I like the manuscript , it is clearly written presenting very nice (first) results of the KM3NeT-DOM. The bioluminescence result can be slightly extended with some interpretation, see the suggestion below. As for the detailed comments, these are mainly textual; in particular the lettering around figures needs some attention.
l.10: This evidences that most intense deep-sea bioluminescence is caused by fishes and zooplankton, not by bacterial glow.
l.26: IceCube collaboration IceCube (Antarctic) collaboration
l.56,57: diameter, housing diameter, as pressure case housing
l.57: tubes with tubes ‘PMTs’ with
Figure 2: lettering of axis-labels should be bigger
Figure 2B: the red line is barely visible: please thicken
caption Fig. 2,l.1: Rate Hit rates (to be equal to naming in Figure-axis-legend)
caption Fig.2,l.1: ToT ToT (see text)
caption Fig.2,l.1: long broad
caption Fig.2,l.4: fit of fit (red line) of
l.58: mm [1] mm (about 3") [1]
l.60,61: photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) PMTs
l.78: single sphere single glass sphere
l.93: site ( site south of Toulon, F (
l.98: define ‘runs’ (?)
l.101: registered ToT registered hits as a function of ToT
l.104: ns at FWHM ns FWHM
l.105: ToT caused ToT broad-peaking around 240 ns caused
l.117: baseline corresponds baseline of about 250 kHz corresponds
l.128,129: What is meant by this sentence, peaks due to bioluminescence? Please clarify.
Figure 3: Data do not seem to be binned in ~100 ms bins. The variability is much faster than that of the (100 ms) tick-marks. Lettering in insert of A is too small; Y-axis caption of A should read ‘Hits’ for consistency; x-axis of A is ugly, numbers make one long row (decrease lettering?);make z-axis of C longer (or reduce number of ticks); z-axis legend of C is missing; y-axis legend of C should be bigger and not overwrite numbers; Please also indicate far end of y-axis of C (+/- 180°?); Please also indicate far end of x-axis of C (40° ?)
Caption Fig.3,l.1: Rates Hit rates
Caption Fig.3,l.2: why use ‘~’ before 100 ms ? in the text this is not done. What is the exact value?
Caption Fig.3,l.2: hits while hits summed over all 31 PMTs while
Caption Fig.3,l.9: zenith. zenith angles. What is the large value at φ~180°, θ~60°?
Figure 4: Lettering of axes A-D too small
l.137: 3B 3C
l.140: activity is activity, excitated upon collision of animals mainly advected by currents, is
Figure 5, all y-axis captions: Rate Hits
Caption Fig.5,l.1: Rates Sum over all PMTs of hit rates
l.186: mean total
l.187,188: minutes min
l.187,188: Figure 5 displays Run nr. 720-1060, which is about 2.2 days of data, not six months.
l.191: full total
l.194: biolluminescent bioluminescent
l.194,195: I absolutely do not see a variation from summer through winter in the decrease of levels in Fig. 5A-C!
l.196: instantanious instantaneous
l.199: This These
l.204,205: stable. stable and no bursts due to bioluminescent flashing are observed.
Figure 6: Is there is a specific reason to choose 25h 35 min of data?; Rate Hits ; Lettering of inserts is too small; x-axis of B cannot exist of just one number
Caption Fig.6,l.5,6: centre of the PMT centre of the DOM (?)
Caption Fig.6,l.10: cylinder. cylinder.)
l.218: rate is rate (coincidence level of 1) is
l.235: I don’t understand ‘three twofold coincidences’, but that may be just me.
l.247: (…but perhaps other shadowing effects??)
l.249: phototubes PMTs
l.251: horizonrally horizontally
l.256: phototubes PMTs
l.258: telescope at a depth of around telescope around
l.262: minutes min
l.266: activity. The activity. This supports earlier findings [20,21] that most intense deep-sea bioluminescence is caused by fishes and zooplankton, not by (omnidirectional) bacterial glow. The
l.285: Detector,Science Detector, Science
l.294: strange characters before ‘-rays’
l.299: Astrophysical Journal Astrophys. J.
l.302,303: Astrophysical Journal Astrophys. J.
l.305: The the
l.305,306: Instr. and Methods Instr. Meth.
l.313: (KM3NeT (on behalf of the KM3NeT
l.305,306: Instr. and Methods Instr. Meth.
l.314,315: Instr. and Methods Instr. Meth.
l.322: Instr. and Methods Instr. Meth.
l.324: Instrum. and Methods Instr. Meth.
l.327: Calibration calibration
l.331: Instr. and Methods Instr. Meth.
Insert suggestion:
20. I. G. Priede et al.; The potential influence of bioluminescence from marine animals on a deep-sea underwater neutrino telescope array in the Mediterranean sea, Deep-Sea Res. I 55,1474 (2008)
21. H. van Haren et al. (ANTARES-collaboration); Acoustic and optical variations during rapid downward motion episodes in the deep north-western Mediterranean Sea, Deep-Sea Res. I 58, 875 (2011)