B. S. Chemistry (cum laude): 1976 Wake Forest University Winston-Salem, nc >Ph. D. Zoology: 1981 University of North Carolina. Dissertation: Fine-Structural Anatomy of the Parenchyma in Acoela and Nemertodermatida

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Julian Smith III Curriculum Vitae as of 9/7/17 page

Curriculum Vitae
Julian Polk Stuart Smith, III

Department of Biology (803) 323-2111 x6427 (Office)

Winthrop University (803) 328-1670 (Home)

Rock Hill, SC 29733 smithj@winthrop.edu


B.S. Chemistry (cum laude): 1976 Wake Forest University Winston-Salem, NC

Ph.D. Zoology: 1981 University of North Carolina. Dissertation: "Fine-Structural Anatomy of the Parenchyma in Acoela and Nemertodermatida (Turbellaria)" (directed by R.M. Rieger).

Professional Experience:

Professor, Winthrop University, 2015-present

Guest Professor, Institute of Zoology, University of Innsbruck (May 2011, 2012)

Director, Winthrop Microscopy Facility, 2007-present

Associate Professor, Dept. of Biology, Winthrop University, 1995-2015

Assistant Professor, Dept of Biology, Winthrop University, 1989-1995

Visiting Assistant Professor; Dept. of Biology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, NC 1986-'89

Course Instructor; Marine Parasitology Field Course, Huntsman Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews, NB (summers) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989

Graduate Faculty; Dept. of Zoology, University of Maine, Orono. 1985-'90

Acting Director, Electron Microscopy Lab; Dept. of Zoology, U. of Maine at Orono, Maine. 1985

Temporary Assistant Professor; Dept. of Zoology, University of Maine at Orono, Maine.
Fall semester 1984; Summers 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988

Postdoctoral Research Associate; Dept. of Zoology, University of Maine at Orono, Maine 1982-'84

Visiting Lecturer in Biology; Dept. of Biology, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC. 1982

Visiting Lecturer; Dept. of Zoology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. 1981-'82

Research Assistant; Dept. of Zoology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. 1978-'81

Teaching Assistant; Dept. of Zoology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. 1976-'78

Professional Service (since Fall 1989):

Current: Society Archivist, American Microscopical Society


Treasurer, American Microscopical Society, 1/1/98-1/1/2004

Editor, Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society, 7/1/94-12/1/95

Board of Reviewers, Transactions of the American Microscopical Society, 1992-1994

New Journal Committee, American Microscopical Society, 1993-1994

Editor, Quarterly newsletter of the South Carolina Junior Academy of Science, 10/90-6/93

Acting Secretary, American Microscopical Society, 1993

Member of:

American Microscopical Society

South Carolina Academy of Science

Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology

International Association of


Professional Awards and Honors:

2014 JEOL Electron Microscopy Image Contest Winner (July)

2010 Presidential Citation for work on the Faculty Governance Review Committee

2008 Outstanding student award, QFM 2008, Mount Desert Island Biological Lab

2005 Community Service Award for Microscopy Outreach at Cotton Belt Elem. Sch.

2004 Presidential Citation for work on the General Education Committee

1999 Presidential Citation for Chairing the New Science Building Committee

1997 Presidential Citation for NSF-ILI grant

1996 SCJAS Service Award

1995 Nominated for the Charles Townes award by President DiGiorgio

1994 Named Outstanding Junior Professor for 1994

1992 Elected to Omicron Delta Kappa

Funding History (since Fall 1989)

1989 "Functional role of ciliary rootlets in an acoel turbellarian" Funding: Winthrop Faculty Research Council. Amount $1300.

✔1990 "Acquisition of Algal Symbionts and Regulation of Symbiont Population Density in Amphiscolops (Turbellaria: Acoela)", submitted to the Cutting Edge Grants for Research, S.C. Commission on Higher Education. Amount requested: $47,948.00. Declined.

1990 "Equipment for teaching gel-electrophoretic techniques in cell biology" (E.N. King, co-P.I.) Submitted to the Winthrop Faculty Research Council. Amount requested: $1896. Funded for $1500.

1990 "Nutrient-limitation of algal symbionts by marine invertebrate hosts", submitted to the College of Arts and Sciences faculty development summer grants program. Amount requested: $2428.21. Declined.

1990 "Nutrient-limitation of algal symbionts by marine invertebrate hosts", submitted to the College of Arts and Sciences faculty development "small grants in the discipline" program. Amount requested: $1440.71. Declined.

1991 "Nutrient-Limitation of Algal Symbionts by the Sea Anemone, Aiptasia", submitted to the Winthrop Faculty Research Council. Amount requested: $1405.71. Funded for $1200.00.

✔1992 "Electron-Microscope Facility for the Enhancement of Undergraduate Education" (Kenneth Gregg, co-P.I.), submitted to the Instructional Laboratory Improvement program at NSF. Amount requested: $20,074 (plus an equivalent cost-match by Winthrop). Recommended for funding by the panel, not funded by the program.

✔1993 "Digital Imaging and Image Analysis for an Undergraduate Electron Microscope Facility" Submitted to the Instructional Laboratory Improvement program at NSF. Amount requested: $12,946 (plus an equivalent cost-match by Winthrop). Declined

1994 "A Video Interface for Rapid and Simple Production of Electron-microscope Photographs in Laboratory Instruction", submitted to the Winthrop University Faculty Research Council. Amount requested: $1993.80. Funded for $900.

✔1995 Dwight D. Dimaculangan (PI), Julian P.S. Smith III, James W. Johnston, Paula L Mitchell, Janice Chism, William Rogers, Kenneth Gregg, and John Schmidt. “Computer Work Stations for Investigative Laboratories.” Instrumentation and Laboratory Improvement Award, National Science Foundation ($17,258 matching funds, total budget of $34,516)

1999 "Molecular evidence for evolutionary relationships," submitted to the Winthrop Research Council, 3/16/99. (Proposal written and organized by JSIII, with help from Dr. Bhardwaj). Funding requested: $1335.91; Funded for $1000.

2001 "Search for Mini-Collagen Transcripts in Flatworms," submitted to the Winthrop Research Council, 3/16/01. Proposal written and organized by JSIII; Suchitra Bhardwaj as co-PI. Funding requested $3015.91. Funded for $1340.

✔ = Extramural

Funding History (since Fall 1989): cont’d.

2002 “Screening for homeobox sequences in Catenulida (Platyhelminthes),” submitted to the Winthrop Research Council, 2/22/02. Proposal written and organized by JSIII; Kelly D. Smith as graduate student co-PI. Funding requested $3494.41. Funded.

2002 “Microscopy Outreach: Stimulating Interest in the Small” submitted to the Professional Development Schools mini-grants program, Center for Pedagogy, Winthrop University. Funded for $3000.

2003 “Microscopy Outreach: Stimulating Interest in the Small: Using microscopes in 3rd grade” submitted to the Professional Development Schools mini-grants program, Center for Pedagogy, Winthrop University. Funding requested $3000. Funded for $2500.

✔2007 Dimaculangan D, Birgbauer E, Wilson K, Smith J (1/25/07) “Acquisition of a Confocal Microscope to Enhance Student Research Experiences” NSF Major Research Instrumentation Program, My role on this proposal (besides final editing) was writing the bulk of the instrument description and technical capabilities (along with my project description). $416,745, Declined.

✔2007 Westover C, Dimaculangan D, Glasscock L, Smith J, Wilson K. (5/9/07) “Progressive Implementation of Bioinformatics across the Undergraduate Curriculum”. NSF Course, Curriculum & Laboratory Improvement Program, My role on this proposal was limited to advising on implementation in the honors section of biology 203 lab. $149,981, Declined.

2008 “Stem-cell dynamics in Stenostomum virginianum (Catenulida),” submitted to the Winthrop Research Council, 2/5/08. Proposal written and organized by JSIII with the assistance of Sara Merlie, undergraduate co-PI. Funding requested $5386.15. Funded for $4500.

2008 “Melatonin production in Stenostomum virginianum: a Molecular approach,” submitted to the Winthrop Research Council, 2/5/08. Proposal jointly written and organized by JSIII and Dan Stanton (as undergraduate student co-PI). Funding requested $4938.88. Funded for $4000.

2009 “Evolution of Epidermal Cell Replacement in the Bilateria: A new hypothesis and preliminary studies,” submitted to the Winthrop Research Council. Funding requested $1655.14; Funded.

2009 “Putative photoreceptive structures in Stenostomum virginianum (Platyhelminthes, Catenulida),” submitted the Winthrop Research Council. Proposal written and organized by JSIII with preliminary data contributed by Kennon Smith, undergraduate co-PI. Funding requested $1385.25; Funded.

✔2010 “Dimensions - Collaborative Research: Historical, Population, and Trophic Connections in Meiofaunal Communities of North Carolina Barrier Island Beaches” Proposal jointly organized and written by Steve Fegley (UNC-Chapel Hill), Marian Litvaitis (UNH-Durham), and JSIII (Winthrop University); submitted to the NSF Dimensions in Biodiversity program. Funding requested $1,617.069. Declined.

✔2010 “Anthropogenenic Influences on the Meiofauna in a North Carolina Coastal Beach” Letter of intent submitted to the Committee for Research and Exploration, National Geographic Society. Written and organized by JSIII with Steve Fegley, UNC-Chapel Hill and Marian Litvaitis, UNH-Durham. Funding requested $10,400. Declined.

2011 “Systematics and Ecology of the Schizorhynchidae (Platyhelminthes),” submitted to the Winthrop Research Council. Funding requested $2387.68; Funded.

2012 Smith III, J “ Systematics and Ecology of the Otoplanidae” Winthrop Research Council, $2427. Funded.

✔2012 Smith III J, Stanton D “Evolution of the Core Clock in Bilateria: RNA-seq analysis of circadian variation in gene expression in Isodiametra pulchra (Acoelomorpha)” submitted to the SC INBRE Bioinformatics Pilot Project Program. Funding requested $6926. Declined.

✔2012 Litvaitis M, Smith J, Fegley S “Collaborative Research: Historical, Genetic, and Ecological Connections in Meiofaunal Turbellarian Communities of North Carolina Barrier Island Beaches” Pre-proposal submitted to NSF DEB: Systematics and Biodiversity Cluster. Ranked in top 19% of proposals received; highest recommendation for full proposal. Full proposal submitted 7/30/12; funding requested $397,196 (Winthrop share). Declined.

*yellow highlighting-Winthrop Undergraduate; green highlighting-Winthrop Graduate student; ✔ Extramural

Funding History (since Fall 1989): cont’d.

2013 Smith III JPS, Hoekstra N “Studying Bd in Amphibian Populations at Landsford Canal State Park”; Proposal content written and organized by Nicole Hoekstra with guidance on style and strategy by JSIII; submitted 2/11/13; funding requested $5,105; Funded.

2014 Smith III JPS “Recovering the past: Integrating two historical collections of marine meiofauna with current community data” WU RC proposal submitted 2/3/14, funding requested $1398.23; Funded.

2014 Smith III JPS & McDaniel JK “Next-generation sequencing for diet analysis in the meiofauna” WU RC proposal drafted by Kyle McDaniel and edited/revised by JSIII submitted 2/4/14; funding requested $5153; Funded.

2015 Smith III JPS & Corder A “Anthropogenic effects in the sandy-beach ecosystem: Molecular techniques for assessing changes in the meiofaunal community” WU RC proposal written by JSIII and revised in review with Alex Corder, submitted 2/3/15, funding requested $5073; funded for $3643.

2016 Smith III JPS & Hughes A “Are Mitoses in Aeolosoma Synchronized to the Circadian Light/DarkCycle?” WU RC proposal written by JSIII and revised in review with Audrey Hughes, submitted 2/8/16; funding requested $2894; fully funded.

2016 Smith III JPS & Davis B “Evolution and Biomechanics of the Copulatory Organ in Schizorhynchia (Platyhelminthes)” WU RC proposal written by JSIII and revised in review with Brooke Davis, submitted 2/8/16; funding requested $2604; fully funded.

2016 Smith III JPS & Horacek J “Cryptic Speciation Among Meiofaunal Flatworms of the U.S. East Coast” WU RC proposal drafted by JSIII and revised in review with Joseph Horacek, submitted 2/8/16; funding requested $3954; fully funded.

✔2016 Smith III JPS, Brannock P, Halyanich K & Hochberg R “Dimensions: Collaborative Research: Meiofauna in a Neotropical Landscape: Biodiversity, Food Webs, and Community Phylogenetics along Coastal Brazil” NSF DEB-Dimensions in Biodiversity program, written and organized jointly by the four PI’s; submitted March 31 2016; funding requested $1,995,925 (Winthrop share $661,610); declined.

✔2017 Halanych K, Hochberg R, Brannock P, Smith III JPS " Preliminary Proposal: Collaborative Research: Rediscovering marine meiofauna: integrating morphology, barcoding, and phylogenomics to describe the neglected biodiversity of Brazil." NSF DEB-Biodiversity: Discovery and Analysis; written and organized jointly by the four PI’s; submitted January 2017. Not invited for full proposal.

✔2017 Smith III JPS; Johnson D & JonesBoggs J, undergraduate co-PI's "Anthropogenic effects on marine meiofauna assessed by high-throughput sequencing" SC INBRE Bioinformatics pilot project program; submitted 5/10/17; funding requested $12,251; recommended for funding.
Symposia, Papers Presented at Meetings, and scholarly seminars: (since Fall 1989)

*1990: "Ultrastructure of the Ciliary Rootlet System in Acoelomorpha: Phylogenetic Significance" American Society of Zoologists' Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX

1990: "The Evolutionary Origin of the Platyhelminthes" Seminar presented at the Dept. of Biology, East Tennessee State University (4/11/90).

1990: "The Evolutionary Origin of the Platyhelminthes" Seminar presented at the Dept. of Biology, University of North Carolina at Greensboro (4/18/90).

1991: "Platyhelminthes: Embryology and Post-Embryonic Development" & "Platyhelminthes: Integument" Two oral reviews of current literature and new directions presented at the American Society of Zoologists' Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

1992: "Functional Morphology of the Digestive Tract: Origins of Digestion in Free-Living Flatworms" Seminar presented at the Dept. of Biology, Western Carolina University (2/13/92)

*1993: "Oocyte development in Meara sp." Seventh International Symposium on the Biology of the Turbellaria, Abo, Finland (June 17-22, 1993).

*yellow highlighting-Winthrop Undergraduate; green highlighting-Winthrop Graduate student; ✔ Extramural

Symposia, Papers, seminars: (cont’d)

*1993: "Rhabdite-Like Secretions in Acoelomorpha: Evidence for Monophyly?" American Society of Zoologists' Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, Dec 27-30.

1995: "Fine-structural observations on the proboscis of Alaurina sp. (Turbellaria, Macrostomida)" presented at the joint annual meeting of the American Society of Zoologists and the American Microscopical Society in St. Louis, MO, Jan. 5th-8th.

1995: "Fine-structural observations on the parenchyma of Catenula confusa" Presented at the joint annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists and the Southeastern Division of the American Microscopical Society in Knoxville, TN, April 20-21.

1996: "Primitive or Progenetic? Presence of splanchnic musculature in Catenula confusa and Stenostomum tenuicaudatum." Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (formerly, ASZ) in Albuquerque, NM, Dec. 26-30 1996.

2000: “ Correlative microscopy of the Kombucha consortium: spatial arrangement of cells and cellulose.” In collaboration with A.McFadden. Presentation given by J Smith III at the Annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Chattanooga, TN, April 7, 2000

2004 Green S, Smith III JPS “Stimulating interest in the small: Using Microscopes in Third Grade.” One-hour workshop/team presentation by Dr.’s Smith and Green at the National Science Teacher’s Association convention, Atlanta, Georgia, March 2, 2004.

2005: "The New Microscopy: Toward a Phylogenetic Synthesis" Symposium co-organized by JSIII, RA Dewel, K Coates, MB Thomas, C Cook for the national meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, San Diego, CA Jan 4-8.

2005 Smith III JPS, Green S “Three years of PDS experiences with arts and science faculty: Lessons for teaching and teacher education. Presented by Dr. Smith and Dr. Susan Green at the National Network for Educational Renewal 2005 Annual Conference, October 27-30, Myrtle Beach, SC.

2006 Green S, Smith III JPS “Documenting Field-trip Effectiveness with Formative Assessment: A Tool for the Classroom Teacher”. Presented by Susan Green at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, April 9th, San Francisco, CA.

2008 Smith III JPS, Davis III H “Biomechanics of the Pharyngeal Musculature in Stenostomum virginianum (Catenulida)” Presented by JSIII at the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology in San Antonio, TX, Jan 6th, 2008.

2008 Smith III JPS, Merlie S “Stem Cells in Stenostomum virginanum (Platyhelminthes, Catenulida)”. Presented by JSIII at the annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, April 16th-19th, Spartanburg, SC.

2008 Clark A, Bennett K, Teigland C, Smith III JPS, Glasscock L “The Role of Thrombomodulin in Angiogenesis” Presented by Amanda Clark and Kris Bennett at ASBMB, San Diego.

*2009 Smith III JPS, Egger B, Tyler S, Ladurner P, Achatz J, Merlie S “Neoblasts in Nemertodermatida” Presented by JSIII at the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology in Boston MA, Jan 3rd-7th.

*2009 Stanton D, Smith III JPS “The role of melatonin in the cellular processes in the suppression of asexual reproduction in Stenostomum virginianum (Platyhelminthes Catenulida).” Presented by Daniel Stanton at the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology in Boston MA, Jan 3rd-7th.

*Supported by funds from the Winthrop Research Council

*yellow highlighting-Winthrop Undergraduate; green highlighting-Winthrop Graduate student; blue highlighting—Other student (GSSM or other summer research fellow; or Non-Winthrop graduate student)

Symposia, Papers, seminars: (cont’d)

*2009 Smith III JPS, Merlie S “Stem cells in Aeolosoma headleyi (Annelida)”. Presented by JSIII at the annual meeting of the North Carolina Academy of Science, April 4th, Warren Wilson College.

*2009 Smith III, JPS “Evolution of Epidermal Replacement” Seminar given at the UNC Institute of Marine Sciences May 8, 2009.

*2009 Smith III, JPS “Epidermal Stem Cells and “Platyhelminthes”: Repeated convergent losses?” Presented by JSIII at the Eleventh International Symposium on Flatworm Biology, Hasselt University, Belgium, July 26-30, 2009.

2009 Smith III, JPS “A favor for a friend . . . ” Memorial talk in honor of the late Dr. RM Rieger, presented by JSIII at the Eleventh International Symposium on Flatworm Biology, Hasselt University, Belgium, July 26-30, 2009.

*2010 Smith III, JPS “Evolution of Epidermal Replacement” Seminar given by JSIII at Francis Marion University, November 11, 2010.

*2010 Merlie S & Smith JPS III "Epidermal stem cells in Aeolosoma headleyi." Presented by Sara Merlie at the National Collegiate Honors Conference, Kansas City, MO, October 20-24.

*2011 Williams C & Smith III JPS "Epidermal Replacement in Nemertea" Presented by Cedric Williams at the 25th Annual Ronald McNair Commorative Celebration/Symposium, NC A&T State University, Greensboro, N.C. Jan 26-28, 2011.

*2011 Bursey J & Smith III JPS "Kataplana celeretrix n. sp. (Turbellaria, Otoplanidae) from the Eastern coastline of North Carolina, USA and the utility of confocal microscopy in species descriptions.” Presented by Joseph Bursey at the Big South Undergraduate Research Symposium, VMI, April 15-16, 2011

*2012 Whisonant S, Bursey J, Smith III JPS & Fegley S. Does beach nourishment alter meiofaunal community composition? Presented by JSIII at the 12th International Symposium on Flatworm Biology, Stockholm, Sweden 11-16 June 2012.

2013 Smith III JPS. “Acoelomorpha and Meiofaunal Platyhelminthes” Lecture for students and faculty attending the Pre-conference workshop, Fifteenth International Meiofauna Conference, Yeosu, Korea, July 15-20th.

*2013 Smith III JPS, Roberts D, Doe D, Litvaitis M, Tessens B & Tom Artois. A Preliminary Phylogeny for the Schizorhynchia: Molecules and Morphology. Presented by JSIII at the Fifteenth International Meiofauna Conference, Seoul, Korea, July 22-26th.

*2013 Fegley SR, Smith III JPS, Fegley JC, Whisonant S & Bursey JR. Sediment Composition and Beach Nourishment Effects on Exposed Beach Meiofaunal Communities. Presented by JSIII at the Fifteenth International Meiofauna Conference, Seoul, Korea, July 22-26th.

*2014 Smith III JPS, Tessens B, Litvaitis M, Doe D, Artois T “A phylogeny for Schizorhynchia: Molecules must guide morphology.” Presented by JSIII at the 3rd International Conference on Invertebrate Morphology, August 5th, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

*2014 Smith III JPS, McDaniel K, Geranmayeh P, Fegley SR, Litvaitis M “Untangling the meiofaunal food web.” Presented by JSIII at the World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Qingdao, China, Oct 12-16

*2014 Smith III JPS “Who’s eating whom: Trophic relationships in the meiofauna and why we should care.” Paul Burton Seminar Series, Western Carolina Univ, Nov 7, 2014.

Supported by SC INBRE

*Supported by funds from the Winthrop Research Council

*yellow highlighting-Winthrop Undergraduate; green highlighting-Winthrop Graduate student; blue highlighting—Other student (GSSM or other summer research fellow; or Non-Winthrop graduate student)

Symposia, Papers, seminars: (cont’d)

*2015 Smith III JPS “When jaws and mouth are separate: Functional morphology of the Kalyptorhynch proboscis” presented at “Soft bodies, hard jaws: phylogenetic diversity of prey capture and processing in jawed, soft-bodied invertebrates” National meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, West Palm Beach, FL, Jan 3-7, 2015.

*2015 Smith III JPS & Uyeno TA. “Functional morphology and Biomechanics of the Proboscis in Schizorhynchia” Presented by JSIII at the International Symposium on Flatworm Biology at the University of Oxford, August 3rd-6th, 2015.

*2016 Smith III JPS “Structure of the Male Copulatory Organ in Schizorhynchia (Platyhelminthes; Kalyptorhynchia)” Presented by JSIII at the National meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Portland, OR, Jan 3-7, 2016.

2016 Cannon JT, Vellutini BC, Smith III JPS, Ronquist F, Jondelius U; Hejnol A “Xenacoelomorpha is the sister group to the Nephrozoa” Presented by A. Hejnol at the National meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Portland, OR, Jan 3-7, 2016.

*2016 Smith III JPS “Diagnostic PCR Reveals Diversity in the Diets of Meiofaunal Flatworms” Seminar presented by JSIII at the Science Seminar Series, Dept of Biology, Valdosta State University, March 31, 2016.

*2016 Smith III JPS & Davis B “Evolution and Biomechanics of the Male Copulatory Organ in Schizorhynchia (Platyhelminthes)” Presented by JSIII at the 16th International Meiofauna Conference, Heraklion, Crete, July 4-8, 2016.

*2017 Smith III JPS, Gobert S, Artois T, Brand J & Schärer L “Evolution of the Proboscis-Armature in Schizorhynchia (Platyhelminthes: Kalyptorhynchia): Multiple origins and losses? Presented by JSIII at the National meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, New Orleans, LA, Jan 4-8, 2017.

2017 Smith III JPS. “Acoelomorpha and Meiofaunal Platyhelminthes” Lecture for students and systematists attending BITMaB meiofauna workshop, Harte Research Institute, TAMU Corpus Christi, Jan 8-14, 2017
Poster Presentations: (posters with student as sole author not listed)

*1999 McFadden, W.A., B. Johnson, J. Smith III, S. Bhardwaj, & D. Dimaculangan Identification of a LIM-domain homologue, LMO1, in regenerating flatworms, Dugesia dorotocephala. Poster presented at the Eighth SC Statewide Research Conference, Wild Dunes, Isle of Palms, SC; January 3-5.

*1999 Dimaculangan D, Stoeva P, Bhardwaj S, McFadden WA, Smith III JPS Identification of a LIM-domain homologue, LMO-1, in regenerating flatworms, Dugesia dorotocephala. Presented by Dr. Dimaculangan at the American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting, December 11-15, 1999 in Washington, DC.

*2000 Bhardwaj S, Dimaculangan DD, McFadden WA, Smith III JP Optimization of invertebrate RNA extraction by RNeasy. Presented by Dr. Bhardwaj at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, January 4-8, 2000, in Atlanta, GA.

2006 Etheredge J & J. Smith III Preliminary Observations on Cleptocnids of Microstomum sp. Presented by JSIII at the Tenth International Symposium on Flatworm Biology, July 29-Aug 3 in Innsbruck, Austria.

Supported by SC INBRE

*Supported by funds from the Winthrop Research Council

*yellow highlighting-Winthrop Undergraduate; green highlighting-Winthrop Graduate student; blue highlighting—Other student (GSSM or other summer research fellow; or Non-Winthrop graduate student)

Poster Presentations, cont’d.

2008 Stanton, D & Julian Smith III Melatonin Suppresses Fission in Stenostomum virginianum (Platyhelminthes, Catenulida). Presented by D. Stanton at the annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, April 16th-19th, Spartanburg, SC.

*2009 Merlie S, Ryan K, Smith III JPS Neoblasts in Catenulida. Presented by Sara Merlie and Kevin Ryan at the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology in Boston MA, Jan 3rd-7th

*2010 Merlie S & Smith JPS III "Epidermal stem cells in Aeolosoma headleyi." Presented by Sara Merlie at the National Collegiate Honors Conference, Kansas City, MO, October 20-24.

*2011 Bowie E "Observing the diurnal cycle of mitosis of stem cells present in Aeolosoma" Presented by Emily Bowie at the Big South Undergraduate Research Symposium, VMI, April 15-16, 2011.

2011 Kaschutnig P, M Gabl, B Lengerer, W Salvenmoser, JPS Smith III, P Ladurner „Towards a transcriptomic approach to identify stem cell- and germ cell specific genes in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano” Poster presented by Paul Kaschutnig at the CMBI symposium Sept 23-24, 2011, Innsbruck, Austria

*2012 Bursey J, Smith III JPS & M Litvaitis "Philosyrtis hannahfloydae n. sp. (Proseriata: Otoplanidae) from the Coast of North Carolina, USA". Presented by JB at the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology in Charleston SC, Jan 3rd-7th.

2012 Bowie E & JPS Smith III "Diurnal synchronization of the cell cycle in Aeolosoma (Annelida)" .M-phase data only version by by EB at the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology in Charleston SC, Jan 3rd-7th.

2012 Laumer CE, Smith III JPS & G. Giribet. “New and useful knowledge on the genus Gnosonesima (Platyhelminthes: Neoophora)” Presented by CL at the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology in Charleston SC, Jan 3rd-7th.

2012 Bowie E, Kaschutnig P, Intwala AR & JPS Smith III. "The Hedgehog Pathway in the Basal Bilaterian Isodiametra pulchra (Acoelomorpha)" Poster presented by Emily Bowie at the 2012 INBRE Scientific Symposium, Columbia, SC, Feb 23rd, 2012.

2012 Stanton D & JPS Smith III "Identification and position of S-phase cells associated with the epidermis and gut of Aeolosoma headleyi (Annelida)" Poster presented by Dan Stanton at the 2012 INBRE Scientific Symposium, Columbia, SC, Feb 23rd, 2012.

2012 Bowie E, Patenaude C & JPS Smith III. "Circadian synchronization of the cell cycle in Aeolosoma (Annelida)". S-phase data added; poster presented by Courtney Patenaude at the 2012 INBRE Scientific Symposium, Columbia, SC, Feb 23rd, 2012.

2013 Stanton D & JPS Smith III “Orthologues and Ticking Clocks: Identification and Analysis of Circadian Protein Orthologues and the Evolution of PERIOD in Bilateria”; poster presented by Daniel Stanton at the 2013 INBRE Scientific Symposium, Columbia, SC, 4/20/13

*2013 Magshoud H, Smith III JPS, Litvaitis MKL, Weiss A & Fegley S. Analysis of meiofaunal flatworm diets by diagnostic PCR: Untangling the food web. Poster presented by JSIII at the Fifteenth International Meiofauna Conference, Seoul, Korea, July 22-26th.

*2014 Schirmer A, Fegley SR, Smith III JPS “A comparison of modern vs historical patterns of meiofaunal community structure and sediment composition in an exposed beach”. Presented by JSIII at the World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Qingdao, China, Oct 12-16.

*2016 Smith III JPS & Davis B ““Evolution and Biomechanics of the Male Copulatory Organ in Schizorhynchia (Platyhelminthes)” Presented by JSIII at the 16th International Meiofauna Conference, Heraklion, Crete, July 4-8, 2016 (also presented orally at the request of the symposium organizers).

*2016 Smith III JPS, McDaniel K, Geranmayeh P, Buddin C, Mathew R “Diagnostic PCR reveals diversity in Diets of Meiofaunal Flatworms” Presented by JSIII at the 16th International Meiofauna Conference, Heraklion, Crete, July 4-8, 2016.

Supported by SC INBRE

*Supported by funds from the Winthrop Research Council

*yellow highlighting-Winthrop Undergraduate; green highlighting-Winthrop Graduate student; blue highlighting—Other student (GSSM or other summer research fellow; or Non-Winthrop graduate student)

Published Abstracts (abstracts as student with sole author not listed):

Smith, J. and M.B. Thomas, 1976. The Structure and Histochemistry of the Epidermis and Subepidermis of Stylochus zebra (Turbellaria, Polycladida J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 92:64.

Smith, J. and S. Tyler. 1983. Fine Structure of the Frontal Organ in Diopisthoporus sp. (Turbellaria Acoela). Am. Zoologist 23:1023.

Thomas, M.B., J. Smith, R. Chandler and A. Barker. 1985. Egg-shell Granules in some primitive Turbellaria: More evidence for polyphyly Am. Zoologist 25:91A.

Smith, J., S. Tyler and R.M. Rieger. 1986. Platyhelminthes: a polyphyletic melange? Am. Zoologist 26:21A.

Smith, J., S. Tyler 1988. Frontal organs in the Nemertodermatida (Turbellaria, Acoelomorpha) Am. Zoologist 28:140A

Chandler, R.M., J.P.S. Smith, and M.B. Thomas 1988. A morphometric analysis of egg shell formation in Convoluta sp. J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 104:190.

Tapley, D.W., J.M. Schick, and J.P.S. Smith 1988. Defenses against oxidative stress in the symbiotic sea anemones Aiptasia pallida and Aiptasia pulchella. Am. Zoologist 28:105A.

Tyler, S, J.K. Grimm, and J.P.S. Smith 1989 Dynamics of epidermal wound repair in acoel turbellarians--The role of pulsatile bodies. Am. Zool. 29:115A

*Smith, J.P.S. 1990. Ultrastructure of the ciliary rootlet system in Acoelomorpha: Phylogenetic significance. Am. Zool. 30:46A

*Smith, J.P.S., S. Tyler, D. Boatwright, and K. Lundin. (1994) Rhabdite-Like Secretions in Acoelomorpha: Evidence for Monophyly? Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 113:97.

Smith, J.P.S. (1994) Fine-structural observations on the proboscis of Alaurina sp. (Turbellaria, Macrostomida). Am. Zool. 34:

Smith, J.P.S. (1996) Primitive or Progenetic? Presence of splanchnic musculature in Catenula confusa and Stenostomum tenuicaudatum. American Zoologist 36:132A

*Dimaculangan D, Stoeva P, Bhardwaj S, McFadden WA, Smith III JPS (1999) Identification of a LIM-domain homologue, LMO-1, in regenerating flatworms, Dugesia dorotocephala. Molecular Biology of the Cell, Suppl. 10:56a.

*Bhardwaj S, Dimaculangan DD, McFadden WA, Smith III JP (1999) Optimization of invertebrate RNA extraction by RNeasy. American Zoologist 39:76A-77A.

McFadden A, Smith III JPS (2000) Correlative microscopy of the Kombucha consortium: spatial arrangement of cells and cellulose. The ASB Bulletin 47:187

Clark A, Bennett K, Teigland C, Smith III JPS, Glasscock L (2008) The Role of Thrombomodulin in Angiogenesis” The FASEB Journal 22:lb601

*Smith III JPS, Merlie S (2009) Stem cells in Aeolosoma headleyi Beddard (Annelida).

Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science 122(4):127.

Supported by SC INBRE

*Supported by funds from the Winthrop Research Council

*yellow highlighting-Winthrop Undergraduate; green highlighting-Winthrop Graduate student; blue highlighting—Other student (GSSM or other summer research fellow; or Non-Winthrop graduate student)

Non-refereed Professional Publications (Editorial review only or limited peer-review):

Smith J, Tyler S, Thomas MB & Rieger RM (1983) The morphology of turbellarian rhabdites: Phylogenetic implications. BioScience 33(1):55-56 (invited condensation of Smith et al 1982).

Pedersen J, R. Bullock, J. Carlton, J. Dijkstra, N. Dobroski, P. Drynda, R Fisher, L. Harris, N. Hobbs, G. Lambert, E Lazo-Wasem, A. Mattieson, M. Pia-Miglietta, J. Smith, J. Smith III & M Tyrell (2005) Marine Invaders in the Northeast. Judith Pedersen, ed. MIT Sea Grant College Program Publication #05-3

Lofty, C, JPS Smith III & P Stoeva-Popova (2010) Study of epidermal cell size of petals and stamens in tomato species and hybrids using confocal laser-scanning microscopy. Tomato Genetics Cooperative 60:58-65.

Non-refereed Professional Publications, cont’d:

*McDaniel JK & JPS Smith III (2015) Polystyliphora karlingi, 18S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. GenBank KP866925.

*Smith III JPS, Litvaitis MK (2015) 44 new sequences of 18S and 28S ribosomal RNA genes, partial. GenBank KR339017 – KR339060

Supported by SC INBRE

*Supported by funds from the Winthrop Research Council

*yellow highlighting-Winthrop Undergraduate; green highlighting-Winthrop Graduate student; blue highlighting—Other student (GSSM or other summer research fellow; or Non-Winthrop graduate student)

Refereed (Peer-Reviewed) Publications:

Smith, J. 1981. Fine-structural observations on the central parenchyma in Convoluta sp. In: Schockaert, E.R. & Ball, I.R. Turbellaria. Proc the Third Int Symp Hydrobiologia 84: 259-265.

Smith, J., S. Tyler, M.B. Thomas and R.M. Rieger. 1982. The morphology of turbellarian rhabdites; Phylogenetic implications. Trans Am Micro Soc 101:209-228.

Fegley, S., J. Smith and R.M. Rieger. 1984. Parahaploposthia thiophilus sp. n. and the use of living specimens in identification of acoel turbellarians. Zool Scr 13:1-8.

Smith, J. and S. Tyler. 1984. Serial sectioning and staining of resin-embedded material for light microscopy: recommended techniques for micrometazoans. Mikroskopie 41:259-270.

Smith, J. and S. Tyler. 1985. "The Acoel Turbellarians: Kingpins of Evolution or a Specialized Offshoot." In: The Origins and Relationships of Lower Invertebrates (eds. R. Gibson, H. Platt, D.G. George & S. Conway-Morris). pp. 123-142. Oxford University Press, London.

Smith, J. and S. Tyler. 1985. Fine-structure and evolution of the frontal organ in Turbellaria Acoela: 1. Diopisthoporus gymnopharyngeus n. sp. Zool Scr 14(2):91-102.

Smith J. and S. Tyler. 1986. Frontal Organs in the Acoelomorpha: Ultrastructure and Phylogenetic significance. Hydrobiologia 132:71-78.

Smith, J., S. Tyler and R.M. Rieger. 1986. Is the Turbellaria Polyphyletic? Hydrobiologia 132:13-21.

Klauser, M., J. Smith and S. Tyler. 1986. Ultrastructure of the frontal organ in Convoluta "pulchra" and Macrostomum spp: Significance for models of the turbellarian archetype. Hydrobiologia 132:47-52

Tyler, S., J. Smith, R.M. Rieger, U. Ehlers and V. Gremigni. 1986. Electron microscopy of turbellarian platyhelminths: a bibliography. Hydrobiologia 132:323-343.

Smith, J.P.S., M.B. Thomas, R. Chandler and S.F. Zane. 1988. Granular inclusions in the oocytes of Convoluta sp., Nemertoderma sp., and Nemertinoides elongatus (Turbellaria, Acoelomorpha). Fortschr. Zool. 36:263-269.

Rieger, R.M., S. Tyler, J.P.S. Smith & G.E. Rieger. 1991. "Platyhelminthes: Turbellaria", In: Microscopic Anatomy of Invertebrates, volume III (F.W. Harrison, ed.), John Wiley & Sons, N.Y.

Smith, J.P.S. and L. Bush. 1991. Convoluta pulchra, n.sp., from the East Coast of North America Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 110:12-26.

Chandler, R.M., M.B. Thomas & J.P.S. Smith III. 1992. The role of shell granules and accessory cells in eggshell formation in Convoluta pulchra (Turbellaria, Acoela). Biol. Bull. (Woods Hole) 182:54-65.

Supported by SC INBRE

*Supported by funds from the Winthrop Research Council

*yellow highlighting-Winthrop Undergraduate; green highlighting-Winthrop Graduate student; blue highlighting—Other student (GSSM or other summer research fellow; or Non-Winthrop graduate student

Refereed (Peer-Reviewed) Publications (cont’d):

Noga, E.J., Julian Smith III, & Stephen A. Smith. 1999. Turbellarian infection of carangids. J. Fish Diseases 22:489-491

Hooge, M.D. & Julian P.S. Smith III. 2004. New acoels (Acoela, Acoelomorpha) from North Carolina. Zootaxa 442:1-24.

Green, S. & Julian Smith III. 2005. Small things draw big interest. Science and Children 42:30-34.

Green, S, Julian Smith III & Kenyon Brown (2007). Using QuickWrites as a classroom assessment tool: Prospects and problems. Journal of Educational Research and Policy Studies 7:38-52.

*Egger B, Steinke D, Tarui H, De Mulder K, Arendt D, Borgonie G, Funayama N, Gschwentner R, Hartenstein V, Hobmayer B, Hooge M, Hrouda M, Ishida S, Kobayashi C, Kuales G, Nishimura O, Pfister D, Rieger R, Salvenmoser W, Smith III J, Technau U, Tyler S, Agata K, Salzburger W, Ladurner P. (2009) To be or not to be a flatworm: The Acoel controversy. PLoS ONE 4(5):e5502.

*Whitson A, & JPS Smith III & M Litvaitis (2011) Lehardyia alleithoros, sp. nov. (Turbellaria, Kalyptorhynchia) from the Coast of N.C., USA. Southeastern Naturalist 10:221-232.

*Bursey J, Smith III JPS & Litvaitis M (2012) Kataplana celeretrix n. sp. (Platyhelminthes: Proseriata: Otoplanidae) from the coast of North Carolina, USA. Zootaxa 3184:59-63

Verdoodt F, Willems M, Mouton S, DeMulder K, Bert W, Houthoofd W, Smith III JPS & P Ladurner (2012) Stem cells propagate their DNA by random segregation in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano. PLoS ONE 7(1):e30227.

*Magshoud H, Weiss A, Smith III JPS, Litvaitis MKL & Fegley S. (2014) Diagnostic PCR can be used to illuminate meiofaunal diets and trophic relationships. Invertebrate Biology 133(2):121-127.

*Tucker K, Stevens C & Smith III JPS. (2014) Cicerina debrae n.sp. (Platyhelminthes: Kalyptorhynchia, Cicerinidae) from the Southern Atlantic Coast, USA. Zootaxa 3821:496-499.

*Smith III JPS, Litvaitis MK, Gobert S, Uyeno TA & Artois T (2015) Evolution and Functional Morphology of the Proboscis in Kalyptorhynchia (Platyhelminthes). Integrative and Comparative Biology 55:205-216 doi:10.1093/icb/icv056

*Cannon JT, Vellutini BC, Smith III J, Ronquist F, Jondelius U & Hejnol A. (2016) Xenacoelomorpha is the sister group to Nephrozoa. Nature 530:89-93.

*Doe DA & Smith III JPS. (2016) Ultrastructure of the male copulatory apparatus of Prognathorhynchus busheki Ax (Platyhelminthes, Kalyptorhynchia). Invertebrate Biology. 135:150-162. doi: 10.1111/ivb.12125

Supported by SC INBRE

*Supported by funds from the Winthrop Research Council

*yellow highlighting-Winthrop Undergraduate; green highlighting-Winthrop Graduate student; blue highlighting—Other student (GSSM or other summer research fellow; or Non-Winthrop graduate student

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