Anglican Church International Communion

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Anglican Church International Communion

Seeking to Unite Orthodox and Traditional Anglicans Worldwide
Questions and Answers

Declaration of Principles

Application for Membership

Followed by a Statement


The Most Rev’d Michael M. Wright of Bath, England

Bishop Ordinary of Europe
Questions and Answers
The Anglican Church International Communion was created to bring together continuing, traditional, orthodox bishops; provinces, dioceses and parishes. The ACIC encourages working together, improved understanding, and fellowship among bishops. Additionally, in these difficult times the ACIC offers a unified voice in the world and for traditional Anglicans. The ACIC promotes the Faith given to us by God in the Holy Bible and Books of Common Prayer.
The ACIC embraces the Anglican Faith handed down to us and contained in the earliest Cranmer prayer books: 1549 and1552; the English prayer book of 1662, the American prayer book of 1928 and the Canadian prayer book of 1962.
Many questions have been asked since the founding of the ACIC in 2001 and here we seek to help answer those questions and provide a reference for bishops and others.

  1. What is The Mission of the ACIC?

The Mission of the ACIC is twofold. First, to strengthen and reassert the orthodox Anglican Faith and bring it to a new generation of God’s people, for the purpose of saving souls by spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Secondly, to provide a home, Holy See, for International Provinces and like-minded, traditional, and orthodox bishops, clergy and laity.
2. How do we expect to accomplish The Mission?
The first step in accomplishing the Mission is to bring together bishops of traditional and continuing churches under one banner for purpose of unity and communication. After a generation of separateness, there is a critical need for this movement.

  1. Does ACIC have a specific program to accomplish its Mission?

Yes. Goals and objectives agreed upon to accomplish The Mission are: inviting all continuing and orthodox bishops to join the ACIC; increasing missionary outreach; recruiting and educating clergy; educating the laity; improving communications; developing greater public awareness; offering in-service training at all levels; establishing new seminaries; and creating financial resources in support of the work of the ACIC. All of this will be facilitated by the recent establishment of an International Office and Archbishop for International Provinces to coordinate and carry forward the work of the ACIC.

  1. How has the ACIC grown?

Born in 2001 in Atlanta, Georgia (USA) it now consists of seventeen jurisdictions around the world.

  1. How will my joining the ACIC benefit my jurisdiction?

Through prayer and worship, you will join in the life of Anglicans who believe as you believe. Your parishioners and Anglicans worldwide will see bishops united and be assured of the reality and power of Common Prayer. The expansion of the Anglican Church International Communion will provide traditionalists and orthodox churchmen a voice throughout the world and especially in the countries of member bishops. This will bring strength, encouragement and hope that only the unity of bishops of the ancient Apostolic Faith can provide. Anglican bishops are expected to give leadership which unifies and the ACIC is the means to achieve this.

  1. How do I join the ACIC?

You join by submitting a signed copy of The Declaration of Principles to the Secretary General. You may request a copy from the Secretary General or download a copy from the ACIC web page.

  1. What are the requirements of membership?

Membership requirement include: being legally and validly consecrated Anglican bishop in good standing; subscribing to the Declaration of Principles and to submitting an officially signed application. The Declaration of Principles speaks to bishops in Apostolic Session and the adherence to beliefs stated therein. Membership is voluntary and there are no tithes. As soon a membership is approved, you begin receiving all communications, literature, and notification of opportunities.

  1. After I submit the application, then what happens?

The Secretary General will acknowledge receipt of your application and assist you in being considered for membership or answer additional questions you may have. The College of Bishops votes on your application after at least two bishops of the College express support of your application. It is then submitted to the College for a vote. You will be notified of the results, and are invited to attend the meeting where your application is considered.

  1. If I join the ACIC, will my jurisdiction continue to be autonomous?

Yes, your jurisdiction will continue to be autonomous. Membership is voluntary. The only requirement is to continue to support of the tenets of The Declaration of Principles and to maintain a legal and valid status.

  1. What would be my relationship to the ACIC?

As Bishop, you would have a seat in the College of Bishops with all the rights and privileges of a member. You are requested to indicate in published materials your jurisdiction is an ACIC member. When you join, you give permission to the ACIC to indicate that you are a member. You receive a certificate indicating you are a member of the College of Bishops and in Communion with the ACIC and seals which you are encouraged to use on publications and in correspondence.

  1. How is the College of Bishops structured?

There is a President, Vice President and Secretary General. The President and Vice President serve three-year terms. The Secretary General serves for three years and may be re-elected. The Bishop of Virginia is the Archbishop for International Provinces and Dioceses. Bishops of international provinces and diocese serve as Vice-Presidents of the College of Bishops. All these comprise the Executive Council along with past Presidents of the Council of the previous three years. The Vice Presidents have a responsibility to promote, provide assistance, and seek continuing bishops who could be a part of the ACIC College of Bishops.

  1. Is there a central office?

Yes. There is a central office in the United States located in Virginia near Washington, D.C. The Secretary General’s office serves as a focal point and information office for the ACIC, and coordinates the work of the College of Bishops and the ACIC. The Bishop of the Anglican Church of Virginia is the Secretary General. He is the Archbishop of International Provinces and Dioceses. Virginia is the Archdiocese for the international dioceses.

The address is: Anglican Church International Communion, 582 Simons Way, Front Royal, Virginia 22630 C/O The Rt. Rev Larry W. Johnson, Secretary General.

E-mail: Tel. 1.540.635.5521.

12. Is there a Synod?
There was a General Synod meeting in Williamsburg/Jamestown, Virginia in 2007. The Second General Synod is scheduled for St. Louis, Missouri, USA in 2010. The College of Bishops meets annually in the country or state of the Presiding Bishop. Laity and clergy are invited to the General Synod which will meet every three years. In the future bishops and diocese will meet on a regional basis in the years between the General Synod.
13. Does the ACIC offer training and seminars?
Yes, we conduct training and provide seminars, and would like to hear from you as to the type of programs you would suggest. We are offering educational programs for experienced and new bishops. We expect to offer help in learning about being a bishop. We will in the future offer training for priests who have the potential to serve in the role of a bishop. For this training, the priests must be endorsed by their ecclesiastical authority. The College of Bishops approved at Jamestown 2007 “Standards and Qualifications for Election of Bishops.”
14. Is the ACIC in Communion with Canterbury?
No. Nor are we in communion with the Episcopal Church of the USA, or any like group or body that does not embrace the tenets of belief found in the ACIC Declaration of Principles.

  1. What are the jurisdictions which are now a part of the ACIC?

The names of the Jurisdictions are below. They may be found on the web site of the Anglican Church of Virginia. Web site address:

  1. Anglican Church of Virginia (USA)

  2. Orthodox Anglican Church of Haiti

  3. Anglican Diocese of the Good Shepherd (USA)

  4. Orthodox Anglican Church of the South (USA)

  5. Anglican Episcopal Church of India

  6. The Free Church of Australia of the Anglican Church of Virginia

  7. Mexican Independent Episcopal Church

  8. American Anglican Convocation

  9. Anglican Episcopal Church

  10. Diocese of the Caribbean and New Granada and the Holy Catholic Church (WR) Caribbean and New Granada

  11. Anglican Diocese of South America

  12. Traditional Church of England and Australia

  13. Missionary Diocese of the Cameroon of ACOVA

  14. Anglican Church of Georgia (USA)

  15. National Anglican Church of the Dominican Republic

  16. Catholic Apostolic Anglican Church Missionary Diocese of the Latino/Hispanic in the USA

  17. Holy Catholic Church-WR Diocese of Europe

Anglican Church International Communion

Declaration of Principles
As the Apostolic Church brought both religious and non-religious peoples to Christ, WE DECLARE that the Church of today must be a church on mission, reaching out to believers and non-believers with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ.
WE FURTHER DECLARE that we adhere wholly to biblical teaching and to the following principles, and thus shall not accept any action or compromise that would weaken or change the faith and traditions of these principles and beliefs, which we hold to be essential to an unimpaired relationship with Jesus Christ and His one holy catholic and apostolic church.
1. We believe in the authority of the HOLY SCRIPTURES as the inerrant Word of God, as summarized by the Creeds, taught by the Fathers, and defined in the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion, and the Authorized (King James) Version of The Holy Bible, it being the standard translation into the English language.
2. We believe the Nicene and Apostles' CREEDS are binding on every member of the Church as the expression of their specific personal commitment and conviction.
3.We believe HOLY BAPTISM as ordained by Christ, as set forth in the Book of Common Prayer, is the seal of our Salvation, and Confirmation by a bishop in the apostolic line is the means whereby we receive the strengthening gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Apostolic tradition.
4. We believe HOLY COMMUNION shall be validly celebrated by a bishop of the Apostolic line, or by a priest ordained by such a bishop, and properly received by those confirmed or ready and desirous to be confirmed. Holy Communion will not be refused to believing baptized Christians of other traditions.
5.We believe HOLY ORDERS of Bishop, Priest, and Deacon are open only to believing men, following Biblical practice, the universal practice of the holy catholic church, and as intended by our Book of Common Prayer.

6. We believe the integrity of the sacramental functions of the EPISCOPATE, and according to the Apostolic model, as evangelists, guardians of the faith, and caring shepherds of the flock, shall be placed above the administrative responsibilities that have so often caused mischief in the churches of former years.

7. We believe the historic BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER is regarded as a doctrinal standard and our common liturgy. We worship according to the 1928 American edition of the Book of Common Prayer, the 1962 Canadian edition, or the 1662 English Book of Common Prayer. We respect liturgical expression established by Archbishop Thomas Cranmer in 1549, and the 1552 version as set forth by the Act of Uniformity, and other national equivalents so far as the faith is kept entire by them.
8. We believe in the unique salvation of Jesus Christ and pledge our commitment to the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ about Himself: "I am the WAY, the Truth, and the Life: and no man cometh to the Father, but by me." 
WE GIVE OUR WITNESS BEFORE GOD, to all believers in Christ, unbelievers and those who claim the name of Christ for themselves while disdaining Our Lord's own words about Himself.
 SIGNED, In the Name of GOD the FATHER, GOD the SON and GOD the HOLY GHOST, the Bishops of THE ANGLICAN CHURCH INTERNATIONAL COMMUNION, representing the province, jurisdictions or dioceses of:

  1. Anglican Church of Virginia (USA)

  2. Orthodox Anglican Church of Haiti

  3. Anglican Diocese of the Good Shepherd (USA)

  4. Orthodox Anglican Church of the South (USA)

  5. Anglican Episcopal Church of India

  6. The Free Church of Australia of the Anglican Church of Virginia

  7. Mexican Independent Episcopal Church

  8. American Anglican Convocation

  9. Anglican Episcopal Church

  10. Diocese of the Caribbean and New Granada and the Holy Catholic Church (WR) Caribbean and New Granada

  11. Anglican Diocese of South America

  12. Traditional Church of England and Australia

  13. Missionary Diocese of the Cameroon of ACOVA

  14. Anglican Church of Georgia (USA)

  15. National Anglican Church of the Dominican Republic

  16. Catholic Apostolic Anglican Church Missionary Diocese of the Latino/Hispanic in the USA

  17. Holy Catholic Church-WR Diocese of Europe

Application for Membership
Provincial/Diocesan Application for Membership in the College of Bishops and Communion


I (we) the Bishop(s) of the Province/Diocese of ______________________________________of, _______________________ (Country/Nation/ or State), affirm our Orders are in Apostolic Succession by the attached documents, do request and pray to come into the Anglican Church International Communion. I (we) pledge and affirm my (our) agreement to the Declaration of Principles by my (our) signature(s) and seal(s) to this document, this _________Day of ____________ (month), two-thousand and ______________, in the year of Our Lord.

Signature(s): ___________________________, in the ______________ year of my ordination.


Information to be submitted.

  1. Please give email addresses to which email is to be sent.

  1. Name of Bishop and his Denomination/ Church or Diocese (s) seeking membership in the Anglican Church International Communion College of Bishops.

  1. Names of parishes under episcopal oversight of the Ordinary (optional).

  1. Number of communicants and members.

  1. Names of Clergy and Bishops and personnel information (Include information about each clergyman and Bishop(s). (optional)

  1. Dates of Ordination, Name of Province or Diocese of Ordination, Location of Ordination and Consecration and Name of Bishop(s) who consecrated the applicant.

  1. Province chief Lay Leader name, address, and parish church. (optional)

  1. Name(s) of Senior Wardens or Lay Leader in each Parish. (optional)

  1. If your Province/Diocese has been affiliated with another communion, why are you seeking communion with the ACIC at this time?

  1. Describe briefly your activities and mission.

  1. Tithe: No tithe is required.

  1. Please provide the name, address, and contact information of the person or persons to whom the Secretary General, ACIC will sent all official email or correspondence.

Procedure for acceptance by the College of Bishops
This request for communion with the ACIC will be presented to the College of Bishops of the ACIC as soon as practicable. It will require the recommendation of two bishops now members of the College of Bishops before a vote will be cast. A majority of bishops voting is required at the time of the College meeting. Until the meeting of the College the Secretary General may issue a “Certificate of Provisional Membership in the College of Bishops.”

Mail signed document and information form to: (this information may be first emailed)

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Larry Wilson Johnson

Secretary General and Archbishop of International Provinces and Dioceses.

The Anglican Church International Communion

Bishop Ordinary, Anglican Church of Virginia

582 Simons Way

Front Royal, VA 22630 (USA)


Telephone: 1.540.635.5521



The Most Rev’d Michael M. Wright of Bath, England

Bishop Ordinary of Europe
Following is a Statement by the Most Reverend +Michael M. Wright, Metropolitan of Honor of the ACIC and Metropolitan of HCC-WR and Bishop Ordinary of Europe
Dear Fathers, Brothers, and Sisters in Christ,

I would like to share with you an important decision I have made, following upon an invitation to become a member of the College of Bishops of the Anglican Church International Communion (ACIC). A brief description of this association of jurisdictions is contained in the study I have sub-joined to this message; and for those who would like further detailed information, the ACIC website address is:
(click on the ACIC button on the Home Page)

When, very recently, Bishop Cruz-Blanco established his own diocesan website, I became aware for the first time of the ACIC, of which he had for some years been a member. After studying the information given on the website above, I determined to contact Archbishop Larry Johnson of the Anglican Church of Virginia (ACOVA), the President of the ACIC. In reply, I received the invitation mentioned above - sponsored by Bishop Cruz-Blanco and seconded by Archbishop Johnson himself. I have kept our own bishops informed of these developments - including also Bishop Tom Klipspringer. More recently, I have told them of my intention to accept the invitation and asked for any well-founded reason why acceptance should be withheld - no such reason has been put forward.

We have now experienced several ‘wilderness years’ which have enabled us to know our own minds and establish our Catholic identity on a firm scriptural and patristic base. The ACIC represents, as I say in the conclusion of the study below, a breakthrough which enables us to associate with other ACIC-linked jurisdictions without loss of integrity.
I take this step in the belief that it will further fulfill the ministry we have all received, and so glorify God by the enhancement of His Kingdom.


Yours, in the service of Christ, our true God,


+ Michael


A brief consideration by Bishop Michael Wright


The ANGLICAN CHURCH INTERNATIONAL COMMUNION (ACIC) is an association of Anglican jurisdictions. Members maintain the Catholic Faith as received through the English Church and transmitted at the beginning of the seventeenth century to North America. For this historical reason, the founding member of the ACIC is the Anglican Church of Virginia (ACOVA).


HISTORY: The ACIC was established in late 2001. The aim was and is to draw together into a restored unity ‘continuing’ Anglican jurisdictions which have suffered from the divisions which so disfigure the ‘Continuing Movement’. For this reason, the ACIC is both open in its approach to these jurisdictions, but at the same time specific in what is expected of them. These requirements are set out in a Declaration of Principles.

THE DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES: There are eight specific headings in the body of the Declaration, covering Scriptures, Sacraments, Orders and Worship; these are amplified and clarified by association with the English Prayer Books of 1549 and 1662, together with the American 1928 and Canadian 1962 Prayer Books. As one would expect, the Declaration reflects the basis of many Continuing Jurisdictions - but there is a further detectable and significant clarification.
A PRELIMINARY DECLARATION: This clarification is found in a preliminary Declaration which reads:

“We further declare that we adhere wholly to biblical teaching and to the following principles, and thus shall not accept any action or compromise that would weaken or change the faith and traditions of these principles and beliefs, which we hold to be essential to an unimpaired relationship with Jesus Christ and His one holy catholic and apostolic church.”

The establishment of unity comes through the maintenance of a ‘common mind’ concerning the Faith: furthermore, it is declared that the holding of this ‘common mind’ is essential to an ‘unimpaired relationship with Christ and his holy catholic church’. The goal is less concerned with institutional unity than with relational unity - a unity with the incarnate Son through His Body, the Church
REQUIREMENTS FOR MEMBERSHIP: The requirements for membership follow upon the same lines: “A bishop must be in good standing in apostolic orders and subscribe to the Declaration of Principles of the ACIC. Each bishop is free to discontinue his involvement at anytime.” What holds the membership together is participation in the ‘common mind’ concerning the faith, together with authentic participation in the apostolic, sacramental structure of the Church.
THE ‘COMMON MIND’: This is not to be seen as mere human agreement, but a participation in the mind of Christ through the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit. This is the Scriptural and Patristic understanding of the matter which is expressed, for example, in the Creeds.
‘GOOD STANDING’: The divisions of the ‘Continuing Movement’ have contributed to the multiplication of bishops (something which can be turned to good account), but alongside those with genuine ministries there exist others whose titles are merely nominal or even bogus. The term ‘good-standing’ is aimed at distinguishing those who exercise wholesome and Christ-honouring ministries, and those whose motivation is remote from the building-up of the Body of Christ.


DYNAMISM AND FELLOWSHIP: The final heading of the Declaration reads: “We believe in the unique salvation of Jesus Christ and pledge our commitment to the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ about Himself: "I am the WAY, the Truth, and the Life: and no man cometh to the Father, but by me.” The aim of the Declaration, and therefore of the ACIC, is dynamic - the positive presentation of the Gospel, which involves the manifestation of that Gospel through the Church. This is the characteristic of the authentic Catholic Church as it is set out in Scripture and acknowledged by the Fathers of the Church. Perhaps the outstanding patristic image of the Church is contained in the letters of St Ignatius of Antioch, but that quality is present with all the great Fathers of the Church. The fact that this dynamism originates with the sending of the Spirit on the Church by the Son, explains the subsequent development of the Church’s life, doctrine, worship, ministry, and ability to discern the true from the false. We have here a fellowship, a koinônia which is in the world, but originates and extends far beyond the world because it is “fellowship with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.” (1John 1:3).

MODELS OF THE CHURCH: The various Continuing Churches which came into being in the second half of the last century found themselves in the position of rescuing what was being rejected by several provinces of the mainline Anglican Communion. For this reason, there was an understandable desire to return to familiar models of the Church. In the course of its history, Anglicanism had produced two main variants upon a basic model. The main, abiding model was of a restoration of the primitive Catholic Church. The variants developed out of two differing views, Evangelical and Anglo-Catholic, about the way this aim was to be fulfilled.
THE TWO WAYS: Two contemporary solutions along these same lines are illustrated by the close links being formed by Episcopalian traditionalists with conservative Evangelical provinces in the rest of the world (provinces which do not always have a commitment to an all-male ordained ministry) and the Traditional Anglican Communion with its ongoing application for union with Rome. A careful study of both models (which cannot be undertaken within the limitations of this brief study) will show that both models take an institutional rather than a sacramental view of the nature of the Church - i.e. that the Church is an agency working on behalf of Christ rather than a manifestation of His life given for the world.
A BREAKTHROUGH: The way in which the ACIC is configured breaks through the restrictions which these less adequate models impose; it opens up the naturally relational character of the Catholic Church. By offering a freedom of association within a ‘common mind’ the ACIC enables each of its member jurisdictions to be, and know itself to be, scripturally, patristically, and authentically Catholic.


End First Document



Diocese of Europe







I, Michael Mat Wright, Bishop Ordinary of the above Diocese, and Bishop Metropolitan of the Holy Catholic Church - Western Rite, in the Family of Catholic Churches, accept, with a deep sense of the honour bestowed, the invitation to occupy a seat within the College of Bishops of the Anglican Church International Communion. In accepting this invitation, I accept also without reservation the principles set forth in the Declaration of Principles of the said Communion. I further declare and confirm that I am a Bishop in Good Standing within the Apostolic Succession - as witness the information sub-joined to this Acceptance and Declaration.


I hereby thank my Sponsors, The Most Reverend Larry Wilson Johnson, and The Right Reverend Victor Manuel Cruz-Blanco, for the trust they have placed in me, and I pray to God, the Most Holy Trinity that I may fulfill worthily the obligations placed upon me by membership in this College of Bishops.


Witness my hand and seal this Twenty-first Day of January in the Year of our Lord Two Thousand and Eight



Concerning Bishop Michael Mat Wright: Born 13 January 1932, Baptized 13 February 1932 at Holy Trinity Parish Church, Windsor, UK. Confirmed 1945 at St George’s Chapel Windsor. Ordained Deacon June 1957 by the Bishop of Oxford, ordained Priest June 1958 by the Bishop of Oxford. Served as assistant priest in the Diocese of Oxford until October1962 when licensed by the Archbishop of Canterbury as a Chaplain to HM Forces. Served as a Chaplain until 1994 in various locations in the UK, Germany, Belgium (with NATO), South Arabia, Cyprus, and Hong Kong. Left the Church of England on retirement from HM Forces in 1994, and was received into the Anglican Catholic Church by Bishop Leslie Hamlett. Served as Archdeacon to the ACC’s UK Diocese and as a Trustee of Holyrood House until August 1997 when the ACC split. (Leslie Hamlet was elected as Metropolitan of the subsequently formed Holy Catholic Church.-.Anglican Rite, but separated from the American HCC-AR dioceses to form the Holy Catholic Church - Western Rite in 1999). Consecrated Bishop in March 2000 by Archbishop Leslie Hamlett, Bishop Alexander Price (NZ) and Bishop John Appleton. Separated, along with Bishop Victor Manuel Cruz-Blanco and Bishop Samuel Banzana, from Archbishop Leslie Hamlett over his activities contrary to the Discipline and Canons of the Church. Elected Metropolitan of the HCC-WR June 2005. In the same year full communion was re-established with the HCC-AR.


Education: Earlier education sufficient to qualify for admission to Oxford University in 1952. Read in the Honour School of Theology and graduated as Bachelor of Arts 1955 (subsequently and automatically as Master of Arts in 1958). Trained for two years at Wells Theological College (long defunct) to pass the General Ordination Examination prior to ordination in the Oxford Diocese.


Succession: Episcopal Orders received through three Bishops themselves consecrated in the ‘Denver’ line of succession from Bishops Chambers and Paghtakan.


Concerning the HCC-WR: The HCC-WR is a province of three dioceses. The Church is differentiated from the group remaining under Leslie Hamlett by the addition to the title of the words ‘in the Family of Catholic Churches’. The Diocese of Europe is miniscule (25 members) by comparison with the other two dioceses, but serves as the coordinating focus of the Province. The Diocese of Europe has two priests other than the bishop. Fr. Osmond Newnham, (a former Church of England parish priest) serves the Mission Parish f St Anastasia, Bournemouth. Fr David Worsley was ordained in October 2006 to inaugurate a mission parish among expatriate British residents in Spain and has recently established the Mission Parish of St George and St James. Aguadulce, Seville. The Diocese of Europe is administered by a Trust established under the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales. Details of the Clergy of the other Dioceses are published of the HCC-WR Website under Directory.

Concerning the ACIC. The ACIC has established a new and positive approach to the divisions of Continuing Anglicanism. This is the fresh initiative required to heal the chaotic condition of the Continuum, providing a clear basis of association, a relationship which implies recognition of full communion among those subscribing to its declared Principles. This is ample justification for becoming involved in the work of the ACIC.

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