Design and installation of an engineered fire detection and INERGEN®iFLOW total flooding, gaseous agent, fire suppression system as manufactured by Tyco Fire Protection Products (hereinafter referred to as “Tyco”).
In areas where multiple separate hazard zones are protected with a common bank of containers, the use of selector valves shall be used to direct the flow of INERGEN agent to the selected protected zones. Quantity of INERGEN iFLOW containers shall be based upon the largest zone
of protection. Selector valves shall be provided to deliver the proper design concentration for each specific protected zone.
Drawings: The contract drawings indicate the general arrangements of the areas to receive detection and INERGEN iFLOW system protection. Contractor is to review all drawings so that all items affecting the operation of the fire detection/INERGEN iFLOW fire suppression
system (such as equipment location, air diffusers, damper closures, and door openings) are considered in the design of the engineered system.
The following publications listed below, but referred to thereafter by basic designation only, form a part of this specification. This list is not meant to be all inclusive.
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards: