Bagworth and Thornton Parish Council Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 1st August 2011 at Thornton Community Centre. Members Present

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Bagworth and Thornton Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 1st August 2011 at Thornton Community Centre.
Members Present

Councillors : Austin, Brettle, Brown, Jones, Walker, White ( Chair )

B. Councillors: Boothby and O’Shea
In attendance – A Hurdley – Clerk to the Parish Council.

7 Members of the public.

Borough Cllr O’Shea reported that speeding in Bagworth had become a problem especially near the Maynard, speed indicators had recorded an average of 47mph.

Cllr O’Shea had contacted Mr. R. Ward and Mr. M Trott, and asked for the area to made a site of concern.

Thanks were given to residents for bringing the matter to the attention of the Parish council.

The Parish Council will consider using laser speed indicator signs, and liaising with the Community Safety Team.

Local residents have expressed an interest in raising money to help the project.

The contact for further advice and information is : Alan Smart, LCC.

Motor cyclists are using Maynard Park as a track, and the security of thr entrance to the Park needs to be checked.
B. Cllr. Boothby reported: that the gypsy and traveller consultation documents continued to use flawed methodology. The community should have a greater say in the construction of the policy, which has to stand up to scrutiny by an inspector, but it is too generic. A delegation is to meet Mr Eric Pickles to discuss the situation, and ask why H&BBC can’t have their own document.
Members of the Public emphasised their concerns for the safety of the children, in the area reported by Cllr. Oshea.

The Parish Council meeting opened at 7.40pm
2) To receive apologies, - No apologies received.
3). There were no declarations of interest
4) The minutes of the meeting held on the 4th. July 2011, were approved subject to amendments:

The reference to dog warden in Cllr O’Shea’s report should read Neighbourhood warden.

Cllr J. Brown did not second the approval of the minutes - Extraordinary Meeting , she was not in attendance.
Proposed by Cllr. R. Austin, seconded by Cllr. J. Brown – carried.
The minutes of the extraordinary meeting held 22nd July 2011.accepted,

Proposed Cllr. R. Austin, seconded Cllr. J. Brown – Carried

5). Clerk’s Report: The Clerk read copy of the report ( Attached)

It was proposed that the Shire Hall Grant of £4000 together with the interest free loan was accepted. Chair and Clerk to sign necessary documents. And all councillors present at this meeting should sign a copy of these minutes.Proposed Cllr. J. Brown , seconded Cllr. R. Austin – Carried.

A Volunteer is required to attend the Crime and Safety Forum meetings.

It was suggested that the Clerk approaches Anita Bebee to see if she would attend.

The Clerk will circulate information re. cost of dog bin to be sited at Bagworth Community Centre.
6). Accounts for Payment: The order papers for Parish Council expenditure and BCC Refurbishment were presented.

Cllr J. Brown proposed that Bagworth Preschool Ltd Should pay for the phone bill in future.

Cllr. Brown proposed that the Clerk should not claim £ 5.00 per month for stamps, but should claim for the exact amount of stamps used.

The Council should not pay for future mobile telephone bills for the Neighbourhood Watch warden.

With the above amendments the accounts were approved for payment.

Proposed Cllr. R. Austin, Seconded Cllr. I. Jones. And carried


b) Jackson Road Play equipment: The chair brought this item forward on the agenda. Sally Anne Kempin (H&BBC) reported that the developer was to complete work on the installation of the Jackson Road play equipment on 12th August, a site inspection and snagging would then be arranged. In the near future it will be necessary for the Parish Council to decide if the contractor should maintain the site for 12 months prior to final handover or if the parish Council should take immediate responsibility for the site maintenance, taking this route would increase the 106 money by only a small percentage.

Cllr. Brown asked if there was any 106 money left, B.Cllr. Boothby said that there was a fund of 349,000 maintenance money.

a)Affordable Housing :Cllrs Brown and White attended a course on the basic requirements of Affordable Rural Housing. Cllr. Brettle requested a copy of the questionnaire. Cllr. White will submit comments to the Borough Council within 14 days.

c).Update Bagworth Playing Field: Cllr Brown had attended a meeting with Matt Bartle concerning improvements required to the pavilion and the site. The FA know people who offer special deals for accommodation buildings etc.Cllr. Brown would be prepared to look for grants, on condition that all keys from current and previous users are handed in , Clerk to check that the Parish Council has deeds, It was proposed By Cllr. Jones, seconded by Cllr A. Brettle that the locks are changed – Carried Any proposed user has a constitution, and responsibility for the payment of bills is established.

d). Archaeology: No Report

e).Bagworth New Woods: It was proposed to ask Cllr Miles to estimate likely cost for maintaining the area, and the Clerk was asked to obtain 3 quotations for the conveyancing of the land.

f).Surestart field Condition Cllr Miles was not in attendance, but the Clerk said that he would follow the progress with Tim Hale.

g) Bagworth Community Centre: Cllr. Brown said that the second stage of the Big Lottery application had to be in by 1st September 2011, and it was necessary to have help with the required technical information, The Clerk to ask Alan Bryan for a cost for this service.

h). Thornton Community Centre : Nothing to report.

i). Bagworth Forward Group: Cllr Austin was told that his request for funds for the Bagworth Show this year is unable to be fulfilled.
At this point Cllr Brown moved suspension of standing orders.
j). Injunction update THO 10. Mr Stubley has started work on the stables for which he has planning permission, but the situation should be closely monitored by H&BBC enforcement officers. The Trading sSandards Board is limited with the actions they can take, ownership of the horses has to be established. To give weight to the situation, individual representations should be submitted to the Traveller Consultation by the 3rd. August 2011. There is a broken gate, Cllr Jones will approach Severn Trent concerning repair.

8).Planning applications Planning Application NO. 11/00559/FUL Application to construct proposed slurry store – Lindridge Farm, Lindridge Lane , Desford – No Comments.
9 Correspondence Received

H&BBC – Various incidents Thornton

Communities and Local Government – Planning for traveller sites

Marrons – Legal charge to be granted to LCC Re Bagworth Community Centre, by the Parish Council.

10).Financial Sub Committee, Adoption of terms of reference and updated Financial Regulations: Financial Sub Committee : Cllrs. Brown, Miles and White Proposed cllr Jones , seconded cllr Walker
11). To appoint Staff Sub Committee: A staff sub committee consisting; Cllrs. J. Brown, I. Jones and J. Walker- Proposed by Cllr Austin, Seconded Cllr. White – carried
12). To Select an Internal Auditor: Two possible applicants were considered, Mr. Wilcox was selected, at a fee of £ 300pa plus VAT. proposed Cllr. I. Jones seconded Cllr. J. Brown – carried
13). It was proposed to appoint a Responsible Financial Officer , subject to cost – Proposed Cllr. J. Brown, seconded Cllr I. Jones – carried
14) Appointment of HR Consultant – The appointment of Mr. Christopher Moses as HR consultant for a period of 3 for a fee of £100 per month was proposed Cllr B. White, seconded by Cllr J. Brown – carried.
15). The date of the next meeting :5th September 2011.( Cllr J. Brown tendered her apologies in advance for non attendance ).
The Meeting Closed at 9.45pm.

Clerk’s Report 1st August 2011

Reference Shire Village Hall Grant:

I have clarified the position concerning all councillors signing documents:

At the Parish Council meeting 2 people have to be nominated and agreed by the Council that they can sign the documents in connection with the acceptance of the £4000 grant, and the £4000 loan. The minutes of the meeting have to be signed by all members of the council in attendance at the meeting, complete with addresses of those councillors.

If the Council cannot be agreed upon 2 people, all the councillors have to sign the required documents.

The essence of the documents is, that the Council is to be responsible for the correct administration of the grant and loan, to ensure that it is applied to the purpose for which it was granted, and that the Parish Council allocates the necessary funds to repay the loan according to the agreed schedule. It is not intended that any councillor should have any personal financial liability for the repayment in the event of Council default.

This funding, together with £4,000 identified by Mike Thomson, woul match fund £12,000 from the H&BBC Parish initiative fund , all of which is intended for Insulation, windows and heating , there is a time dead line for spending it, which I think is February 2012, this needs checking.

Richard Windley has been informed that the Parish Council resolved to take part in the Rural Housing Survey, and Richard has acknowledged agreement

The new bank mandate is now in place

The cost of the web site will be £375.00 per year (calculated on value of precept ).

I met Andy Long from LCC Surveyors Department on Thursday 28th July 2011- The purpose of the visit was to try and establish if there was any liability on the Coal Authority for subsidence which has obviously occurred at Bagworth. Andy had a walk round inspection, took several photographs, and was going to check record and information held at the office. He will contact me with a plan of action.

I have spoken to Richard Clough of Severn Trent re our site meeting on 4th July 2011, he said that rangers will be on site on the 3rd August 2011 to try and improve the vision on the entry and exit to the car park at the reservoir, and he has reported the concerns on the general safety issues with street parking, he says that it will not be possible to undertake any major works in the immediate future, as the funding for capital projects is extremely limited.

I have spoken to Anil Kumar ( Marrons), He has just returned from holiday this morning. Re Bagworth New Woods, he does not think the conveyancing will cost more than £1000 plus VAT. It is unlikely that the work will be completes prior to October 2011, but in the event that it is quicker than anticipated, the payment of the legal fees can be deferred until October 2011.

Bagworth Community Centre Gas Supply: I have checked with Energy Supplies Help line, and BCC is not registered with any supplier, and we can choose anyone we wish.

We have a contract for Thornton gas supply with British Gas, and we have a contract for electricity supply at BCC with Eon. I can only suggest we check the unit price with each supplier, or any other.

Eileen has received correspondence today concern the Bosworth Area Crime and Safety Forum, which we can read in correspondence.

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