version 1.1.1 (#890420W1.10066) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 *Derived International IBM RT PC Same as Host Business Machines 6150-125 (under Corporation AIX, Release 2.2) IBM Development System for the Ada Language, AIX/RT Ada Compiler, Version 1.2 (BASE #890420W1.10066) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 International IBM 3083 (under Same as Host Business Machines VM/HPO Release Corporation 4.2) IBM Development System for the Ada Language, VM/CMS Ada Compiler, Version 2.1.1 (#890420W1.10073) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 International IBM 4381 (under Same as Host Business Machines MVS/XA Release Corporation 2.7) IBM Development System for the Ada Language, MVS Ada Compiler, Version 2.1.1 (#890420W1.10074) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 International IBM 3083 (under IBM 4381 (under Business Machines VM/HPO Release MVS/XA Release Corporation 4.2) 2.7) IBM Development System for the Ada Language, CMS/MVS Ada Cross Compiler, Version 2.1.1 (#890420W1.10075) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Irvine Compiler ISI Optimum V Same as Host Corporation (under ISI 4.3 ICC Ada, Release BSE, Release 5.0 4.0D) (#880708W1.09126) EXPIRES: 89-09-29 Irvine Compiler HP 9000 Model 825 Same as Host Corporation (under HP-UX, ICC Ada, Release Release 2.0) 5.0 (#880708W1.09127) EXPIRES: 89-09-29 Irvine Compiler HP 9000 Model 350 Same as Host Corporation (under HP-UX, ICC Ada, Release Release 6.0) 5.0 (#880708W1.09128) EXPIRES: 89-09-29 Irvine Compiler MicroVAX 2000 Intel i80960KB Corporation (under VMS, (bare machine) ICC Ada, Release Version 4.7) 5.0 (#880708W1.09139) EXPIRES: 89-09-29 KRUPP ATLAS VAX-11/785 (under KRUPP ATLAS ELEKTRONIK GMBH VMS 4.5) in ELEKTRONIK GMBH KRUPP ATLAS combination with MPR2300 (under ELEKTRONIK Ada (for assembler EOS 2300 1.1) Compiler, VVME execution) KRUPP 1.8 A ATLAS ELEKTRONIK (#881215I1.09159) GMBH MPR1300 EXPIRES: 89-11-30 (under MOS 1.213) Meridian Software Zilog System 8000 Same as Host Systems, Inc. (under Zeus 3.21) Meridian AdaVantage, 2.2 (#880605W1.09071) EXPIRES: 89-07-23 Meridian Software Apple Macintosh Same as Host Systems, Inc. II (with Floating Meridian Point AdaVantage, 2.2 Co-Processor) (#880605W1.09072) (under Finder EXPIRES: 89-06-29 6.0, System 4.2) Meridian Software Apple Macintosh Same as Host Systems, Inc. Plus (under Meridian Finder 6.0, AdaVantage, 2.2 System 4.2) (#880605W1.09073) EXPIRES: 89-06-29 Meridian Software IBM PS/2 Model 30 Same as Host Systems, Inc. (with Floating Meridian Point AdaVantage, 2.2 Co-Processor) (#880605W1.09074) (under IBM PC EXPIRES: 89-06-29 DOS, 3.30) (pending) Meridian Software IBM PS/2 Model 60 Same as Host Systems, Inc. (with Floating Meridian Point AdaVantage, 2.2 Co-Processor) (#880605W1.09075) (under IBM PC EXPIRES: 89-06-29 DOS, 3.30) (pending) Meridian Software ITT XTRA/286 Same as Host Systems, Inc. (with Floating Meridian Point AdaVantage, 2.2 Co-Processor) (#880605W1.09076) (under MS/DOS, EXPIRES: 89-07-23 3.20) Meridian Software ALR 386/2 (with Same as Host Systems, Inc. Floating Point Meridian Co-Processor) AdaVantage, 2.2 (under MS/DOS (#880605W1.09077) 3.20) EXPIRES: 89-06-29 Meridian Software ZENITH Z-248 Same as Host Systems, Inc. (with Floating Meridian Point AdaVantage, 2.2 Co-Processor) (#880605W1.09078) (under MS/DOS, EXPIRES: 89-07-23 3.10) Meridian Software IBM PS/2 Model 80 Same as Host Systems, Inc. (with Floating AdaVantage, Point Version 3.0 Co-Processor) (#890405W1.10049) (under IBM PC-DOS EXPIRES: 90-12-01 3.30) Meridian Software IBM PS/2 Model 60 Same as Host Systems, Inc. (with Floating AdaVantage, Point Version 3.0 Co-Processor) (#890405W1.10050) (under IBM PC-DOS EXPIRES: 90-12-01 3.30) Meridian Software IBM PS/2 Model 30 Same as Host Systems, Inc. (with Floating AdaVantage, Point Version 3.0 Co-Processor) (#890405W1.10051) (under IBM PC-DOS EXPIRES: 90-12-01 3.30) Meridian Software ITT XTRA/286 Same as Host Systems, Inc. (with Floating AdaVantage, Point Version 3.0 Co-Processor) (#890405W1.10052) (under MS-DOS EXPIRES: 90-12-01 3.20) Meridian Software SCI 302 (with Same as Host Systems, Inc. Floating Point AdaVantage, Co-Processor) Version 3.0 (under MS-DOS (#890405W1.10053) 3.30) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Meridian Software SCI 302 (with Same as Host Systems, Inc. Floating Point AdaVantage, Co-Processor) Version 3.0 (under IX 1.0.6) (#890405W1.10054) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Meridian Software SCI 303 (with Same as Host Systems, Inc. Floating Point AdaVantage, Co-Processor) Version 3.0 (under IX 1.0.6) (#890405W1.10055) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Meridian Software Sun 3/60 (under Same as Host Systems, Inc. SunOS Version AdaVantage, 4.1) Version 3.0 (#890405W1.10056) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Meridian Software Sun 3/260 (under Same as Host Systems, Inc. SunOS Version AdaVantage, 4.1) Version 3.0 (#890405W1.10057) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 MIPS Computer MIPS M/1000 Same as Host Systems (under UMIPS, MIPS/VADS, Version 3.0) Version 1.30 (#880613W1.09062) EXPIRES: 89-08-21 *Derived MIPS Computer MIPS M/120 (under Each Host, Systems UMIPS, Release self-targeted MIPS/VADS, 3.0); MIPS M/2000 Version 1.30 (under UMIPS, (BASE Release 3.1) #880613W1.09062) EXPIRES: 89-08-21 MOTOROLA, INC. Motorola Delta Same as Host Motorola Delta Series, Model Series TeleGen2 2616 (under Ada, Version 1.2 Motorola UNIX (#880610W1.09094) System V/68, EXPIRES: 89-08-19 Release 3) *Derived MOTOROLA, INC. Motorola Delta Any Host Motorola Delta Series:Models 1 Series TeleGen2 132, 1141, 1147, 2 Ada, Version 1.3 316, 2334, 2616, 3 (BASE 304, 3308, 3604, 3 #880610W1.09094) 608, 3640, 3804, 3 EXPIRES: 89-08-19 808 & 3840 ( under Motorola U NIX SYSTEM V/68, R elease 3, V ersions 3, 4 & 5) MOTOROLA, INC. Motorola Delta Motorola VME Motorola Delta Series, Model 133A-20 Series TeleGen2 2616 (under (MC68020) (bare Ada, Version 1.2 Motorola UNIX machine) (#880610W1.09095) System V/68, EXPIRES: 89-08-19 Release 3) *Derived MOTOROLA, INC. Motorola Delta Motorola Motorola Delta Series:Models 1 VME133A-20 Series TeleGen2 132, 1141, 1147, 2 (68020), Ada, Version 1.3 316, 2334, 2616, 3 VME133XT (BASE 304, 3308, 3604, 3 (68020), #880610W1.09095) 608, 3640, 3804, 3 VME135-1 EXPIRES: 89-08-19 808 & 3840 ( (68020), VME136 under Motorola U (68020) & VME147 NIX SYSTEM V/68, R (68030) (bare elease 3, V machine) ersions 3, 4 & 5) NAVAL UNDERWATER VAX 8600 (under Same as Host SYSTEMS CENTER VAX/VMS, Version ADAVAX, VERSION 4.5) 1.7 (with ##NO_OPT'' option) (#880616S1.09145) EXPIRES: 89-06-11 (pending) NAVAL UNDERWATER VAX 8600 (under Same as Host SYSTEMS CENTER VAX/VMS, Version ADAVAX, VERSION 4.5) 1.7 (with ##OPT'' option) (#880616S1.09146) EXPIRES: 89-06-11 (pending) NAVAL UNDERWATER VAX 11/785 (under AN/UYK-43 (bare SYSTEMS COMMAND VAX/VMS, Version machine) ADAUYK43 (ALS/N 4.5) Ada/L), VERSION 1.0 (#880719S1.09154) EXPIRES: 89-11-30 NAVAL UNDERWATER VAX 11/785 (under AN/UYK-44 (bare SYSTEMS COMMAND VAX/VMS, Version machine) ADAUYK44 (ALS/N 4.5) Ada/M), VERSION 1.0 (#880719S1.09155) EXPIRES: 89-11-30 *Derived NAVAL UNDERWATER Digital VAX PPPI AN/AYK-14 SYSTEMS COMMAND family (under VMS (bare machine) ADAUYK44 (ALS/N 4.5) Ada/M) VERSION 1.0 (BASE #880719S1.09155) EXPIRES: 89-11-30 R.R. Software, IBM PS/2, Model Same as Host Inc. 80 (under IBM JANUS/Ada, PC-DOS, 3.30) Version 2.0.2 (#880624W1.09119) EXPIRES: 89-08-24 R.R. Software, Zenith Z-183 Same as Host Inc. (under IBM JANUS/Ada, PC-DOS, 3.30) Version 2.0.2 (#880624W1.09120) EXPIRES: 89-08-24 R.R. Software, Zenith Z-248 Same as Host Inc. (under Zenith JANUS/Ada, MS-DOS, 3.21) Version 2.0.2 (#880624W1.09121) EXPIRES: 89-08-24 R.R. Software, IBM PC XT (under Same as Host Inc. MS DOS 3.3) JANUS/Ada, Version 2.1.1 (#890113W1.10018) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 R.R. Software, Compaq Deskpro Same as Host Inc. 286 (under MS DOS JANUS/Ada, 3.1) Version 2.1.1 (#890113W1.10019) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 R.R. Software, Compaq Deskpro Same as Host Inc. 386/25 (under MS JANUS/Ada, DOS 3.31) Version 2.1.1 (#890113W1.10020) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 R.R. Software, PC's Limited 386 Same as Host Inc. (under MS DOS JANUS/Ada, 3.1) Version 2.1.1 (#890113W1.10021) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 R.R. Software, Compaq Deskpro Same as Host Inc. 386/25 (under MS JANUS/Ada, DOS 3.31/Phar Version 2.1.1 Lap) (#890113W1.10022) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 R.R. Software, PC's Limited 386 Same as Host Inc. (under MS DOS JANUS/Ada, 3.1/Phar Lap) Version 2.1.1 (#890113W1.10023) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Rational R1000 Series 200 DEC VAX 11/750 VAX_VMS Version Model 20 (under (under VMS 4.5) 2.0.45 D_10_9_10wps) (#880815W1.09143) EXPIRES: 89-09-29 Rational, Inc. R1000 Series 200 Same as Host Rational (under Rational Environment, Environment Version D_10_8_6 Version D_10_8_6) (#880503W1.09048) EXPIRES: 89-05-31 (pending) Rational, Inc. R1000 (under Philips PG2100 MC68020/OS-2000, D_10_9_10wp) (memory size 4 Version 2.0.30 MB) (under (#880613W1.09085) OS-2000) EXPIRES: 89-07-19 Rational, Inc. R1000 (under Mikros M1750A, Version D_10_9_1_1750a) MKS1750/SO (bare 2.0.122 machine) (#880613W1.09086) EXPIRES: 89-07-19 Rational, Inc. R1000 (under Motorola 68020 MC68020_Bare, D_10_9_10wp) in MVME 135 Version 2.0.30 board (1 MB (#880613W1.09087) memory) (bare EXPIRES: 89-07-19 machine) Rockwell DEC VAx 8650 (VMS CAPS/AAMP (bare International 4.7) machine) Corporation DDC-Based Ada/CAPS Compiler, Version 2.0 (#880613W1.09090) EXPIRES: 89-08-13 Rolm MIL-SPEC Data General ROLM HAWK/32 COMPUTERS MV/20000 (under (under AOS/VS, ADE/32 Revision AOS/VS, Revision Revision 7.56) 3.00 7.56) (#880527S1.09113) EXPIRES: 89-08-24 Rolm MIL-SPEC Data General ROLM HAWK/32 COMPUTERS MV/20000 (under (under ARTS/32, ADE/32 Revision AOS/VS, Revision Revision 2.7) 3.00 7.56) (#880527S1.09114) EXPIRES: 89-08-24 SD_SCICON plc Local Area DEC Motorola MC68020 SD VAX/VMS x VAX Cluster, implemented on MC68020 comprising VAX the MVME 133 Ada-Plus, 3B.00 8600, 7 MicroVAX board (bare (#880623N1.09133) IIs, and VAX machine) EXPIRES: 89-08-31 Workstation 2 (under VMS V4.6) *Derived SD_SCICON plc DEC VAX cluster Motorola MC68020 SD VAX/VMS x (under VMS 4.6) MVME 133 board MC68020 (bare machine) Ada-Plus, 3B.01 (BASE #880623N1.09133) EXPIRES: 89-08-31 SD_SCICON plc Local Area DEC Fairchild F9450 SD VAX/VMS x VAX Cluster, on SPC-50 board MIL-STD-1750A comprising VAX (bare machine) Ada-Plus, 3B.00 8600, 7 MicroVAX (#880624N1.09134) IIs, and VAX EXPIRES: 89-08-13 Workstation 2 (under VMS V4.6) *Derived SD_SCICON plc DEC VAX cluster MIL-STD-1750A SD VAX/VMS x (under VMS 4.6) Fairchild SBC-50 MIL-STD-1750A (bare machine) Ada-Plus, 3B.01 (BASE #880626N1.09134) EXPIRES: 89-08-13 SD_Scicon plc VAX Cluster MC68020 on the XD Ada MC68020 (comprising a VAX MVME 133 XT T1.0-02V 8600 and 7 board (bare (#890321N1.10041) MicroVAX IIs) machine) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 (under VMS 5.0) Siemens AG Siemens 7.590G Same as Host Siemens BS 2000 (under Ada Compiler BS2000/V9.0) V2.0 (#890306I1.10059) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 *Derived Siemens AG Siemens 7.530, Any Host Siemens BS2000 7.531, 7.536, Ada Compiler 7.541, 7.550, V2.0 7.551, 7.560, (BASE 7.561, 7.570, #890306I1.10059) 7.571, 7.580, EXPIRES: 90-12-01 7.590, 7.700 (under BS2000/V7.5, /V7.6, /V8.0, /V8.5, /V9.0, /V9.2 & /V9.5) Silicon Graphics Iris-4D Entry Same as Host Computer Systems Systems Ada, Version 1.0 Workstation (#880613W1.09068) (under UNIX EXPIRES: 89-06-29 System V.3, (pending) Release 3.5) Silicon Graphics Iris-4D Series Same as Host Computer Systems Workstation Ada, Version 1.0 (under UNIX (#880613W1.09069) System V.3, EXPIRES: 89-06-29 Release 3.5) (pending) SofTech, Inc. VAX-11/780 & Intel iAPX 8086 Ada 86, Version VAX-11/785 (under (bare machine) 3.21 VAX/VMS, Version (#880708S1.09147) 4.7) EXPIRES: 89-06-12 (pending) *Derived SofTech, Inc. Digital VAX 700 & Intel iAPX 8086, Ada 86, Versions 8000 Series; and 80186, 80286 3.21, 1.59 & MicroVAX II real mode, 80286 1.70 (under VAX/VMS protected mode, (BASE 4.7, and MicroVMS 80386 compatible #880708S1.09147-) 4.7) real mode & EXPIRES: 89-06-12 80386 compatible (pending) protected mode (bare machines) SofTech, Inc. VAX-11/780 & Intel iAPX 80186 Ada 86, Version VAX-11/785 (under (bare machine) 3.21 VAX/VMS, Version (#880708S1.09148) 4.7) EXPIRES: 89-06-12 (pending) SofTech, Inc. VAX-11/780 & Intel iAPX 80286 Ada 86, Version VAX-11/785 (under real mode (bare 3.21 VAX/VMS, Version machine) (#880708S1.09149) 4.7) EXPIRES: 89-06-12 (pending) SofTech, Inc. VAX-11/780 & Intel iAPX 80286 Ada 86, Version VAX-11/785 (under protected mode 3.21 VAX/VMS, Version (bare machine) (#880708S1.09150) 4.7) EXPIRES: 89-06-12 (pending) SofTech, Inc. VAX-11/780 & Intel iAPX 80386 Ada 86, Version VAX-11/785 (under compatible real 3.21 VAX/VMS, Version mode (bare (#880708S1.09151) 4.7) machine) EXPIRES: 89-06-12 SofTech, Inc. VAX-11/780 & Intel iAPX 80386 Ada 86, Version VAX-11/785 (under compatible 3.21 VAX/VMS, Version protected mode (#880708S1.09152) 4.7) (bare machine) EXPIRES: 89-06-12 Software Sequent Symmetry Same as Host Leverage, Inc. S81 (under Dynix, Sequent Ada, Version 3.0.8) Version S5.5.1 (#880606W1.09066) EXPIRES: 89-06-29 *Derived Software Sequent Symmetry Same as Host Leverage, Inc. S27 (under Dynix Sequent Ada, 3.0.8) Version S5.5.1 (BASE #880606W1.09066) EXPIRES: 89-06-29 Straessle Sys.-w. PCS CADMUS 9032 Same as Host CADMUS/VADS (under Munix, Version 5.5 V5.2/32) (#880511I1.09136) EXPIRES: 89-09-29 SYSTEAM KG VAX 8530 (under Same as Host SYSTEAM Ada VMS, Version 4.7) Compiler VAX/VMS, Version 1.8 (#880524I1.09118) EXPIRES: 89-08-24 SYSTEAM KG VAX 8530 (under Same as Host SYSTEAM Ada VMS 4.6) Compiler VAX/VMS, Version V1.81 (#890131I1.10035) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 SYSTEAM KG VAX 8350 (under KWS EB68020 SYSTEAM Ada VMS 4.7) (under Compiler VAX/VMS OS-9/68020 x MC68020/0S-9, Version 2.1) Version 1.81 (#890329I1.10076) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Tandem Computers Tandem NonStop Same as Host Tandem Ada, VLX (under Version T9270C10 GUARDIAN 90, (#880520W1.09060) Version C10) EXPIRES: 89-06-19 (pending) *Derived Tandem Computers Tandem NonStop Any Host Tandem Ada, VLX, TXP, II & Version T9270C20 CLX (under (BASE GUARDIAN 90, #880520W1.09060) Version C10) EXPIRES: 89-06-19 (pending) Tartan MicroVAX II Same as Host Laboratories (under MicroVMS, Incorporated Version 4.6) Tartan Ada VMS/VMS, Version 2.0V (#880322I1.09047) EXPIRES: 89-04-29 (pending) Tartan MicroVAX II Texas Laboratories (under MicroVMS, Instruments Incorporated Version 4.6) VHSIC 1750A Data Tartan Ada Processor VMS/1750A, Module, and Version 2.0V Fairchild F9450 (#880519I1.09129) (1750A) (bare EXPIRES: 89-08-29 machine) Tartan Sun 3/60 (under Same as Host Laboratories SunOS, Version Incorporated 3.5) Tartan Ada Sun/Sun, Version 2.0V (#880519I1.09130) EXPIRES: 89-08-29 Tartan Norsk Data ND-570 Same as Host Laboratories (under SINTRAN Incorporated III, Release K) Norsk Data ND-500 Ada Compiler, Release A00 (#880519I1.09131) EXPIRES: 89-08-29 TELESOFT Sun Microsystems Same as Host Sun Ada, Version Sun-4 Workstation 1.3 (SPARC Processor) (#880610W1.09089) (under Sun UNIX, EXPIRES: 89-07-29 Release Sys4-3.2) *Derived TELESOFT Sun-4/110, /150, Any Host TeleGen2 Ada /260 & /280 Development (under SunOS System, Version Releases 3.2 & 1.3a 4.0) (BASE #880610W1.09089) EXPIRES: 89-07-29 TELESOFT Macintosh II Same as Host Macintosh (under Apple A/UX TeleGen2 Ada, UNIX, Release Version 1.2 1.0) (#880610W1.09096) EXPIRES: 89-07-29 TELESOFT IBM 4381 P3 MIL-STD-1750A TeleGen2 Ada (under MVS/XA, ECSPO RAID Development 3.8) Simulator System for the Version 4.0, 1750A executing on a (#890111W1.09162) MicroVAX II EXPIRES: 89-11-30 under VMS 5.0 (bare machine) TELESOFT IBM 3083 JX MIL-STD-1750A TeleGen2 Ada (under VM/HPO, ECSPO RAID Development Version 4.2) Simulator System for the Version 4.0, 1750A executing on a (#890111W1.09163) MicroVAX II EXPIRES: 89-11-30 under VMS 5.0 (bare machine) TELESOFT IBM 4381 P3 Motorola 68020 TeleGen2 Ada (under MVS/XA, in MVME 133XT Development 3.8) configuration System for the (bare machine) 68K, Version 1.1.0 (#890111W1.09164) EXPIRES: 89-11-30 TELESOFT IBM 3083 JX Motorola 68020 TeleGen2 Ada (under VM/HPO, in MVME 133XT Development Version 4.2) configuration System for the (bare machine) 68K, Version 1.1.0 (#890111W1.09165) EXPIRES: 89-11-30 TELESOFT IBM 4381 P3 Motorola 68010 TeleGen2 Ada (under MVS/XA, in MVME 117A Development 3.8) configuration System for the (bare machine) 68K, Version 1.1.0 (#890111W1.09166) EXPIRES: 89-11-30 TELESOFT IBM 3083 JX Motorola 68010 TeleGen2 Ada (under VM/HPO, in MVME 117A Development Version 4.2) configuration System for the (bare machine) 68K, Version 1.1.0 (#890111W1.09167) EXPIRES: 89-11-30 TELESOFT VAXserver 3602 Same as Host TeleGen2 Ada (under VAX/VMS Development Version 5.0) System for VAX/VMS, Version 3.23 (#890409W1.10042) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 TELESOFT Sun-3/280 (under Same as Host TeleGen2 Ada Sun UNIX Version Development 4.2 Release 3.5) System, Version 1.4 (#890409W1.10043) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 TELESOFT Sun-3/280 (under Motorola TeleGen2 Ada Sun UNIX Version MVME133A-20 Development 4.2 Release 3.5) (MC68020) (bare System, Version machine) 1.4 (#890409W1.10044) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 TELESOFT Sun-3/280 (under Motorola MVME101 TeleGen2 Ada Sun UNIX Version (MC68020) (bare Development 4.2 Release 3.5) machine) System, Version 1.4 (#890409W1.10060) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 TELESOFT Sun-3/280 (under Motorola MVME117 TeleGen2 Ada Sun UNIX Version (MC68010) (bare Development 4.2 Release 3.5) machine) System, Version 1.4 (#890409W1.10061) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 TELESOFT VAXserver 3602 Motorola MVME101 TeleGen2 Ada (under VAX/VMS (MC68000) (bare Development Version 5.0) machine) System for VAX to E68K, Version 3.23 (#890409W1.10062) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 TELESOFT VAXserver 3602 Motorola MVME117 TeleGen2 Ada (under VAX/VMS (MC68010) (bare Development Version 5.0) machine) System for VAX to E68K, Version 3.23 (#890409W1.10063) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 TELESOFT VAXserver 3602 Motorola TeleGen2 Ada (under VAX/VMS MVME133A-20 Development Version 5.0) (MC68020) (bare System for VAX machine) to E68K, Version 3.23 (#890409W1.10064) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 TELESOFT / Intel VAX 8630 (under Intel 80386 on Corp. / TeleLOGIC VMS, Version 4.6) Intel 386-100 Ada386 Version board (bare 3.20 machine) (#880320I1.09057) EXPIRES: 89-07-22 *Derived TELESOFT / Intel MicroVAX I, II, Intel 386-116 Corp. / TeleLOGIC 2000, 3500, & board (Intel Ada386 Version 3600; VAX-11/725, 80386 & 80387) 3.20 730, 750, 780, (bare machine) (BASE 782, & 785; VAX #880320I1.09057) 8200, 8300, 8500, EXPIRES: 89-07-22 8530, 8600, 8650, 8700, 8800, 8974, & 8978; VAXserver 3500, 3600, & 3602; VAXstation I, II, 2000, 3200, & 3500 (under VMS Versions 4.5 & 4.6) Telesoft / Intel 520, Same as Host TeleLOGIC Multibus II TeleGen2 UNIX (UNIX, Version 386 Ada Compiler V.3) Version 1.0 (#880529I1.09137) EXPIRES: 89-09-29 *Derived Telesoft / Intel 80386 in Same as Host TeleLOGIC Intel 301 System UNIX 386, with PC/AT bus Version 1.0 (under Intel UNIX (BASE sys V.3) #880529I1.09137) EXPIRES: 89-09-29 Telesoft / Sun-386i (under Same as Host TeleLOGIC SunOS, Version TeleGen2 4.0) Sun-386i Ada Compiler Version 1.0 (#880607I1.09138) EXPIRES: 89-09-29 TLD Systems, Ltd. MicroVAX II TLD 1750A TLD VAX/1750A (under VMS 4.7) Instruction Ada Compiler Level Simulator System, Version: (running on the 1.3.0 Host) (with TLD (#880829W1.09156) 1750A Single EXPIRES: 89-09-02 Program Kernel, Version: 1.3.0) (bare machine) TLD Systems, Ltd. Data General TLD 1750A TLD MV/1750A Ada MV/32 20000-2 Instruction Compiler System, (under AOS/VS, Level Simulator Version: 1.3.0 Version 7.60) (running on the (#880829W1.09157) Host) (with TLD EXPIRES: 89-09-02 1750A Single Program Kernel, Version: 1.3.0) (bare machine) TLD Systems, Ltd. Hewlett Packard HP 64000 with TLD HP/1750A Ada 9000/350 (under the TASCO MDC281 Compiler System, HP-UX Version Emulator (with Version: 1.3.0 6.0) TLD 1750A Single (#880829W1.09158) Program Kernel, EXPIRES: 89-09-02 Version: 1.3.0) (bare machine) Tolerant Systems Tolerant Eternity Same as Host Tolerant Ada (under TX, Development Release 5.3.15) System, Version 2.2 (#880613W1.09091) EXPIRES: 89-07-29 *Derived Tolerant Systems Tolerant Eternity Same as Host Tolerant Ada (under TX, Development Release 5.3.22) System, Version 2.2 (BASE #880613W1.09091) EXPIRES: 89-07-29 UNISYS Unisys 5000/95 Same as Host Unisys U Series (MC68020) (under Ada Development UNISYS System V, System, Version Release 5.0) 3.23 (#890409W1.10065) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 *Derived UNISYS UNISYS 5000/80 Any Host Unisys TeleGen2 (MC68020), /85 Ada Compiler (MC68020), /90 Version 3.22 (MC68020) & /95 (BASE (MC68020) (under #890409W1.10065) UNISYS System V, EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Release 5.0) Verdix Intel System 320 Intel iSBC Corporation (under UNIX 386/20 (bare VAda-010-32315, System V rel 3.0) machine) Version 5.5 (#880201W1.09021) EXPIRES: 89-03-28 (pending) Verdix MicroVAX II Same as Host Corporation (under MicroVMS VAda-010-0303, 4.4) Version 5.5 (#880201W1.09023) EXPIRES: 89-03-28 (pending) Verdix DEC MicroVAX II Intel iSBC Corporation (under VMS 4.7) 386/20P, using VAda-010-03315, file-server Version 5.5 support from the (#880606W1.09080) host (bare EXPIRES: 89-08-31 machine) Verdix Sun Microsystems Same as Host Corporation Sun-3 (under Sun VAda-010-1313, UNIX 4.2, Release Version V5.5 3.4) (#880606W1.09081) EXPIRES: 89-08-10 Verdix Sun Microsystems Microbar Corporation Sun-3 (under Sun GPC68020, using VAda-010-13125, UNIX 4.2, Release file-server Version V5.5 3.4) support from the (#880606W1.09082) host (bare EXPIRES: 89-08-31 machine) *Derived Verdix Sun Microsystems Motorola Corporation Sun-3 family MVME-135 VAda-110-13125 (under SunOS (MC68020), using (BASE release 3.5) file-server #880606W1.09082) support from the EXPIRES: 89-08-31 host (bare machine) Verdix DEC MicroVAX II Fairchild 9450 Corporation (under VMS 4.7) under Tektronix VAda-110-03406, emulation (bare Version V5.51 machine) (#880606W1.09083) EXPIRES: 89-06-29 Verdix DEC VAX 11/750 Same as Host Corporation (under Berkeley VAda-010-0101, UNIX, Version Version V5.5 4.2BSD) (#880606W1.09084) EXPIRES: 89-08-10 *Derived Verdix MicroVAX II, Any Host Corporation 2000, 3000, 3400, PN:110-0101 3500 & 3600; (BASE VAX-11/750, 780 & #880606W1.09084) 785; VAX 6210, EXPIRES: 89-08-10 6220, 8200, 8250, 8300, 8350, 8530, 8550, 8600, 8650, 8700, 8800, 8810, 8820 & 8820-N (under Berkeley UNIX, 4.2 BSD & 4.3 BSD) *Derived Verdix MicroVAX II, Any Host Corporation 2000, 3000, 3400, PN:110-0202 3500 & 3600; (BASE VAX-11/750, 780 & #880606W1.09084) 785; VAX 6210, EXPIRES: 89-08-10 6220, 8200, 8250, 8300, 8350, 8530, 8550, 8600, 8650, 8700, 8800, 8810, 8820 & 8820-N (under DEC Ultrix, versions 2.2 & 2.3) Verdix Hewlett Packard Same as Host Corporation 9000/350 (under VAda-110-1515, HP-UX 6.2 Version V5.7 B) (#881118W1.10001) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Verdix SUN 386i (under Same as Host Corporation SunOS Release VAda-110-3434, 4.0) V5.7 (#881118W1.10002) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Verdix Prime EXL (under Same as Host Corporation Unix System V / VAda-110-3333, 386, Release 3.0) Version 5.7 (#890216W1.10027) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Verdix AT&T 3B15 (under Same as Host Corporation Unix System V, VAda-110-5151, Release 3.1.1) Version 5.7 (#890216W1.10028) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Verdix Sequent Balance Same as Host Corporation 8000 (under VAda-110-2323, Sequent Dynix, Version 5.5 Release 3.0.4) (#890216W1.10029) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Verdix Sun-4/260 (under Same as Host Corporation Sun OS, Release VAda-110-4040, 4.0) Version 6.0 (#890216W1.10030) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Verdix HP 9000 Series MVME-133A-20 Corporation 300 Model 350 (MC68020) (bare VAda-110-15125-1, (under HP-UX, machine) Version 5.7 Release 6.2B) (#890216W1.10031) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Verdix VAX 11-750 (under Tektronix 8541 Corporation UNIX 4.3 BSD) emulator VADS VAX (MV68020 Support UNIX->68K, System), using Version 5.7 TEKDB 5.01 (#890331W1.10045) emulation EXPIRES: 90-12-01 software (bare machine) Verdix Sun 4/260 (under Sun 3/280 (under Corporation SunOS 4.0) SunOS 4.0) Sun4->Sun3, Version 5.7 (#890331W1.10046) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Verdix MicroVAX 3600 MVME 133A-20 Corporation (under VMS 5.0) (MC68020) (bare VADS VAX machine) VMS->68K, Version 5.7 (#890331W1.10047) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Verdix IS68K (Integrated Same as Host Corporation Solutions) (under VADS ISI Self, UNIX 4.3 BSD) Version 5.7 (#890331W1.10048) EXPIRES: 90-12-01 Points of Contact For Currently Validated Compilers (as of 1 June 1989) AETECH David Dewitt (619) 755-1277 Aitech Software Engineering Gabriel Leemor (408) 720-9400 Alliant Computer Systems Dan Palka (508) 486-4950 Alsys Lee Ehrlichman (617) 270-0030 Apollo Computer Mike Ballentine (508) 256-6600 ext: 4132 BiiN Patrick McNamara (503) 696-4908 BULL Jean Jacques Masson +33 164 479090 CAP Industry Ltd Peter Hanson +44 734 55900 CISI Ingenierie Jean Louis Marro +33 93 65 21 12 Concurrent Computer Corp. Michael Devlin (201) 758-7531 Control Data Robert Cunius (301) 468-8067 CONVEX Computer Kirby Collins (214) 952-0241 Cray Research Sylvia Crain (505) 988-2468 Data General Corp. John Doyle (508) 366-8911 DDC International Mike Turner (602) 944-1883 Digital Equipment Corp. Ed Cuoco (603) 881-2145 Elxsi Ankur Saha (408) 942-0900 Encore Computer Ron Cohen (508) 460-0500 GEC Software David Howells +44 1 953 2030 (now Marconi Software) Gould Gary Beerman (305) 587-2900 ext: 5029 Harris Georgeanne Chitwood (305) 977-5573 Hewlett-Packard Dave Graham (408) 725-8111 Honeywell Bull Milada Williamson (703) 827-3010 IBM Anna Dahan (416) 448-2649 INTELLIMAC Hobart Mendenhall (301) 984-8000 InterACT Stacy Berman (212) 696-3700 Intermetrics, Inc. Burr Tupper (617) 661-1840 Irvine Compiler Ed Thurber (213) 944-0351 ext: 3493 (714) 250-1366 MASSCOMP Michael Devlin (201) 758-7531 (now Concurrent Computer Corp.) Meridian Software Systems Eric Olsen (800) 221-2522 (714) 380-9800 MIPS Computer Systems Prakash Chandra (408) 991-7747 Naval Underwater Systems Command Bill Wilder (202) 692-8204 R.R. Software Paul Fuller (608) 244-6436 Rational Diana Martin (408) 496-3990 Ready Systems Liz Parrish (408) 736-2600 Rockwell International Don Stover (319) 395-5648 ROLM Mil-Spec Computers Jon Elliott (408) 432-7701 SD_SCICON plc George Romanski (617) 499-2000 or Andy Baker Siemens AG Dr. P. Wehrum +49-89-63644236 Silicon Graphics Dave Bagshaw (415) 960-1980 SofTech Mark Moore (617) 890-6900 Software Leverage Glenn Allin (617) 648-1414 Straessle Systementwicklungs U. Schmitt +49 6251 51044 SYSTEAM KG Dr. Winterstein +49-721-883025 Tandem Computers Brian Ball (408) 725-6000 Tartan Laboratories Susan Englert (412) 621-2210 TeleLOGIC Mr. S. Bjoernson +46 752 630 01 TeleSoft Tom Dent or (619) 457-2700 Karen Johnson TLD Systems Terry Dunbar (213) 316-1516 Tolerant Systems Thelma Bataille (408) 433-5588 U.S. Navy/SofTech Mark Moore (617) 890-6900 UNISYS Corp Paul Wood (612) 456-7300 Verdix Paul Moskowitz (703) 378-7600 Ada Usage Database Grows In order to boost public awareness of the use of the Ada programming lan- guage for software development in Government, academia, and industry, the Ada Information Clearinghouse conducts a continuing survey of Ada usage. The following is a summary of the Army, Navy, Air Force, academic, commer- ACADEMIC PROGRAMS ##SUB_SIM'' Attack Sub Simulator DV --- Northeastern State University Simulation of 688 Class attack submarine from commanding officer's view- point when operating in a combat environment. This project provides stu- dents with experience in maintaining and expanding software of significant size. Corset & Lace DV --- Florida State University A prototype multiprocessor Ada run-time environment, coded in Ada, as simu- lation. GRAMACT and some APSE tools DV 10000 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology A general tool based on ##Grammar and Actions'' for developing application programs, e.g. pretty-printer, dynamic browser, information collector for metrics, etc. I: mU / II: C 5000 EE & CS Dept. Geo. Washington University Implements a concurrency control method for database indices organized as B-trees (called the mU protocol). The same program is used to select sta- tistics about the performance of four concurrent protocols for B-trees. II - implementation of a data type independent relational database system. AIR FORCE PROGRAMS ABICS I - Digital Electronic Flight Control System C 6000 Wright Patterson AFB The F-15B's flight control laws programmed in Ada. DEFCS is the first phase of the Ada Based Integrated Control System (ABICS) program and con- sists of an Operational Flight Program including executive and control laws. Tested 1984. ABICS II - Integrated Flight/Fire Control (IFFC) C 64000 Wright Patterson AFB Weapon delivery system coupling flight and fire control which allows a pilot to maneuver easily in air-to-air gunnery and air-to-ground bombing deliveries.With IFFC, guns can be fired from any position, instead of only from the rear.It is the second phase of the Ada Based Integrated System (ABICS) program. ABICS III - Integrated Inertial Sensor Assembly C --- Wright Patterson AFB, OH A fault-tolerant multifunction sensing system which performs the navigation and attitudinal functions of a standard inertial navigation system. IISA also acts as a back-up attitude system, weapons delivery gyro, and flight control gyros. Phase III of the Ada Based Integrated Control System pro- gram. AFIT Research Concept For Ada Development (ARCADE) DV 10000 Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio Brief APSE-like structure built around a combination of locally developed and commercial tools. Ada Avionics Real-Time Software DV --- Wright-Patterson AFB, OH An Ada Operating System/Executive Software capable of controlling single/ multi/multiple Very High Speed Integrated Circuit 1750A processors in a real- time environment. The software will be designed and developed with the Pave Pillar Architecture as the governing architecture and Ada as the HOL. Ada Compilation System for IBM 4341 & 370 (ACS) DV 400000 Griffiss Air Force Base A full Ada compiler and runtime system for the IBM 4341 host and target and the 4341 host and 370 target under the UTS operating system. The compiler is self-compiled (bootstrapped) in order to gain advantage of performance and maintainability. Ada SAM Missile Simulation C 40000 Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Models a particular threat SAM which was validated by comparison with a FORTRAN simulation of the same missile. Completed 1988. Ada Simulator Validation Program DV 200000 Wright Patterson AFB A real-time simulation on a C-141b OFT that is demonstrating the suitabil- ity of Ada as a real-time applications language. Ada Target Sensor Subsystem (ATSS) Study C --- Wright Patterson AFB,OH Development of radar mode in Ada and Jovial. Ada Test Tools C 75000 McLean, VA To include symbolic debugger and path/performance analyzers for Ada source code. Part of WWMCCS Information System (WIS) JPMO. Ada Test and Verification System (ATVS) DV 120000 Griffiss Air Force Base, NY A set of integrated computer-based software tools which provides computer program test and verification support for Ada. It also provides automated assistance during the code and unit test, CSC integration and testing, CSCI testing, and maintenance phases of the software development cycle. Ada Translators C 338000 McLean, VA Ada implementation of two translators that translate Honeywell FORTRAN 66 and COBOL 68 source code automatically to functionally equivalent Ada code. Part of WWMCCS Information System (WIS) JPMO. Ada for Control Reconfiguration (ACR) DV 2000 Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Fault-detection and isolation algorithm coded in Ada for an unmanned re- search vehicle (i.e., Remotely Piloted Vehicle) and a reconfiguration algo- rithm in Ada which will redistribute gains across control surfaces. Adv. Processor Technology for Air-to-Air Missiles C 8755 Eglin AFB, FL Commands and controls a missile system including multimode radar process- ing, guidance and head control. The software controls four data processors (1750A)and interfaces to an advanced signal processor. Phase I was com- pleted 1986; Phase II in 1987. Advanced 32-Bit Stack Processor Architecture I DV --- Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Will develop a Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) that incorporates stack machine concepts. A Stack-Frame memory device allows both push/pop accesses (Stack mode) and direct regis- ter addressing of elements in the Stack Frame (Frame mode). Advanced 32-Bit Stack Processor Architecture II DV --- Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Will develop a Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) that incorporates a stack of overlapping windows. The Ada Language Processing System (ALPS) ISA is a RISC machine with some Com- plex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) features that increase its Ada com- patibility. Advanced Alignment Concepts DV 10000 Eglin AFB, Florida Integrated transfer-alignment/wing-flexure model filter. Advanced Millimeter Wave Seeker Program (AMWS) DV --- Andrews Air Force Base, MD Being developed concurrently in Ada and JOVIAL, which will be compared for efficiency, productivity and reliability. Program will also determine feasibility of incorporating reusable components (CAMP) and of using an APSE for real-time embedded mission-critical software. Advanced On-The-Job Training System (AOTS) O 200000 Brooks AFB, Texas Training system for Air Force OJT. Supports the Management of OJT, com- puter assisted instruction, and evaluation and training. Advanced Tactical Fighter (ATF) DV 5000000 Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Includes all ATF weapon system software: avionics, controls and displays, flight control, fire control, stores management, test and maintenance equipment, trainers and simulators, and depot support equipment. Advanced Tactical Fighter Demonstration/Validation DV --- Dayton, OH On-board software includes operational, integrated diagnostic and training. Ground-based software includes mission planning, ground support and train- ing. Advanced Training System (ATS) DV --- Randolph Air Force Base, TX Automates conventional and interactive technical training at Air Training Command bases, including student facility and equipment management; course material development and delivery (all media including CAI); and testing and evaluation. The system will also manage and evaluate the training. Aerial Port Automated Cmmd & Cntl System (APACCS) DV 15000 Scott AFB, IL APACCS displays and edits aerial port command and control data to support sequence of events (SOE) tracking and control in 23 aerial ports. Air Force Armament Lab. Ada Compiler C 80000 Eglin AFB, Florida Translates Ada code from a CDC Cyber 170/760 to a Zilog Z8002 Development Module. This 1985 compiler was written in Pascal 6000. Air Force Support to MEECN DV 8000 Offut AFB, NE Will function on an 8086 embedded in a transmitter. The transmitter sends messages from the National Command Authority to the strategic defense forces. Air-to-Air Attack Management (AAAM) DV 20000 Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Concepts for air-to-air attack of multiple targets, suitable for use in the fire control system of an advanced fighter in the 1990s. AAAM software will demonstrate the use of Ada in a distributed computing system with multiple MIL-STD-1750A computers embedded in a combat-critical system. Air-to-Air Combat DV --- Wright-Patterson AFB, OH A user-friendly front end to the Air-to-Air Simulation Performance Evalu- ation Model that quickly answers questions on mission avionics and sensor evaluations. The front end allows for the creation or modification of input files that will be stored in a common database. Antenna Test Range Feasibility Study DV 8000 San Antonio, TX Develop Ada code while considering using Ada to develop algorithms of an- tenna pattern analysis. Especially interested in developing reusable mod- ules for future antenna testing. Automated Data Manipulation (ADAM) DV 10000 Langley AFB, VA 23665 Based on variable areas of interest, the program extracts, reformats, sorts and produces a customized data file output from a static database and rec- ords it onto magnetic tape or hard disk cassette. Automated Remote Tracking Station (ARTS) PL 220000 Los Angeles AFS, CA Control and status of ground station system which performs tracking, te- lemetry and commanding of DoD and NASA space vehicles. Ada was the PDL completed in 1985. The ARTS Program is implemented in JOVIAL in 1986. Automated Test Procedure Generator for Ada DV --- Wright-Patterson A.F.B. Software (written in Ada) will automatically develop a tree structure for Ada code and, using this structure and a knowledge of the code specifica- tion, develop low-level (procedure- & function-level) test and verification and validation tests. An expert system will be used. Autonomous Guided Weapon PL --- Eglin Air Force Base, FL To control the weapon from aircraft release until impact on target so that the aircraft does not have to remain in the area until target is hit. Autonomous Synthetic Aperture Radar Guid. (ASARG) C 16000 Eglin AFB, FL Processes digitized radar images in real time; controls Synthetic Aperature Radar updates to missile navigation systems, implements a strap-down INS, and antenna steering. Avionics Program Expert (APEX) DV --- Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Provides the programmer with a graphics interface which can be used to specify an Ada program. The APEX tool will then produce Ada source code from the graphical representation. The program is decomposed into differ- ent views:package description, control flow, process communication, & data structure. Base Level Accounting Info. Data Sys. (BLAIDS) DV 70000 Patrick AFB, FL An ORACLE database system, the equivalent of the Job Order Accounting Sys- tem (JOCUS), using Ada as the high-level language for such tasks as tape reformatting. Biostatistical Command Summary Reporting System DV 4000 Scott AFB, IL BCSR will allow all of MAC's medical treatment facilities to automate AF Form 235, Report of Patients. The command level will then be able to con- solidate the Report of Patients data, produce reports for comparisons among the medical treatment facilities and convert data to AUTODIN format for transmission. C-17 Ground Support Systems (GSS) DV --- Scott AFB, ILL Extract navigation and communication data from a digital source and format to C-17 Mission Computer format. COBOL to Ada and Fortran to Ada Translators C --- Washington, DC Read Fortran 66 and COBOL 68 and write equivalent Ada program. Common Ada Missile Packages (CAMP) C 80000 Eglin AFB, FL A library of efficient and reusable Ada parts for missile flight applications.The software contains a Parts Composition System to help the software engineer find, understand, use and manage the CAMP parts. Com- plete as of 1988. Common Signal Processor (CSP) DV 180000 Wright-Patterson AFB, OH A modular multiprocessor comprised of an evolving family of VHSIC modules. Controlled by a comprehensive, self-configuring operating system, the CSP is being produced with a complete application development system. Its goal is to provide an SP architecture and software environment common to radar, EW & CNI. Common Signal Processor User Console Emulator DV --- Wright-Patterson AFB, OH An efficient user environment which extends access to the User Console from a single user workstation (an IBM PC/AT) to a multi-user environment, re- ducing time and effort for debugging a signal processor subsystem with an embedded CSP. The CSP UC is the primary interface to the support equip- ment. Commtns. Support Processor Performance Upgrade Pg. DV 150000 Washington, DC Design study to convert the program now in Assembly language and resident in a PDP1184, PDP 1170, and PDP 1144 to Ada resident on a MicroVAX. DPS 6/Level 6 Teleconferencing (TLCS6) C 25000 Reston, VA Automated conferencing among users at one DPS 6 or several networked DPS 6s. Data Systems Modernization DV 500000 Los Angeles Air Force Base Common core satellite command and control communications interface btw/ groundstation and satellite. Awarded in 1979. Designed entirely in Ada, though no compiler existed, & implemented in JOVIAL. IBM's Ada prototype was the Dod's first major project for which a corporation set up an implem- entation language. Defense Support Program DV 400000 Los Angeles AFS, CA Supports mission and support programs. Digital Airborne Intercom. Switching Sys. (DAISS) DV 100000 Tinker AFB, OK A solid-state digital, stored program-controlled, voice distribution system that provides selectable communications. DAISS integrates intercommunica- tion signals and provides internal and external communication paths for all users. Digital Flight Control System FB-111 PL --- Andrews Air Force Base, MD Redesign the digital flight control program for the FB-111 in Ada. Being developed in parallel with General Dynamic's JOVIAL effort. Digl. Flight Control for Tactl. Aircraft (Digitac) DV --- Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Replacing Honeywell 301 hardware of Digital Flight System with MIL-STD- 1750A using a Performance semiconductor's PACE chip and programming as much as possible in Ada. Test pilot school can still perform flying quality tests by switching games and controlling the ##flight'' themselves. Distributed Kalman Filter Architecture, Phase II DV --- Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Addresses problems associated with navigation systems running in modern avionics systems which have modular navigation sensors with self-contained Kalman filters, each running on a separate processor and communicating over shared MUX busses. The DKFA is meant for current, next generation craft. Distributed S/W Enging. and Control Process (DCP) C 212103 McLean, VA A 1984 ADA development environment using relational database management system (INGRES) and Ada Command Language Interface. Part of the WWMCCS Information System (WIS) JPMO. DoD Communication Protocols C 29861 McLean, VA A 1985 Ada implementation of TCP/IP, FTP, TELNET, and SMTP protocols based on Requests for Comment (RFC). Part of the WWMCCS Information System (WIS) JPMO. E-4B Message Processing System PL 35000 Tinker Air Force Base, OK A message-processing software executing in the ROLM Hawk/32 and 1553B bus interface units (BIVs) executing in 80286. EC-135s DV --- Modifying 39 airborne command post aircrafts. Electronic Warfare Applications of AI in Ada DV --- Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Develop an Ada prototype flight path generator using artificial intelli- gence techniques. Expert-Like System for CAD/Reliability Engineering DV --- Wright-Patterson AFB, OH An advanced and flexible computer aided engineering support environment. The E-L CAD/RE will remove procedural data from the underlying coded soft- ware and place this information into a database from which can be dynami- cally accessed and managed. Ada will be used to implement the prototype's core modules. F-15 Maintenance Trainers C 3500 Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Operates in one of five distributed panels on the F-15 aircraft maintenance trainer. The 1986 Trainer accepts input from Air Force students and simu- lates aircraft's reactions, including malfunctions. Generic Ada Radar Model C 3000 Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Radar simulation designed in terms of object architecture with simulation components corresponding to hardware components. Project completed in 1987. Generic Message Handling Facility (GMHF) C 12519 McLean, VA Prototype military message processing system experimenting with the use of generic I/0 routines. Project demonstrated that UNITREP and RAINFORM mes- sage processors could be easily built through instantiation. Completed in 1986. Part of the WWMCCS Information System (WIS) JPMO. Global Decision Support System (GDSS) C 75000 Scott AFB, IL Wide-area network replicated database system for command and control of Military Airlift Command Resources. Release 2 deliver 1987. Granite Sentry DV --- ESD Modernizes hardware and software for Cheyene Mountain for four functions: Air Defense, Command Post, Battle Staff, and weather. Graphic Ada Designer (GAD) C 23986 McLean, VA Automatically generates Ada PDL from graphical depiction of Booch/Buhr diagrams. This tool allows designers to develop/modify software design using graphical representations. It uses a draft version of the GKS/Ada interface standard. Part of the WWMCCS Program, this project was completed in 1986. Graphical Kernel System (GKS)/Ada Interface C 242580 McLean, VA Implementation of the draft ANS/ISO GKS/Ada Binding thru level 2c, proto- type GKS Metafile, and contouring application using GKS/Ada. Part of the WWMCCS Information System (WIS) JPMO. Guidance Instruction Set Architecture (GISA) DV 6000 Eglin AFB, FL The objective is to develop an Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) optimized for executing real-time embedded missile guidance and control applications. An Ada software environment (compiler, assembler, linker/loader, and debug- ger) is being developed for the ISA. HAVE GLANCE PL --- Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Advanced development program which will develop a laser-based countermea- sure system to prevent enemy missiles from intercepting friendly aircraft. The program will demonstrate acquisition, handoff, pointing and tracking, and then countering the enemy missile. HAVE LAW PL --- Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Demonstrates an electronic countermeasures capability through the use of a directed energy source (laser). HAVE LAW's overall objective is to test and evaluate the acquisition and tracking capability of an airborne system. Ada will be used when structuring real-time data processing algorithms. HAVE SLICK PL --- Elgin AFB Flight control software that will perform guidance, navigation and control functions. HOL Electronic Warfare Software Analysis I C 3000 Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio An analysis of the applicability of Ada for electronic warfare software. The program requires the rewriting of an electronic warfare subsystem in Ada. Project completed in 1987. Hierarchical Integrated Test Simulator (HITS) DV 8000 Robins Air Force Base, GA Rewriting in Ada of output portion of government-owned software that Warner- Robins uses to develop digital test program. New program is im- proving the computer's throughput. IAW - Interactive Ada Workstation DV 50000 Prototype software engineering workstation. ISS Systems Integration, Transition & Tech. Supp. C 625000 Brooks AFB, San Antonio, TX Enhances the Instructional Support System (ISS), a computer-based training system developed in Ada, which includes capabilities for computer-assisted and managed instruction. Integrated Communication, Navigation ID Avionics DV --- Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Will integrate multiple existing and planned near-term CNI waveforms into a single radio system, while realizing significant savings in reliability, maintainability, and operational availability. ICNIA's GPS, JTIDS, DP Operating System, and Terminal Control will be implemented in Ada. Integrated Control & Avionics for Air Superiority DV 60000 Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Fighter aircraft technologies needed to kill and survive when outnumbered in air combat engagements. ICAAS integrates sensors, fire and flight con- trol, weapons and interface with the pilot to improve beyond visual range multiple target attack capability with effective transition to close-in combat. Integrated Design Automation System (IDAS) O 250,000 Wright Patterson AFB IDAS is a tool set that automatically derives relevant information about hard-ware and software designs while mapping Ada programs onto machines described in VHDL, synthesizes machines described in VHDL from specifica- tions expressed as Ada programs, and retargets microcode compiler tools from a VHDL machine. Intermetrics Ada Compilers C 600000 Compiler, linker, & associated tools. Intrapulse Processor Demonstration C --- Wright-Patterson AFB, OH High-speed 1987 radar signal processor for electronic warfare receivers. Kalman Filter Tool C 14799 McLean,VA Ada implementation of a track predictor tool, completed in 1986, based on Kalman filter techniques. Part of the WWMCCS Information System (WIS) JPMO. Key distribution Management System (KDMS) DV 25,000 Hanscomb AFB, MA PC based program that generates, manages, and distributes fill-data for half sysnc frequency-hop radios. This system is designed to interface to US Army fill-data equipment, ie., the SINCGARS radio. MATCHWELL PL --- Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Advanced development of a command, control and communications countermea- sures system. Map Generator Tool C 8889 McLean, VA Generates and displays map data in eight different projections (stereogra- phic, orthographic, gnomonic, satellite, Lambert, azimuthal, Cartesian, and Mercator). Part of the WWMCCS Information System (WIS) JPMO. Military Strategic Tactical and Relay (MILSTAR) DV 468000 Los Angeles AFB, CA Miscellaneous WIS Tools C 116666 McLean, VA Tools included are Arithmetic Emulation, Menu Managers, Form Generator, GKS/Ada prototype, DBMS interface prototypes, complexity measures, RF propagation prediction. Tools were developed by multiple contractors. Part of the WWMCCS Information System (WIS) JPMO. Missile Simulation Display (MISSDIS) C 5000 Tyndall AFB Graphically depicts in 3D missile simulation data and data from actual air- to-air missile tests. Maneuvering, solid-shaded airframe models give ana- lysts a better feel for the simulated or actual engagement. Multidisciplinary Expert-Aided Analysis & Design DV --- Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Focuses on integrated control system design. Initially MEAD will integrate flight, propulsion and structural control. It utilizes a sophisticated database management system to track and document the entire design process. Later it will advance control design methods and expert-aided capabilities. Optimal Guidance Law Implementation (OGLI) C 2243 Eglin AFB, Florida Optimal control theory-based guidance algorithms and Kalman Filters for skid to turn beyond visual range tactical missile guidance. Production Quality Ada to MIL-STD-1750 Compiler DV 400000 Dayton, OH Based on the Air Force Ada Integrated Environment (AIE) technology. The bulk of the effort is to retarget the AIE compiler to the MIL-STD-1750A ISA and to rehost the result on a VAX 11/780. Project Information Management System DV 60000 Patrick AFB, FL Financial information system; Ada used instead of ORACLE when a high-level language is required. Also a project manager; tracks man-power and materi- als and allocates both. Consists of all office automation tools -- word processing, spreadsheet, graphics, presentation system. Project Management and Benchmarking C 14780 McLean, Va Project Tracker, COCOMO, and Benchmarking (Whetstone/Dhrystone) tools. Part of the WMCCS Information System (WIS) JPMO, this project was completed in 1985. Project Management and Simulation C 29578 McLean, VA Ada implementation of Project Planner, Cost Estimator (COCOMO) and Network Queueing Simulation Tools. Part of the WWMCCS Information System (WIS) JPMO, this project was completed in 1985. Prototype Flight Cryocooler (Turbo) DV --- Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Developing a three-stage turbo cryogenic cooler system for surveillance spacecraft under Strategic Defense Initiative. System includes electronic controller and associated software. Rapidly Reconfigurable Crewstation DV --- Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Automated graphics software for cockpit designs by all users. RRC will develop panoramic display surfaces, helmet mounted displays, sensor imagery concepts, and audio holography. Also will develop a translational software to transition automatically new display images to real graphics sys. Real-Time Target Identification (RTID) DV 500 Eglin AFB, FL An exploratory development for research done in target state (position, velocity, acceleration) estimators. Estimator algorithm (coded in Ada) will be down-loaded into a microprocessor interfaced with a 6-degree-of- freedom missile simulation. Research on Ada Parallel Processor DV 200 Bowling Air Force Base Research using Ada as a parallel processing language. SDI BMC2 Ada PDL Feasibility Study C --- Bedford, MA Ada will be used to record the system architecture for informational ele- ments to achieve communications and configuration management benefits. IBM FSD recorded the SDI BMC2 architecture in Ada PDL through Levels 1 and 2 of the four-level design methodology described by O'Neill at WADAS '86. Small ICBM, Guidance and Control DV 65000 Norton AFB, CA Real-time flight communications and telemetry processing in three parts. (1) Flight control and navigation software. (2) Targeting software. (3) Ground Kalman filter, accuracy related research and development. Software Development and Maintenance Environment DV 272549 McLean, VA An integrated environment of tools to support software engineering, project management and configuration management for Ada software development. Part of the WWMCCS Information System (WIS) JPMO. Software Life Cycle Support Environment (SLCSE) DV 150000 Griffiss Air Force Base, NY A computer-based environment of integrated software tools that supports the development and host deployment phases of the mission-critical computer system (MCCS) software life cycle in accordance with the DoD's ##Defense System Software Development'' Standard 2167A. Standard Automated Remote to AUTODIN Host (SARAH) C 50000 Tinker Air Force Base, OK Developed on and targeted to an IBM PC-compatible Z248/Z200. Replaces punch cards/paper tape for Air Force message processing. The 1,000 AUTODIN message preparation/transmission/reception workstations will use Zenith Z- 150 micro computers, the system's standard terminal. Project completed in 1988. Survivable Communications Integrations Sys. (SCIS) DV 80000 Hanscom AFB Communications processor that logs messages and performs media management and error control. Does fault tolerance and handles interface with commu- nications media. The SCIS will provide automated multiple media management & improved survivability of the communications systems serving ballistic missile warning. TAC Weapon System Evaluation Program (TAC WSEP) DV 40000 Tyndall AFB, FL Graphically represents data from WSEP Database and performs simulations based on the data. Additional software also developed in Ada is used to reduce real-time data from target drones and air-to-air missiles. Tactical Ada Guidance (TAG) C 3034 Eglin AFB, FL Investigating Ada's applicability to tactical missiles. A comparison with existing JOVIAL code was also performed. Project complete in 1985. Tactical Situation Assessment & Response Strategy PL --- Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Demonstrates the benefits and risks associated with the application of AI technology to integrated defensive processing of the post-2000 tactical fighter. The TSARS program will determine how AI can assist in multi- sensor data fusion, situation assessment, and response strategy. Term. Inter., Speller, Style Checker & Forms Gen. C 33827 McLean, VA Ada implementation of Virtual Terminal, Spelling Checker, Ada Style Checker, and Forms Generation Tools. Part of the WWMCCS Information System (WIS) JPMO,this project was completed in 1985. Tester Independent Support Software System (TISSS) C 120000 Washington, DC Automates generation of microelectronic MIL-M-38510 & product specifica- tions. Automatically generates test programs and maintains in a central da- tabase all specification design and test data for lifecycle support. Sys- tem installed 1988 Theater Airlift Management System (TAMS) DV 28793 Scott AFB, IL Command and Control for airlift missions within a theater, includes mainte- nance and mission scheduling. Thirty-two-BIT Processor for AI/Ada Applications PL --- Wright-Patterson AFB, OH An AI hardware accelerator module or co-processor that will interface with a conventional 32-bit microprocessor, & will execute AI application rou- tines in real-time implemented entirely with Ada code. Focuses on garbage collection, dynamic memory management, & data structure handling. Exclu- sively Ada. UNITREP Prototype DV 12821 McLean, VA Ada implementation of the standard WWMCCS UNITREP program based on JCS Pub 6 and the original COBOL software. This prototype interfaces with two relational DBMSs (ORACLE and IDM-500). VHSIC Avionic Modular Processors (VAMP) DV --- Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Utilizes VHSIC technology to develop hardware building block modules for tailoring very high-speed MIL-STD-1750A computers to support advanced avi- onics system requirements. All of VAMP's software will be written in Ada. VHSIC Core Avionics Processor (VCAP) DV 64000 Hill AFB, UT F-16's operational flight programs in the fire control computer and storage management system. Variable Stability In-Flight Sim. Test Aircraft PL --- Wright-Patterson AFB, OH A high-performance in-flight simulator using an F-16D as the host aircraft. VISTA will simulate the flight characteristics and pilot interfaces of new flight vehicles and advanced weapon systems. It will also support Air Force and Navy test pilot school training and aeronautical research and development. WWMCCS Information System (WIS) Ada Develop. Tools C 109139 McLean, Va A suite of APSE tools, including a standards checker, pretty printer, statement profiler, compilation order, complexity measures, requirement tracker, data dictionary, and documentation manager. Weapon Systems Interaction Modeling (WSIM) CO 8500 Wright-Patterson AFB, OH Ada-based executive used to develop. link, abd control election of complex air missions by controlling the execution of distributed operations of Micro Vax II CPUs and VAX 8600 Minicomputers. WISM is part of the AF Elec- tronic Combat Digital Evaluation System. Word Processor C 38732 McLean, VA Ada implementation of a text editor and formatter based on Data Text Word Processor. Part of the WWMCCS Information System (WIS) JPMO, this project was completed in 1986. Worldwide Military Command & Control System WWMCCS DV --- Washington, DC Consists of five major systems: communications, warning, command facili- ties, executive aids, and data collection and processing. This is an up- grade of the WWMCCS Information System Functions. See specific listings for individual components of this program. ARMY PROGRAMS Ada Designed/X.25/VSLI/VHSIC CHIP PL 16000 Ft. Monmouth Software will be developed or designed in Ada for the X.25 protocol. All X.25-required functions at the Datalink (frame) and Network (packet) level will be designed in Ada using the selected Ada-Based Design Language. Adv. Field Artillery Tactical Data Syst. (AFATDS) DV 1200000 Ft. Sill, OK An automated command and control system intended to serve as both a subor- dinate system and objective control element of the Fire Support functional system. AFATDS will replace TACFIRE. Advanced Quicklook (AQL) DV --- Ft. Monmouth, NJ Intercepts, locates, identifies and reports noncommunications emitters. Consists of airborne equipment to be installed in RC-12K aircraft and ground equipment to be installed in the Guardrail/Common Sensor Integrated Processing Facility. The interface between airborne and ground is via a wide-band IDL. Army Test Program Set Support Environment (ATSE) DV 200000 Ft. Monmouth, NJ An interactive, automated environment for Test Program Set (TPS) develop- ment and management. DCL Ada Implementation Program DV --- Ft. Lee, VA Integration of Ada Programming Support Environment into the contemporary life cycle. Digital Turret Distribution Box (DTDB) DV 3500 Warren, MI Control of logic and switching functions in the Bradley Fighting Vehicle Weapon Station. Distributed Computing Design System 3.5 (DCDS) DV 250000 Huntsville, AL An integrated system engineering environment for designing large real-time Ada systems, especially if the distribution is unknown and the system must evolve. DCDS consists of a family of methodologies, languages & an inte- grated toolset which assist in coding, linking, loading, debugging, etc. Experimental Version 1988 (EV88) DV 375000 Huntsville, AL Demonstrates feasibility of Strategic Defense Initiative's Battle Manage- ment C3 software. Expert Subsystem Status Monitor (ESSM) PL --- Ft. Monmouth, NJ An expert system to help diagnostic subsystems on the engine and hydraulic systems. FIREFINDER II PL --- Addresses specific shortcomings of the current FIREFINDER acquisition sys- tems used by army and marine units. Software supports new radars which are upgrades of existing radars. Flir Mission Payload Subsystem (FMPS) DV 11000 MICOM Processes data to control the FMPS functions which include autotracking a target, ranging or designating with the laser, and responding to manual sightline control commands from the ground. Forward Looking Infrared Mission Payload Subsystem DV 15000 Ft. Belvoir, VA Provides real-time processing of data (including manual sight-line control commands from the ground control station as well as Forward Looking Infra- red imagery) resulting in control signals for FMPS functions such as au- totracking targets, laser ranging and designating, & responding to manual ground control. Fwd. Area Defense Comm., Control & Intell. Sys. DV --- Huntsville, AL Provides automated acquisitions tracking of low-altitude aircraft in the command and control. Expected to run on portable, transportable and hand- held computer units. To provide voice and digital communications to For- ward Area Air Defense units and to disseminate FADCCI information. Generic Aircraft Maintenance Mgt. System (GAMMS) PL --- AVSCOM/St. Louis, MO Will download maintenance information concerning the aircraft from an em- bedded data-collecting CPU. HELLFIRE Tactical Missile (AGM 114) DV 10000 Redstone Arsenal The Army's primary anti-tank missile; air-to-ground, launched from helicop- ters and laser-guided. To be flown on the Army AH64 and AU60, and the Ma- rine COBRA helicopter. Howitzer Imp. Prog(HIP) Auto Fire Ctrl Sys. (AFCS) DV --- Landmark, NJ Will correct current shortcomings in four primary areas: responsiveness, survivability, terminal effects and random access memory. One of the prin- cipal components of this effort is developing and fielding the AFC. Intermediate Forward Test Equipment (IFTE) DV 400 Fort Monmouth To include the Run Time System Software on ATLAS compiler, Simulation Soft- ware and maintenance/self-test/diagnostic software. Light Helicopter Experimental (LHX) PL --- Refer to Ada-Rendezvous Spring 1987 and February 1988 issues. M60A3 Modified Fire Control System (MFCS) DV --- Picatinny Arsenal, NJ The M21 Ballistic Computer System of the M60A3 tank fire control system is being converted from an analog to a digital device. This program will be used to provide Ada code for the upgraded M21 Ballistic Computer System. Maneuver Control System (MCS) Program DV 35000 Ft. Monmouth, NJ An Army command & control system which, through transportable computers and tactical communications systems, sends, processes, & displays combat data to support commanders and staffs at corps & subordinate echelons. Provides current info and decision aids in text & graphics to support timely re- ports. Mobile Automated Field Instrumentation Sys.(MAFIS) DV 78000 Fort Hood, Texas Allows for real-time monitoring of two-sided mechanized combat where weapon engagements are simulated. Only the Command and Control Subsystem of ##MA- FIS'' is being written in Ada. Net Control Station-JTIDS (NCS-J) --- Ft. Monmouth, NJ A manned system which will define and produce a consistent set of initiali- zation data for terminals within its control, network troubleshoot, perform crypto network management, and allow interoperability between Army and Air Force elements via JTIDS. Non-Cooperative Target Recognition for FAAD T3 --- Ft. Monmouth, NJ A passive, non-cooperative Identification Friend Foe (IFF) system for the Forward Area Air Defense. The proposed weapons platforms are the Pedestal Mounted Stinger (PMS) and the Line of Sight - Forward Heavy (LOS-FH). NonCommunications Jammer 2000 DV --- NJ Operational program exists to develop, fabricate and demonstrate a radar jammer capable of protecting against current and future threat radars. Being non-vehicle specific, the project is applicable to all services. Ada will be used as both the design and operational language. OV-1 Aircraft Survivability Equip. (ASE) Training PL --- Ft. Monmouth, NJ Adds to system hardware as a real-time trainer/simulator. Radar Surveillance System (UPD AN/UPD-7) --- Ft. Monmouth, NJ Designed to detect, locate and track moving ground targets. The system consists of a Bide Looking Airborne Radar sensor & a Digital Data Link (DDL). The ground subsystem is a Ground Station Terminal (GST). The DDL transfers radar information from the SLAR to the GST, which displays the radar imagery. Regency Net C 120000 Ft. Monmouth, NJ Provides automated functions on a distributed basis for the RN HF radio communication system. Reusable Ada Packages for Info. Syst. Development DV --- Washington DC Designed to help a broad range of Standard Army Management Information Systems the RAPID Center Library (RCL) will automatically retrieve reusable Ada soft- ware components that sort, list, etc. in order to build finan- cial, personnel and logistics applications. Robotized Wire Harness Assembly System (RWHAS) C 4000 Redstone Arsenal, Alabama A batch program called the Data Generator (DG). It links a CAD wire harness program and the CAM RWHAS by automatically producing data used by robots to manufacture a wire harness. It uses mult.file I/O to get wire connector and tooling information. A fully flexible manufacturing system completed in 1986. Single Subscriber Terminal (SST) AN/UGC-144 C 120000 Ft. Monmouth, NJ System has two main configurations: Terminal Processor handles machine inter- facing, Communication processor handles all external communications to outside devices, protocol devices, and other COD devices. The UGC-144 can also edit and compose messages in DOD format and transmit through DoD networks. Single Subscriber Terminal Proj. (SST AN/UGC-144) 138000 Ft. Monmouth, NJ A rugged, intelligent, lightweight, user-friendly, automated tactical rec- ord traffic device to be employed by the Army and Air Force worldwide. The SST is an MS-DOS compatible keyboard/display/message terminal which com- poses, stores, receives and transmits messages. Includes a fixed hard drive & extra storage. Spec. Operating Aircraft(SOA) Rem. Term. Unit(RTU) DV 5260 Ft. Monmouth, NJ Supports MH47E and MH60K aircraft in initialization, I/O management and signal conditioning. It also has built-in testing capabilities. Spec. Operating Aircraft(SOA)Map Display Gen.(MDG) PL 7200 Ft. Monmouth, NJ Uses a 1750A processor performing chart memory management, SIBAN, bit interface handling, map control, and perspective field computing. Special Purpose Countermeasure --- Ft. Monmouth, NJ Provides mobile forward area communications jamming capability to support division and corps combat operations. Standard Finance System Redesign (STANFINS-R) DV 1300000 Indianapolis, IN The second phase is being programmed in Ada; the first phase was in COBOL. This 2nd phase includes general accounting, cost accounting, cost account- ing standards, and budget execution functions. An estimated 75-80-percent of the system's processing will be in batch mode. Std. Install./Div. Pers. Sys. Ver. 3.0 (SIDPERS-3) PL --- Alexandria, VA A total army field personnel support system performing field strength man- agmt. and accounting from individuals to the entire DA. The Standard In- stallation/ Division Personnel System is in three sections: guard, reserve & active. 3 tiers: MVS; MVS targeted to a Sperry 5000/Unix; Zenith PC w/ DOS or Zenix. T-800 Engine PL --- St. Louis, MO Performs engine control and health monitoring functions for the LHX Heli- copter TACMS-IGU PL --- Redstone Arsenal, AL This program will recode JOVIAL and Z8002 Assembly Language missile Initial Guidance Unit (IGU) Computer Program Components to Ada, simulate real-time operation to establish IGU microcomputer design requirements, design and build the required flight micro system, and verify, validate and deploy the system. UH-1 FS Redevelopment DV 50000 Ft. Rucker, AL Demonstrates the feasibility of using Ada in simulation systems. The UH-1 flight simulator was designed in Assembly software. UH-60 Command Instruments System Trainer DV --- AVSCOM/St. Louis, MN A trainer system which will be used to educate aircraft maintenance person- nel in a classroom environment through simulation. UH-60A Composite Trainer (Device 01-139) C 15000 St. Louis, MO Operates in aircraft, cockpit, and joint cockpit/aircraft real-time modes of simulation for normal & emergency procedural training. Developed by Validity, it is a modified airframe configured to demonstrate airframe, flight control, powertrain, hydraulic, and automatic flight control systems to Army aviators. US Army Europe Tactical Command System (UTACCS) DV 41000 Ft Monmouth, N.J. System supports operations of the Army's Echelons Above Corps in message composition, routing and storage. System supports communications through Army Tactical Data System and on LANS. Vehicle Magnetic Signature Duplicator (VEMASID) DV 1500 Ft. Belvoir, VA Assists in neutralizing magnetic landmines. The Full Scale Engineering De- velopment Program (FSED) also monitors system operation, performs built-in tests and relays the system status to the operator. The software controls the operation of an inverter bridge which produces a variable output wave- form. Versa Module Eurocard (VME) DV 35000 Ft. Monmouth, NJ Mission hardware for helicopters that collects sensor data and sends it to the pilot. Among other control features are engine monitoring, altitude modulation and checklist automation. COMMERCIAL PROGRAMS A/LICE-ADA/LATTICE Integrated Conceptual Environ. DV 200000 Science Applications Int'l Corp. (IRD) Provides an environment for high-level AI work, modeling of knowledge rep- resentation schema for system development work/methods and interface for very large environments and distributed databases. ADAMAT Ada Measurement & Analysis Tool C 100K Dynamics Research Corp. ADAMAT is a static Ada source code analyzer which has been used as a pre- dictor of quality, specifically reliability, maintainability and portabil- ity. ADAMAT provides a comprehensive objective automated capability with over 150 measures ADAPLEX DV 500000 Computer Corporation of America Ada-oriented distributed database management system. ALS Rehost to DIPS DV 56000 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT) Compiler and KAPSE. APR39A (XE-2) PL --- Dalmo Victor/General Instruments To produce software to operate a radar warning receiver (embedded real-time system) ATTEND DV --- Future Generations, Inc. A 4th generation development and run-time system written in Ada and using an an object-actor design. An active data dictionary is integral to the system. A well-structured abstraction combines with these other features to allow a natural evolution towards the AI functions of future systems. Ada DBase Manager & Ada Port. Compiler & S/W Tools DV 20000 LRM Computer Associates Portable compiler & dbase management (SQL relational) system with inte- grated library management/data dictionary extendible to full APSE with plans for KBS interface. Ada Machost DV 200000 EVB Software Engineering, Inc. Allows programmers to write Ada source code on a VAX machine that can ac- cess a Macintosh toolbox. The software resembles X-Windows except the server is always Macintosh. Programmers can write portable software and take advantage of Macintosh's graphic features. Ada Manager/Ada Quest Version 1.4 C 15000 AdaSoft, Inc. A single-user relational DBMS written entirely in Ada, intended for use in Ada Ada workstation environments. Programmer access to DBMS facilities is provided through the Ada Host Language Interface. Interactive end-user access is provided through AdaQuest, also written in Ada. Operational since 1985. Ada Menus C 1500 AdaSoft A software component written entirely in Ada for creating and displaying menus in Ada applications. Bar, pull-down & pop-up menus are currently supported. A set of ##hot keys'' can be supplied that return control to the calling program. This 1988 package can be used with Ada Windows to display menus in windows. Ada PC/Dos DV 56000 Softech, Inc. Compiler and KAPSE. Ada Rendezvous Emulation Tool (ARET) DV 4000 Boeing Military Airplanes Translates Ada tasking software into software distributable on embedded multi-processor systems. Improves improductivity by allowing refining of complex multi-task Ada programs to be developed in a monolithic environment with superior debugging resources. To be completed first quarter 1989. Ada Windows C 2500 AdaSoft, Inc. A 1988 software component written entirely in Ada that supports both static & scrolling windows within Ada applications. Windows are created like pieces of paper on a desk that can overlap. Windows can be opened, closed, read from, written to, updated, cleared, covered, uncovered, moved, pro- moted & scrolled. AdaForms C 40000 CIMTEK A forms management system used for developing Ada application programs. Included are an interactive forms editor and a runtime package with virtual terminal capability. Project completed 1986. AdaTools C 15000 CIMTEK An applications development toolkit containing such utilities as a virtual terminal interface, random-access file I/O, asynchronous communication, interprocess communication, etc. Completed 1986. Advanced Ground Segment (AGS) DV 120000 Ford Aerospace and Communications Corp. Automated satellite control center that uses an Ada-based expert system and provides multilevel automation for telemetry monitoring and fault diagno- sis. Directed toward Space Station and spacecraft. Has a set of Ada parts for control centers and provides menu-driven interface; all graphics are in Ada. Applictn. Generator For Space Vehicle Control Sys. DV 26000 Boeing Provides a high-level graphical approach to software generation. Prototype application generator will allow non-software personnel to produce applica- tions software directly. The user can easily create or modify the graphic definition of an application solution to suit his or her particular needs. AutoCode/Ada C 25000 Integrated Systems, Inc. An automatic Ada code generator for Ada real-time software. It allows generation of Ada code for multi-rate periodic and asynchronous real-time control systems. The system produces highly optimized, high-performance software, including the executive. Beech-Starship DV 82000 Rockwell Collins Written in Ada for two subsystems: the electronic flight display, and the flight management system. EFD includes two prim. flight displays, two navig. displays, engine and instrument crew advis. display and multifunc- tion. FMS accepts input from navig. radio and output positioning data and radio tuning. BiiN Ada Compiler C 2 milli Intel & Siemens, AG Ada Compiler, Ada Librarian, Ada Library, Ada Linker, and the entire BiiN operating system and System services all written using BiiN's own Ada Tools. CAI Presentation C 8000 AdaSoft, Inc. Comprises the course presentation and authoring software for use with AdaSoft's Ada programmer training course, ##The Ada Programming Language.'' The software is written entirely in Ada, includes advanced CBT features, and thoroughly integrates with the resident Ada environment. Completed in 1985. CAMIL to Ada Language Translator C 56000 McDonnel Douglas Astronics Co. Used to rehost a large computer instructional system. CAMIL - Computer As- sisted/Managed Instructional Language. Complexity Measurement Tool C 23000 EVB S/W Engineering Measures the complexity of a software program: interaction and number of loops, etc. Completed in 1985. Concurrent Computer Ada Compiler C 400000 Concurrent Computer Corp. Ada compiler written in Ada. DIANA Query Language (DQL) C 80000 The MITRE Corporation The Descriptive Intermediate Attributed Notation for Ada (DIANA) Query Lan- guage (DQL) is a set of primitive search operations and combining operators for querying the DIANA intermediate form of Ada source code. DQL is being implemented as an Elect.Sys.Div. (ESD) Acquisition Sup. Env. (EASE) util- ity. Digital Stall Warning Computer (DSWC) C 1500 Commercial Airplane Avionic Support Grp. A 1985 demonstrator program - reimplement DSWC software using HOL Ada. System DSW is used for aircraft 737-300. F-16 Operational Flight Program Data Entry Cockpit C 25000 General Dynamics Cockpit stick throttle and display system for guiding a pilot's flight. The 1986 program interfaces between pilot input and output to the actua- tors. Fault Tolerant Distributed Operating System C 21538 Westinghouse Electric Corporation The fault-tolerant function of this operating system enables continued execution of application processes if one or more processing modules has failed. The distributed processing system consists of two or more 1750A processor modules which communicate over a 16-bit PI-bus. Completed in 1987. Flexible Ada Simulation Tool (FAST) C 60000 Ford Aerospace and Communications Corp. A discrete event simulation language and tool that has evolved into a com- plete simulation environment. The 1987 Ada tool features: provision for interactive maintenance of simulation input and output databases, interac- tive monitoring and control of the simulation in progress, and a graphic interface. GRACE (Generic Reusable Ada Components for Engine) C 520000 EVB Engineering Ada was broken into 275 reusable Ada components which can be used anywhere during Ada development work. HARRIER PL --- Dalmo Victor Singer Support for Motion Simulator for British AV-8B Harrier Aircraft. Integrated Software Analysis Systems C 130000 Dalmo Victor Inc. Analyzes and produces information about undocumented software for any source language. Interact MIL-STD 1750A Ada Compiler System C 80000 Interact Corporation A validated implementation of Ada (MIL-STD-1815A) for the MIL-STD-1750A instruction set architecture as well as an Ada native compiler. Validated for its third year in 1988. Profiler C 13563 IIT Research Institute Frequency engineering tool for determining the existence or non-existence of line-of-sight, fresned zone, path loss and more for point-to-point radar shots in the 40MHz-16GHz band. Three modes of propagation are considered capabilities for locating the highest elevations in an area and for DBS/LIB management RELATE/DB C 180000 CRI, Inc. A multi-user database management system in Ada with embedded 4th generation language report writer - incl. graphics, application builder, & interface to 3rd gen. languages. Rational Environment C 1500000 Rational An integrated, interactive environment providing comprehensive Ada software development resources throughout the lifecycle. It is a universal host en- vironment enabling system development on a Rational R1000 for execution on a variety of target computers. Reusable Component System DV 12000 IBM Ada reusable component retrieval system. Secondary Flight Control Computer (SFCC) DV 7000 Commercial AirplaneAvionic Support Group Secondary flight control for new aircraft 7J7. Suitability of Ada to Support EW Systems (IR&D) C 345 Litton-Applied Technology Investigating the suitability of Ada to support the design and development of software for embedded electrical warfare applications. System Design Environment DV 80000 Interact Corporation Adds margins and conservation to embedded systems programs. Hardware and software can be simulated and debugged together as a complete embedded system. Demonstrates how to reduce costs of designing embedded systems; step-by-step system verification; backward visibility into system design for debugging. TGSM Submunitions Signal Processing PL --- MICOM Programming the signal processing electronic submunitions TGSM and also TGW of MLRS III. The MODEL System C --- Computer Command and Control Company System for automating development of software. Input is very high level specialty of problem. Produces programs in PL/1, C and Ada. Key features: 1. General purpose descriptive language; 2. Program verification and high efficiency. Components: Compiler, configurator and utilities. INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS AIDE-F extended Ada Integrated Dev. Environment C --- Refer to Forsvarets materielverk (Defense Materiel Administration) July 23, 1987 ANZAC Frigates Program DV --- Australia Department of Defense Development of software for construction of 12 new frigates for Australian and New Zealand Navy, not necessarily using existing technology. Ada Library Matrix (ALM) C --- Refer to Forsvarets materielverk (Defense Materiel Administration) July 23, 1987 Ada Specification Producer (ASP) C --- Refer to Forsvarets materielverk (Defense Materiel Administration) July 23, 1987 Anti-Aircraft Weapon System Simulations (SILVA) C --- Refer to Forsvarets materielverk (Defense Materiel Administration) July 23, 1987 Artillery Evaluation System (ART-EVA) C --- Refer to Forsvarets materielverk (Defense Materiel Administration) July 23, 1987 Assembly Prog. Dev. Sys. for CK37 Airborne Comptr. C --- Refer to Forsvarets materielverk (Defense Materiel Administration) July 23, 1987 Australian Navy Submarine Tests Integration DV --- Australia Department of Defense New submarine fleet for Australian Navy, Computer Sciences of Australia will develop 99% of the software and integrate and test the system. Automation of HF Radio Network C --- Refer to Forsvarets materielverk (Defense Materiel Administration) July 23, 1987 CVI Monitoring System C 60000 Real-Time system for monitoring of aircraft hangers. Company Combat Model C --- Refer to Forsvarets materielverk (Defense Materiel Administration) July 23, 1987 Configuration Management System C --- Refer to Forsvarets materielverk (Defense Materiel Administration) July 23, 1987 FINDALEE Over-The-Horizon Radar DV --- Australian Department of Defense New radar system Graphical Kernel System/Ada (GKS/Ada) C 35000 Defense Research Establishment A validated suite for GKS/Ada and the complete GKS graphics standards in Ada using an exiting GKS/C implementation. High Level Message Processor (HMP) C --- Refer to Forsvarets materielverk (Defense Materiel Administration) July 23, 1987 IAda_Edit C --- Cristie Software Syntax- and semantics-checking editor. Laserscript Product C --- Refer to Forsvarets materielverk (Defense Materiel Administration) July 23, 1987 MRCA-TORNADO (Fighter Plane) DV 9000 German MoD Provides operational software for the missile control unit. Mem. Loader/Dumper for JAS39 Aircraft Support Sys. C --- Refer to Forsvarets Materielverk (Defense Materiel Administration) July 23, 1987 Meteorological Information System (PROMIS) C --- Refer to Forsvarets materielverk (Defense Materiel Administration) July 23, 1987 Nuclear Power Plant Simulation C --- Refer to Forsvarets Materielverk (Defense Materiel Administration) July 23, 1987 Operation Center for Army Surveillance System C --- Refer to Forsvarets materielverk (Defense Materiel Administration) July 23, 1987 PBX Maintenance Administrative Remote Center(MARC) C --- Refer to Forsvarets materielverk (Defense Materiel Administration) July 23, 1987 Rem Chk & Cntrl of Tech Sites Sys or Equip(RAMSUS) C --- Refer to Forsvarets materielverk (Defense Materiel Administration) July 23, 1987 Rubin (CCIS) DV 80000 Fed. Off. for Mil. Tech. & Procurement CCIS for the headquarters of the Armed Forces. SACTA DV 800000 The Spanish government A radar data and flight plan processing system for the Spanish Air Traffic Control centers. Shipborne Battle Managemt. System (Shipsystem 200) C --- Refer to Forsvarets Materielverk (Defense Materiel Administration) July 23, 1987 Simulated Shipborne Fire-control System (9LVAda) C --- Refer to Forsvarets materielverk (Defense Materiel Administration) July 23, 1987 Target Compiler (AIS A/D 80A) C --- Refer to Forsvarest materielverk (Defense Materiel Administration) July 23, 1987 Target Linker (D80/A) C --- Refer to Forsvarets materielverk (Defense Materiel Administration) July 23, 1987 Time-load Monitoring Sys. for an Airborne Computer C --- Refer to Forsvarets materielverk (Defense Materiel Administration) July 23, 1987 UndC System C 55000 Phillips Elektronikindustrier AB A Mobile Army Command and Control Center integrating high-resolution ter- rain maps stored on laser disk with computer-generated trajectory informa- tion. X25 Manager C --- Refer to Forsvarets materielverk (Defense Materiel Administration) July 23, 1987 X400 Message Handling System (DISA) C --- Refer to Forsvarets materielverk (Defense Materiel Administration) July 23, 1987 MARINE CORPS PROGRAMS Advanced Tactical Air Command Central (ATACC) PL --- Washington, DC Generating Air Tasking Order, a plan for air support for future wars, and processing incoming information re: successful missions, intelligence on current wars. Automated Bonds and Allotments C 8000 Washington, DC Microcomputer application used to start and stop the payment of allotments from Marine Corps paychecks. Also provides reports. Lines of code figure does not include 58,000 LOCs for the standard random access method software that must accompany the application. Aviation Training Readiness Info. Mgt. System DV 25000 Quantico, VA Records training & readiness data for Marine Corps aviation units. Pro- vides training forecasts. It was developed in Modula II due to its com- piler's efficiency and then converted to Ada. Charities C 10000 Washington, DC Microcomputer application used to start and stop the payment of charity allotments (e.g., Navy Relief and CFC) from Marine Corps paychecks. Lines of code figure does not include 58,000 LOCs for the standard random access method software that must accompany the application. Data Entry (DE) DV --- Albany, GA A general microcomputer data entry system designed to allow a combination of data processing and user personnel to define transactions, edits, and routing criteria for transactions destined for any mainframe system. This system simulates the functions of the Marine Corps mainframe DE system. Deployed Pay C 11000 Washington, DC Microcomputer application for Marine Corps disbursing officers to produce paychecks at field (i.e., deployed) sites. Lines of code figure does not include the 58,000 LOCs for the standard random access method software that must accompany the application. Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) DV --- Albany, GA Microcomputer-based system using barcode-reading technology for sales. A fixed bar code scanner, attached to a microcomputer, scans the item and passes the data to the PC for storage on its local database. At the close of business, all transactions are uploaded to the local mainframe for proc- essing. Light Armored Vehicle - Air Defense (LAV-AD) PL --- Washington,DC Fire control computer. Maintenance Material Management (3M) DV 8000 Washington, DC Data entry program for aircraft flight data. Feeds the Navy 3M mainframe system. This project was converted to Ada from MODULA II due to the effi- ciency of its compiler. Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) Lift Model DV 7000 Washington, DC Data entry program for mainframe application. Aids Marine Corps planners in determining the composition of equipment, supplies, and resulting lift requirements for a Marine Air Ground Taskforce. Marine Corps Integrated Material Mgt. Sys. (MIMMS) C 36000 Washington, DC Microcomputer data entry application for Marine Corps maintenance data. This application feeds the mainframe program that provides uniform and centralized maintenance mgt. info at each command level. The system pro- vides the info needed to support maintenance engineering, production, and resource mgt. Message Editing and Processing System (MEPS) DV 6000 Washington, DC MEPS is a microcomputer application that converts data (in message format) for transmission over Autodin. MEPS is used to transmit non-tactical class I system information from deployed units to their regional automated serv- ice centers. Converted to Ada from MODULAR II due to its compiler's effi- ciency. Military Payroll List/Military Payroll Vouchers C 13000 Washington, DC Microcomputer disbursing application. Acts as a cash book to record expen- ditures. Mobile Electronic Warfare Support System PL --- Quantico, VA Naval Flight Record Subsystem (NAVLIRS) DV 14500 Washington, DC Microcomputer data entry program for Marine Corps personnel flight data. Feeds Navy maintenance material management (3M) system (mainframe applica- tion). Payment Option Election (POE) C 3000 Washington, DC Microcomputer disbursing application. Data entry program to select/record how Marines receive their pay (i.e., by direct deposit or check). Lines of code figure does not include 58,000 LOCs for the standard random access method software that must accompany the application. Standard Embarkation Management System (SEMS) C 28000 Washington, DC Menu-driven microcomputer data entry application which records, creates, maintains, and reports the data needed to support all phases of embarka- tion. The data identifies the unit, transportation mode, personnel status, & cargo, vehicles, & pallets for tactical and administrative movement by sea, air, etc. Supported Acticity Supply System (SASSY) C 143000 Washington, DC Microcomputer application that provides supply accounting functions, requi- sitioning and requirements determination capabilities, and asset visibility for all fleet Marine Force units. Transcript of Data Extraction (TODE) C 25000 Washington, DC Microcomputer disbursing application. Data entry for disbursing diary system. Lines of code figure does not include the 58,000 LOCs for the stan- dard random access method software that must accompany the application. Treasury Tape C 3000 Washington, DC Microcomputer disbursing/finance application. Program converts Marine Corps disbursing data to Level 2 format for submission to the Department of Treasury. Lines of code figure does not include 58,000 LOCs for standard random access method software that must accompany the application. Unit Diary C 56000 Washington, DC Microcomputer personnel application. Data entry program for the Marine Corps Manpower reporting system. Lines of code figure does not include 58,000 LOCs for the standard random access method software that must accom- pany the application. Warehouse Support System (WSS) C 6000 Albany, GA Microcomputer (E0286) based system which provides NSN and location data for determining storage locations for warehouse receipts processing & barcode label making. Has the capability to scan NSNs & locations in a warehouse, transfer the info to a PC, & generate & edit transactions before process- ing. Weapons Tactics Instruction (WTI) DV 14000 Washington, DC NAVFLIRS aggregator/disseminator designed to handle input of personnel flight data for multiple organizations. NAVY PROGRAMS ADL Guidelines Validation DV --- Indianapolis, IN Developing an Ada-based Design Language (ADL) and tools in Ada to support large-scale multi-application software developments. The ADL and tools will be used to develop a sample design of a user subset of the Navy A7E Aircraft Operational Flight Program (OFP). ALS Extension/Bare VAX/VMS C 56000 Runtime support library and tools. KAPSE-independent support for Ada appli- cations. ALS/n Common Ada Baseline DV 56000 Ada programming support environment (APSE). AN/BSY-2 2,800,0 Combat Control software to process acoustic and non-acoustic sensory data for increased tactical warfare, automatic data processing, and operator aides, and reduces system response time in an operator workstation concept, also allows for rapid reassignment of combat team roles. Ada Command Environment DV --- Arlington, VA An object-oriented system for defining and testing a variety of objects, including Ada programs and subprograms. Ada Language System/Navy, ALS/N DV 1000000 Washington, DC Will provide program generation and execution support for mission-critical software targeted to Navy standard embedded computers. Includes development of PSE and RTE functions. Primary focus is run-time performance for Navy standard target embedded computers. Distribution over hetrogen. net. Ada Remote Procedure Call -Phases I & II DV --- Washington, D.C. An Ada-oriented remote procedure call prototype Ada library which will support the protocol in a simple demonstration. Ada Test Support Tool Ada Embedded Sys. Debugger DV --- Indianapolis, In Helps automate the development, execution and documentation of Ada test cases. This tool will be compiler independent and highly portable. Ada/M (44) Prototype C 56000 Tactical embedded computer resources standards office completed in 1985. Ada/SQL Test Data Generator DBS DV --- San Diego, CA Will be integrated with the Ada/SQL Portable Ada-DBMS interface prototype, which will be used to demonstrate its function with test scenarios from the original interface prototype. Aircraft Wire Harness Manufacturing System (AWHMS) DV 3350 Norfolk, VA Provides a data generator (DG) manufacturing database manager and real-time communications with an engineering workstation and file server - all for a semi-automatic wire harness assembly center. COMPOSER DV 65000 Naval Avionics Center Extension of Graphical Ada Designer (GRD) tool to allow inclusion of reus- able components. Includes Graph Converter to convert existing Ada source into graphical form. Computer Graphics/Graphic Kernel Sys./Ada Graphic DV --- Arlington, VA Incorporating changes made to ANSI X3.124.3-1987(GKS/Ada Binding) for a final standardization review, to be designed and/or developed are a multi- tasking version of GKS/Ada level 2B, a metafile generator/interpreter sup- porting GKS level functionality, a prototype low-level window mgr, and GKS primitives. Configuration Mgmt. Assistant for Ada Environments DV --- Navy Avionics Ctr. Indianapolis Provides a reusable Configuration Management Assistant (CMA) which adminis- trates versions of system components and tools, and allows users the de- scription of configuration families and specific configurations formed by versions. It also performs consistency and completeness checks. Cruise Missiles Project DV 54000 Command and Control 942 Designed to improve software reliability, increase system throughput, and provide critical hardware redundancy for the mission planning of Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles (TLAM). A subsystem of the Theater Mission Planning Center, it is a major upgrade of the Communications System, Shore, (CSS). DBMS In/For Supported Information Systems Mgmt. DV --- Washington, DC Will develop specifications for modules and validate them by building a small prototype dataism to: 1. Demonstrate the feasibility of a modular, layered DBMS design; 2. Leverage off existing code that fits a modular design; 3. Demonstrate use of several layers of access. Device 14E36X DV 5500 Orlando, FL Generates acoustic signals based upon operator input of submarine charac- teristics and outputs signals; either digital or analog form for the pur- pose of driving sonar devices or sonar simulation. Embedded Systems Debugger (ESD) DV 70000 Naval Avionics Center Symbolic debugger for testing programs in a host/target environment. F4-J Trainer C 150000 Orlando, FL Simulates full capabilities of an F-4J aircraft throughout its flight. Ada software was completed in Spring 1985 using an unvalidated compiler. Factory/Maintenance Fault Isolation - Phase I & II DV --- Silver Spring, MD Will develop a foundation for standardized virtual Ada interface used in implementing automated test control software. Its major goal is to stan- dardize in Ada for generating Automated Test Equipment (ATE) control soft- ware as well as to develop the operating system. Instrumented Sys. Development Software Components DV --- Silver Spring, MD An integrated set of reusable Ada software modules in the area of Instruc- tional Systems Development (ISD)--The standardized system used for training in all three military services. These components are designed to interface with Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) programs. Interface to the X Window System DV --- Arlington, VA An Ada binding to the Xlib and Xtoolkit portions of the Xwindow system. Optimization and Planning Tools DV --- Washington, DC Will implement planning and optimization algorithms including the Terrain Masking Algorithm, the 2-D & 3-D Multipress Dynamic Programming Algorithms, the 2-D & 3-D Route Retrieval Algorithms and Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algo- rithm. Planning and Optimization Algorithms DV --- Washington, DC Lockheed will implement Target-Weapon Pairing (TWP) and Joint Munitions Manual (JMEM) algorithms in Ada. The TWP algorithms compute the optimal allocation of available weapons to designated targets. JMEM presents effec- tiveness evaluation of conventional weapons against selected targets. Prototype Binding of ANSI Standard SQL to Ada DV --- San Diego, CA A research prototype to interface and bind with ANSI standard SQL to an Ada program. Rapid Storage/Retrieval of Reusable Compons. (RSR) PL --- Indianapolis. IN Will produce a set of tools for rapid classification & retrieval of reus- able software components. This project addresses the problem of realizing the advantages of Ada -- retrieving and using the Ada code soon to become available as a result of widespread standardization. Reusability Library Framework DV --- Washington, DC Comprises of two main elements: a domain representation or model which organizes and characterizes Ada packages (components) within a library, and an active toolset which enables the software developer to employ the frame- work. Reusable Image Processing Package DV --- Washington, DC Will develop a base of reusable Ada packages that are applicable to track- ers, missiles, electro-optical systems, etc. It will also address the ap- plication program's size and space restrictions for embedded computer sys- tems. Run-Time Support Services - TECR DV --- Silver Spring, MD Will develop portable and adaptable run-time modules supporting the com- bined STARS & NRL Add development project. Common foundation areas can be composed suitable for follow-up research and experimentation. Truly machine independent virtual functional interface applications are the goal. Secure File Transfer Program DV --- Silver Spring, MD Will provide file transfer capability in a multi-level secure network envi- ronment based on two reusable components: a BDM-developed package for se- cure transfer between Honeywell Secure Communication Processors & the NOSC Transmission Control protocol/Internet protocol Ada foundations tool. Shipboard Gridlock System w/ Auto. Corr. (SGS/AC) PL --- Naval Surface Weapons Center Provides continuous automatic air and surface gridlock and automatic local to remote correlation of airtracks. Stream Data Types for Ada C 1720 Naval Ocean Systems Center Set of packages that implements streams as an abstract data type. Also provides a capability to generate stream code from a textual description of a data-flow diagram. Project was completed in 1988. Synthesis of Large Sys. w/ Versatile Server Packg. C --- San Diego, CA Helps define subsystem interfaces and generate them into three grades: de- velopment, and single- and multiple-host production. Completed in 1988. TACAMO Message Processing System (TMPS) PL 55000 Warminster, PA Receives messages from various Navy platforms, helicopters, aircraft & ships, and processes (ex. encoding and decoding), categorizes and transmits the messages to a submarine for analysis. Tasking Ada Simulation Kit (TASKIT) DV --- Washington, DC Developing tools for the WIS/NOSC tool set typically required to build simulation models. Known collectively as the TASKIT, these tools will include building blocks for the STARS Planning and Optimization Algorithms foundation area. (Phase I - Core System Dev.; Phase II - Enhancement) Test Support Tool (TST) DV 60000 Naval Avionics Center Aides in testing Ada programs. Generates reports that include test inputs and outputs, and other optional test coverage. Transitional-Universal Communtns. Process. (T-UCP) DV 12000 San Diego, CA Replaces the existing AN/UYK-20-based communications system with an embed- ded system built using a set of distributed workstations programmed in Ada and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software. High-resolution color graph- ics and multiple windows will be implemented using the X-Window system. Transparent Sequential Input/Output DV --- Washington, DC A generic Ada package whose function is similar to the predefined generic Sequential I/O package. Universal Filenames/Tailorable Runtime Environment DV 4000 Silver Spring, MD Addresses two problems to be solved to meet the STARS goal of evolving an operating & runtime system enabling program porting across heterogeneous host computers & operating systems; porting applications program filenames & tailoring runtime environments performance. Virtual CAI Interfaces DV --- Washington, DC Will develop compilable top level specifications for: -Ada/CAI Hardware Media Interface reusable virtual interface components -Ada/CAI Host Software Interface reusable virtual interface components -Ada/CAI Instructional Logic Interface reusable virtual interface compo- nents NON DOD GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS Ada Benchmarking Suite DV 4000 Johnson Space Center The benchmarking suite borrows from several prototypes from the public domain and concentrates on testing features that are important to flight- embedded applications. Ada Control and Simulation Software DV 500 Lewis Research Center Involves writing Ada code for both the embedded control system & the hosted simulation software for LeRC power system test bed. The test bed consists of a solar array field, battery banks, load banks, and a DC distribution bus. Ada Embedded Systems Testbed (AEST) DV 5000 National Space Technology Laboratory Investigates some of the critical issues in using Ada for real-time embed- ded applications, particularly the extent and quality of the runtime sup- port facility provided by Ada implementation. Ada Pkgs. for Computer Access to Coordt. Ref. Data C 18400 Goddard Space Flight Center Captures the differences and relationships between various spatial coordi- nate systems, implements an efficient index method for spatial coordinates, provides an Ada interface to a relational database, and generates screen menus control structure from Ada spec. Completed in 1986. Ada Production Rule System (APRS) DV 2000 Johnson Space Center Developed for specifying rule-based expert systems directly in Ada. This involves finding convenient ways of representing rules, facts, embedded procedures, lists, etc. in Ada, as well as implementing the inference en- gine. Advanced Automation System (AAS) DV 1000000 Federal Aviation Agency A fully integrated system that will replace air-traffic control computers and radar screens. Flight plans, altitudes and positions will be displayed at a single workstation. The AAS will plot flight plans from start to finish, helping make them more direct, and will network controllers' commu- nications. Advanced Information Processing System (AIPS) DV 50000 NASA/Langley Research Ctr./SDIO A novel distributed, fault-tolerant system architecture for life-critical digital flight control systems. It is an on-going proof of concept proto- type project. Hardware and executive software are being designed and imple- mented in parallel. It is meant for real-time mission-critical aerospace vehicles. Advanced Transport Operating System (ATOPS) DV --- Langley Research Center An experimental Boeing 737 navigation and control system capable of per- forming automatically all flight tasks from take-off to landing. The op- erational software is written mostly in HAL/S and this project is a theo- retical analysis based on rewriting part of the software in Ada. An Evaluation Using a Core Data System (CDS) (RIM) DV 340 Kennedy Space Center A test bed for designing and developing a common set of concepts and appli- cations to support the various shuttle and space station tests and integra- tion operations performed at KSC. Ancillary Storage & Interactive DB Envirt. (ASIDE) PL --- Goddard Space Flight Center A testbed for a Space Station simulation handling ancillary data. The user- friendly, menu-driven system retrieves data generated onboard the SS and concerning its environment. Clear Air Wind Sensing Doppler Radar DV 5000 Kennedy Space Center This project is developing workstation software for analyzing clear Doppler radar data. The experiment should help determine if the data can be used to forecast thunderstorms under otherwise quiescent conditions. Emphasis will be on building portable software. Data Management System (DMS) Testbed DV 2500 Johnson Space Center A heterogeneous network of JSC test beds with DMS interfaces. Apollo/ Domain; Suns, Symbols, INTEL, IMI. DGs and VAXes are part of the net. Downlink Data High Speed Processing DV 10000 Marshall Space Flight Center Software to strip classified data from telemetry stream for DoD's payloads was completed in 1984 and used operationally for STS missions. Three downlink streams must be handled at rates up to 192 kilobits per second each. This is a FORTRAN to Ada conversion effort. Explorer Platform Flight Attitude Control System DV 1413 Goddard Space Flight Center An embedded application for the Explorer Platform free-flyer spacecraft in- volving two processors: an NASA Standard Spacecraft Computer (NSSC-1) and a 1750 A sharing a memory block. The 1750A will be used as a coprocessor of the of the NSSC-1 to increase the throughput of the attitude control sys- tem. F8 Oblique Wing Program DV 2500 NASA/Dryden/AMES The first application of the Advanced Information Processing System, an architecture applicable to any spacecraft, aircraft, etc., that is a fault- tolerant computational system. Flight Dynamics Analysis System (FDAS) DV 75000 Goddard Space Flight Center A software tool for use in flight dynamics research. Its basic purpose is to assist programmers & analysts in building, testing & evaluating flight dynamics software by providing an integrated support system for software modification and reconfiguration. GOES Telemetry Simulator DV 80000 Goddard Space Flight Center Models a telemetry stream for another spacecraft GOES. GOES-I Ada Dynamics Simulator (GOAda) DV 115000 Goddard Space Flight Center Similar to GRODY. The two simulators differ significantly by attitude and sensors subsystems. As in GRODY, 2 parallel designs in Fortran and Ada will occur in GOES, but normal launch schedule pressure will also be ap- plied on the Ada team. GRO Attitude Dynamics Simulator (GRODY) C 135000 Goddard Space Flight Center A ground 1988 software application which models the interactions between the satellite attitude control systems and its space environment. Ground Data Management System (GDMS) DV --- Kennedy Space Center A test and checkout system to be used in pre-launch and integration testing of space station modules, components and experiments. GDMS is designed to be a highly distributed operating environment, offering maximum flexibility for reconfiguration to support varying test requirements. HYPERCOPY C 5000 Bureau of the Census Programs with integrity checking and user-friendliness using low-level HYPER channel software to do file copying, printing, and starting of runs between VAXs and UNISYS 1100 series mainframes. MSOCC Ada Compilers Benchmark Suite DV 7000 Multi Satellite Operations Control Ctr Consists of support packages and about 100 test programs that help compile speed for the main Ada constructs and assess clarity and relevancy of the most common error messages, quality of the generated code, efficiency of the run-time system for Ada constructs, and the size of executable modules. MSOCC Ada Pilot Project C 4500 Multi Satellite Operations Control Ctr An Ada implementation of the Application Processor benchmark that was writ- ten to compare hardware architectures for OCC applications. MSOCC Ada Study C 3000 Multi Satellite Operation Control Center Comprises of 4 parts: 1. An Ada compiler static features evaluation suite; 2. Dynamic, features evaluation suite; 3. A study of OOD to determine if it applies to MSOCC; 4. A study of standardization issues and recommended practices. Project completed in 1986. Modular Ada Gateway DV 7000 Goddard Space Flight Center Provides transparent communications interface between networks. NASCOM Deblocker DV 2000 Simulation Operations Center A real-time project for high-speed communications. The Ada program will include special device drivers for NASCOM receivers and transmitters. At the highest data rate, the receiver will generate 1,000 interrupts per second. Network Operating System Emulator (NOS Emulator) C 640 Goddard Space Flight Center Presents to a client program a standard interface to the Space Station Data Management System testbed Network Operating System. This project makes use of representation clauses, unchecked conversion, and VAX/VMS system serv- ices (QIUs and ASTs). Object Oriented Development Facility DV 10000 Goddard Space F. Ctr./Computer Tech. A. Set of CASE tools that support object-oriented development for Ada. It includes interactive graphics, rule checking, quality assessment, code generation and reuse. Operations and Science Instrument Support (OASIS) C 26000 Lab. for Atmospheric & Space Physics Monitors and controls a wide variety of spacecraft or space science instru- ments. Resulted from a request to generalize the Solar Mesosphere Ex- plorer's operations system and develop a prototype of key elements. Parallel Ada Research Project DV 1000 AMES Research Center Composed of two parts: basic fact finding and meaningful applications such as modeling of distributed system for the Space Station Program, small expert system demonstration projects, and a performance model of GSFC's Flight Telerobotic Servicer layered architecture. Platform Management System Testbed Space Station DV 10000 Goddard Space Flight Center A prototype implementation of a platform management system which is an operations management software that will run on the Space Station plat- form's computers. Pretty Printer C 2500 Simulation Operation Center An APSE tool for reformatting Ada source code in accordance with the GSFC Ada style guide. Remote Science Operations Center Project (RSOC) C 1000 Goddard Space Flight Center Involves VAX computers in the Data Systems Technologies Laboratory at GSFC linked via land and satellite channels to a VAX 11/750 at Stanford Univer- sity. Simulates remote operation of scientific experiments in orbit, which is a main requirement of the space station data management. Project com- pleted 1988. Space Station Operating System Study DV 800 Marshall Space Flight Center A multi-faceted effort to evaluate and compare software development work- stations to be used as testbeds for the Space Station project. Matrix com- putation, tasking, dic-IO, etc. are part of the benchmarking suite. For some tests, equivalent code was also written in C, Pascal and Fortran. Space Station Payload Simulator DV --- National Space Technology Lab A menu-driven software package written entirely in Ada. The purpose of the simulator is to provide variable data loads for testing network communica- tions on the Station DMS testbed and establish requirements for designing the station's services. Space Station Power System Software DV 2200 Lewis Research Center A test bed similar but not identical to LeRC's. Space Stations Operations Language (SSOL) DV 1400 Kennedy Space Center A test bed for demonstrating and evaluating a real-time command and control operations language and related user environment concepts for all phases of test and checkout operations at KSC. Trajectory Shaping Rendezvous Guidance C 20000 NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory A relatively recent trajectory shaping. RV guidance algorithm (Battin/ Vaughan) and its simulation support software are being translated from HAL/ S to Ada. In the process, all of HAL/S build-in avionics functions and other necessary mathematical entities are being implemented in Ada. Upper Atmosph. Research Satel. Telemetry Simulator DV 70000 Goddard Space Flight Center Simulates a telemetry stream from the Upper Atmospheric Research Satellite (UARS) to the ground. User Interface Development Support System DV 1800 Kennedy Space Center A set of packages built on DEC's Screen Management Guidelines runtime li- brary functions. X25/NASCOM (NASA Communications) PL --- Goddard Space Flight Center A second generation RSOC written entirely in Ada; RSOC was 65% Ada and 35% C. Plan to make communications interface more portable by minimizing the use of VAX system services. Also testing Ada Graph's suitability for this type of work. OTHER DOD PROGRAMS ATIP Occupier PL --- Department of Defense Set of generalized software modules to support construction of transaction, message processing, and other information processing systems. Ada Packages for Access to Coord. Reference Data C 28500 NASA Management of spatial data as from landsat, etc. Defense Telecommunications System Washington DTSW PL --- DTSW A replacement telephone billing and inventory control system for the vari- ous Defense Agencies in the National-Capitol region. The DTSW will bil- lion-line agencies individually and keep inventory control of all telecom- munication systems and equipment. Elec. Generation, Acct., & Dist. System (EGADS) PL --- National Security Agency Key management software package to request, receive, store, and account for electronic cryptographic keying material. Graphic Information Presentation System (GIPSY) PL --- Defense Communication Agency Combines statistical graphs, mapping capabilities, the overlaying of infor- mation on maps, database retrieval, information processing and formatting reports into a single integrated on-line interactive system. GIPSY, writ- ten entirely in Ada, will be file and data independent. Originally in FORTRAN. Payload Simulator DV 7500 Nasa Space Station Programming Office Simulator - Advanced Development Research Parallel Processor Prototype (RP3) DV --- Defense Admin. Res. Projects Ag. (DARPA) An Ada compiler with massive paralleling. Single Channel Objective Tactical Terminal (SCOTT) C 101100 U.S. Satellite Communications Agency Control software for satellite terminal, five categories: 1. control of user equipments, 2. terminal antenna positioning, 3. terminal management processor, 4. communications control, and 5. modem processing. Subregional Regulation Control Facility (SRCF) C 100000 Defense Communications Agency Controls a telephone switching centers by monitoring a telephone network real-time and gathering and forwarding data on call-in traffic. The soft- ware is designed as a network management system for the DCA's telecommuni- cations overseas. TOPEX Global Pos. Sys. Demonst. Receiver (GPSDR) DV 4000 Jet Propulsion Laboratory Will measure wave weights and take ocean-related weather readings. The GPS demonstration receiver will be the first use of the Global Positioning System in space. It will determine the position of the TOPEX (Topigraphi- cal Experiment) satellite with very small uncertainty. Some Assembler. Ada Compiler Validation Procedures Update An update to the Ada compiler Validation Procedures and Guidelines has been developed and is currently under review by the AJPO. The new document, Ada Compiler Validation Procedures Version 2.0, is expected to be available from the Ada Information Clearinghouse in July. The new version has been updated to reflect current validation practices and to improve the rules of procedure and management so as to reduce the burden of validation on the certification body and its customers. In addition, an emphasis was placed on readability; the document has been simplified so as to make it more readily comprehensible. Ada Events Calendar The Ada Events Calendar includes information on upcoming Ada activities such as conferences, seminars and classes. The Ada Calendar lists only those programs with fixed dates and will not include programs which are scheduled on a repetitive basis. This calendar is provided for informa- June 1989 13-15 Fourth Annual ASEET Symposium. Location: J.W. Marriott, Houston, Tx., POC: Cathy W. McDonald, Program Committee Chair, Institute for Defense Analysis, 1801 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1772, (703) 824-5531, 13-15 Ada-Europe Conference: Madrid 1989. ##Ada: The Design Choice'', Location: Madrid, Spain. Program Chairman: Angel Alvarez, Ada- Spain, P.O. Box 50.403 E-28080 Madrid, Spain. Phone: +34-1-429 9108 Fax: +34-1-450 5159 Telex: 23780 UPMAD E-mail: ...mcvax!goya!ada (UNIX NET) POC: Ada-Europe 1989 Ada-Spain P.O. Box 50.403 E-28080 Madrid, Spain 26-29 Sixth Annual Washington Ada Symposium. "Ada: The Language of Choice". Location: McLean Hilton, McLean, VA, POC: Ed Seidewitz, Code 554.1, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 (301) 286-7631 or (301) 286-5478 to leave messages. 27-30 3rd International Workshop on Real Time Ada Issues. Loca- tion: Nemacolin Woods, Pittsburgh, Pa., POC: Dr. John B. Goodenough, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, (412) 268-6391 or 30 Ada 9X Requirements Public Forum. Location: Washington, D.C. Chris Anderson, Ada 9X Project Office, AFATL/FXG, Eglin AFB, FL 32542-5434, (904) 882-2961 July 1989 11-13 Reuse in Practice Workshop. Location: Pittsburgh, PA, spon- sored by ACM SIGAda, the Institute for Defense Analyses, and the Software Engineering Institute, POC: Shalom Cohen, SEI (412) 268-5872 17-18 National Conferences and Workshops. Arlington, VA, "Method- ologies and Tools for Real-Time Systems, " Sponsored by the "National In- stitute for Software Quality & Productivity", POC: Adrian Meskin, (301) 953-9200 17-22 Software Engineering Education and Training Week. Location: Pittsburgh, Pa., sponsored by the Software Engineering Institute and the Ada Joint Program Office. POC: Allison Brunvard, SEI, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, (412) 268-7775, arb@sei.cma.ed 17-22 Advanced Ada Training Workshop. Location: Pittsburgh, Pa., held in conjunction with the SEI's Education and Training Week (see above), sponsored by the Ada Software Engineering Education and Training Team and the Ada Joint Program Office. POC: Cathy W. McDonald, Institute for De- fense Analyses, 1801 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1772, (703) 824-5531, 19-20 National Conferences and Workshops. Location: Arlington, VA, "Software Reusability", sponsored by the "National Institute for Soft- ware Reusability". POC: Adrien Meskin, (301) 953-920 24-27 AdaJUG/Front Range Ada Working Group (FRAWG). Location: Hyatt Regency (Downtown) Denver, Colo. POC: Cathy Peavy, Martin Marietta (303) 977-2370 August 1989 8-11 Ada Canada. Location: Chateau Laurier Hotel, Ottawa, Canada. POC: Kathy Mahoney, OCRI, 300 March Rd, #204, Kanata, Ontario, (613) 592-8160, FAX (613) 592-8163 14-16 CASE for Real-Time Systems Symposium. Location: Los Angeles Airport Marriott, Los Angeles, CA, POC: DIgital Consulting, Inc., 6 Windsor Street, Andover, MA 01810, (508) 470-3870 24 Twenty-Eighth Annual Technical Symposium of The Washington, D.C., Chapter of The Association for Computing Machinery. Location: National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Md. Symposium General Chairman: Mr. Charles E. Youman, MITRE Corporation (703) 883-6349. Pro- gram Chairman: Dr. Milton Hess, American Management Systems (703) 841- 5942. NIST Liaison: Ms. Elizabeth Lennon, National Institute of Standards and Technology (301) 975-2832 September 1989 26-29 Workshop on Language Issues for Software Reuse. Location: Deer Isle, Me. Sponsored by the University of Maine, in cooperation with SIGAda and the US Army CECOM. POC: Prof. Larry Latour, University of Maine, Department of Computer Science, 222 Neville Hall, Orono, ME 04469, larry@mecan1.bitnet October 1989 23-26 TRI-Ada #89 Location: Pittsburgh, Pa. Sponsored by ACM SIGAda at the David Lawrence Convention Center. Co-Chairs, John Foreman (412) 268-6217, and Charles B. Engle, Jr., Software Engi- neering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, (412) 268-6525 December 89 TAV3 - SIGSOFT 89 Software Testing, Analysis and Verification Symposium Location: Key West, Florida, Sponsored by: ACM/Sigsoft General Chair: Prof. Richard A. DeMillo, Software Engineer Research, Purdue Univer- sity, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (317) 494-7823. Program Chair: Prof. Rich- ard A. Kemmerer, Computer Science Department, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 (805) 961-4232. Local Arrangements: Prof. Douglas D. Dankel II, Computer Science Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 Nov 16 - 17 AIDA '89: FIFTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE & ADA Sponsored by The George Mason University and The Institute for Defense Analyses in cooperation with The Software Productivity Consortium POC: Department of Computer Science, George Mason University, 4400 University Dr., Fairfax, Va 22030 (703) 323-2713

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