Andrew davies

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Curriculum Vitae
School of Construction and Project Management

The Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment

University College London

1-19 Torrington Place

London WC1E 7HB
Telephone: +44 (0)20 3108 3073


1991 – DPhil, ESRC Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme ‘Social implications of technical change’, School of Social Sciences, Sussex University. Title: ‘The digital divide: a political economy of the restructuring of telecommunications’.
1986 – MA (Distinction), ESRC Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme ‘Social implications of technical change’, School of Social Sciences, Sussex University.
1984 – BA (First Class Honours), Geography (Urban and Regional), Sussex University.
Theoretical: innovation in complex products and systems; temporary organisations/project-based firms; learning, capabilities and routines in complex and uncertain projects; systems integration; and business model innovation (integrated solutions/services).
Empirical: infrastructure systems (e.g. telecommunications, railways, highways, water and airports); infrastructure projects (e.g. Channel Tunnel Rail Link, Northern Line modernisation, Heathrow Terminal 5, London Olympics and Crossrail); and the built environment and sustainable cities (e.g. Dongtan Ecocity).
Methods: Qualitative research; case study; interviews; participant observation; understanding process; grounded theory.
2012 - Chair in the Management of Projects, School of Construction and Project Management, The Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment, University College London
2010-2013 – Adjunct Professor in Project Management, Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour, Norwegian Business School (BI), Oslo, Norway.
2007 – Reader in Innovation Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Group, Imperial College Business School, Imperial College London.
2006-2013 – Co-Director EPSRC Innovation Studies Centre (formerly Built Environment Innovation Centre), Imperial College Business School, Imperial College London.
2005-2006 – Principal Research Fellow, EPSRC Built Environment Innovation Centre, Imperial College Business School, Imperial College London.
2001-2005 – ESRC Centre Deputy Director, Complex Product Systems Innovation

Centre, SPRU, Science (and Technology) Policy Research (SPRU), Sussex University.

2004-2005 – Senior Lecturer, SPRU.
2000-2005 – Senior Research Fellow, SPRU.
1994-2000 – Research Fellow, SPRU.
1997-1998 – Visiting Research Fellow, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University.
1994 – Consultant, Intercai Telematics Consultancy, subsidiary of KPN (Dutch telecoms company), the Netherlands.
1991-1994 – Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Technology Studies, Department of

Science and Technology Dynamics, Amsterdam University.

1987-1991 – Research Officer, ESRC Programme for Information and Communication Technologies, SPRU.
2012-2013 – Principal Investigator, Innovation in Crossrail, jointly funded by EPSRC Innovation Studies Centre, (internal project funding approximately £100,000) and Crossrail Ltd (CRL) (direct contribution £150,000 plus payment in kind).
2011-2012 – Co-Investigator, EPSRC Digital City Exchange, £5.9m (Prof. David Gann, Imperial College, Principal Investigator).
2008-2013 – Co-Investigator, EPSRC Innovation Studies Centre, £5.5m refunding for further five year period (Prof. David Gann, Imperial College, Principal Investigator).
2009-2011 – Co-Investigator, EPSRC ‘Ashford Integrated Alternatives: urban utility service provision for enhanced sustainability’, Imperial College component of research, £118,000 (Prof. David Butler, Exeter University, Principal Investigator).
2007-2010 – Principal Investigator, ‘The Dongtan Ecocity Project: The Birth and Co-evolution of Capabilities’, EPSRC Innovation Studies Centre, (internal project funding approximately £120,000).
2007-2010 – Fellow and Principal Investigator, Advanced Institute of Management (AIM) Targeted Initiative on Innovation, ESRC/AIM ‘Platforms for innovation: creating replicable product and service components for high-value integrated solutions’, £265,000, rated: ‘Good’.
2007-2009 – Principal Investigator, EPSRC ‘Network to Investigate Sustainable Economic and Ecological models of Peripheral Urban Functional Units’, £284,000.
2006-2009 – Co-Investigator (assumed responsibility as CI for Business School component of grant after joining Imperial College), EPSRC ‘Urban Water Platform Grant’, £2.7m (Prof. Nigel Graham, Imperial College, Principal Investigator).
2006 – Principal Investigator, DTI ‘Managing Service Innovation’, research ‘think piece’ with Prof. John Bessant, £30,000.

2006 – Co-Investigator, ‘Services and integrated solutions’, BAE Systems in collaboration with the Institute of Manufacturing, Cambridge University, £15,000.

2005-2008 – Principal Investigator, ‘Monitoring, evaluation and reflection Partner program Infrastructure Management (PIM)’, Imperial Consultants research project for Dutch Highways Agency, in collaboration with Prof. Geert Dewulf, Twente University, £40,000.
2005-2006 – Principal Investigator, IBM Faculty Award for research on ‘Services Science’, £12,000.
2005-2006 – Principal Investigator, ‘Learning from a landmark project: lessons from Heathrow Terminal 5’, EPSRC Built Environment Innovation Centre (internal project funding approximately £100,000).
2003 – Principal Investigator, ‘International perspective contributing to the evaluation of Sweden’s ICT Policy’, Swedish Institute for Growth Policy Studies (ITPS), £95,000.
2001-2006 – Co-Investigator, ESRC CoPS Innovation Centre, £2.2m refunding (Prof. Michael Hobday, Sussex University, Principal Investigator).
2000-2003 – Co-Investigator (proposal author, leader and project manager), EPSRC Systems Integration Initiative: ‘Mastering Service Capabilities in Complex Product Systems: A Key Systems Integration Challenge’, SPRU/ CENTRIM, £385,000, rated: ‘Tending towards internationally leading for research’ (Prof. Michael Hobday, Sussex University, Principal Investigator).
1998-2001 – Co-Investigator, EPSRC: ‘Improving Performance in Complex Product Systems production via inter-project knowledge capture and transfer’ CENTRIM/SPRU, £345,000, rated: ‘Tending towards internationally outstanding’ (Prof. Michael Hobday, Sussex University, Principal Investigator).
1996-2001– Co-Investigator, ESRC CoPS Innovation Centre, £1.8m outstanding (Prof. Michael Hobday, Sussex University, Principal Investigator).

The Bartlett, UCL: thought leadership; research leadership across UCL; developing executive relationships and partnerships with firms and government stakeholders; building a research team; mentoring of staff.
Imperial College Business School – contribution to Imperial College’s research strategy; research leadership for the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Group; building strategic partnerships with firms and industrial stakeholders; management of research projects; building and leading a team of doctoral and post-doctoral researchers; line management and mentoring of staff.
2012-2013 – Management Team, Research Leader, School of Construction and Project Management, The Bartlett, UCL.
2010-2012 – Management Team, Innovation Studies Centre, Imperial College Business School, Imperial College London, line manager for three post-doctoral researchers.
2010-2011 – Member of Research Committee, Imperial College Business School, Imperial College London.
2007-2010 – Management Team, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Group, Imperial College Business School, Imperial College London.
2011-2013 – Theme Leader, Systems, Services and Design, Innovation Studies Centre, Imperial College Business School, Imperial College London.
2006-2011 – Theme Leader, Project Business, Innovation Studies Centre, Imperial College Business School, Imperial College London.
2006-2012 – Co-Director Innovation Studies Centre, Imperial College Business School, Imperial College London.
2005-2006 – Senior member of Built Environment Innovation Studies Centre Management Team, Imperial College Business School, Imperial College London.
2004-2006 – Coordinator, STINT collaborative research and teaching on project-based enterprising and organisation with Linköping University, Sweden.
2004-2005 – SPRU Research Executive member responsible for developing future research.
2001-2005 – Deputy Director, ESRC CoPS Innovation Centre: operational duties included management of staff (professional staff involved in projects); IT procurement; budgets; presentations to sponsors; project management and leading proposal writing.
2000-2003 – Project manager, EPSRC Systems Integration Initiative.

Davies, A. and Hobday, M. (2005, paperback version 2010) The Business of Projects: Managing Innovation in Complex Products and Systems, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Prencipe, A., Davies, A. and Hobday, M. (2003, paperback version 2005) The Business of Systems Integration, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Davies, A. (1994) Telecommunications and Politics: the Decentralised Alternative, Pinter, London.
Hartmann, A., Roehrich, J.R., Davies, A. and Frederiksen, L. ‘Transitioning towards procurement of complex performance: the case of public infrastructure’, forthcoming, International Journal of Production and Operations Management.
Brady, T., Davies, A. and Nightingale, P. (2012) ‘Dealing with uncertainty in complex projects: revisiting Klein and Meckling’, forthcoming, ‘Special issue: Classics of Project Management’, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 5(4): 661-679.
Ahola, T. and Davies, A. (2012) ‘Insights into the governance of large projects: analysis of Organization Theory and Project Management: Administering Uncertainty in Norwegian Offshore Oil by Stinchcombe and Heimer’, ‘Special issue: Classics of Project Management’, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 5(4): 718-736. (Journal’s Best Paper Award).
Davies, A., Brady, T, Hobday, M. and Prencipe, A. (2011) ‘Innovation in complex products and systems: implications for project-based organizing’, Special Issue: ‘Project-based organizing and strategic management’, Advances in Strategic Management, 28, 3-26.
Davies, A. and Frederiksen, L. (2010) ‘Project modes of innovation: the world after Woodward’, Special Issue: Technology and organization: essays in honour of Joan Woodward, Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 29, 177-215.
Brady, T. and Davies, A. (2010) ‘From hero to hubris - Reconsidering the project management of Heathrow’s Terminal 5’, International Journal of Project Management, 28, 151-157.
Hartman, A. Davies, A. and Frederiksen, L. (2010) ‘Learning to deliver service-enhanced public infrastructure: Balancing contractual and relational capabilities’ Special Issue: Service-led construction projects, Construction Management and Economics, 28, 1165-1175.
Davies, A., Gann, D. and Douglas, T. (2009) ‘Innovation in Megaprojects: Systems Integration at London Heathrow Terminal 5’, California Management Review, Special Issue: ‘Infrastructure Privatization’, 51(2), 101-125.
Caldwell, N., Roehrich, J.R. and Davies, A. (2009) ‘Procuring complex performance: PFI and T5 compared’, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 15, 178-186.
Frederiksen, L. and Davies, A. (2008) ‘Vanguards and ventures: projects as vehicles for corporate entrepreneurship’, International Journal of Project Management, 26, 487-496.
Leon, N. and Davies, A. (2008) ‘Managed service paradox’, IBM Systems Journal, Special Issue on ‘Services Science, Management, and Engineering’, 47(1), 153-166.
Davies, A., Brady, T. and Hobday, M. (2007) ‘Organizing for solutions: systems seller vs. systems integrator’, Industrial Marketing Management, Special Issue: ‘Project marketing and marketing solutions’, 36, 183-193. [Top 10 most cited article in the journal in 2010. 49 ISI citations, 117 Google Scholar citations].
Davies, A., Brady, T. and Hobday, M. (2006) ‘Charting a path toward integrated solutions’, MIT Sloan Management Review, 47(3), 39-48. [45 ISI citations, 168 Google Scholar citations].
Molas-Gallart, J. (2006) ‘Program theories and evaluation practice: the experience of Science, Technology and Innovation policies in Europe, American Journal of Evaluation, 27, 64-82.
Hobday, M., Davies, A. and Prencipe, A. (2005) ‘Systems integration: a core capability of the modern corporation’, Industrial and Corporate Change, 14(6), 1109-114. [8th most cited article in the journal 2004-2010. [56 ISI citations, 160 Google Scholar citations].
Brady, T., Davies, A. and Gann, D. (2005) ‘Can integrated solutions business models be transferred to construction?’, Building Research and Information, 33(6), 571-579.
Flowers, S. Tang, P., Molas-Gallart, J. and Davies, A. (2005) ‘Contrasting approaches to the adoption of e-government: the UK and the Netherlands’, Journal of e-Government, 2(3), 51-83.
Brady, T., Davies, A. and Gann, D. (2005) ‘Creating value through the integrated solutions life cycle’, International Journal of Project Management, 23, 360-365.
Davies, A. (2004) ‘Moving base into high-value integrated solutions: a value stream approach’, Industrial and Corporate Change, 13(5), 727-756. [4th most cited article in the journal 2004-2010. 79 ISI citations, 217 Google Scholar citations].
Brady, T. and Davies, A. (2004) ‘Building project capabilities: from exploratory to exploitative learning’, Organization Studies, Special Issue: ‘Project Organization, Embeddedness and Repositories of Knowledge’, 25(9), 1601-1621. [72 ISI citations, 171 Google Scholar citations].
Acha, V. Davies, A. Hobday, M. and Salter, A. (2004) ‘Exploring the Capital Goods Economy: Complex Product Systems in the UK’, Industrial and Corporate Change, 13(3), 505-529.
Nightingale, P. Brady, T. Davies, A. and Hall, J. (2003) ‘Capacity Utilization Revisited: Software, Control and Large Technical Systems’, Industrial and Corporate Change, 12(3), 477-517.
Whyte, J.K. Davies, A. Salter, A.J. and Gann. D.M. (2003) ‘Designing to compete: Lessons from the Millennium Product Winners’, Design Studies, 24, 395-409.
Davies, A. and Brady, T. (2000) ‘Organisational Capabilities and Learning in Complex Product Systems: Towards Repeatable Solutions’, Research Policy, Special Issue: ‘Innovation in Complex Products and Systems’, 29, 931-953. [109 ISI citations, 277 Google Scholar citations].
Geyer, A. and Davies, A. (2000) ‘Managing Project-System Interfaces: Case Studies of Railway Projects in Restructured UK and German Markets’, Research Policy, Special Issue: ‘Innovation in Complex Products and Systems’, 29, 991-1013.
Davies, A. and Brady, T. (1998) ‘Policies for a Complex Product System: The Case of Mobile Communications’, Futures, 30(4), 293-304.
Hulsink, W. and Davies, A. (1997) ‘The Emergence of National Champions in Global Telecommunications’, Telematics and Informatics, 14(4), 349-356.
Davies, A. and Hulsink, W. (1997) ‘Two Speed Europe? Anglo-Dutch Experiences of Telecommunications Restructuring’, Communications and Strategies, 27, 11-47.
Davies, A. (1997) ‘Competitive Complex Product Systems: The Case of Mobile Communications’, IPTS Report, 18, 26-31.
Brady, T. Rush, H. Hobday, M. Davies, A. Probert, D. and Banerjee, S. (1997) ‘Tools for Technology Management: An Academic Perspective’, Technovation, 17(8), 417-426.
Davies, A. (1997) ‘The Life Cycle of a Complex Product System’, International Journal of Innovation Management, 1(3), 229-256.
Davies, A. (1996) ‘Innovation in Large Technical Systems: the Case of Telecommunications’, Industrial and Corporate Change, 5(4), 1143-1180.
Mansell, R. Davies, A. and Hulsink, W. (1996) 'The new telecommunications in the Netherlands: strategy, policy and regulation', Telecommunications Policy, 20(4), 273-289.
Davies, A. (1995) ‘The breaking up of BT: A decentralised BT would be more effective', New Economy, 2(4), 247-252.
Davies, A., Frederiksen, L. and Hartmann, A. ‘Navigating the road from innovation to replication: a process study of the Highway Agencies in England and the Netherlands, Revise and Resubmit (R&R), Organization Science.
Davies, A., Dodgson, M. and Gann, D. ‘Meta-routines: balancing stability and change over time’, Review, Journal of Management Studies (previously reached 2nd R&R in Academy of Management Journal and Organization Science).
Mackenzie, I. and Davies, A. ‘Managing complexity: A case study of the London 2012 Olympics construction project’, R&R, International Journal of Project Management.
Davies, A. (2013) ‘Innovation and project management’, forthcoming in Dodgson, M., Gann, D. and Phillips, N. (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Innovation Management, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Artto, K., Davies, A., Kujala, J., and Prencipe, A. (2010) ‘The Project Business: Analytical Framework and Research Opportunities’, Chapter 5, 133-153, Morris, P.W.G., Pinto, J. and Söderlund, J. (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Project Management, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Chesbrough, H. and Davies, A. ‘Advancing Service Innovation’, (2010) Chapter 25, 577-599, Maglio, P., Kieliszewski, C.A. and Spohrer, J. (eds), Handbook of Service Science, New York: Springer.
Miraglia, S. and Davies, A. ‘Organizational Learning within the Solutions Business Model’, (2009) Chapter 4, 75-93, Romano, A. and Secundo, G. (eds), Dynamic Learning Networks: Models and Cases in Action, New York: YYTYYyyySpringer.
Brady, T. and Davies, A. ‘Learning to deliver a mega project: The case of Heathrow Terminal 5’, Caldwell, N. and Howard, M. (2009) Procuring Complex Performance: Studies of Innovation in Product-Service Management, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Hartmann, A. Davies, A. and Frederiksen, L. ‘Procurement Innovation and Organisational Learning’, in Caldwell, N. and Howard, M. (2009) Procuring Complex Performance: Studies of Innovation in Product-Service Management, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Davies, A. and Hobday, M. (2006) ‘Strategies for Solutions’, Chapter 6, 132-154, Lowe, D. and R. Leiringer (eds), Commercial Management of Projects: Defining the Discipline, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
Davies, A. and Salter, A. (2006) ‘The Great Experiment: Public-Private Partnerships and Innovation in the Design, Production and Operation of Capital Goods in the UK’, Chapter 4, 73-95, McKelvey, M. and Holmen, M. (eds), Flexibility and Stability in the Innovating Economy, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Davies, A. (2003) ‘Integrated Solutions: the Changing Business of Systems Integration’, Chapter 16, 333-368, Prencipe, A. Davies, A. and Hobday, M. (eds), The Business of Systems Integration, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hobday, M. Prencipe, A. and Davies, A. (2003) ‘Introduction’, Chapter 1, 1-12, Prencipe, A. Davies, A. and Hobday, M. (eds), The Business of Systems Integration, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Davies, A. (2003) ‘Are Firms Moving ‘Downstream’ into High-value Services?’, (2003). Chapter 12, 321-340, Tidd, J. and Hull, F. (eds) Service Innovation: Organisational Responses to Technological Opportunities and Market Imperatives, Imperial College Press, London.
Hulsink, W. and Davies, A. (2003) ‘Making markets: Telecommunications in Western Europe’, Chapter 23, 413-429, Madden, G. (ed), World Telecommunications Markets: The International Handbook of Telecommunications Economics, Volume III, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
Hulsink, W. and Davies, A. (2000) ‘Case Study: European Telecommunications Champions: Preparing for Global Competition’, 718-726, Finlay, P., Strategic Management: An Introduction to Business and Corporate Strategy, Financial Times, Prentice Hall.
Davies, A. and Hulsink, W. (1999) ‘Multinationals in the Making: Corporate Strategies of European Telecommunications Operators’, Chapter 15, 277-296, El-Namaki, M.S.S. Samson, R. Aidis, R. Moharir, V. van Dijk, M.P. (eds), Strategic Issues at the Dawn of a New Millennium, Maastricht School of Management, Leiderdorp.
Davies, A. (1999) ‘Innovation and Competitiveness in Complex Product Systems: the Case of Mobile Phone Systems’, Chapter 7, 107-125, Mitter, S. and Bastos, M-I. (eds), Europe and Developing Countries in the Globalised Information Economy: Employment and Distance Education, Routledge, London.
The Bartlett, UCL

  • Technology and Innovation Management Module, MSc Strategic Management of Projects.

  • Guest speaker, MSc Managing Project and Enterprise Management

Imperial College Business School
Designed and delivered new Business School core Project Management teaching at undergraduate, postgraduate and executive education levels.

  • Developed Project Management core module for MSc Management which was ranked 1st in UK and 14th in world by FT 2012 rankings.

  • Teaching case studies (based on Imperial research) of London Underground Northern Line and Heathrow Terminal 5 projects. Cases in development include Arup’s Dongtan Ecocity design and the London 2012 Olympics project.

  • Innovative video-based interactive teaching for ‘Managing Infrastructure Megaprojects’, based on video interviews with CEOs, Project Directors and managers on the Heathrow Terminal 5 project.

  • Creative new forms of assessment based on an interactive poster presentation of major projects (now emulated and used on other Business School courses at Imperial, Rotterdam School of Management and UQ Business School).

  • Introduced Harvard Business School’s Project Management simulation on BSc and MSc courses.

Undergraduate and MSc Teaching

  • Project Management core module, Joint Hons and Intercalated BSc teaching scores: 2011-12: 4.28; 2010-11: 4.1; 2009-10: 4.17; 2005-6: 4.33.

  • Project Management core module, MSc Management teaching scores: 2011-12: 4.29; 2010-11: 4.0; 2009-10: 4.17; 2007-8: 4.14; 2006-7: 3.77, 2005-6: 4.00

  • Project Management core module, MSc Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management new masters course 2011-2012: 4.40.

  • ‘Project Management and Organisation’ module, part-time MSc Systems Engineering and Innovation, new Masters course 30th April-4th May 2012.

  • Project Management MSc International Health teaching scores: 2007-8: 4.13; 2006-7: 4.32; 2005-6: 4.23.

  • MSc Management supervision teaching scores: 2009-10, 4.67.

  • MBA final report supervision (5-6 students per year) teaching scores: EMBA 2009-10, 5.0; FTMBA, 2008-9; 4.0.

  • Doctoral supervision:

    • Beth Morgan, Maria Gradilas, Kat Lovell, Stefano Miraglia and William Wu.

    • Richard Tee graduated in 2011, Alex Beaudet graduated 2010, Bruno Basalisco graduated 2010 and Nick Leon graduated 2010.

    • Richard Tee, whilst under my supervision, was awarded Imperial College’s highly prestigious EPSRC Doctoral Prize Funding 2011-12 to undertake post-doctoral research on ‘Modularity in megaprojects’.

Executive Education

  • FHINK (Finmeccanica) Masters, Rome, Italy: 10-12 January 2012 (teaching score: 4.5); 18-20 October 2010 (teaching score: 4.3); 2-4 March 2010, (teaching score: 3.70); 14-16 December 2009, (teaching score: 4.3); 14-16 December 2008, Rome, Italy (teaching score: 3.90).

  • Executive Master Class, ‘Systems integration in engineering enterprises – the T5 case’, Laing O’Rourke, 7th November 2011, (teaching score: 4.00).

  • Leader of ‘Integrated Solutions and Organisational Transformation’, Schneider Electric, Paris, 21st October 2010 and 2nd December 2010.

  • Leader of Project-Based Organising’ module, Finmeccanica Executive Education, 17-18th September 2010 (teaching score: 3.76).

  • Executive Master Class, ‘Business Model Innovation in Infrastructure’, RWS (Dutch Road and Water Agency), 3rd June 2010, RWS Head Office, The Hague.

  • Executive Master Class, ‘Business Model Innovation in Infrastructure’, RWS (Dutch Road and Water Agency), 3rd February 2010, Imperial College Business School (teaching score: 4.29).

  • Alumni Master Class, ‘From iconic design to lost luggage: Learning lessons from the Heathrow Terminal 5 Project’, 10th December 2009, Imperial College Business School.

  • Executive Master Class, Dutch Ministry of Transport, ‘Road Pricing Team: Learning lessons from Heathrow Terminal 5 Project’, 20th November 2009, Imperial College Business School.

  • Leaders of Tomorrow, Executive Education for Laing O’Rourke, group project supervision, 2005.

External Teaching

  • Developed MBA Elective ‘Managing Infrastructure Projects’, Imperial College Business School, 2013: 4.92 (1st out of 10 Spring Term electives)

  • Master in Business Innovation, ‘Project-based Innovation’, 19-20 April 2012, University G. D’Annuzio, Pescara, Italy.

  • Project Management, Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour, Norwegian Business School (BI), Oslo, Norway:

    • Online Masters Programme, ‘Innovation in megaprojects: the case of London Heathrow Terminal 5’, 26th March 2012.

    • Executive Education, ‘The transition imperative: from project to operations’, with Prof. Ray Levitt, Stanford University, Breakfast Seminar, 17th June 2011,

    • Executive Education, ‘Organising a megaproject: the case of Heathrow Terminal 5’, 22nd March 2011.

    • Executive Education, ‘Preparing for a megaproject: the case of Heathrow Terminal 5’, 24th November 2010.

  • Doctoral examiner, (2011), Medhi Kiamehr, CENTRIM, University of Brighton.

  • ‘Innovation through projects’, MSc The Strategic Management of Projects, 6th October 2011, Bartlett School, Department of Construction and Project Management, University College London.

  • Lecce University, Italy, PhD Courses ‘Innovation in Complex Products and Systems: 6-7 October 2009; 3-4 June 2008; 26-27 April 2007.

  • ‘Innovation in complex product systems’, MSc The Strategic Management of Projects, 18th September 2008, Bartlett School, Department of Construction and Project Management, University College London.

  • Doctoral examiner (2007): external ‘opponent’ at a doctoral examination of Charlotta Windahl, Linköping University, Sweden.

  • ‘Innovation in complex product systems’, MSc The Strategic Management of Projects, 18th September 2007, Bartlett School, Department of Construction and Project Management, University College London.

  • Doctoral examiner, (2007), Adan Lopez, Bartlett School, Department of Construction and Project Management, University College London.

  • National PhD course (2006): invited keynote speaker and discussant of doctoral student research, ‘Artic Workshop’, Ăbo Akdemi University, Finland, 2-3 November 2006.

  • National PhD course (2006): awarded STINT Grant Award with colleagues at Linköping University, Sweden, to develop and teach course based on The Business of Systems integration on two separate three-day courses to Swedish doctoral students.

  • Doctoral examiner (2002): external ‘opponent’ at a doctoral examination of Frederik Gessler, the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.

  • Managing Innovation in Complex Products and Systems (2000-2002): awarded STINT Teaching Excellence Fellowship to develop and teach three one-week courses to doctoral students in Sweden.

  • Lund University (1998-2000): taught innovation management module to Swedish MSc students.

SPRU, Sussex University (1997-2005)

  • Managing Innovation in Complex Products and Systems (2000-2005): developed and convened innovative new SPRU MSc option, awarded highest rated course on successive years by SPRU students.

  • Invited lecturer (1997-1999): Prof. Keith Pavitt’s MSc course on Technology Management.

  • Masters supervision: supervised 2-5 students each year.

  • Doctoral supervision: Chin-young Hwang graduated 2000; supervised two other doctoral students (prior to joining Imperial College in June 2005); internal examiner of three SPRU doctorates; and supervised two visiting doctoral students (Arne Fevolde and Federica Ceci).

  • Marconi Masters Module, Warwick University (2001): components of SPRU MSc used to teach 2-day course to Marconi managers.

Academic Impact
Research has impacted on academic community through pioneering new approaches to innovation and project management in several areas of research:

  • Innovation in projects – publications in Advances in Strategic Management, Research in the Sociology of Organizations, California Management Review, Organization Studies, International Journal of Innovation Management, Research Policy (highly cited article achieved 109 ISI citations) and Industrial and Corporate Change (2 articles in top 10 most cited 2002-10).

  • Systems integration, services and solutions – book The Business of Systems Integration (2003) and articles in top-rated journals such as Industrial and Corporate Change, MIT Sloan Management Review, Industrial Marketing Management (top 10 most cited article in 2010) and IBM Systems Journal.

  • Technology policy – book Telecommunications and Politics (1994) and journal articles such as New Economy, Demos Quarterly and Industrial and Corporate Change (which attracted attention of world-renowned US scholar, Prof. Thomas Hughes) and Research Policy.

  • Key research findings brought together in books The Business of Projects (CUP, 2005) and The Business of Systems Integration (OUP, 2003).

As Co-Investigator and Co-Director of the ESPRC Innovation Studies Centre, played a key role in securing the second five years of £5.5m funding (2008-2013). Leader of current research theme: ‘Systems, Services and Design’:

  • Theoretical focus on how organisational capabilities required to manage the design and integration of complex ‘system of systems’ projects.

  • Study of innovation strategy and organization of the Crossrail and London 2012 Olympics projects.

The research builds on previous ‘Project Business’ theme led by Dr Davies:

  • Theoretical focus on how organisational capabilities and routines develop in response to the high degrees of uncertainty in major projects.

  • Innovation in megaproject design and delivery – how knowledge integration, capture and replication occurs in megaprojects, including Heathrow Terminal 5 and the Dongtan Ecocity in China.

  • Innovation in infrastructure – how organisational innovation in business models occurs in urban water (EPSRC platform grant) and road infrastructures (Imperial Consultants project).

  • Innovation in product-service business models in ICT firms (ESRC/AIM project).

Led the EPSRC ‘Ecocit Network’ to promote UK, Chinese and international research inspired by Dongtan, the ecocity designed by Arup for the Shanghai Industrial Investment Corporation (SIIC). Ecocit supported interdisciplinary research on sustainable urban development projects:

  • Major workshops and conferences with UK and Chinese researchers and practitioners held at Imperial College and Tongji University, China.

  • Developed innovative combination of techniques to promote and support research on ecocities, including Arup-led road mapping, 15 webex virtual meetings and presentations, major presentations, and smaller workshops.

  • Made presentations as Tongji University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fudan University and Tsinghua University.

  • Meetings held with Chinese practitioners including Arup’s Shanghai office, SIIC, Bluepath consultancy, Chongming Island Government, Jinshuan District, Tianjin Taida industrial park, and Shanghai Xingzhuang industrial park.

AIM/ESRC ‘Targeted Initiative on Innovation Fellow’ and Principal Investigator on a three-year project with IBM and BT to promote UK research capacity on service platforms and innovation in project-based firms.

  • Developed in-depth case studies of IBM and BT, published articles, book chapters and a book edited by project Co-Investigator, Gawer, A. (ed.) (2009) Platforms, Markets and Innovation, Edward Elgar.

  • Organised an AIM/ESRC conference in 2008 held at Imperial College on platforms attended by leading scholars (e.g. Prof Cusumano, MIT and Prof Carliss Baldwin, Harvard Business School) and business leaders (BT, Microsoft and Intel).

  • Participated in keynote presentations and organising a symposium on ‘Platforms and Service Innovation’ at the Academy of Management, 2012.

Led team responsible for organising three Professional Development Workshops (PDW) and Symposia (2008-2010) at three Academy of Management conferences.

  • At these events, over 150 scholars from technology and innovation management, organisational theory, strategy, project management and entrepreneurship met to discuss new thinking about project-based organising.

  • The conceptual ideas resulting from these discussions were brought together and edited by several participants including two members of my research team (Dr. Lars Frederiksen and Dr Flocki Taube) in the Special Issue: ‘Project-based organizing and strategic management’, (2011) Advances in Strategic Management, Volume 28.

Industrial impact
Research on infrastructure projects and industries:

  • Founder member and participant in the ‘Crossrail Innovation Forum’ CIF with senior member of Crossrail Ltd (Andrew Wolstenholme, CEO; Terry Hill, Chairman; Andy Mitchell, Programme Director, and Chris Sexton, Technical Director). Developed and implemented an innovation strategy across the Crossrail programme.

  • Led Imperial College participation in Sino-UK Joint Project on Overseas Project Risk Management, October 2011-October 2013, organised by the Institution of Civil Engineers (Shanghai Branch) and Institute of Engineering Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

  • Worked with Learning Legacy initiative to outline the project delivery model used for the construction of the London 2012 Olympics. Paper presented at joint Learning Legacy and Association for Project Management launch event on 23rd January 2012.

  • Developed ‘systems integration model’ (published in California Management Review 2009) used by Laing O’Rourke, which is based on research at Heathrow Terminal 5 to assist in the successful delivery of megaprojects.

Co-developed conceptual models to help project-based firms develop capabilities, structures and business models.

  • BAA and Laing O’Rourke: to capture lessons learnt from the Heathrow Terminal 5 project and use the experience gained to improve business and project performance.

  • IBM and BT: to understand new business models for integrated solutions.

  • Change programme to support the outsourcing strategy of a public sector highways agency, the RWS in the Netherlands.

  • Ericsson ‘Turnkey Project Start-Up Guide’ (1998) defining project management processes required to set-up turnkey projects

  • Cable and Wireless ‘Global Outsourcing Solutions’ (1999) DVD tool with video-clips defining the processes involved in setting up outsourcing projects.

Specific impact on industry through research and consultancy work with multinational firms, such as RWS, BAA, IBM, Laing O’Rourke, BAE Systems, BT Global Services, WS Atkins, Ericsson, Nokia, Cable & Wireless and Alstom.

Awarded the highly competitive ‘IBM Faculty Award’ grant in 2005 to examine how large international firms are developing business models to deliver integrated solutions.
Government Impact
Impact on government through research and consultancy projects for government agencies in the UK and Europe, such as the EC, OECD, DTI, Swedish Institute for Growth Policy Studies, South African Government and the Swiss Research Policy.
Member (2006-2008) of the International Advisory Board of PSI Bouw (Process and System Innovation in Construction), a major industry-led programme of scientific and business research which has been highly successful in promoting innovation in the Dutch construction sector.
Carried out major studies of ICT for several government bodies, such as two Dutch institutes (the Telematics Research Centre and the Rathenau Institute). Recent policy impact includes two major studies for the Dutch Highways Agency: strategic outsourcing model (2008) and outsourcing of road maintenance services (2007).
Engineering Project Organization Society, Pathfinder Award 2012 for contributions to the community (previously awarded to Prof. Ray Levitt, Stanford University).
Appointed Adjunct Professor, (2010-2013), Norwegian School of Management (BI), Oslo, Norway.
Donald Julius Groen Prize 2009, awarded by the Management Group of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers for our paper ‘Innovation in Megaprojects: Systems Integration at London Heathrow Terminal 5’, California Management Review (2009).
Appointed ‘Innovator-in-residence’, UQ Business School, University of Queensland, Australia, October 2008.
The Business of Projects (co-authored book) selected for special review as book ‘we admire’ in Academy Sharing Knowledge: The NASA Source for Project Management and Engineering Excellence, Spring 2006.
IBM Faculty Award for the study of innovation in services, May 2005.
STINT (Swedish Research Council) Grant Award to establish research and teaching collaboration on project-based organising in collaboration with Linköping University, Sweden, December 2004.
Appointed ‘Innovator-in-residence’, Technology and Innovation Management Centre, University of Queensland, Australia, May 2003.
Awarded STINT (Swedish Research Council) Teaching Excellence Fellowship, Doctoral programme of research-based doctoral course: ‘Innovation in complex product systems’, 2000-2002.
Awarded Visiting Research Fellowship, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, the Netherlands, December 1997.
Awarded Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship, Department of Science and Technology Dynamics, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, November 1991.
External Examiner, 2012-2013, MSc Programme Management, Saïd Business School, Oxford University.
Editorial Board Member: Journal of Management (2011), Engineering Project Organization (2010), Industrial and Corporate Change (2007).
Research reviewer: Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC); Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Dutch PSI Bouw (construction industry research council) and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada.
Journal reviewer: Journal of Management, Organization Science, Research Policy, California Management Review, Industrial and Corporate Change, Organization Studies, International Journal of Innovation Management, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Industry and Innovation, Building Research and Information, Engineering Project Organization, and European Management Review.
Book reviewer: Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Edward Elgar, and Pinter Publishers.
International Organising Committee (2006-2007), International Research Network on Organising by Projects (IRNOP), ‘Projects in innovation, innovation in projects’.

Conference Editorial Board: International Organising Committee (1998-2001), International Conference on Technology, Policy and Innovation, International Research Network on Organising by Projects (IRNOP) (2004).

Advisory Board (2005-2008), R&D and Innovation and Dynamics of Economies, Chalmers University of Technology.
Membership of Professional bodies: European Group for Organizational Studies; Academy of Management – TIM division; European Academy of Management.
Presenter, ‘Innovation and replication in public organization: the Highways Agencies in England and the Netherlands’, Collaboratory on Global Projects (CGP) Seminar Series, Stanford University, 15th April 2013.
Presenter, ‘Managing Complexity and Uncertainty: Constructing the London Olympics 2012, American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Paper Session: An unlikely success story? Olympic cities and the London 2012 experience, Organized by J. Thiel, G. Grabher and M. Raco, 11th April 2013, Los Angeles.
Speaker, ‘Megaproject innovation’, Trustee Boardroom Meeting, Committee for Economic Development Australia, Hosted by Arup, Brisbane, Australia, 13 March 2013.
Invited executive speaker, ‘New megaproject delivery models’, Senior managers of Leighton Holdings Ltd, including CEO Theiss, Brisbane, Australia, 13 March 2013.
Presenter and roundtable discussant, ‘Response from academic perspective: Learning Legacy launch debate: Lessons learned from on the construction of the Olympic Park’, Association for Project Management, 23rd January 2012.
Keynote, ‘Megaprojects: Learning from the Dongtan Ecocity Project’, Nordic Forum on Leadership of Major Projects’, Chalmers University, 24th November 2011.
ESRC Festival of Social Science Event, ‘Unleashing the power of services innovation: the 80/20 rule’, Imperial College Business School, 3rd November 2011.
ESRC Festival of Social Science Event, ‘Unleashing the power of services innovation: the 80/20 rule’, Manchester Business School, 1st November 2011.
Keynote, ‘Knowledge creation and transfer in integrated urban design: the case of Arup’s ecocity business’, ESRC Research Seminar ‘The Governance of Ecocity’, Westminster University, 11th October 2011.
Keynote, ‘Business models, infrastructure and the changing public-private interface’, 3-6 November 2010, Engineering Project Organizations Conference, (EPOC), Stanford University.
Presenter, ‘Knowledge creation and transfer in integrated urban design: the case of Arup’s ecocity business’, 8th December 2010, Centre for Research in the Management of Projects, Manchester Business School.
Presenter, ‘Opening the discussion’, Academy of Management, Montreal, Canada, 6-10 August 2010, Symposium, New evidence in service paradox, Organisers: Veronica Martinez and Andy Neely.
Presenter, ‘Learning to deliver ecocities: renewal, reuse and reinforcement capabilities’, Academy of Management, Montreal, Canada, 6-10 August 2010, Cross-divisional Professional Development Workshop, Management at the public-private interface: insights from the world of infrastructure, Organiser: Nuno Gil.
Discussant, ‘Empirical perspectives’, Academy of Management, Montreal, Canada, 6-10 August 2010, Cross-divisional Professional Development Workshop, Towards a project-based view of strategy, innovation and entrepreneurship, Organisers: Lars Frederiksen and Florian Taube.
Presenter, ‘Innovation in infrastructure’, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 18th May 2010.
Presenter, ‘Learning to deliver ecocities: renewal, reuse and reinforcement capabilities’, Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 17th May 2010.
Presenter, ‘Learning to deliver ecocities: renewal, reuse and reinforcement capabilities’, Ecocit Workshop, Arup Shanghai Office, China, 13th May 2010.
Keynote Speech, ‘Integrated solutions: the challenge of shifting to services’ and Participation in Roundtable Discussion, New CHANGE for Rockets, Finmeccanica conference for Leading you executives, 14th December 2009, Auditorium, Via Piemonte 60, Rome, Italy.
Presenter, AIM Launch of Innovation Report, ‘The Shifting Boundaries of Innovation: Moving the Debate Forward’, British Academy of Management, Innovation Symposium, Brighton, 16th September 2009.
Presenter, ‘Innovation in megaprojects: systems integration at London Heathrow Terminal 5’, Academy of Management, Chicago, United States, 7-11 August 2009, Cross-divisional Professional Development Workshop, Infrastructure meets business: building new bridges, mending old ones, Organiser: Nuno Gill.
Presenter, ‘Project-based learning, innovation and paths of capability building’, Academy of Management, Chicago, United States, 7-11 August 2009, Professional Development Workshop: Towards a project-based view of strategy and innovation: moving beyond project management II, Organisers: Lars Frederiksen and Florian Taube.
Presenter, ‘Platforms for innovation in integrated solutions’, Academy of Management, Chicago, United States, 7-11 August 2009, Shared Symposium: Discovering new challenges in services operations, Organisers: Veronica Martinez and Andy Neely.
Presenter, ‘From iconic design to lost luggage: innovation at Heathrow Terminal 5’, Collaboratory for Research on Global Projects (CRGP) Seminar Series, Stanford University, 29th April 2009.
Presenter, ‘Systems integration: a core capability for open innovation’, Open Innovation Seminar Series organised by Prof. Henry Chesbrough, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley, 27th April 2009.
Chair and organiser Ecocit Workshop, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 13-16 October 2008.
Act as consultant to Department of Business Innovation and Skills, European Commission and government bodies in Netherlands, Switzerland, South Africa, Sweden and Australia and to large international private and public organisations such as: Arup, Laing O’Rourke. IBM. RWS (Dutch Highways and Water Agency), Highways Agency (England), BT Global Services, BAE Systems, Alstom Transport, Ericsson and Cable & Wireless
Previously Theme leader EPSRC Innovation Studies Centre research:
Principal Investigator, EPSRC Ecocit Network – to promote research on ecologically sustainable urban developments inspired by Dongtan ecocity design, China:
AIM Fellow and Principal Investigator, Advanced Institute of Management (AIM) Research and ESRC Research, ‘Targeted Initiative on Innovation’:

Directory: people
people -> Math 4630/5630 Homework 4 Solutions Problem Solving ip
people -> Handling Indivisibilities
people -> San José State University Social Science/Psychology Psych 175, Management Psychology, Section 1, Spring 2014
people -> YiChang Shih
people -> Marios S. Pattichis image and video Processing and Communication Lab (ivpcl)
people -> Peoples Voice Café History
people -> Sa michelson, 2011: Impact of Sea-Spray on the Atmospheric Surface Layer. Bound. Layer Meteor., 140 ( 3 ), 361-381, doi: 10. 1007/s10546-011-9617-1, issn: Jun-14, ids: 807TW, sep 2011 Bao, jw, cw fairall, sa michelson
people -> Curriculum vitae sara a. Michelson
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people -> A hurricane track density function and empirical orthogonal function approach to predicting seasonal hurricane activity in the Atlantic Basin Elinor Keith April 17, 2007 Abstract

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