Apollo feedback

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From Michael Tuttle     Subject: NASA

I did digitally alter NASA images.
When I was working at the Smithsonian's Center for Earth and Planetary Studies in the early 90's, just outside my office was a wall full of 3 ring binders containing over 50,000 8x10 B/W and color images taken from the Apollo programme. When the Internet came into existence, I was looking for things to scan and put online, so selected photo's from the binders scanned and put on line.
Author Well that's it, the game is finally up. NASA, and PAN'S may as well admit defeat, after continually denying fake pictures.

Lawrence S. Pinsky, Ph.D., Department of Physics  Subject: Radiation, (God's Electric Fence)

The radiation dose received by crews on space missions is not just another nuisance type problem that needs only to be estimated and tabulated. In planning for longer duration missions, it is one of the major limiting factors and must be a baseline consideration in the design of any vehicle/mission combination where planners anticipate either very long duration's or exposure outside the geomagnetic environment.
Author This was not an e-mail reply, but I placed it here to show PAN's that their belief's are nothing more than pie in the sky.

"Judy Stubbs" Subject:Fake!!
My husband just showed this site to me and I have to let you know my son as well as my husband (and quite a few other people who know me) have ridiculed me for my beliefs that we indeed did NOT land or even travel to the moon.  I happened to be working for a corp. that was producing piece parts for the Apollo 11 mission.  After the supposed success of the mission several representatives of NASA came to visit and thanked us heartily for our assistance and our ability to make the parts required in the time frame they were needed.  I never for one minute fell for it and a year or so later I went to visit my niece in DC and while visiting the Smithsonian,  I discovered that the entire Moon landing was recreated perfectly (a little too perfectly) down to the same rock.  I am wondering if they will ever come clean about the hoax they have laid on the American people, not to mention the residents of the entire World. Big sham and shame.


From:"Apollo Insider" Subject: BULLSHIT




From:"Michael J. Tuttle" Subject:Broken Link, Washtech went belly up.

Your link on page: www.geocities.com/fakemoonpics/ to http://techway.washtech.com/news/2_11/moretech/10183-1.html is dead.

Consider linkin to:  http://www.pixeltricks.com/washtech/   Thank you for your attention to this matter.        Michael


From:"Bill Langfield" Subject: Apollofake web page

Who hacked Michael J. Tuttle's site for that great update?? I love it, send me more stuff, I always look forward to anything.


From:"Derek Abbey"
Subject: Suspension wires.

I once met a bloke in our local supermarket who was an avid Apollo fan. He had all the DVD's etc, and would scoff at any suggestion the Moon landings were fake. I told him to study the video's and photographs, and look for discrepancies which prooves they are fake. He went away thinking I was some kind of nut to suggest the landings were fake, however the next time I saw him he was extremely excited. He asked me to go back to his place and look at one of his Apollo DVD's. He admitted that although he had played them a few times, he hadn't studied them very hard, in other words he wasn't looking for any anomalies. The video he played back was of Apollo 17 astronaut Schmitt supposedly bouncing on the Moon. "Look" he said. "There's a bloody wire showing above his head, so he's suspended in some way, what a bloody con". He took the DVD out of his PC, then threw it in the nearby waste bin. I told him to take his Apollo DVD's down to the local charity shop. "Some PAN will probably buy them" I said. I think they sold for about 50p. Cheap at any price, but then NASA's scam is a cheap hoax. Brilliant web site, the best on the net for exposing the Fake Moon Landing's, keep it up.


From:"GW" <104706.120@compuserve.com>  Subject:moon model


I'm still looking for the source of the fascinating moon mock up pictures you presented on your website. Can you tell me the source?

Thanks a lot.


From:"Jim Showker"  Subject:heat in space

In my opinion, the two most convincing arguments that the whole thing is a hoax are the radiation and the heat. When you talk about the radiation, you need to also talk about the sunspot cylce and that 1969 was the peak of that 11 year cycle.  

Anyway, keep up the good work.  Remember  NASA,  Never A Straight Answer.


From:"Chris Walker"  Subject:RE: apollo fake

I was attending Western Washington State College in Bellingham, in 1969.  Bellingham is near the Canadian Border, and we received two of the Canadian TV stations.  Canadians don’t like their big brother to the south.  So, when there is news that would embarrass the Americans, they are more likely to broadcast it than American news agencies.  In 1969 they repeated several stories from the Russian newspaper Pravda.  Large front page stories stated over and over “The Americans Never Landed on the Moon”.  I’ve tried to find copies from those old papers, I haven’t yet.


From:"T Mark Hightower" Subject:interested in moon landing hoax.

In recent months I have become quite interested in becoming as sure as I possibly can be that the moon landings were faked.  I have seen all of Bart Sibrel's videos as well as the video What Happened on the Moon? from Aulis Publishers.  I am currently reading Dark Moon from Aulis. I discovered your web site and found it to be quite convincing. Are you available to dialog on this topic via e-mail?


From:"ctcochra" Subject:Hmmm! Quite interesting!

I must say I love your site. I heard about the possible fakings, but only heard countless repetitions of flapping flag and shadows.

Thanks for reading. I will admit, your comments about Apollo nuts or whatever you call them being mind-sick are rather disconcerting and unnecessary. In fact they could potentially diminish your credibility. Sorry, that's just a little critique. I greatly enjoy doing research on anything and everything, and this is no exception. Even though I can't see the pictures due to blindness I still find the written aspects quite fascinating. I've always been interested in conspiracy theories, although I need lots of proof to convince me. I'll have to think about this and do further research. Thanks a lot for spurring me on. Anyway, have a fabulous day.


From:"James Hall" Subject:Apollo Scam website

This stuff was great, I wanted to share it with other NON-believers.  Please HELP!!!!!!


From:"Riva Karklin" Subject:NASA website

hi, my name is Riva Karklin, and like you, i definately believe the moon landings were a hoax. i'm a university student in canada, and i'm doing a persuasive research paper on the fake moon landings. i was just wondering if you could tell me where it was you got your information for your website from. My professor is quite specific with citing sources, and this would really help my research. and i know this is short notice, but my paper is due on the 4th of november, so if you have time, coud you help me out?? thanks very much!


From: "Firman Nugraha" Subject:Nice Site

Your site is the best Apollo Hoax site I've ever found at the web. I have a request for you, I just began my investigation about NASA and Apollo missions a month ago, and I want to use your articles as one of my investigation source. By the way I'm making a book right now about the conspiracy theory of Apollo Moon Hoax. Can I use your articles in my book? My book will be none comercial, that's for sure because I want to reveal the truth behind NASA and Apollo Mission. Plese, reply to me as soon as possible.


From:DOCTORMONEY1011@aol.com  Subject:Hey!! Moon!! 2005 How come we have not gone Back!!

Hello I have never believed the N.A.S.A. pictures, I am into photography, and chest mounted hasselbald cameras are hard to use acurately and to get crisp clear shots, all arranged too beautifully, yeah right thats crazy!! In 1969!! just think about it going to the moon look at us to day still trying get off the ground, still faking the Mars maps, look at the Mars maps in 60's through 70's ice caps on each end!! Now why are they trying to see if their is water their Duh?!! This is 2005 36 years from what some people would call the most greatest time in history. Why hasn't N.A.S.A. gone back just play around mess with the old gadgets in 1969 place a commemorative plaque their!! Crazy!!?  I was wondering where I can get some video footage of the astroNots faking lunar mischeif!! or send me something!! Thanks God Bless!!


From:mmead@austin.rr.com  Subject:website

Thanks for the website. It is very well done and appreciated. The american (and all people)should question information provided to us by government agencies. You are a person I consider a hero to that cause. Keep up the good work. Thank you.


From:"Brian Kane"  Subject:fakery Dacqauri, dock!

I would like to thank you for your site, how did you come up with all the photos of Langley etc?? What's next? Where can I see more stuff like videos which prove it all was fake.


From:"katrina24" Subject:nasa scam I love your web site

Wonderful  job on facts, it's been a long time I have been glued to any web site.  I have always wondered over the years could we have done  it.   I have a computer electronic degree and I'm a firefighter/paramedic.  Why haven't any of the astronauts offered to take lie detector test?  I would.  

I have been a Air Force, Army, and Navy firefighter, and talk in great length  to people if we could of really done it. Bush's Moon Mars and beyond  has US Moon bound in 2014 hope they can make it, and once we see all the trouble to get there one will ask themselves did we have the technology in the 60's  to pull this off. Great site.


From:Bab00shka02@aol.com Subject:Moonlanding

Hello! Your site was brilliant  Would you mind if I asked for your name, cos I want to give you credit on my essay.


From:MichaelLeo2@aol.com Subject:Moon Landing?

I have a comment. If NASA really did go to the moon, why is it going to take us 16 years to do it again? We first did it in 8 years with much lower technology. If we DID go, we have blueprints for the successful Apollo missions. We should be able to build an exact Apollo copy in 2 years. If this worked before, it will work again. There would be no research/development costs, just duplicate the exact rocket/lander that was so successful before. So why is it going to take 16 years when we can do it in two years? Unless of course we never went in the first place, which I, and all my friends believe is the truth. Thanks for your time.


 From:Mike77477@aol.com  Subject:You're Right

You are right. I cannot imagine why they did not send an animal first around the moon. There were dangers of radiation, micro meteors, solar flares, etc. Why would you send several humans to the moon before you knew it was safe? To myself, this would be a signal that they knew they were not going to the moon, so why test it?


From:"Don Robertson" Subject:moon rocks.

How come you never see dust on top of the large rocks on the Moon's surface when its three inches deep around them? There is no wind on Moon to dispel the dust, and the rocks look weathered, which again would be impossible on the Moon.


From: "jwar"  Subject:Information

I enjoy your site and wondered if you wouldn't mind accepting some more information about your subject.

There is an hour-long, one frame-per-second video diary of the astronauts on the surface of the Moon.  In that video, if you carefully observe the shadows, in several frames you can actually see two vertical lines that appear to be suspension cords attached to the backside of one of the astronauts.  Now, I wouldn't be so bold as to say that it's anything "exposing," but I would like to get your opinion on them.  Then, if you feel that it warrants nothing, you could post the images on your site. Also, since I'm a very experienced Photoshop user, I wondered how Mike Tuttle came into your work.  How did he come into it?  How did you find out about him?


From:"Eric Bennett" Subject: faking it why?

Friends I wish people would include God ocasionally in their efforts to understand. HE HAS ALL THE ANSWERS ! to every problem. He says "I have limited the bounds of their habitation" It's all very interesting to learn of the proof available. I was fooled in my younger days, just as children are being fooled today in their science lessons about the age of the earth and so on.  Now, understanding the plan of the creator, and enlightened through His Spirit all things become clear as crystal. I thank your efforts to put things sraight.


From:  Subject:Great site!

Being a bit skeptical, I went to Apollo photo sites and looked up the photos you have posted to make sure yours hadn't been faked. Not only did I find the ones you show but several others as well... You're absolutely dead on, they are phony as hell.


From:"Purcella, Casey"
Subject:Moon Scam

Your site is right on. I've been looking at the books and sites by people like us, and I can't dispute what they're saying.


From:"Daniel Peukert" Subject:wily-problem

Hi, thanks for your site, it's very interesting, but I cannot load this "wily" picture: 08d2c780.jpg. I have been a Apollo-believer for many years until three months before a cousin posted me a german link http://www.gernot-geise.de/apollo/apollo.html. I was perplexed and fascinated and searched for other sites on the web. So I found Your site.

Now I'm convinced, that never a man travelled to the moon! If one has a brain whitch is not TV-damaged and biased, only one conclusion is possible: The whole thing was a fake! Your sites are very convincing! I found a pro-apollo-site too, whitch seems to show some anti-fake examples, e.g. Kodak developed a special film for high-temperature environments, dust-anomalities, radiation-problems etc. Do You know this site? I would be enjoyed to know how to refute those nonsense. http://www.lunaranomalies.com/fake-moon.htm Can You help me to answer this? Best Thanks in advance Daniel (sorry for my english)


From: Subject:thanks

I read what you said and I finally believe that the moon landings were fake, although it took long to read.


From: "Jason Smith"  Subject:your geocities website

Nice site...I agree with it, I did use some of your photos in a powepoint I am giving on the same topic.


From:"Richard Wandao"  Subject:reality site

hello: Would like 2 know the rl from the reality site plz. thnx a lot & greetings fro Switzerland         R.W.       _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

From:"katie" Subject:Good job

Good job, now just get the bastards to admit the truth.


From: Subject:nasa scam

Excellent research!!!I  Always had my doubts about the Apollo flights because of the van allen belts and cosmic ray storms.  I do believe we did some space flights.  I'm 26 years old and have an open mind.  I always wondered why in1960's-70's they sent ships to the moon like it was so easy with limited technology !  Now with such advance technology they struggle to put  manned spaceships  in space to orbit the earth.  They always make sure they stay in the safe-zone below the van allen belts.  I also believe nasa faked the pictures to make us believe the astronauts were on the moon.  Also the apollo ships do not look strong enough to with stand the dramatic temperature changes on the moon and while in orbit also cosmic ray storms and van allen belts to protect the astronauts.



Hello my name is Anton. I want to speak with you about Moon fake and about your page. I want to translate your page http://www.geocities.com/nasascam/ and others pages on your web=site into Russian (language)... DO YOU Like this idea??


From: "Richard Lowther"  Subject:NASA

Hi Great site. Can you answer one question that I seem to remember being told/read somewhere, that the actual landings happened at prime time in the USA. Can you confirm this? I don't seem to be able to find confirmation from elsewhere. If it is true, then it is the final nail in the coffin of the moon landings, as there is no way that the landings could be timed so precisely. Thanks.


From:"Maya Abou Saad"  Subject: Cat

Hi. Your site is very interesting. I am writing to address the cat photograph. Why don't u contact other Apollo hoax sites and give them this photograph. It would be one of the most vivid evidence of a hoax?


From:"George Colonel - Communication Services Co." Subject:updating the site on the moon photos

Nice Job.  When are you going to update us on the steel structure? I watched all the videos on the apollo archive site.  The astro"nots" are clearly suspended from a cable in at least 2 of the videos.  Anyone who examines this information would surely see this.  I'm surprised Fox didn't have it in their tv show. I have delved even deeper into the photos.  They probably just used trucks and bobcats to spread the dirt and ash or whatever they thought would fake everyone out.  What an interesting slice of history.  I think your one page did more to show what was really used and how it was done than any other page I have seen.   People that believe haven't looked at any evidence, they are blindly following what they have been spoon fed.  My wife thought I was absolutely crazy when I first told her I thought it was possibly faked. I don't think she is completely convinced yet.  It is tough to get people interested in looking at the evidence!  I had a long conversation with my aunt tonight and sent her a link to your page.  She thought I was crazy too.  I'm sure you hear it too.  I'm a pretty "do your own homework" kind of person and enjoy looking at the information.

In Ohio, there are many more believers than non-believers.  I get the "oh god, he's nuts" look anytime I mention it.  They then start thinking about it,  but are too lazy to go and look at any evidence and fall back into believing their government wouldn't lie to them. I feel the same way about Bush.  If he truly believes we went, he looks like a complete fool. We are going to have a nice new space rocket to take them there astronauts up to that there moon!  How ridiculous this entire lie is.  Your work with the Langely information is just excellent.  I'm surprised Fox's special didn't go there.  I think it is the most compelling of all information I have seen. Feel free to include me in any emails or thoughts you have.  I really enjoy occasionally putting a few hours into it.  I'll email you my page when I get it done.

Author: The Langley pics were first exposed on my Zyworld site back in early 1997. Fox did not contact me about their TV special.


From:"Haz Rulz"

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