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Radiation Impacts

Radiation kills human civilization by polluting the food and water supply

Dutta 11 - the People’s Tribunal on Nuclear energy. (5/19/2011, Soumya, “Why Nuclear (Fission) power must be abandoned forthwith”,bs)
6. The released / leaked radiation finds its way into water sources & food chains, thus getting directly into human & animal bodies, causing very long term radiation damage to these people and animals, including various forms of cancers, genetic damage, abnormal mutations etc. (ionising radiation is infact used in radio-biology labotratories to induce genetic changes / mutations). Just weeks after the Fukushima disaster, human mother’s milk was found to be contaminated with radioactive Iodine – potentially exposing the suckling infants to thyroid cancer ! The Chernobyl disaster forced the slaughter of thousands of cattle, as their milk & meat was found to contain radioactive materials.

The misleading /false claims of nuclear lobby, that the naturally occurring (cosmic / leaking radon etc) radiation / medical x-ray etc gives greater exposure to human beings – hides the crucial fact that when radioactive material is absorbed inside the body – the effect of these strong radiation occurs directly on our tissues, without the moderating influence of an intervening atmosphere/ air-layer, and are thus – far more damaging.
Accidents would be devastating to life on earth

Dutta 11 - the People’s Tribunal on Nuclear energy. (5/19/2011, Soumya, “Why Nuclear (Fission) power must be abandoned forthwith”,bs)
7. A major nuclear reactor acccident will cause un-imaginable losses to human lives, and total ecology. The Chernobyl disaster was suppressed by the then Soviet government, with a 3 ½ year ban on radiation damage studies, and strict orders to describe various radiation related diseases & deaths as due to ‘normal’ diseases. Even then, the New York Academy of Sciences’ recently (end 2009) released study on the total death toll all over northern Europe in 22 years since that accident, is mind numbing at nearly a million ! Even Ukrain government studies have shown that total human lives lost in Ukraine, Belarus & Russia – from radiation exposure over a long time, from the Chernobyl reactor acident – is several tens of thousands. Either of these is far above the lives loss from Bhopal gas disater – accepted as the worst industrial disaster in history ! And Fatehabd, Jaitapur, Haripur, Kovada, Chutkha….. all the chosen sites for large ‘Nuclear Power Parks’ are far more densly populated than Ukraine (where Chernobyl is) areas.

AT Fission will get cheap

Its not cost competitive

Dutta 11 - the People’s Tribunal on Nuclear energy. (5/19/2011, Soumya, “Why Nuclear (Fission) power must be abandoned forthwith”,bs)
9. Expensive Power - The earlier claims of the nuclear lobby that “nuclear power will be too cheap to meter”, have been shown to be false. Infact, even the Indian nuclear power plants cost about Rs.8-10 Crores per MW installed, compared to Rs.4.5-5 Crores for coal fired power plants, and 4-6 crores for Wind farm based power plants (though wind powers PLF is much lower than coal or nuclear – which are base load power plants). Many estimates are showing that nuclear fission generated electricity will cost a min of Rs.4/ per KWHr – even without taking any environmental or social costs, and with huge hidden subsidies – roughly the same as from wind, and double that from coal. The most controversial Areva EPR units will be – going by the troubled Finnsh Olkiluoto plant figures – costing over Rs.20 Crores per MW installed, leading to very costly power. Many Nuclear Enrons in the making ?
Its not cost competitive to switch to fission

IER 11 – Institute for energy research (3/22/2011, “Japan’s Nuclear Accident has Some Countries Reviewing Nuclear Plant Safety”,, bs)
For new construction, nuclear energy is still a more expensive technology than new fossil fuel generating technologies and some renewable technologies. The Energy Information Administration publishes the cost of generating technologies in the United States on an annualized basis per kilowatt-hour of output so that those costs can be compared across technologies. On average, advanced nuclear technologies are over 70 percent more expensive than natural gas combined cycle units and 20 percent more expensive than a pulverized coal unit. It should be noted that these costs assume our current regulatory environment. In contrast, the Chinese can build nuclear power generation for about half of the cost of nuclear construction in the United States, in part because of the difference in Chinese and U.S. regulatory environments.


Accidents would be devastating and the odds are increasing

Dutta 11 - the People’s Tribunal on Nuclear energy. (5/19/2011, Soumya, “Why Nuclear (Fission) power must be abandoned forthwith”,bs)
With many accidents – big or small – over the last five decades, the cost of nuclear power reactors have gone up sharply, to design & include responsive safety features, which is driving up the cost. This trend is likely to accentuate after the Fukushima disaster, and future nuclear reactors – if any are built – will be even more expensive. This is called a negative learning curve.

10. The chance of accidents are also going up every year – with over 60% of the worlds 440 odd nuclear reactors (dozens shut down after Fukushima) being older than 25-30 years. The “Bathtub curve” – early on in their lives, reactors have some chance of mishaps, which goes down in the initial years, but then goes up sharply as the recators age – is soon going to be more pronounced.

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