Apr 24 2011 dcfc english Worship [The Master & The Disciple] Luke 24: 28-36

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Accepting a Lower Standard of living

Date: 3/2008.101

3 Mar 2008 DCFC English Mark 8:27-38 - No Fool Disciple
Personal - HY

In Singapore, because of the standard of living, usually both husband and wife must work. But I have a friend who chose to stay in a smaller house and buy a smaller car, so that his family can survive on one income and not have so much debt. This allows his wife to stay home to look after their children and gives him freedom in his work. He is a financial controller of a listed company and a few times he was asked to do some financial gymnastics which was against his faith & integrity. He had to choose - job security or his faith. And because he was not saddled with debt, it was any easy decision.



Date: 8/2008.101

Aug 10 2008 - FCBC Mandarin - Luke 9:18-27 - Way of the Cross

Aug 24 2008 - MSU MIssion Trip - Luke 9:18-27 - Way of the Cross

31 August 2008 DCFC English - Heb 11:24-29 - Moses the Man who /withstood Pharaoh

2009 OK Retreat - Heb 11:28-31 Faith 2 Finish: Choose, See, Do

Feb 13 2011 – DCFC Chinese - Luke 9:18-27 – Way of the Cross

Mar 13 2011 DCFC English Worship – [The Master & The Disciple] Luke 6:20-49 The Call of the Disciple

2011 FCCD Retreat - Heb 11:28-31 Faith 2 Finish: Choose, See, Do

HY give up job - women & temptations...


JS – Crucified Christ

Stott believes that the cross transforms everything. It gives a new worshipping relationship with God, a new and balanced understanding of ourselves, a new incentive to give ourselves in mission, a new love for our enemies and new courage to face the perplexities of suffering.



Date: 11/2007.101

Illustrations for Preaching & Teaching From Leadership Journal: Ed. Craig Brian Larson #44
C Truman Davis MD, in The Expositor's Bible Commentary writes:
What is crucifixion? A medical doctor provides a physical description: The cross is placed on the ground and the exhausted man is quickly thrown backwards with his shoulders against the wood. The legionnaire feels for the depression at the front of the wrist. He drives a heavy, square wrought iron-nail through the wrist and deep into the wood. Quickly he moves to the other side and repeats the action, being careful not to pull the arms too tightly but to allow some flex and movement. The cross is then lifted into place.

The left foot is pressed backward against the right foot and with both foot extended, toes down, a nail is driven through the arch of each, leaving the knees flexed. The victim is now crucified. As he slowly sags down with more weight on the nails in the wrists, excruciating, fiery pain shoots along the fingers and up the arms to explode in the brain - the nails in the wrists are putting pressure on the median nerves. As he pushes himself upward to avoid stretching torment, he places the full weight on the nail through his feet. Again he feels the searing agony of the nail tearing through the nerves between the bones of the feet.

As the arms fatigue, cramps sweep through the muscles, knotting them in deep, relentless, throbbing pain. With these cramps comes the inability to push himself upward to breathe. Air can be drawn into the lungs but not exhaled. He fights to raise himself in order to get even one small breath. Finally carbon dioxide builds up in the lungs and in the blood stream and the cramps partially subside. Spasmodically, he is able to push himself upward to exhale and bring in life-giving oxygen.

Hours of this limitless pain, cycles of twisting, joint rendering cramps, intermittent partial asphyxiation, searing pain as tissue is torn from his lacerated back as he moves up and down against the rough timber. Then another agony begins: a deep, crushing pain deep in the chest as the pericardium slowly fills with serum and begins to compress the heart. it is now almost over - the loss of tissue fluids reached a critical level - the compressed heart is struggling to pump heavy think, sluggish blood into the tissues - the tortured lungs are making a frantic effort to gasp in small gulps of air. He can feel the chill of death creeping through his tissues... Finally he can allow his body to die.

All this the Bible records with the simple words, "And they crucified Him." (Mark 15:24) What wondrous love is this?

Foolishness of the Cross

5 June 2010 DCFC English Worship - [Extreme Makeover: Church Edition] 1 Cor 1:18-25 Rethinking the Message (did not use)

A cartoon has been found on a wall in the ruins of ancient Rome showing how crazy the Christian message seemed to the people of that time. It’s a caricature of Jesus’ crucifixion, showing a man’s body hanging on a cross - but the body has the head of a donkey. There’s also a figure of a young man with hand raised as if in worship. Underneath is the inscription, "He worships his God!"

JS – Foolishness of the Cross

Billy Graham went to Cambridge to conduct an evangelistic rally. In spite of good attendances, there was little response. Billy Graham was uneasy as he had heard of striking accounts of John Stott’s mission there three years earlier. And this time Stott was there too to assist Graham. Billy Graham said later, “I was really boxed in and inadequate. I felt that John ought to be the preacher and I should have been his assistant. John is one of my dearest friend, but he can also be a critic. And I felt in the first two nights that I was preaching to please John rather than the Holy Spirit. Then on the fourth night, Graham abandoned his script and preached as he would to any other audience. To David Watson, an observer, he said, “It seemed on this night as if Billy accepted the apparent foolishness of the message of Christ crucified and preached it with simplicity and integrity. The power of the Holy Spirit was manifestly at work, changing lives of many people. By the end of the week, 500 people had sought advice and made or renewed their commitment to Christ.


Accept the apparent foolishness of the cross and preach it with integrity and simplicity.


Hard Choices

Date: 8/2008.101

31 August 2008 DCFC English - Heb 11:24-29 - Moses the Man who withstood Pharaoh

2009 OK Retreat - Heb 11:28-31 Faith 2 Finish: Choose, See, Do

2011 FCCD Retreat - Heb 11:28-31 Faith 2 Finish: Choose, See, Do

Media - Success Part 1 - Hard choices

Hard choices! We make choices every day, some of them really hard ones, because of the intimidating circumstance or because there are consequences. In the following video clip, you will see a hard choice this budding actor has to make when he finally gets a chance for his big break! Video Clip - Success Part 1 - Hard choices.

Hard choices we need to make as Christians. It was going to be the break of his career, a $500,000 offer for the part and maybe even greater things to come - but it was a hard choice. Success or Purity? Do we face such decisions in our lives? Maybe some of us struggle to fit in and be accepted by the rest at the expense of our faith? Maybe its popularity - dating and maybe even scoring with the hottest girl in school, or the coolest guy on the football team or be a Christian that no one gives a second thought about. Maybe it choosing between cheating on a test or not that would decide whether we get into the college that we desire. Maybe its choosing whether to give in to temptations and sin or forgo the enjoyment of secret sins. Maybe it's a choice between drinking and entertaining clients bringing them to strip clubs for our business or not compromising our faith and risk missing out on the business deal. Perhaps it's a decision whether to please the boss and do what he or she says at the expense of our walk with God, like agreeing to falsify the accounts, or the expenses claims, or working through Sundays with no time to worship God. Maybe it's a decision whether to abort a mentally challenged baby or not, with uncertain future consequences? How do we make hard choices for our faith when there are certain consequences, a price to pay or when we face impossible situations, being intimidated by friends or people around us?


High Dive Conversion

Date: 8/2007.101

20 July 2008 DCFC English - Heb 11:7 - Standing against a corrupt generation
Intense Illustrations - Jim Burns & Mike Devries P57 - Doug Webster
In 1967 while taking a class in photography at the University of Cincinnati, I became acquainted with a young man named Charles Murray, a fellow student at the school, training as a high diver for the summer Olympics of 1968. Charles was very patient with me as I would speak to him for hours about Jesus Christ and how He had saved me. Charles was not raised in a home that attended any kind of church so all that I had told him was a fascination to him. He even began to ask questions about forgiveness of sin. Finally the day came that I put the question to him. I asked if he realized his own need of a redeemer and if he was ready to trust Christ as his own Savior. I saw his countenance fall and the guilt in his face. His reply was a strong no.

In the days that followed, Charles was quiet and often I felt that he was avoiding me. Finally he called and wanted to know where to look for a NT for some verses I had given him about salvation. I gave him the references to several passages and asked if I could meet with him. He declines my offer and thanked me for the Scripture. I could tell that he was greatly troubled but I did not know where he was or how to help him.

Because he was training for the Olympic Games, Charles had special privileges at the University pool facilities. Sometime between 10.30 and 11.00 that evening he decided to swim and practice a few dives. It was a clear night in October and the moon was big and bright. The university pool was housed under a ceiling of glass panes, so the moon shone brightly across the top of the wall in the pool area. Charles climbed to the highest platform to take his first dive. At that moment the Spirit of God began to convict him of his sins. All the Scripture he had read, all the occasions of my witnessing to him about Christ flooded his mind. As he prepared to make his dive, he stood backwards on the platform, spread his arms to gather his balance and looked up to the wall where he saw his own shadow caused by the light of the moon. It was in the shape of a cross. He could not bear the burden of his sins no longer. His heart broke and he sat down on the platform, suspended 20 feet in the air and asked God to forgive him.

Suddenly, the lights in the pool area come on. The attendant had come in to check the pool. As Charles looked down from his platform, he saw that the pool was empty. It had been drained for repairs. He had almost plummeted to his death but the cross had kept him from disaster.

Colossians 1:19-22 - Jesus' death on the cross provided the ultimate power to forgive our sins and to reconcile us to God.

Importance of gospel and crucified Christ

5 June 2010 DCFC English Worship - [Extreme Makeover: Church Edition] 1 Cor 1:18-25 Rethinking the Message

In his second visit to Latin America, John Stott was asked whether there was a solution to the continent’s problems, he remained convinced that there was more hope in evangelization than in any other single Christian option. “Nothing is more humanizing than the gospel. Through it, men and women begin to be remade in the image of God. Moreover the gospel of God’s love supplies the most powerful of all incentives to rescuer people from everything that dehumanizes them.


Importance of Cross & gospel




In the shadow of the Cross

Date: 7/2008.101

31 August 2008 DCFC English - Heb 11:24-29 - Moses the Man who withstood Pharaoh

2009 OK Retreat - Heb 11:28-31 Faith 2 Finish: Choose, See, Do

2011 FCCD Retreat - Heb 11:28-31 Faith 2 Finish: Choose, See, Do
Personal - German Trip 2008
An artist was told to design some art pieces in a popular square in Berlin. In the square was a statue of Marx sitting down facing a tall radio tower, one of the most popular landmark in Berlin. The artist designed some blocks of concrete with holes in it to look at this radio tower from various angles - contemporary art. This new art piece drew many people to the square. It’s so beautiful and well designed. Unknown to the communist party, this artist was a Christian. At a certain time of the day, when the sun strikes the silver radio tower, together with the concrete blocks, it will cast the shadow of a cross on Marx. Later this artist was arrested as a result.

In the years of Communist domination of East Germany there was a symbol which brought hope and comfort to believers in Jesus. A huge TV tower had been erected to broadcast atheistic propaganda. Near the top of the building was a globe-shaped structure housing a restaurant. The remarkable thing was that the sunlight always reflected off the globe in the shape of a cross. The authorities were embarrassed and tried everything they could think of to prevent this optical phenomenon, even covering the dome with paint. But nothing worked. A pastor commented wryly, "No matter how hard they try, they can’t get rid of the Cross!" Paul would agree and would say, "God forbid that we even try to do that!"

Where to take it:

Even the greatest human system, lives in the shadow of the Cross. man will pass away but not Christ.

Sometimes like the communist, we are well pleased with the plan of salvation until we discern that in it is the cross of self-denial.

Jack Bauer

Date: 10/2007.101

24 hours - Jack Bauer takes a bullet for the president. Secret Service agents are willing to do such a thing because they believe the President is so valuable to our country and the world that he is worth dying for. Obviously they would not take a bullet for just anyone.

At Calvary the situation was reversed. The President of the Universe actually took a bullet for each of us. At the Cross, we see how valuable we are to God.


Love etch on the Cross

Date: 11/2007.101

Illustrations for Preaching & Teaching from Leadership Journal ed. Craig Brian Larson #129
Ruby Shelly tells this story:
Jason Tuskes was a 17-year old high school honor student. he was close to his mother, his wheelchair bound father and his younger brother. Jason was an expert swimmer who loved to scuba dive. he left home on a Tuesday morning to explore a spring and underwater cave near his home in west central Florida. His plan was to be home in time to celebrate his mother's birthday by going out to dinner with his family that night. Jason became lost in the cave. Then, in his panic, he apparently got wedged into a narrow passageway. When he realized he was trapped, he shed his yellow metal air tank and unsheathed his diver's knife. With the tank as a tablet, and the knife as a pen, he wrote one last message to his family: I love you Mum, Dad and Christian. Then he ran out of air and drowned.

A dying message - something communicated in the last few seconds of life - is something we can't ignore. God's final word to us are etched on a Roman cross. They are blood red. They scream to be heard. They too say, "I love you."


JS – on Need for Christ

June 05 2011 DCFC English Worship – [Carpe Diem: Live, Laugh & Love] Eccl 1:1-10 Is there meaning in life?

In his sermons, “Why am I a Christian?” Stott writes, that he was a Christian because only Jesus could fulfill the basic aspirations of longings which all human beings experience. There is a hunger in the human heart which none but Christ can satisfy. There is a thirst which none but he can quench. There is an inner emptiness which none but he can fill. As Augustine wrote, “You have made us for yourself and our heart is restless until it rests in you.” God’s purpose it to build a new society, a new family, even a new human race that lives a new life and a new lifestyle.

Poem - The Cross Was His own

Date: 6/2006.101

The Best Loved Poems of the American People P310
They borrowed a bed to lay His head

When Christ the Lord came down;

They borrowed the ass in the mountain pass

For Him to ride to town;

But the crown that He wore and the Cross that He bore

Were His own -

The Cross was His own.

He borrowed the bread when the crowd He fed

On the grassy mountain side,

He borrowed the dish of broken fish

With which He satisfied.

But the crown that He wore and the Cross that he bore

Were His own -

The Cross was His own.

He borrowed the ship in which to sit

To teach the multitude;

He borrowed a nest in which to rest -

He had never a home so rude;

But the crown that He wore and the Cross that He bore

Were His own -

The Cross was His own.

He borrowed a room on His way to the tomb

The Passover Lamb to eat;

They borrowed a cave for Him a grave,

They borrowed a winding sheet.

But the crown that He wore and the Cross that He bore

Were His own -

The Cross was His own.

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