African Group on Statistical Training and Human Resources agrost report of the meeting Cairo, Egypt

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African Group on Statistical Training and Human Resources


Report of the meeting

Cairo, Egypt,

3rd November 2010

The Secretariat
Table of contents

1.Background 1

2.Opening remarks 1

3.Objectives of the meeting 2

4.Proceedings 3

a.Activities conducted under AGROST since January 2010 3

b.Statistical Training Programme for Africa (STPA) 7

c.Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSIARS) 8

d.Partnership 9

5.Way forward 9

6.Conclusions 10

7.AGROST Membres / Members 12

8.List of participants 14

9.Agenda of the Meeting 15

  1. Background

The African GROup on Statistical Training and Human Resources (AGROST) was created after a series of meetings that started since 2008 between key partners namely the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the African Development Bank (AfDB), the Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (Paris21) and the Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung (InWent). A regional forum jointly organized by these four partners, in Bujumbura, Burundi, in June 2009, launched AGROST. Then, the second Statistical Commission for Africa (StatCom-Africa II) endorsed AGROST as one of its Working Groups.

After consultations with the key partners, the Secretariat of AGROST convened a meeting in the margins of the Sixth Africa Symposium on Statistical Development (ASSD), held in Cairo, Egypt, from 31st October to 02nd November 2010. AGROST members met on the 3rd of November 2010 at the Intercontinental City Stars Hotel.

  1. Opening remarks

In his opening remarks, Dr Dimitri Sanga, Director of the African Centre for Statistics (ACS) at ECA thanked all participants for attending the meeting. He then recalled the previous meetings that led to the establishment of AGROST.

He stressed the fact that AGROST has been created to deal with issues pertaining to both initial training as well as the on-the-job training.

He mentioned that the Bujumbura meeting held in June 2009 clearly defined the objectives, the terms of reference and the memberships of AGROST.

He emphasized the fact that the last StatCom-Africa, held in January 2010, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, endorsed AGROST as one of its Working Groups; therefore, the current meeting must take stock of what has been done since then what has not been done and what are the impeding factors. As per one of the recommendations made by StaCom-Africa II, ECA has nominated one staff on a full time basis to coordinate the Secretariat of AGROST. He however mentioned that this role could only be effective if all the partners provide the Secretariat with information related to their activities on the ground.

He concluded by thanking all partners that support statistical training activities in Africa and especially those who have contributed to the organization of the current meeting namely the AfDB, Paris21 and InWent.

Mr. Oumar SARR, as Secretary of AGROST, presented the objectives and the draft agenda of the meeting for discussion and approval by participants.

  1. Objectives of the meeting

Three key objectives were considered for the first AGROST meeting organized after the StatCom-Africa II:

Objective 1: Information sharing: Partners and stakeholders have conducted activities on the ground; this meeting gave them the opportunity to inform other members on their achievements;

Objective 2: Setting up a statistical training programme for the coming few years: On this subject, two major programmes were discussed: a) the Statistical Training Programme for Africa (STPA); and b) the Global Strategy for Improving Agricultural and Rural statistics; and

Objective 3: Mechanism of coordination & Implementation of activities: This is in relation to the main objective of AGROST leading to better coordination of training activities in the region. Members discussed on how to improve this coordination.

The agenda was adopted with minor amendments proposed by Paris21.

  1. Proceedings

    1. Activities conducted under AGROST since January 2010

AGROST Secretariat

Before listing activities conducted, the Secretariat recalled the objectives of AGROST.

The main objective of AGROST is to ensure the coordination of activities and initiatives in support of statistical training and human resources development in Africa. This coordination is to take place at three different levels namely ongoing activities and initiatives, project planning, as well as alignment of Technical and Financial Partners support to statistical training in Africa. As specific objectives, AGROST has:

    • To centralise information on initiatives and programmes in support of statistical training and ensure their monitoring;

    • To ensure a permanent forum for the exchange of information and best practices on statistical training and human resources development in African National Statistical Systems.

AGROST members have agreed to meet at least once a year preferably in the margins of existing yearly statistical fora. But for keeping permanent contact, members are invited to join the online discussion forum installed at ECA.

ECA has nominated one professional Staff on a full time basis to serve the Secretariat since February 2010. Since then, the Secretariat has conducted the following activities:

  • Online discussion forum in place;

  • Updated list of Statistical Training Centres in AFRICA;

  • Proposed a list of topics to be discussed online and invitations to the forum sent to all members and stakeholders;

  • Come up with a questionnaire for gathering Needs and Capacity Assessment;

  • Prepared a Proposal of Statistical Training Programme for Africa (STPA);

  • Prepared a Proposal of Statistical Training in the framework of the Global Strategy to Improve the Agricultural and Rural Statistics;

  • Conducted one Mission to ENSEA-Abidjan: the purpose of that mission was to discuss the proposal of the Statistical Training Programme for Africa (STPA);

  • Conducted one joint Mission to Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) with AfDB, World Bank and Paris21: the purpose of that mission was to explore the possibility of creating a statistical training institute in DRC;

  • Contacts have been established with the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), the International Statistical Institute (ISI), the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Statistical Office of the European Union (EUROSTAT): all these contacts have been made with the purpose of establishing joint programmes with partners;

  • Proposed training programmes in the next ECA biennium (2012-2013).


A triangular cooperation has been established between InWent, ISAE and ENSEA. So far the following activities have taken place:

  • Training of Trainers (TOT) for participants from both partner institutions in technical and didactical skills of e-learning ;

  • TOT in public relations and Statistics

  • International leadership training to one selected person from each of the two institutions.

Other activities outlined in the MOU will follow in due course.

Paris21 has been involved in various missions on the National Strategies of Development of Statistics to ensure that the training component is well care of account. Specifically, Paris21 organized joint missions with ECA, InWent and other partners to Djibouti, Liberia, DR Congo and Gambia.


The AfDB is implementing Phase II Capacity Building Programme in which it provides technical and financial support to Six Statistical Training Centres (STCs) in Africa, namely; ISEA-Makerere University, EASTC- Dar –es – Salaam, ENSEA- Abidjan, ENSAE – Senegal, ISEA – Rabat and ISSEA – Cameroon. It also organizes expert groups meetings and workshops at regional and sub regional levels in areas of national accounts, prices, infrastructure, gender, labour statistics, among other in which STCs participate.


ENSEA of Abidjan is going to train students at “Techniciens supérieurs” level in Madagascar and is ensuring harmonization of programmes. ENSEA is also building partnership with ISAE, Makerere University by conducting joint researches, staff exchange and improving mutually their Lecturers’ and students’ proficiency in French and English languages. ENSEA is now open to English speaking countries; in this regard, students coming from South Africa, Liberia and Sierra Leone are currently trained at ENSEA.

Botswana University

Botswana University has developed syllabus for SADC member countries and has started a PhD Degree programme.

    1. Statistical Training Programme for Africa (STPA)

Mr. Koffi Nguessan, as Chair of AGROST, presented the STPA. This programme has been drafted in collaboration with the Secretariat. Over the next three years, various activities are proposed in the following areas:

1. Studies

  • Update the list of African statistical training centers (Institutes and University Departments) and programs by different levels of initial training;

  • Assessment Study on statistical training needs and capacity;

  • Analysis of the training components within existing NSDSs or NSDSs under development;

  • Study on Harmonization of curricula and standardization of qualifications offered by different STCs;

2. Development? of training materials for both STCs and In-Service Training Centers and users;

3. Curricula development;

4. Sub regional workshops on the dissemination of developed materials;

5. Meetings of Heads of STCs;

6. Joint researches;

7. Study tours for lecturers for improving language skills;

8. Students exchange programmes;

9. Equipping of Libraries;

10. Young statisticians;

11. Provision of Short term expertise to STCs and NSOs in specialized areas incl. provision of materials;

12. Study tours, exchange programmes, and twinning arrangements across NSOs;

13. Induction-Tutorage-Mentoring Facility for Heads of NSOs/Statistical Boards;

14. Fellowships;

15. Regional workshops for training of trainers;

16. E-learning;

17. Regional workshops for training of Communications Officers at NSOs (communicating statistics);

18. Regional workshops for training of Heads of Coordination Units at NSOs.

The estimated budget for the three years programme is USD $ 11,887,405.00.

The meeting approved the programme and called upon Technical and Financial Partners to select whatever activities they want to fund and to ensure their proper funding and implementation.

    1. Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSIARS)

On behalf of the AfDB, Mr. Adalbert Nshimyumuremyi presented the African implementation Plan of the Global Strategy. The Strategy is made of three components:

  • Research under the leadership of FAO;

  • Statistical Training under the leadership of ECA under the auspice of AGROST; and

  • Technical Assistance under the leadership of the AfDB.

The three components are coordinated through a Governance mechanism whose Secretariat is located at AfDB.Each leading institution has already drafted its proposal programme for the five coming years. As far as statistical training component is concerned, the programme is inspired? by the STPA.

In the margins of the last ICAS-V held in Kampala, in October 2010, a Round Table of Donors was organized to let them know about the African Implementation Plan and to call upon them to sponsor the programme. The Africa Region, unlike, other regions, is ready to start its activities from the first quarter of 2011. The donors who were present manifested their interest to funds activities of the Global Strategy and in particular the African Implementation Plan. A second Round Table of Donors will be organized in the margins of the UN StatCom to garner support from more partners.

    1. Partnership

ISAE and ENSEA presented the areas where they are collaborating.

InWent and Paris21 informed the participants about the assessment made through the NSDS on the training side.

  1. Way forward

The Secretariat will produce the Report of the meeting.

With regard to the AGROST plan of actions for 2011/2012, the Secretariat has to prepare a work plan by end of December 2010. To that end, partners should provide the Secretariat with their respective programmes by 25 November 2010 for consolidation.

For funding the STPA, the meeting asked the Secretariat to see how it will be possible to organize a meeting of Technical and Financial Partners in the margins of the UN Statistical Commission planned for February 21011.

The Secretariat called upon participants to start thinking about the curricula to be developed in the framework of the Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics.

  1. Conclusions

AGROST members agreed that during StatCom-Africa: only members will be eligible to vote.

The meeting asked the Secretariat to study the mechanism of renewing the membership of AGROST.

The meeting invited the Secretariat to produce regular reports to share among members; to this end, all partners were invited to provide the Secretariat with inputs related to their activities on the ground.

The meeting agreed to add University of Ibadan Nigeria as a member of AGROST.

The meeting welcomed the commitment made by InWent to create an AGROST Portal.

On the mechanism of coordination and collaboration, participants called upon all partners to share information with the Secretariat for better coordination and collaboration.

The Secretariat clarified the issue of membership of AGROST. It is clear that the list of members is the one set up during the meeting organized in Bujumbura (see appendix); but, during the StatCOM-Africa, any country and/or participants has the right to join any Working Group. ?

The participants requested the Secretariat to arrange for the next meeting around May or June 2011 in collaboration with partners.

Concluding the meeting, the Chair thanked all participants for their precious contributions to the success of the meeting.
  1. AGROST Membres / Members

Pays/Instituts nationaux de la statistique :

Countries/National Statistical Offices (NSOs) :

3 représentants d’INS francophones ;

3 representatives of Francophone NSOs ;

  • Burkina Faso

  • Burundi

  • Madagascar

3 représentants d’INS anglophones ;

3 representatives of Anglophone NSOs;

  • Gambia

  • South Africa

  • Uganda

1 représentant d’INS lusophone ;

1 representative of lusophone NSO;

  • Angola

1 représentant d’INS d’un pays arabophone.

1 representative of Arab NSO.

  • Egypt

Centres de formation statistique:

Statistical Training Centres:

3 représentants de centres de formation francophones ;

3 representatives of Francophone centres;

  • ENSEA Abidjan

  • ENSAE Sénégal


2 représentants de centres de formation anglophones ;

2 representatives of Anglophone centres;


  • ISAE – Makere University

1 représentant d’un centre de formation lusophone ;

1 representative of lusophone centre

  • Mozambique (school)

2 représentants de centres de formation arabophone ;

2 representatives of Arab centres;

  • ESSAI Tunis

  • INSEA Rabat

3 représentants de centres de formation nationaux (intégré au sein d’un INS).

2 representatives of national centres (based in NSOs).

  • Bostwana

  • Niger

  • Nigeria (as agreed during the meeting)

Regional Economic Communities :

  • Southern African Development Community (SADC)

  • Common Market for Eastern et Southern Africa (COMESA)

  • Communauté Économique Des États d’Afrique de l’Ouest (CEDEAO) / Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS);

  • Communauté Économique des États d’Afrique Centrale (CEEAC)

  • Union du Maghreb Arabe (UMA) / Union du Maghreb Arabe (UMA);

  • East African Community (EAC)

Technical and financial partners (TFP):

  • African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF)


  • Banque Africaine de Développement (BAD) / African Development Bank (AfDB)

  • Banque mondiale / World Bank

  • Commission de l’Union Africaine / African Union Commission (AUC)

  • Commission Économique pour l’Afrique (CEA) / United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)

  • France / French Cooperation

  • InWent

  • La Commission Européenne / EUROSTAT / European Commission/EUROSTAT

  • PARIS21

  • Royaume-Uni / UK Department for International Development (DFID)

  • Banque Islamique de Développement / Islamic Development Bank (IDB)

  • Statistics Norway

  1. List of participants




    Office Phone

    Phone Mob




    Adalbert Nshimyumuremyi


    +216 711 03 643




    Ajayi O. O.

    AfDB Consultant

    +234 906 000 40 75




    Leonette Ester Luiselsa Mabjaia

    National Statistical School Mozambique

    +258 82 47 33 260


    +258 21 49 00 35 or


    Amira Gamal El Din


    2013 50 88 20


    +224 024 399


    Mohamad Zaid


    +201 290 14 953


    +224 837 324


    Alieu S. M. Ndow

    Gambia Bureau of Statistics

    +220 43 77 847




    Amegashie Freeman


    +223 20 21 55 80


    +223 20 21 11 40


    Blazyk Samuel


    +331 4524 9035




    Dansokho Mady

    ENSAE Senegal

    +221 77 650 65 70




    Prof Evina Akam

    IFORD - Yaoundé

    +237 77 98 60 08


    +237 22 23 67 93 or


    Bahemuka Stephen


    +216 7110 27 22


    +216 7110 3743


    Oumar Sarr


    +251 11 544 3416

    +251 911 55 00 21



    Awa Thiongane


    +251 11 544 3451




    Dr John Olaomi

    Botswana Univ.

    +267 355 4501

     +267 - 73442646



    Ackim Jere


    +267 3951 863


    +267 3972 848


    Ndayishimiye Nicolas


    +257 22 21 67 34


    +257 22 22 2635


    raveloma Gerard


    +261 20 21 21 652


    +261 20 22 332 50


    Emp Sindato


    +255 784 784319


    +255 732 99 1395


    Thomas Wollnik


    +49 228 44 60 1252


    +49 228 44 60 1356


    John B. Male Mukasa


    +256 777 771 928


    +256 414 237 553


    Agnes M. N. Ssekiboobo

    ISAE Makere Univ. Uganda

    +256 772 49 22 60


    +256 414 530 756 or or


    Sane Congo Aissata

    INSD Burkina faso

    +226 70 29 45 38




    Dimitri Sanga


    +251 11 544 3050




    Koffi NGuessan

    ENSEA Abidjan

    +225 22 44 08 42


    +225 22 44 39 88


    Yeo Dossina


    +251 11 55 19 287


    +251 11 551 02 49
  2. Agenda of the Meeting

African GRoup on Statistical Training and Human Resources


Cairo, Egypt, 3 Nov. 2010

Al Manial Room

Intercontinental City Stars Hotel










12:30 - 13:30

Lunch Break


09:00 - 09:15

Opening remarks









SESSION III: Chair: Burundi


09:15 - 09:30

Presentation of the Objectives and the Agenda of the meeting


13:30 - 15:30

Partnership between STCs



Discussions & Adoption


Analysis of the training components within existing NSDSs or NSDSs under development


09:30 - 10:00

Activities under AGROST since January 2010



Curriculum review of different levels of stats training






Conduct need and capacity assessments


10:00 - 10:15

Tea/Coffee Break


15:30 - 15:45

Tea/Coffee Break



SESSION II: Chair: Uganda





10:15 - 12:30

Statistical Training Programme for Africa (STPA)


15:45 - 16:30

Draft program of activities for 2011/12

Paris21, InWent, AfDB, ECA








Mechanism of coordination and collaboration, Calendar of meetings, Members

InWent, Paris21


Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics






African Implementation plan






Research Component






Training Component


15:45 - 16:30

Closing remarks



Technical assistance








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