Wellington Town Council Town Mayor Town Clerk Cllr Phil Morris-Jones mbe karen roper b. A (Hons), dms

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Wellington Town Counciltownarms
Town Mayor Town Clerk

Cllr Phil Morris-Jones MBE KAREN ROPER

B.A (Hons), DMS

Civic Offices, Larkin Way

Tan Bank, Wellington

Telford TF1 1LX

Tel: 01952 567697

Fax: 01952 567690

Email: wellingtontowncouncil@telford.gov.uk



Minutes of the meeting held at the Wellington Civic Offices on Wednesday 29th March 2017 commencing at 11.00am.


Cllr L Carter

Cllr P Morris-Jones

Cllr Denis Allen

Cllr S Hall

Cllr McClements

Cllr C Mason-Morris

Cllr P Fairclough

Cllr Alvey

Eric Westwood

Ross Vickers

Kevin Tanner

Bob Coalbran

Karin – Forge

In attendance: Caroline Mulvihill, Communication and Events Manager

92/16 Welcome and Introductory Remarks

Cllr Carter welcomed the Committee.

93/16 Apologies for Absence

Cllr Fikeis, Cllr Tomlinson, Jean Wordsworth, Fay Easton and Rev Tim Carter.

Apologies accepted

(It was noted that Howard Perkins was omitted from last month’s apologies)

94/16 Declarations of Interest

95/16 To confirm the minutes from the last meeting – Wednesday 22nd February 2017.

Proposed by Cllr Morris-Mason, seconded by Cllr Hall and RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY that the minutes of the meeting held on 22nd February 2017 be approved and signed by the Chairman of the meeting as a true and accurate record.

96/16 Matters arising from the last meeting minutes.




Minute 85/16 (i) Update on POW

Cllr Fikeis had spoken with Caroline prior to the meeting and had said POW was coming along nicely and Cllr Fikeis would report, in full, at the next meeting.

Minute 85/16 (ii) Destination Telford proposed website offer

Cllr Carter said that no meeting had taken place as several issues had been experienced with updating free information with T & W. It was decided the best option was to get the basics in place before considering spending the extra budget which also wasn’t available at present.

Minute 85/16 (iv) Grant Bid quotes

The further analysis of the grant bid quotes had been forwarded to Cllr DeLauney as Chair of P & R. Cllr Mason-Morris highlighted that all bid work must be transparent and researched correctly. Cllr Carter agreed this item to be added to the next P & R agenda for further discussion.

Cllr McClements said that a lady called Fran Bathe had been recently employed by T&W to assist with grants.
Cllr Morris-Jones expressed his disappointment in hearing the grant request from the Buckatree Hall Hotel for a defibrillator was declined.

After a brief discussion the Committee agreed that the whole of Wellington should be investigated and hot spots for defibrillators should be identified.

(Cllr Alvey arrived at this point)
Minute 85/16 (v) Allan Frost ‘History of Wellington’ quotes and decision to print.

Caroline reported that Full Council had passed this item to the next P & R meeting for approval.

Minute 86/16 (vi) £6k PIYHS Food Festival

Caroline reported that the bid had been re-submitted but discussions were in place over the bids ‘theme’. Cllr Carter requested that correspondence be sent to him.

97/16 Correspondence:

98/16 Forthcoming events calendar and additional events for 2017/2018.

Caroline passed round an updated events calendar.

It was agreed to form a Christmas Committee to take forward the Christmas events. This would consist of the following members:

Cllr Allen, Cllr Fairclough, Ross Vickers, Eric Westwood, Fay Easton and Caroline Mulvihill.

Caroline would now arrange a meeting to begin the process.

99/16 Wellington Festival

Cllr Mason-Morris reported that tickets for the Spring Festival were going well with Lesley Smith a sell out some time ago as predicted.
The festival programme was as followed:
Friday 7th April

Poems and Pints at the old Wrekin tap

Saturday 8th April:

Paper / book making workshop at All Saints Parish Centre

WRW Dothill walk

Comedy Night at the Telford live Lounge

Clifton Film ‘Carol’ at the Belmont Hall

Telford Stamp and coin fair at the Belmont Hall

Sunday 9th April

Lesley Smith at Wrekin College

Monday 10th April

WRW Ercall walk

Cllr Mason-Morris explained that more volunteers were needed to host the above events and requested help at this meeting and would also be requesting assistance from members of P & R.
The October festival was coming along well with a strong local music theme. Less marketing would be seen this year due to reduced budgets.

100/16 Walkers are Welcome:

Bob Coalbran was delighted with the new Train Station notice board publicity; it was also ‘lead news’ in the WRW UK network website.
The Shropshire way route was now ready to be ‘way marked’ with routes coming through the centre of Wellington and Dothill.

The Wellington 360 leaflet was being collected from the printers later today and distributed shortly.

Bob and Karin from the Forge had now developed a walk to promote the 360 walks and the Forge jointly. This would be on Sunday 21st May.
WRW window stickers are available for any outlet that would like to display one. Cllr Mason-Morris agreed to mention this on local social media groups.

101/16 To receive information on other future events and activities.

6th April 2017 - Telford Lions – 100 years of music at ‘The Place’ ticket sales going well with less than 70 left.

7th – 10th April – Wellington Spring Festival

13th April – Market Square Easter Egg and Spoon Race

17th May – Bayley Mile

It was mentioned that traders in the Wellington Market run their own events and that WTC are not involved. Caroline agreed to speak with Dave Chapman and Sarah Chard to improve communication’s and increase two way advertising.

Cllr McClements requested that Arleston Community Facebook and Arleston CC Twitter are also involved.
Karin from the Forge mentioned that no advertising for the forthcoming launch of the Artisan Market had been seen. Caroline to liaise with Fay.
Cllr Fairclough took this opportunity to thank Cllr Morris-Jones for an extremely enjoyable and successful civic dinner that took place at the Buckatree Hall Hotel on Saturday 25th March. Cllr Morris-Jones said that almost £2k had been raised for his charities and thanked everyone involved.
Cllr Carter would ask for the agreement from the P & L Committee on a program of work that P & L will undertake for the forthcoming year at the next meeting. (This would be emailed around prior to the next meeting)

102/16 To agree date and time of next meeting;

Wednesday 26th April 2017 at 11.00am.

Signed ……………….…26h April 2017


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