Australian Geography Teachers Association: agta 2017 Conference

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January 2017



Australian Geography Teachers Association: AGTA 2017 Conference

There will be forty workshops and eight field trips included in the conference program. For more information contact the Conference Convenor, or visit the AGTA website.

University of Melbourne, Melbourne




National Science Teachers Summer School (NSTSS)

The National Science Teachers Summer School (NSTSS) is a professional development program for both experienced and new science teachers at secondary and senior secondary schools across Australia. The aim is to ignite the participant teachers’ passion for science, to engage them in a professional dialogue about teaching and learning, and to explore ways of engaging students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). For more information contact the National Youth Science Forum or visit the NSTSS website.

Australian National University, Canberra



Goethe Institut: German Summer School

The German Summer School is a residential course designed to rapidly improve your German language skills and increase your understanding of the cultural life of German speaking countries. For more information contact Inken Steeb, Educational Services Officer, Goethe Institut on

(02) 8356 8342 or to register visit their website.

The University of Queensland, Brisbane


School leaders, teachers

Queensland Education Leadership Institute (QELi): Data Literacy and Curriculum Roadshow

The data literacy roadshow engages leaders to unpack data to inform evidence-based problems of practice that will guide school improvement. The curriculum roadshow will expose current information regarding curriculum, assessment and literacy to enhance school planning and review cycles. Both roadshows will run in parallel on the day. Keynote speaker will be Assistant Director General, State Schooling Leanne Nixon. For more information contact QELi on 3007 5200 or visit their website.





30th ACHPER International Conference: Participating in an Active and Health Life – Valuing the Participant Voice

The Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER) conference theme provides a unique opportunity to explore contemporary challenges to remain relevant in developing educational initiatives and community opportunities to foster active and healthy living. For more information contact ACHPER on (08) 8352 3288 or visit their website.

University of Canberra, Canberra



The Japan Foundation: Intensive Seminar for Secondary Teachers

The seminar will assist teachers develop language skills, gain confidence using Japanese, and develop language teaching strategies and skills which they can apply in their own classrooms. Specific focuses include intercultural language learning (ILL) and ICT-based learning. Participants will be immersed in a Japanese language environment suited to their level, and will have the opportunity for networking. For more information contact the Japan Foundation or to register visit their website.

The Japan Foundation, Sydney



Teachers, school staff

OneChannel Webinar: Digital right and digital wrongs

This webinar will be presented by Greg Gebhart from the Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner. It will update teachers on the trending devices, apps and services used by students, highlight online behaviour of Australian teenagers and reinforce the importance of teachers modelling good behaviour online. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar



Teachers, HOCs, literacy and numeracy leaders, pre-service teachers

MoneySmart Teaching PD Prep to Year 6

This workshop introduces the MoneySmart Teaching program which aims to engage students in real life money experiences and supports teachers, both professionally and personally, to build their capacity and confidence to deliver consumer and financial literacy education in their classroom and across the whole school. MoneySmart Teaching uses consumer and financial literacy as a context for teaching and learning in English, mathematics and science, with all of the units of work aligned to the P-6 Australian Curriculum. For more information and to register visit this website.

Mirriwinni State School, Mirriwinni



Queensland Association of State School Principals (QASSP): Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies and Oral Language

This workshop facilitated by Sheena Cameron and Louise Dempsey, takes the research and translates it into classroom practice and is based on Sheena’s experience of teaching strategies in a real classroom. This workshop will also cover current reading comprehension research; the researched model for introducing and teaching strategies; student activities that support strategy teaching; practical examples of recording on-going learning and practical vocabulary learning ideas. For more information contact QASSP on 3831 7011 or visit their website.

Mercure North Quay Hotel, Brisbane


School staff

OneChannel Webinar: NDIS – Queensland state schools update

This web conference is for school staff responsible for supporting students with disability and is the fourth in a series of sessions on the NDIS as implementation across the state progresses. It will cover key information about the NDIS and the interface with Queensland state schools. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.



All staff

OneChannel Webinar: Planning a Workplace Wellbeing Program

This one-hour training module will give participants practical relevant strategies as well as knowledge on how to develop, implement and evaluate a staff wellbeing program in their workplace. Participants will work through the five-steps within the Planning Guide and learn how to apply all the tools and templates to develop a Wellbeing Action Plan for their school. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar


School leaders, BSMs, Asbestos Management Teams, Facilities Management Teams

OneChannel Webinar: Managing service providers in schools

This program will cover the department's required procedures for service providers working in schools. From participating in the start-up meeting and issuing appropriately authorised work area access permits through to inspecting the area with the service provider prior to issuing a clearance for re-use. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar


All staff

OneChannel Webinar: Explore Learning Place: edTube

This webinar will provide a quick introduction to edTube: an online learning space that supports contemporary practice. This program will focus on the construction of an edTube; demonstrate how to manage access to edTube and provide you with ideas for using edTube within your own context. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar



OneChannel Webinar: EDMed (Illness and education)

This presentation provides information and educational strategies useful for children with a diverse range of illnesses. EDMed was developed by the Ronald McDonald learning program in response to teachers and families requesting support and assistance for those working with children with chronic illness. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar



OneChannel Webinar: Join the eBooks Digital Library

The eBooks Digital Library is open to all state schools to register their students and teachers. This session will provide a general overview of the service; how to join, what's in the collection and how to borrow an eBook. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar


School leaders, BSMs, Asbestos Management Teams

OneChannel Webinar: Managing asbestos-related incidents

This program will cover the department's required procedures for managing assumed asbestos-related incidents in schools. From restricting access to an area following the discovery or concerns raised about material through to closing the work area access permit in BEMIR following make-safe work. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar


All staff

OneChannel Webinar: Explore Learning Place: edStudios

This webinar will provide a quick introduction to edStudios, an online learning space to support contemporary practice. It will focus on the construction of an edStudio; provide you with some design and development tips; demonstrate how to manage access to edStudios and provide you with ideas for using edStudios within your own context. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar


School leaders, school staff

OneChannel Webinar: MyHR Workplace Health and Safety (WH&S)

Program participants will learn how to record, submit and finalise an incident, learn how to find the location roles for both your school and SEP, and understand the responsibilities of each role. Also learn how to navigate in and around the 'new look' screen and how to 'pin' your most frequently used menu options. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar


All staff

OneChannel Webinar: NAPLAN Online: The essentials

This program will cover the key changes and Queensland's approach to supporting all schools in a successful transition by 2019.The 2018 opt-in expression of interest (round 2) will be shared and an there’ll be an opportunity for school leaders to ask questions about their next steps. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar


Teachers, school leaders

OneChannel Webinar: Spatial tech: STEM and Geography

In this session participants will learn what spatial technologies are and how they can easily be used in the classroom. Schools can view lots of useful information using spatial technologies and they can also map their own information using these tools. Take the first steps to doing just that by signing up to this training session. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar


All staff

OneChannel Webinar: Digital resources in the Learning Place

This webinar will cover how to search the Learning Place for quality teaching resources, eBooks and scholarly research. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar


Teachers, school leaders

OneChannel Webinar: Tour the new GC2018 website

In this webinar, you can take a tour of the new GC2018 website and learn how you can create and customise a Learning Space, add students and add interactive activities. Students can engage in online learning and develop digital skills while learning with a GC2018 Commonwealth Games context. All projects consist of activities that align to the Australian Curriculum and C2C units. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar


School leaders, BSMs, Asbestos Management Teams, Facilities Management Teams

OneChannel Webinar: BEMIR tips and tricks

This program will cover the tips and tricks for utilising the Built Environment Materials Information Register (BEMIR) including creating a desktop Excel version of your asbestos register (replaced every 6 months), attaching supporting documentation to a WAAP or IMR and general housekeeping activities. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar



Teachers, school staff

OneChannel Webinar: Teachers, technology and the law

The presentation will be conducted by Kellie Britnell from the Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner. The presentation will discuss the implications of workplaces extending beyond physical boundaries due to technology; highlight the criminal laws that may be used to charge cyberbullying offences; examine ways to mitigate and protect yourself against cyberbullying risk; share key learnings from recent court cases involving teachers and Fair Work Australia social media rulings and highlight other laws relating to technology. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar



Teachers, HOCs, literacy and numeracy leaders, pre-service teachers

OneChannel Webinar: Financial literacy resources Prep to Year 6

This session will support teachers both professionally and personally by building their capacity and confidence to deliver consumer and financial literacy education in the classroom and across the whole school. Units of work and digital activities aligned to the Australian Curriculum use real life contexts to maximise student engagement. Teachers have the flexibility to adopt or adapt resources to complement their curriculum plans. The concept of a classroom economy to support classroom management and the introduction of Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) curriculum will also be discussed. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar


All staff

OneChannel Webinar: NAPLAN Online: The essentials

This program will cover the key changes and Queensland's approach to supporting all schools in a successful transition by 2019.The 2018 opt-in expression of interest (round 2) will be shared and an there’ll be an opportunity for school leaders to ask questions about their next steps. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar


All staff

OneChannel Webinar: OneNote for beginners

This session will give you a beginner’s guide to OneNote and how you can use it effectively in a classroom context. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar


School leaders, school staff

OneChannel Webinar: MyHR Workplace Health and Safety (WH&S)

This program will cover how to record, submit and finalise an incident, how to find the location roles for both your school and SEP, and understand the responsibilities of each role. We will also navigate in and around the 'new look' screen and demonstrate how to 'pin' your most frequently used menu options. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar


School leaders, BSMs, Asbestos Management Teams

OneChannel Webinar: Managing asbestos-related incidents

This program will cover the department's required procedures for managing assumed asbestos-related incidents in schools. From restricting access to an area following the discovery or concerns raised about material through to closing the work area access permit in BEMIR following make-safe work. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar


Teacher aides, school leaders, school staff

OneChannel Webinar: Management of Teacher Aide Hours

This session is designed to provide relevant information regarding the management of teacher aide hours including managing reduction of teacher aide hours when a school receives a reduction in Day 8 enrolment-based teacher aide hours and managing the maximisation process of teacher aide hours when hours become available. This session also provides information regarding effective consultation with teacher aides. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar



OneChannel Webinar: EDMed (Illness and education)

This presentation provides information and educational strategies useful for children with a diverse range of illnesses. EDMed was developed by the Ronald McDonald learning program in response to teachers and families requesting support and assistance for those working with children with chronic illness. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar


School leaders, school staff

OneChannel Webinar: MyHR TEMP Engagement Management Portal

In this webinar participants will receive an overview of TEMP and learn how to extend/shorten or cease a temporary engagement (which includes contracts, relieve at/above level and internal secondments). Other topics covered are: how to turn on the email reminder notifications, frequently asked questions, errors and costing details. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar


Teacher aides, BSMs, administrators

OneChannel Webinar: Teacher Aide Timesheets

This session is designed to provide relevant information regarding teacher aide timesheets including;

ADO arrangements, provisional days and recording additional days off. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar


School leaders, BSMs, Asbestos Management Teams, Facilities Management Teams

OneChannel Webinar: BEMIR tips and tricks

This program will cover the tips and tricks for utilising the Built Environment Materials Information Register (BEMIR) including creating a desktop Excel version of your asbestos register (replaced every 6 months), attaching supporting documentation to a WAAP or IMR and general housekeeping activities. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar


Teachers, school leaders

OneChannel Webinar: Tour the new GC2018 website

In this webinar, you can take a tour of the new GC2018 website and learn how you can create and customise a Learning Space, add students and add interactive activities. Students can engage in online learning and develop digital skills while learning with a GC2018 Commonwealth Games context. All projects consist of activities that align to the Australian Curriculum and C2C units. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar


All staff

OneChannel Webinar: Explore Contemporary Practice Resource

This webinar will provide a guided tour of the Contemporary Practice Resource. It will help teachers to use ICT effectively across the curriculum and provides a range of strategies and resources. Every participant will take something away to use in their practice. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar


School leaders, school staff

OneChannel Webinar: MyHR Payroll Verification

Understanding of the Payroll Verification Report will ensure you reduce the risk of over-payments, and the identification of fraud within the department’s payroll process. This report contains basic payroll details including award classification, active hours, status and leave balances for all permanent and temporary employees paid in that particular fortnight (excluding casuals).

Also discussed will be the Payroll Verification Status Report which is used to check for outstanding reports requiring verification and user access. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar


School leaders, BSMs,

Asbestos Management Teams, Facilities Management Teams

OneChannel Webinar: Updating facility contacts in BEMIR

This program will cover how to update your location's facility contact details in the Built Environment Materials Information Register (BEMIR). This session will also address how to get BEMIR user accounts deleted or updated via the Service Centre Online. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar


Teachers, school leaders

OneChannel Webinar: Standards of Evidence in my School

The Standards of Evidence support decisions about what works, for whom, and under what conditions. In this session, participants will be provided with an overview of each of the four dimensions within DET's Standards of Evidence, and explore how they provide clarity on what good evidence looks like and help us think about the evidence we use and generate in everyday practice. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar


Teachers, school leaders, mentor teachers

OneChannel Webinar: Provisional registration requirements
Queensland College of Teachers managers will explain the characteristics and legislative requirements of the provisional registration period. Participants will become familiar with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and identify the link between the standards and full registration. A focus of the workshop is to explain the new online process for provisionally registered teachers to apply and move to full registration. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar


Teachers, school leaders, mentor teachers

OneChannel Webinar: Digital technologies curriculum

The P-10 Digital Technologies curriculum provides exciting new learning opportunities for students. During this web conference participants will be provided with practical examples of how the Digital Technologies curriculum can be taught using authentic learning experiences within the context of other learning areas. Presenter Anna Kinnane will also share some unplugged computational thinking activities and highlight some resources available to all teachers. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar



Queensland Association of State School Principals (QASSP): Developing an Effective Writing Program

In this practical workshop, presenters Sheena Cameron and Louise Dempsey will review the components of a balanced and engaging writing program at emergent, early and fluent levels. They will introduce a suggested lesson sequence, which aims to motivate and scaffold writers through the writing process allowing time for self and partner reflection. Participants will be introduced to a range of mini-lesson ideas and generic ‘Quick Write’ activities that can be used for different writing purposes across a range of levels. For more information contact QASSP on 3831 7011 or visit their website.

Mercure North Quay Hotel, Brisbane


Executive leaders

UQ Business School: Advanced Presentation Skills

This course is designed for leaders from across all sectors. The ability of a leader to make an impact is no longer an ‘optional’ skill. The need to inform with clarity, to motivate and to inspire action permeates every aspect of a leader's world. Every improvement in a leader's impact - on teams, peers, clients, potential clients and stakeholders - results in value added both personally and organisationally. For more information contact UQ Business School Executive Education on

3346 7111 or visit their website.

UQ Business School Executive Venue, Brisbane



Teachers, school leaders

Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) Program: Using and interpreting data in schools

This online course is a foundation level program focused on developing teachers’ expertise in using and interpreting different types of data in a school context. It is designed for teachers and school leaders who wish to build solid shared understandings about the kinds of data used in schools, the different ways in which data can be represented and what they can tell teachers about student learning. For more information contact Margaret Taylor, ACER on (03) 9277 5403 or visit their website.

Online program


Teacher aides

OneChannel Webinar: Digital Practice Guide - Introduction to Assistive Technology

This session will provide an outline of what is considered an assistive technology, the types of assistive technologies available and how these technologies can support learning. This session will be a foundation for other web conferences in this series during 2017. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.

OneChannel webinar

31 January – 3 February


Teachers, school leaders

Australasian Computer Science Week 2017

Australasian Computer Science Week (ACSW) is the premier event for Computer Science researchers across Australasia, organised under the governing auspices of Computing Research and Education (CORE) Association of Australasia. ACSW consists of several conferences covering a wide range of Computer Science topics. For more information contact the conference organisers on (03) 5247 9360 or visit the conference website.

Deakin University Waterfront Campus, Geelong

Updated 20 December 2016

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