Bibliography Avatar Identity

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Bibliography Avatar Identity

Aas, B. Meyerbroker, K. and Emmelkamp, P. (2010) Who am I – and if so, where ? A Study on Personality in Virtual Realities. Virtual Worlds Research 2(5)

Bailenson, J.N., Beall, A.C., Loomis, J., Blascovich, J. and Turk, M (2005) Transformed social interaction: Decoupling representation from behaviour and form in collaborative virtual environments. PRESENCE: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 13, 428-441.
Bailenson, J.N. and Yee, N. (2005) Digital Chameleons: Automatic assimilation of nonverbal gestures in immersive virtual environments. Psychological Science. 16, 814-819.
Balienson, J.N., Yee, N., Blascovich, J. and Guadagno, R.E. (2008) Transformed Social Interaction in Mediated Interpersonal Communication . In Konijn, E., Tanis, M., Utz, S. and Linden, A. (Eds) Mediated Interpersonal Communication (77-99) Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Bailenson JN (Bailenson, Jeremy N.), Yee N (Yee, Nick), Merget D (Merget, Dan), Schroeder R (Schroeder, Ralph) (2006) The Effect of Behavioral Realism and Form Realism of Real-time Avatar Faces on Verbal Disclosure, Nonverbal Disclosure, Emotion Recognition, and Co-presence in Dyadic Interaction. Presence Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 15 (4): 359-372
Banakou, D. (2010) The effects of Avatars’ Gender and Appearance on Social Behaviour in Virtual Worlds. Virtual Worlds Research 2(5)
Bargh, J.A., Chen, M. and Burrows, L. (1993) The automaticity of social behaviour: Direct effects of trait concepts and stereotype activation on action. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 71 230-244.
Bonfils, P. and Renucci, F. (2008) Quelles identités partagées à l’aide d’avatars pour des apprenants au sein des mondes virtuels.
Burbules, Nicolas C. (2002). Like a Version: Playing With Online Identities. Educational Philosophy. Vol 34, Issue 4.
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Boon, S. and Sinclair, C. (2009) A world I don’t inhabit :disquiet and identity in Second Life and Facebook. Educational Media International. 46(2)
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Ducheneaut, N., Wen, M., Yee, N. and Wadley, G. (2009) Body and mind: a study of avatar personalization in three virtual worlds. Proceedings of CHI 2009.
Elliott, A.J. and Niesta, D. (2008) The effect of red on men’s attraction to women. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 95(1150-1164).
Fabri M, Moore DJ, Hobbs DJ (1999) The Emotional Avatar: Non-verbal Communication Between Inhabitants of Collaborative Virtual Environments. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1739: 269-273
Frank, M.G., and Gilovich, T. (1988) The dark side of self and social perception : Black uniforms and aggression in professional sports. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 54(74-85).
Gonzales, A.L. and Hancock, J.T. (2008) Identity shift in computer-mediated environments. Media Psychology 11(167-185).
Hill, R.A. and Barton, R.A. (2005) Red enhances human performance in contests. Nature 235-293.
Ilie, A., Ioan, S., Zagrean, L. and Moldovan, M. (2008) Better to be red than blue in virtual competition. Cyber Psychology and Behaviour. 11(375-377).
Isbister, K. (2006) Better game characters by design: A psychological approach. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.
Jen, S. and Sung, Y. (2010) The roles of spokes-avatars’ personalities in brand communication in 3D virtual environments. The Journal of Brand Management 17(5)
Johnson, R.D. and Downing, L.L. (1979) Deindividuation and valence of cues: Effects on prosocial and antisocial behaviour. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 37(1532-1538).
Khan, R. And De Angeli, A. (2009) The attractiveness stereotype in the evaluation of embodied conversational agents. Interact 1(85-97).
Krikorian, D. Lee, J-S. Chock, T. and Harms, C. (2000) Isn’t That Spatial?: Distance and Communication in a 2D Virtual Environment. JCMC 5(4).
Lea, M. and Spears, R. (1991) Computer-mediated communication, de-individuation and group decision making. International Journal of Man Machine Studies 34(283-259).
Lee, E-J. (2004) Effects of visual representation on social influence in computer-mediated communication: Experimental tests of the social identity model of deindividuation effects. Human Communication Research. 30(234-259).
Merola, N. and Jorge, P. (2010) The Effects of Avatar Appearance in Virtual Worlds . Virtual Worlds Research 2(5)
Nowak, K. L., and Rauh, C. (2005). The influence of the avatar on online perceptions of anthropomorphism, androgyny, credibility, homophily, and attraction. Journal of Computer-Mediated
O’Brien, L. and Murnane, J. (2010) An investigation into how avatar appearance can affect interactions in a virtual world. International Journal of Social and Humanistic Computing 1(2)
Pena, J., Hancock, J.T. and Merola, N.A. (2009) The priming effects of avatars in virtual settings. Communication Research. 36(838-856).
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Postmes, T., and Spears, R. (1998) Deindividuation and anti-normative behaviour: A meta-analysis . PSychological Bulletin. 123(238-259).
Suler, J. (1996). The psychology of avatars and graphical space in multimedia chat communities.


Snyder, M. and Stukas, A. (1999) Interpersonal processes: The interplay of cognitive, motivational and behavioural activities on social interaction. Annual Review of Psychology. 50(273-303).
Turkle, S. (1995). Life on the screen: Identity in the age of the Internet. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Yee, N. and Bailenson, J.N. (2007) The proteus effect : The effect of transformed self-representation on behaviour. Human Communication Research. 33(271-290).
Walther, J. (1996) Computer-mediated Communication : Impersonal, Interpersonal and Hyperpersonal Interaction. Communication Research 23(3-43).
Wandt, H. (2007) Second life, second identity? Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing 15(3)
Webb, S. (2001) Avatarculture : Narrative, power and identity in virtual world environments. Information, Communication & Society, 1468-4462, Volume 4, Issue 4, 2001, Pages 560 – 594
Vasalou, A., Joinson, A. (2009) Me, myself and I : The role of interactional context on self-presentation through avatars. Computers in Human Behaviour. 25(510-520).

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