Baptism? So What?!

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Baptism? So What?!

Text: Romans 6:7

Doctrinal Locus: Baptism- Not just water, but water and the Word.

Function: That the hearers will look to their baptism as one of the most significant events in their lives.

1. Have any of you ever played in the mud before? Boys, I know you have! The mud is a fun place to play. I don’t know why, it just is! How about you girls? Come on, admit it! You baked your share of mud pies in your day! Whether you’re rolling around in the mud, slinging it at each other, or attempting to turn it into an appetizing delicacy for your friends, playing in the mud is a common childhood pastime. Here’s the next question! What did your mom have to say about it when you got home from the mud hole? Unless she was out there playing with you, she probably wasn’t very happy! “Just look at you! You’re a mess! Haven’t I told you not to play in the mud! I don’t know how we’re gonna get all that mud out of your hair! And in your ear holes; I don’t even want to know!” Mom’s get upset. Kids who play in the mud don’t come out clean. And a bath is the only solution! You can’t stay dirty very long, mom won’t allow it! And as you bathe, the mud comes off. You get cleaned.

2. Believe it or not, this is what the word “baptism” literally means! To clean, generally with water. To wash. To change something from a state of being dirty to a state of being clean. Unfortunately, many Christians believe that this is the extent of Holy Baptism. They believe some water is used, some ceremonial words are spoken, and boom, what a beautiful day of symbolism this has been. But nothing extraordinary. Nothing worth writing home about. It’s just a ritual, for crying out loud. Let’s get excited about something a little more, well, exciting! This is what some of our brother and sister Christians believe concerning Holy Baptism! That baptism is our work of self-dedication to God. That when we decide we’re ready to accept Jesus into our lives, we can ask the pastor to say the words. Do the job. Make it happen. But God’s not doing anything here.

3. The Apostle Paul says some very different things about Holy Baptism, however. Paul seems to be saying that something actually happens when Holy Baptism is done. He seems to be saying that three things in particular happen: death, resurrection, and freedom! Death, resurrection, and freedom. Paul lays it all out there for us! He holds nothing back. And the key to this whole passage is that Holy Baptism unites us to Christ. It unites us to His death. It unites us to His resurrection. It unites us to His freedom! That’s where this whole thing gets just plain amazing. When you were baptized, Paul says that was the day that you died! Elsewhere Paul says the wages of sin is death. The wages of your sin have been paid. Baptism has killed you! You have been united with Christ in His death. Paul continues. He doesn’t leave us dead! You see, since you have been united with Christ in a death like His, you’ve also been united with Christ in a resurrection like His! And this is the kind of resurrection that Jesus had. One that means He will never die again. One that means He will live and reign forever. You can take it to the bank. Your baptism guarantees your resurrection to eternal life. And that life we now have, we no longer live to sin! It’s from sin that you are now free. And you live your life to God! Some water was used, the Word of God was spoken, and BOOM!, your life is changed forever!

4. So this isn’t just symbolic water dripping down your forehead! This is water combined with God’s Word! The mistaken Christian may reply, “yeah, well, there’s that, but really, what’s the big deal with water and the Word? It’s just the tradition of how baptisms are done. What makes you so sure that means anything special?” To which we can boldly reply! It’s God’s voice speaking the Word! It’s God’s own Word. Take a look at Psalm 29 if you’re wondering what God’s voice is capable of! It thunders! It’s full of majesty! It flashes forth flames of fire! It shakes the wilderness! It strips the forests bare! The voice of the Lord is powerful. The voice of the Lord does what He says it will. The voice of the Lord accomplishes things! Water and the Word is a powerful combination that destroys sin. That kills people! And that brings people back to new, resurrected life! Baptism without the Word is nothing more than a dip in the pool! But God’s powerful voice makes it happen!

5. In Isaiah 42, the Lord’s powerful voice is heard through the prophet about a Servant who is coming! This Servant is chosen by God Himself. He has the Spirit of God. This Servant’s business will be all about bringing forth justice. This Servant brings the Lord’s covenant to His people! He opens the eyes of the blind. He brings prisoners out of the dungeons. The Lord is doing new things through this Servant! And at this Servant’s baptism, God the Father declares His pleasure in Him. “This is my Son, with Whom I am well pleased! It’s to this Servant that you and I are united through our Baptism. You see, this is the same Servant Isaiah later calls the Lord’s “suffering Servant”. It was this Servant who makes Baptism work! Because this suffering Servant suffered for you, your heavenly Father looks at you and says, “this is my son or this is my daughter with whom I am well pleased! The Lord’s chosen Servant died and was resurrected from the dead. In the same way, you have died in baptism and will be resurrected from the dead! That Almighty voice of God called Jesus back from the grave on Easter morning. That victorious Servant lives and reigns and is ever-present in your life through your one baptism.

6. One baptism linking you to the death, resurrection, and freedom of Christ! One baptism giving the forgiveness of sins. One baptism redeeming you from your evil master of sin. One baptism adopting you into the family of your Heavenly Father. One baptism removing the stains of your disobedience. One baptism bringing you into the saving faith in Jesus Christ. One baptism bringing you newness of life. One baptism refreshing you; recreating you; perfecting you! One powerful work of God for your sake. One almighty act that has righted your relationship with your creator! One miraculous moment in your life that you can confidently look back to and know that you are forgiven. The Gospel is yours!

7. I want to return to issue we talked about at the beginning of the sermon. Back to playing in the mud, getting caught, and having to wash the mud away. After you have gotten all cleaned up, do you put the same old muddy clothes back on? Probably not! That would make the bath you just took pointless! No, you put on new clean clothes and your old clothes are disinfected and laundered! This is the same in your Holy Baptism. The filthy rags of your sins are taken off by God! He removes them from you! He bathes you in your Holy Baptism! He speaks His live-giving Words! In the Book of Revelation, the apostle John tells it this way: that these filthy rags are washed, not in a bucket of bleach, but in Christ’s own precious blood! You are washed with the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ in your baptism and you are made pure. Sparkling. Sinless. Without blemish. Robed in the very righteousness of Christ Himself! That is to say, when God looks at you, He doesn’t see your shortcomings and failures, He sees Jesus’ perfect life and His victory!

8. So why is baptism important some Christians may ask! Well just think about it! When you say, “I’ve been baptized”, your talking in Christian shorthand for all kinds of wonderful things that God has done. I’ve been baptized; God has worked in my life and has given me His own Holy Spirit! I’ve been baptized; I’ve literally been effected by my most holy God in a very special way. He has made me new. He has cleaned me like no one else can. He has changed me. I’ve been baptized; my life has been changed. I can’t go back to the way I was. I don’t even want to! I’ve been baptized; Almighty God has worked a miracle in my life. He has done what I couldn’t do on my own. He has killed me and resurrected me to new life! Eternal life. Because I’ve been baptized and I’ve been connected to Jesus death, resurrection, and freedom.

9. Freedom from sin. In fact, the fruit of your baptism is that you are now dead to sin. Sin tries to tempt you all day long, but you are dead to it. You daily drown your sinful nature through remembrance of your baptism in confession and prayer! You need not respond to the sin. Instead, you are alive to God! When He speaks, you are free to listen! When He sends you, you are free to go! When He asks for your service to your neighbor, you are free to give of your time. When He asks for your talents and treasures, you are free to graciously give them up to His service. When He loves you, you are free to love Him back and to share that love with those around you! Baptism sets you free! Baptism guarantees your eternal freedom! Baptism is God’s good gift to you! Amen.

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