Baloo's bugle volume 22, Number 6 The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance

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Volume 22, Number 6

The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.

Alan Watts

January 2016 Cub Scout Roundtable February 2016 Scout Law and Den & Pack Meeting Ideas


Tiger Cub, Bear, Wolf, Webelos, & Arrow of Light ADVENTURES


We have received almost no responses to our Help Wanted Ad the last 2 months. We really need some help.

You will be seeing Alice come back soon to help, and a local Cubmaster by me who has had several great Lion Prides!! Thank you!!

And if you replied and have not heard from us, please write again. Judy and Dave have both had problems with our computers.

And it is not too late – check out the list on page 2!!!


If your council ran a University or a Pow Wow and published a book or posted files on the web or on a cloud somewhere. Let us know. We are always looking for new material. You can write us at – and

The Program Updates page has been regrouped. Since the CS Adventure is in full swing, the emphasis on getting ready for it has been reduced. The downloads are still all there. And great information about three new Cub Leader courses at Philmont Training Center next summer.

There is a lot of information now on etting ready and implementing the changes to the Boy Scout program.

Check it all out – stay current!!

program updates banner

Had it not been for that unknown Scout who was FRIENDLY to W.D. Boyce, the BSA may not exist today. One small acct of FRIENDSHIP, who on Earth knew what would happen. (God surely knew. Only us men were unaware. Since my cancer treatment in 2008, I am a firm believer in Romans 8:28. CD)

Baloo Editorial Comment –
We probably all heard this story on the news –
Boy Scout leader survives 80-minute bear mauling with help from his troops

And had various reactions – Why? How? The Scouts did great! What went wrong? Did a BSA process fail?

Here is what Patriot's Path, the local council said as reported by the Washington Post -

Commenting on the incident for the Boy Scouts, Dennis Kohl, Patriots Path Council executive, said he had no details of events leading up to the "terrible accident," pointing out that the outing was not an official scout activity.

However, he acknowledged the people involved were "members of our scouting family" and said "they remain in our thoughts and prayers" and "we hope for a speedy recovery."

That is right, it was not a Scout activity. It was a Dad out with his son and two of his son's friends. But thankfully all are Scouts and knew what to do. As stated above, I believe there are no coincidences and all things happen for good per Romans 8:28. But had it been conducted as an official Scout activity, the Dad would not have wound up where he did. CD

Judy and Dave need some help. If you would do one item for Baloo each month, it would help us greatly –

Some ideas for you to consider –

Biography – write a one page +/- biography of a person you select that exemplifies that month's emphasized point of the Scout Law.

Advancement – Choose a rank. Write a few hints and ideas for the Adventure to be discussed that month at the Roundtable. And, also, any that have a Character Compass pointing to that months point of the Scout Law

Social Media – check out National's Facebook pages, Bryan's Blog, Cubcast, and Scoutcast and prep the summaries for Baloo.

Roundtable Hints – Prep some hints and ideas for your fellow Roundtable Commissioners each month. This would be easy for someone from a council like Sam Houston where they have an annual RT day where they review all 12 months in advance.

Crazy Holidays – Jodi actually retired from that position a few years ago. We can supply you files for each month. You only need to check for updates and additions. Feel free to use more websites if you have a favorite.

Point of the Scout Law – Look for items that help get across the meaning of the point of the Scout Law emphasized that month in Roundtable.

Special Opportunities – write a brief article each month about one youth and one adult award other than rank advancement.

Have another idea? Let us know how you feel you could help us to make Baloo's Bugle more of what RT Commissioners, Cubmasters, and Den Leaders want.

Write us through the "Send Your Ideas to Baloo" link or directly – and

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