Ann n. Clarke, Ph. D

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Ann N. Clarke, Ph.D.




ANC Associates, Inc.

7101 Executive Center Drive, Suite 187

Brentwood, TN 37027

615-373-2005 (office)

615-370-4090 (fax)

615-944-4090 (cell #1))

615-943-9883 (cell #2)

EDUCATION: Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee

Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, 1975 (Minor, Environmental Engineering)

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland

M.A., Chemistry, 1970; M.A., Geology, 1971

Drexel Institute of Technology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

B.S., Chemistry, 1968 (with honors)

AWARDS: 1989 Educator of the Year, National Environmental Training Association


2002 - present Adjunct Professor, Dep’t Civil and Environmental Engineering

Invited lecturer in Vanderbilt courses including:

- Environmental Assessemnt (School of Engineering)

- Environmental Characterization and Analysis (School of Engineering)

- Radiogical Aspects of Environmental Engineering (School of Engineering)

- Voluntary Compliance with Environmental Regulations (Owen School) - Environmental Law (Law School)
2003 - 2005 President, Sigma Xi, Vanderbilt Chapter
1994 - present Member, Key Board, Blair School of Music, Vanderbilt University

1976 to 1981 Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Center for Environmental Quality Management and in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department

Dr. Clarke held appointments as Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Center for Environmental Quality Management; an Assistant Professor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Vanderbilt University; and Adjunct Professor, Toxic Substances Control Laboratory, Vanderbilt University. Previously, she held appointments as Research Assistant Professor, Environmental and Water Resource Engineering. She also had served in the capacity of Research Engineer, Center for Industrial Water Quality Management.

During Dr. Clarke’s appointments at Vanderbilt, she developed a continuous biomonitor unit to provide early warnings of potential upsets at joint municipal/industrial wastewater treatment plants. In addition, she was the author of several industry-specific reports on the cost-of-clean water in conjunction with P-92-500 requirements. Dr. Clarke also taught undergraduate chemistry laboratory as well as undergraduate/graduate environmental chemistry laboratory. She also provided invited lectures on state-of-the-art treatment technologies in graduate environmental engineering courses.
1974 - 1976 Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee

Research Assistant/ Adjunct Assistant Professor, Environmental Quality



REGISTRATIONS: Certified Environmental Supervisor (CES), expired

Certified Environmental Trainer (CET), expired

Registered Environmental Assessor (REA), California, expired


AFFILIATIONS: National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Mixed Wastes

Scientific Review Panel, National Library of Medicine

National Environmental Training Association (Past Director)

Editorial Board, Environmental Protection Magazine(inactive)

Editorial Board, Environmental Engineering Science (inactive)

1997- present ANC Associates, Inc., Brentwood,Tennessee, President
1998 – 1999 Advisory Board,Cumberland Science Museum, Nashville, Tennessee
1982 - 1997 ECKENFELDER INC., Nashville, Tennessee

- Director of Special Projects, Waste Management, 1996

- Division Director, Remedial Technologies Development, 1987-1996

- Corporate Director of Training and Professional Development, 1982-1987

1981 - 1982 RECRA Research, Inc., Amherst, New York

Director of Training and Professional Development

    1. AWARE Incorporated, Nashville, Tennessee

Project Manager, Resources Management
1971 - 1972 Sheppard T. Powell and Associates, Baltimore, Maryland

Consulting Engineering

1964 - 1968 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Eastern Utilization, Research and

Development Division, Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania

Research Chemist

2004 - Reviewer, WISER, Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders, National Librbary of Medicine
1995 to 1999 - Member, National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Mixed Wastes Member,
1998 to 2000 - Review Panels, Institute for Regulatory Science, Columbia, Maryland
1994 - General Conference Chair, HazMat South Orlando, Florida, February
1987 to present - Member, Scientific Review Panel, National Library of Medicine (Peer review of Hazardous Substances Data Bank),
1990 to1995 - Member, Environmental Engineering Review Panels USEPA,
1996 to present - Member, USEPA, Office of Research and Development, Exploratory Research Grants Review Panels,

  • environmental chemistry

  • environemental engineering

  • bioremediation

1996 to present - Member, USEPA, Office of Research and Development, Small Business Innovation Research Grants Review Panels, Phases I and II,
1996 to 1997 - Member, Joint USEPA, NSF, USDOD, and USDOE Proposal Review Panel for Bioremediation Research,
Member,USEPA Peer Review Panel for the five year performance evaluation of the Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Hazardous Substances Research Center
2000 - Member,USEPA Peer Review Panel for the award of the Hazardous Substances Research Centers grants
Member,USEPA Panels for Futures ResearchGrants:

2000 - Natural Sciences

2002 - Hazardous Waste/Remediation
2006 - Member, USEPA Panel on Treatment R+Technology and Engineering Solutions for Arsenic
2007 - Member,USEPA Peer Review Panel for the award of Graduate School Fellowships in Ocean and Coastal Processes

2007 - Member, USEPA SBIR Phase I Peer Review Panel on Waste Management and Monitoring

2007 - Member, USEPA SBIR Phase I Peer Review Panel on Drinking and Water Montioring

2007 - Member, USEPA SBIR Phase I Peer Review Panel on Waste Management and Monitoring
2008 - Member, USEPA SBIR Phase I Peer Review Panel on Homeland Security

2008 - Member, USEPA Peer Review Panel for the award of Graduate School Fellowships in Environmental Decision MakingProcesses

2008 - Member, USEPA SBIR Phase I Peer Review Panel on Waste Management and Monitoring
2010 - Member, NSF SBIR Phase I Peer Review Panel on Wastewater and Contmainated Water,

2010 - Member, NSF SBIR Phase I Peer Review Panel on Soil Contamination and Reducing CO2,

2010 - Member, NSF SBIR Phase I Peer Review Panel on Drinking Water Quality

2010 - Member, NSF SBIR Phase II Peer Review Panel on Biopersistent Herbicides and Fertilizers

2010 - Member, USEPA SBIR Phase I Peer Review Panel on Homeland Security

2010 - Member, USEPA Peer Review Panel for the award of Graduate School Fellowships in Pesticides and Toxic Substances
2011 - Member, NSF SBIR Phase II Peer Review Panel on Air and Water Treatment

2011 - Member, NSF SBIR Phase I Peer Review Panel on Water Monitoring

2011 - Member, NSF SBIR Phase I Peer Review Panel on Wastewater and Industrial/Commercial Runoff

2011 - Member, NSF SBIR Phase I Peer Review Panel on Wastewater Treatment

2011 - Member, NSF SBIR Phase II Peer Review Panel on Atmospheric Contaminants,

2011 - Member, NSF Peer Review Panel on Partnership for Innovation (PFI) for Materials, Manufacturing and Construction

2011 - Member, USEPA Peer Review P3 Panels (2011) on:

  • Built Environment/Materials and Chemicals

  • Water/Agriculture

  • Energy

2012 - Member, USEPA STAR Peer Review Panel on Pesticides and Toxic Sunstances,

2012 - Member, USEPA SBIR P3 (People, Prosperoty, and the Planet) Peer Review Panelson:

  • Energy

  • Cook Stoves

1982-1997 ECKENFELDER INC., Nashville, Tennessee

In situ/ex situ treatment research, design and implementation of alternative, innovative technologies. Hazardous waste management, environmental audits, permitting, aspects of risk assessment focusing on complex trace level analyses, training, and professional development. Evaluation of immuno-assay techniques for use during site remediation; evaluation of treatment technologies for the removal of arsenic from drinking water in an effort to determine if a lowered MCL can be reliably achieved; and the preparation of new and review/update of existing health and safety plans for hazardous waste sites; perform annual Hazwoper refresher courses; 1998/99 faculty in an intensive course on Environmental Health, sponsored by the Johns Hopkins Univesity and presented in Prague, Czech Republic, to professionals from the former Soviet Union countries.

Provided expert witness and fact witness testimony; provided litigation support.
Research and mathematical modeling of in situ treatment of organic contaminants. Performed environmental and regulatory compliance audits (acquisition and internal due diligence) for various industries throughout the U.S. and Europe. Performed laboratory evalutions and formal audits of commercial laboratories for clients as well as in-house laboratories. Also remedial investigations and feasibility studies. Developed several RCRA Part B Permit Applications for industries and military facilities throughout the United States and its territories. Developed and conducted RCRA compliance and Superfund related training for industries and state governments. Directed state-of-the-art analytical programs for PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs in complex materials of construction and environmental media. Served as special consultant for industrial studies on cost-effectiveness, and development of treatment alternatives for industrial waste treatment. Developed an early warning biological monitor for use at joint wastewater treatment facilities. Other areas of expertise--noise studies; fate of chemicals; toxic substances assessments; environmental assessment and evaluation studies (nation, international); hazardous waste sampling program design including QA/QC; analytical aspects of trace levels organics and priority pollutants; ground and groundwater contamination studies; and estuary water quality studies. Developed a guidance training manual for the Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment Facilities. Directed activities under contract to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - CERI, including the organization of international symposia, workshops, and technical documents and proceedings in the areas of toxicological research health effects and lake restoration. Author of over 100 technical reports, papers, and books.

Presented papers and chaired sessions nationally and internationally. Also served on program development committees for national conferences such as HazMat International and Superfund. Past Director of the National Environmental Training Association. Served on Board of Examiners for certification of environmental trainers. Serves on National Academy of Sciences Committee on Mixed Wastes, Scientific Review Panel, National Library of Medicine's Hazardous Substances Data Bank; USEPA Environmental Engineering Review Panel.

Associate, Director of Training and Professional Development, AWARE Incorporated Nashville, Tennessee 1972; 1976 to 1981; 1982 to 1987
Dr. Clarke served as a free-lance consultant to AWARE and then, as a full-time employee, provided expertise in proposal and report preparation and editing of technical reports. She has served as special consultant for industrial cost-effectiveness studies and development of treatment alternatives for industrial waste treatment projects. She also directed several large resources management studies, both here and abroad. Other areas of expertise include: regulatory compliance audits throughout the United States and abroad; remedial investigations and feasibility studies; research on in situ and innovative treatment of environmental contaminants; preparation of RCRA Part B permit applications (land treatment, incineration, storage, thermal treatment, surface impoundments); SPCC plan preparation; noise studies; fate of chemicals in the environment; literature reviews and assessments of toxic substances; environmental assessment and evaluation studies; analytical aspects of trace level organics and priority pollutants, including QA/QC; also, PCB, PCDD and PCDF studies in complex environmental and construction media; ground and groundwater contamination studies; and estuary water quality studies. She is currently leading the development of in-situ treatment technologies including vapor stripping and surfactant flushing/washing research and feasibility studies modeling for the company. Dr. Clarke helped develop a training guidance manual for the Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment facilities for USEPA and a Hazardous Materials Management Guide for TVA, Division of Occupational Health and Safety. She has designed, developed, and implemented RCRA compliance for various industries throughout the United States and Superfund related training for state agencies and industrial representatives as well as SARA compliance (29 CFR 1910.120) training. She was a major force in the NETA effort to develop and implement an environmental trainer certification program. Dr. Clarke served on the training Board of Examiners for the certification of environmental trainers, and is a CET herself. In addition, she directed several activities for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - CERI, including the organization of international symposia, workshops, and technical documents in the areas of toxicological research and lake restoration. Dr. Clarke assists in developing in-house training programs and materials. She also conducts short courses, workshops and seminars for ECKENFELDER INC. and in association with various universities and continuing education associations in the United States. Dr. Clarke is the author of many technical reports, papers and books. She has presented papers and chaired sessions at technical meetings both nationally and internationally.

Director, Training and Professional Development Program, Recra Research, Inc., Amherst, New York 1981 to 1982
As Director of Training and Professional Development Programs for Recra Research, Inc., Dr. Clarke was responsible for the development and implementation of training programs designed to meet the specific needs of the client. Types of programs managed by Dr. Clarke include personnel training programs for owners or operators of hazardous waste management facilities (RCRA), training in occupational safety and health (OSHA), programs designed for responders to hazardous materials incidents and uncontrolled waste sites, and a variety of national and international workshops and symposia designed to provide information transfer and regulatory updates in the area of health effects and environmental resources management. Other areas of activity included training needs assessment for both industry and governmental agencies; creation of medical surveillance plans for personnel associated with hazardous materials and wastes; and response to Right-to-Know.

Sheppard T. Powell and Associates, Baltimore, Maryland 1971 to 1972
Experience as Consulting Engineer in data collection and analysis, mathematical modeling, cost evaluation, troubleshooting, client liaison, laboratory testing, and project planning.

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