
In 3000 BC the faint star Thuban in the constellation Draco was the North Star

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In 3000 BC the faint star Thuban in the constellation Draco was the North Star. At magnitude 3.67 (fourth magnitude) it is only one-fifth as bright as Polaris, the current North Star (situated 430 light-years away. Reference back to 156)
157 "Pan, God of The Woods"
-- Reference For more detailed information about the IS-BE know as Pan, please read the book "Pan, God of The Woods" by Lawrence R. Spencer (
) back to 157)
158 " The human pharaoh moved the Capital city of Egypt from Memphis to Hera-
"Heracleopolis was the main city of Egypt during a turbulent time in our history, the First Intermediate Period. Details are not clear, but apparently when the VIth dynasty ended, the rulers who followed were too weak to rule the whole land. Akhtoy, the local nomarch, declared independence from Memphis, and when the last Memphite pharaoh died childless, he declared himself god-king of the Two Lands and founder of the IXth dynasty. All of Middle Egypt and part of the eastern Nile Delta submitted to Akhtoy's authority. Akh- min, in the 9th nome, became the southern boundary between those who supported Akh- toy and those who opposed him. In Upper Egypt there were at least three governors who refused to acknowledge the new order those of Thinis, Wast (Thebes) and Nekhen (Hierakonopolis). Fora longtime they fought among themselves, because chaos always reigns where there is no central authority. Finally one of them, Inyotef II of Wast, prevailed against the others the nomarchs of
Asyut now became the defenders of the dignity of the Heracleopolitan kings. The IXth dynasty was succeeded by the Xth at home, and for more than sixty years the line was held at Akhmin, despite frequent raids from both sides. Finally the grandson of Inyotef, Men- tuhotep II, captured Asyut; once that happened he quickly marched downstream and overthrew the Xth dynasty. That marked the reunification of Egypt and the beginning of the Middle Kingdom. Heracleopolis was never as important afterwards, though it marked the site of a key fortress in the XXIInd dynasty, built by the second son of Osorkon II" -- Reference
(back to 158)

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