This follows on from the points above. Always be objective about how you are doing.
Never take failure personally, never take setbacks in asocial setting as evidence that you are not worth talking to.
Imagine you area neutral observer. What does this person see What would he suggest to help you improve your approach Notice what you are doing well and use that as the basis for ongoing improvement.
If you want people to smile and laugh and it's not happening its time to change your approach. Objectively review what you have been doing and then find a role model if you still do not know abetter way to get a positive reaction.
Find someone who always has people smiling and laughing. Then view his approach as a step by step process to copy.
You can always observe popular people and notice what they are doing differently to you. Copy what works and you will do much better when meeting people. Use an effective approach and you`ll be effective!
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