Atlantis Animals
AUTOR – Mgr. Jana Pikalová
OČEKÁVANÝ VÝSTUP – doplňování slov do textu na základě porozumění textu
FORMA VZDĚLÁVACÍHO MATERIÁLU – pracovní list pro žáka
POMŮCKY – papír, kopírka
Originální text
Pracovní list pro žáka – text s vynechanými slovy - u každého slova doplněno jedno písmeno, ostatní písmena jsou naznačena čárkami
Doplňovaná slova – slovo s vynechaným písmenem
Řešení (vyplněný originální text)
Úkolem žáků je doplnit do textu slova z nabídky
ZPŮSOB PRÁCE – individuální, ve dvojicích, ve skupinách
ZDROJ – More! 2 – Student’s Book, Cambridge University Press, 2008, str. 40
Originální text
Atlantis Animals
The Ruckle was very exotic. It was half animal and half bird but it didn’t fly. It was as big as a rabbit. It was very friendly and many people had them for pets.
The Bugboy was a small reptile. It was as small as a mouse but it was as dangerous as a snake. In fact, it was as poisonous as a Blue Ring Octopus. Every year, hundreds of people died from its bite.
The Snapkle was a kind of dragon. It lived in the mountains outside Atlantis. It was as big as an elephant, but it wasn’t as nice as an elephant. In fact, it was very ugly.
The Hipcop wasn’t as friendly as the Ruckle but it was also a popular pet. It was as clever as a chimpanzee.
Pracovní list pro žáka
Atlantis Animals
The Ruckle was very _ _o_ _ _. It was half _ _ _ _a_ and half bird but it didn’t fly. It was as big as
a _a_ _ _ _. It was very _ _ _ _ _ _ _y and many_ _ _ _p_ _ had them for pets.
The Bugboy was a _ _ _l_ _ _p_ _ _ _. It was as small as a _ _ _s_ but it was as _ _n_ _ _ _ _ _ as
a s_ _ _ _. In fact, it was as _o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ as a _ _u_ _i_ _ _c_ _ _ _ _. Every year, _ _ _ _ _e_ _ of people _i_ _ from its _i_ _.
The Snapkle was a _i_ _ of _ _ _ _o_. It _ _v_ _ in the _ _u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _i_ _ Atlantis. It was as big as an _ _ _ _ _ _n_, but it wasn’t as _i_ _ as an elephant. In fact, it was _ _ _y _ _ _y.
The Hipcop wasn’t as friendly as the Ruckle but it was also a _ _ _u_ _ _ pet. It was as _l_ _ _ _ as
a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _e_.
Doplňovaná slova
ex_tic mo_ntains mou_e hundr_ds
pop_lar bl_e li_ed chimpanz_e
n_ce da_gerous sma_l k_nd
c_ever o_topus ver_ drag_n
anim_l _nake peo_le b_te
p_isonous ugl_ re_tile d_ed
friendl_ r_ng outs_de r_bbit
Atlantis Animals
The Ruckle was very exotic. It was half animal and half bird but it didn’t fly. It was as big as a rabbit. It was very friendly and many people had them for pets.
The Bugboy was a small reptile. It was as small as a mouse but it was as dangerous as a snake. In fact, it was as poisonous as a Blue Ring Octopus. Every year, hundreds of people died from its bite.
The Snapkle was a kind of dragon. It lived in the mountains outside Atlantis. It was as big as an elephant, but it wasn’t as nice as an elephant. In fact, it was very ugly.
The Hipcop wasn’t as friendly as the Ruckle but it was also a popular pet. It was as clever as a chimpanzee.
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