Atlanta Region scca bod meeting Minutes for Jan. 8, 2014

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Atlanta Region SCCA BoD Meeting Minutes for Jan. 8, 2014

Present were Randall Prince, Jim Eckert, Jim Murphy, Tere Pulliam, Phil Creighton,

AJ Schramm, Nick Voigt, Rick Mitchell, Randall Rutledge, Tim Smith, Larry Pulliam, Carol Cone, Eleanor Diodoti, Kyle Diodoti, Bill Bounds, Karyn Hudson

Via conference callClark McIness, Jim Creighton

RE - Rick Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:30pm read the Minutes from last meeting and made an announcement of the new BoD members.
Treasurer - Carol Cone reported that we have $86,478 in the bank. She is working on a 90 day reconciliation from 2013, but we have enough money to get through March of this year. She will provide detailed reports once the reconciliation is complete. Our accountant, Asa, is currently unavailable due to a serious illness. We need to get a new accountant. The IRS fined Atlanta Region SCCA $9,000 for having not filed a final report. They seized that amount from our Money Market Account. The IRS has now stated it’s in error and we now need to go through a paperwork process to have money returned. Meanwhile, penalties have mounted.

We need to do an inventory to determine what who has what equipment and do we own it. Carol has started a notebook with records she was able to find to start this process. We need this updated inventory list for our own records as well as for ad valorem tax purposes.

She will need budget information from each area prior to our next meeting (February).
Marketing – Jim Murphy presented an idea sheet from the SEDIV as a starting place for developing a 2014 marketing plan for the Region. He stated the need to form a committee to develop & implement a plan. He will be placing all event information in Access Atlanta for 2014.
Membership – Jim Murphy reported that the same plan as above for Marketing applies here as well. The Secretary will keep a list of members& all membership records, send out acknowledgements to new/old members/anniversary dates. We will have a report each month with membership numbers.
Web Page – Randall Prince reported he’s making changes to the Region leadership on our web page as well as implementing new ideas on the site. Ideas for updates/changes to make the site more current were discussed. The need to make the web page the “portal” for all areas of the club was discussed. We need to find some volunteers to work on the web page ie: write articles, photos, etc and to make the web page easier to navigate.
SOLO – Randall Rutledge & Tim Smith said they should have the 2014 schedule finished by the end of next week. The first event will be the last weekend in February or the first weekend in March at Mannheim. There was then much discussion regarding a conflict between a SOLO event and a Race event on the same weekend.

Race – Nick Voigt reported that he’s forming a committee to look into alternative (non-cash) ideas for handling worker incentives. He also said he’ll need to get the reports from 2013 to be able to create a 2014 budget. He has asked for a meeting with Road Atlanta to work out the race schedule but has not yet received a response.
TT Report – Kyle Diodoti reported that he is in contact with SEDIV and is developing a program for 2014. He also discussed some new rules changes that National has made for 2014.
Old Business:

There will be a 2013 End of Year Party. Tim Smith and Karyn Hudson are working on the date & details.

New Business:

  • We need to form a By-Laws Committee and an Operations Manual Committee, per our By-Laws. Both need to be reviewed and updated annually.

  • Each group needs to have the 2014 budget info for their specialty/area to Rick one week before our February meeting (Feb 5th). Our next meeting will be Feb. 12th. Carol will get the 2013 actuals to each specialty/area by Jan. 29th to facilitate the creation of 2014 budgets.

  • Need to form a Social Committee. It was suggested that Tim Smith & Karyn Hudson be this committee.

  • Schedule conflict in May – there’s a National SOLO event and a Race event scheduled for the same weekend. SOLO looked at changing their date, but there was no alternate workable date. There was much discussion as to communication between both SOLO and race and how to avoid future conflicts.

  • Majors Race at Road Atlanta in March – Nick Voigt stated there had been a request to add one race group so that this event will have 8 race groups as opposed to the 7 that have been the case for the past year. There was much discussion as to whether or not this will work as it will create a very tight schedule. This became a moot point as Nick stated that a letter of intent had already been signed to go forward with the 8 race groups.

  • Shoestring Races - Kyle Diodoti stated we will need to develop classes & specs to do this. The idea is to compete with Chump Cars and Lemons cars by providing a low cost/expenditure competition vehicle. There was discussion as to how this could be developed & incorporated into Race. There was also an idea for an “alternate drivers school” which would provide a novice race license for T4 class. This would need to be officially adopted class (Shoestring) by Atlanta Region. After much discussion, the idea was tabled for a future meeting pending discussions at the SEDIV meeting.

  • Conventions – it was decided that the Region would cover the costs as follows for Rick (meeting fee only), Larry (meeting fee only), Kyle (meeting fee & hotel) for the SEDIV Conference at St Simon. It was decided that the Region would cover the costs as follows for Rick (hotel) and AJ (hotel & convention) to attend the National Convention in Charlotte. Randall Prince will also be attending for SOLO but his expenses are already being covered, so there’s no expense to the Region. A motion was made to pay the above expenses for the above listed people. Motion was seconded and passed.

  • Superlative Awards for 2013 – there was discussion about gathering names for these annual awards, which would then be presented at our 2013 end of year party, date/time/place to be announced.

All business being concluded, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45pm

Respectfully submitted, Karyn Hudson, Secretary

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