Bio2305 Immune System Body Defenses

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BIO2305 Immune System - Body Defenses
Body Defenses – 1st Line of Defense

Reconnaissance, Recognition, and Response

Must defend from the many dangerous pathogens it may encounter in the environment

    • Detect invader/foreign cells

    • Communicate alarm & recruit immune cells

    • Suppress or destroy invader

Two major kinds of defense have evolved that counter these threats

    • Innate immunity and acquired immunity

Innate Immunity

  • Innate immunity provides broad defenses against infection

  • Present before any exposure to pathogens and is effective from the time of birth

  • Involves nonspecific responses to pathogens

  • A pathogen that successfully breaks through an animal’s external defenses encounters several innate cellular and chemical mechanisms that impede its attack on the body

  • Non-selective and no lag time – immediate response, no previous exposure required

  • Protects against infections, toxins

  • Works with specific (acquired) immune response

Acquired (Adaptive) Immune Response

- Depends on B and T lymphocytes

- Specific immune response directed attack against pathogens (antigen)

- Lag time

- Previous Antigen exposure required

- Protects against pathogens and cancer cells

- Types

- Antibody-mediated: B cells

- Cell-mediated: T cells
Types of Immunity

Body Defenses

Innate Immunity

  • Physical barriers, secretion, chemical toxins

  • Phagocytosis - macrophages neutrophils engulf and digest recognized "foreign" cells – molecules

  • Inflammatory response - localized tissue response to injury producing swelling, redness, heat, pain

  • Natural Killer cells – special class of lymphocyte-like cells that destroy virus infected cells and cancer cells

  • Complements system activated proteins that destroy pathogen plasma membranes and enhance phagocytosis, inflamation

  • Interferon - proteins that non-specifically defend against viral infection

Innate Immunity / External Defenses

  • Physical barriers prevent entry of microorganisms & viruses

  1. Epidermis - provides a physical barrier, periodic shedding removes microbes

  2. Mucous membranes and mucus - traps microbes and foreign particles

  3. Hair - within the nose filters air containing microbes, dust, pollutants

  4. Cilia - lines the upper respiratory tract traps and propels inhaled debris to throat

  5. Lacrimal apparatus - produces tears that cleanse the eye

  6. Saliva - dilutes the number of microorganisms and washes the teeth and mouth

  7. Urine - flush microbes out of the urethra

  8. Defecation and vomiting - expel microorganisms.

  • Chemical factors

  1. Skin acidity - inhibit bacterial growth b/w 3 & 5

  2. Sebum -unsaturated fatty acids provide a protective film and inhibit growth, toxic to microbes

  3. Lysozyme- found in perspiration, tears, saliva can breakdown the cell wall of certain bacterial

  4. Hyaluronic acid - gelatinous substance that slows the spread of noxious agents

  5. Gastric Juice - strong acid that destroys ingested microbes and most toxins

Immune System Functions

1. Scavenge dead, dying body cells

2. Destroy abnormal (cancerous)

3. Protect from pathogens & foreign molecules: parasites, bacteria, viruses

Steps in Immune defense

  • Detect invader/foreign cells, communicate alarm & recruit immune cells, suppress or destroy invader

Innate Immunity – Phagocytosis

  • Scavenge dead, dying body cells, remove cellular debris

  • Engulf and digest recognized "foreign" cells

  • Destroy abnormal (cancerous)

  • Protect from pathogens & foreign molecules: parasites, bacteria, viruses

    • Monocyte - macrophage system – free and fixed

    • Margination – stick to the inner endothelial lining of capillaries of affected tissue

    • Move by diapedesis – move thru capillary walls

    • Microphages – Neutrophils and eosinophils

    • Exhibit chemotaxis

Phagocytes release chemical mediators

  • Kinins - stimulate complement system (plasma proteins), chemotaxins, pain

  • Clotting factors – walling off invasion

  • Lysosomal enzymes – destroy invaders


Fastest response of all WBC to bacteria and parasites

Direct actions against bacteria

- Release lysozymes which destroy/digest bacteria

- Release defensive proteins that act like antibiotics

- Release strong oxidants (bleach-like, strong chemicals) that destroy bacteria


- Leave capillaries to enter tissue fluid

- Attack parasitic worms

- Phagocytize antibody-antigen complexes


- Take longer to get to site of infection, but arrive in larger numbers

- Become free (roaming) macrophages, once they leave the capillaries

- Destroy microbes and clean up dead tissue following an infection

Phagocytic Cells

  • Phagocytes attach to their prey via surface receptors and engulf them, forming a vacuole that fuses with a lysosome

Phagocytosis Mechanisms

  • Chemotaxis

    • Attraction to certain chemical mediators

    • Released at the site of damage

    • Chemotaxins induce phagocytes to injury

  • Opsonization

    • Identify (mark) pathogen

    • Coated with chemical mediators

    • Most important opsonins

  • Toll-like receptors (TLR’s)

    • Phagocytic cells studded with plasma membrane receptor proteins

    • Bind with pathogen markers

    • Recognition - Allow phagocytes to “see” and distinguish from self-cells

Inflammatory Response

  • Inflammation – histamine release from mast cells and other chemicals released from injured cells promote changes in blood vessels

  • Changes allow more fluid, phagocytes, and antimicrobial proteins to enter tissues

  • Effects of inflammation include

    • Mobilization of local, regional, and systemic defenses

    • Slow the spread of pathogens

    • Temporary repair of injury

  • Macrophages, mast cells release histamine

    • Localized vasodilation

    • Capillary permeability - increased gaps in capillaries bring more WBC's & plasma proteins

    • Swelling, redness, heat and pain are incidental

  • Injured cells and phagocytes release cytokines (chemical signals)

    • Kinins - stimulate complement system (plasma proteins)

    • Chemotaxins – attract more phagocytes

    • Clotting factors – walling off invasion

Natural Killer Cells

- Patrol the body and attack virus-infected body cells and cancer cells

- Recognize cell surface markers on foreign cells

- Destroy cells with foreign antigens

- Rotation of the Golgi toward the target cell and production of perforins

- Release of perforins by exocytosis

- Interaction of perforins causing cell lysis
How Natural Killer Cells Kill Cellular Targets

Antimicrobial Proteins

  • Proteins function in innate defense by attacking microbes directly or impeding their reproduction

    • Complement System - About 30 proteins involved in the lysis of invading cells and helps trigger inflammation

    • Interferons – small proteins provide innate defense against viruses and help activate macrophages

Complement System

  • System of inactive proteins produced by liver circulating in blood and on cell membranes

  • Cascade of plasma complement proteins (C) activated by antibodies or antigens causing cascade of chemical reactions

  • Direct effect is lysis of microorganisms by destroying target cell membranes

  • Indirect effects include:

    • Chemotaxis

    • Opsonization

    • Inflammation: recruit phagocytes, B & T lymphocytes

Compliment Activation

Innate Cytokines - Interferons

  • Small antiviral proteins released by lymphocytes, macrophages, virally infected cells

  • 3 Major types of interferons are:

    • Alpha– produced by leukocytes and attract/stimulate NK cells

    • Beta– secreted by fibroblasts causing slow inflammation

    • Gamma – secreted by T cells and NK cells stimulate macrophage activity

  • Type I interferons – Alpha and Beta

    • Induced during many virus infections

      • IFN- a: Mainly by leukocytes

      • IFN- b: Mainly by fibroblast cells

    • Binds to membranes of adjacent, uninfected cells

    • Triggers production of proteins that interfere with viral replication

    • Enhances macrophage, natural killer, and cytotoxic T cell & B cell activity

    • Slows cell division and suppresses tumor growth

  • Type II Interferon - gamma

    • Activates macrophages and other immune cells

Integrated Defense

Acquired Immunity

  • In acquired immunity, lymphocytes provide specific defenses against infection

  • Involves

    • Cell mediated immunity: T cells

    • Antibody mediated immunity: B cells

  • Depends on B and T lymphocytes - specific immune response directed attack against pathogens (antigen)

  • Lag time ~ two weeks, previous Antigen exposure required

  • Protects against pathogens and cancer cells

Acquired Immunity

  • Antigen triggers an immune response

  • Activates T cells and B cells

    • T cells are activated after phagocytes exposed to antigen

  • T cells attack the antigen and stimulate B cells

  • Activated B cells mature and produce antibody

  • Antibody attacks antigen

Properties of Acquired Immunity

  • Specificity – activated by and responds to a specific antigen

  • Versatility – is ready to confront any antigen at any time

  • Memory – “remembers” any antigen it has encountered

  • Tolerance – responds to foreign substances but ignores normal tissues

Lymphatic System

  • Primary lymphatic organs – Bone marrow and Thymus

    • Lymphocytes mature into functional cells (red bone marrow B cells and thymus T cells)

    • Bone marrow – origin of blood cells

    • Thymus – site of maturing T Lymphocytes

  • Secondary lymphatic organs - lymph nodes, spleen

    • Site of immune response – lymph nodes

    • Lymph nodes – Exchange Lymphocyte w/ lymph (remove, store, produce, add)

      • Resident macrophages remove microbes and debris from lymph

      • Lymphocytes produce antibodies and sensitized T cells released in lymph

    • Spleen – Exchange Lymphocytes with blood, residents produce antibodies and sensitized T cells released in blood



  • An antigen is any foreign molecule that is specifically recognized by lymphocytes and elicits a response from them

  • A lymphocyte actually recognizes and binds to just a small, accessible portion of the antigen called an epitope or antigenic determinant

    • Antigenic determinants - Specific regions of a given antigen recognized by a lymphocyte

    • Antigenic receptors -Surface of lymphocyte that combines with antigenic determinant

Antigen Recognition by Lymphocytes

  • A single B cell or T cell has about 100,000 identical antigen receptors

  • All antigen receptors on a single cell recognize the same epitope

Cell-Mediated Immunity – T Cells

  • Antigens that stimulate this response are mainly intracellular (cell to cell).

  • Requires constant presence of antigen to remain effective

  • Involves numerous cytokines, over 100 have been identified

  • Stimulate and/or regulate immune responses

    • Interleukins: Communication between WBCs

    • Interferons: Protect against viral infections

    • Chemotaxins: Attract WBCs to infected areas

Lymphocyte Communication

  • Over 18 different types of interleukins are known; designated IL-1, IL-2…IL-18, etc.

  • IL-1 and IL-2 are primarily responsible for activating T and B lymphocytes, with IL-2 being a stimulant of T- and B-cell growth and maturation

  • IL-1, along with IL-6, is also a mediator of inflammation.

  • IL-4 often leads to an increase in antibody secretion by B lymphocytes

  • IL-12 causes a greater number of the leukocytes cytotoxic T cells and natural killer cells to be made

  • The set of interleukins produced by the presence of a specific infectious agent determines which cells will respond to the infection

Major types of T cells

  • Cytotoxic T cells – attack foreign cells

  • Helper T cells - activate other T cells and B cells

  • Suppressor T cells– inhibit the activation of T and B cells

  • Memory T cells – function during a second exposure to antigen

  • T cell membranes contain CD markers

    • CD3 markers present on all T cells

    • CD8 markers on cytotoxic and suppressor T cells

    • CD4 markers on helper T cells

Cell-Mediated Immunity – T Cell activation

  • T cells are activated when they detect and bind to small fragments of antigens that are combined with to cell-surface glycoproteins called major histocompatability complex (MHC) molecules

  • Lymphocytes respond to antigens bound to either class I or class II MHC proteins depending on the source of the MHC molecule and antigen presenting cell

  • Class I MHC molecules are displayed on the surface of infected nucleated cells, resulting in destruction of cells

  • Class II MHC molecules are displayed on the surface of phagocytes (antigen-presenting cells), resulting in activation of immune cells

Antigen Presenting Cells

  • Macrophages & Dendritic Cells engulf foreign antigens by phagocytosis, proteins broken down into peptides

  • Peptides go to ER and Golgi where they are attached to new MHC self antigen molecules

  • New self antigen and its antigen fragment are added to the cell membrane and presented to lymphocytes

  • T Cells Only Recognize Antigen Associated with MHC Molecules on Cell Surfaces

Class 1 MHC Molecules

  • Infected cells produce class I MHC molecules which bind to antigen fragments and then are transported to the cell surface in a process called antigen presentation

  • Binds and activates with cytotoxic T cell receptor

  • Cytotoxic T cell response

    • Clonal production of cytotoxic T cells and memory cells

    • Destruction of virus-infected cells, tumor cells, and tissue transplants

Cytotoxic T (TC) Cells – Destroy Target Cells CD8

  • Killer Ts or CD8

  • Recognize and destroy host cells that are infected with viruses or bacteria, cancer cells, transplanted tissue

  • Release protein called perforin which forms a pore in target cell, causing lysis of infected cells.

  • Produce cytokines, which promote phagocytosis and inflammation

  • Undergo apoptosis when stimulating antigen is gone.

Class II MHC molecules

  • Produced by dendritic cells, macrophages, and B cells

  • Macrophages & dendritic cells phagocytize antigens, proteins broken down into antigen fragments (peptides) and combined with Class II MHC molecules

  • Binds and activates Helper T cells

    • Clonal production of Helper T cells

    • Activation of Cytotoxic T cells

    • Activation of B cells

T Helper (TH) Cells – CD4

  • T Helper (TH) Cells: main role in immune response

  • Recognize antigen on the surface of antigen presenting cells

  • Secrete Interleukin II (T-cell growth factor), interferon and cytokines which stimulate lymphocyte activity

T Cell Overview

Memory T-Cells

  • Can survive a long time and give lifelong immunity from infection

  • Can stimulate memory B-cells to produce antibodies

  • Can trigger production of killer T cells

  • Thymosin - hormone important in T cell lineage, enhances capabilities of existing T cells and the proliferation of new T cells in lymphoid tissues - decreases after age 30-40

Proliferation of Lymphocytes

Antibody-Mediated (Humoral) Immunity

  • Involves production of antibodies against foreign antigens

  • Antibodies are produced B cells

  • B cells that are stimulated will actively secrete antibodies and are called plasma cells

  • Antibodies (immunoglobulins, Ig) are found in extracellular fluids (blood plasma, lymph, mucus, etc.) and the surface of B cells.

  • Defend against bacteria, bacterial toxins, and viruses that circulate freely in body fluids, before they enter cells

  • Also cause certain reactions against transplanted tissue

  • 1000s of different B cells, each recognizes a different antigen on the surface of a macrophage.

  • Each antigen stimulates production of a single specific antibody that the B cells (along with T cells) come in contact with

  • They are stimulated (by TH cells) to produce many clones, plasma cells, which make antibodies.

  • Memory B cells – secondary response = faster, more sensitive

Antibody Structure

  • Antibodies or Immunoglobulins (Ig)

    • Classes: IgG, IgM, IgA, IgE, IgD

    • Structure

      • Variable region - combines with anitgenic determinant of antigen

      • Constant region - responsible for other binding activities


  • (Immunoglobulins, Ig) are proteins that recognize specific antigens and bind to them.

  • They are found in extracellular fluids (blood plasma, lymph, mucus, etc.) and the surface of B cells

  • Defense against bacteria, bacterial toxins, and viruses that circulate freely in body fluids, before they enter cells.

  • Also cause certain reactions against transplanted tissue.

  • Antigenic determinants - specific regions of a given antigen recognized by a lymphocyte

  • Antigenic receptors are found on surface of lymphocyte that combines with antigenic determinant to form Antigen-Antibody Complex

  • Antibodies affinity: A measure of binding strength.

Consequences of Antigen- Antibody Binding

  • Agglutination - antibodies cause antigens (microbes) to clump together

  • Opsonization and Phagocytosis

  • Activates Complement System / Inflammatory Response

  • Neutralization

  • Antibody dependent NK / eosinophil cell response

Antigen-Antibody Complex on B Cell

  • Activate B lymphocyte production of:

Immunoglobulin Classes

  • Percentage serum antibodies: 80%,

  • location: Blood, lymph, intestine Only lg that crosses placenta, thus conferring passive immunity on fetus

  • Promotes opsonization, neutralization, and agglutination of antigens, protects fetus and newborn

  • Enhances phagocytosis, neutralizes toxins and viruses, protects fetus and newborn.


  • Percentage serum antibodies: 5-10%

  • Location: Blood, lymph, B cell surface (monomer)

  • First antibodies produced during an infection. Effective against microbes, complement activation and agglutinating antigens


  • Percentage serum antibodies: 10-15%

  • Location: Secretions (tears, saliva, intestine, breast milk), blood and lymph

  • Provides localized defense of mucous membranes by agglutination and neutralization of antigens

  • Localized protection of mucosal surfaces. Presence in breast milk confers passive immunity on nursing infant


  • Percentage serum antibodies: 0.2%

  • Location: Found primarily on surface of naive B cells that have not been exposed to antigens

  • Acts as antigen receptor in antigen-stimulated proliferation and differentiation of B cells (clonal selection)


  • Percentage serum antibodies: 0.002%

  • Location: Bound to mast cells and basophils throughout body

  • Triggers release of histamine and other chemicals that cause allergic reactions

B Cell Antibody Production

  • B cells develop from stem cells in the bone marrow of adults (liver of fetuses).

  • After maturation B cells migrate to lymphoid organs (lymph node or spleen).

  • Clonal Selection: When a B cell encounters an antigen it recognizes, it is stimulated and divides into many clones called plasma cells, which actively secrete antibodies.

  • Each B cell produces antibodies that will recognize only one antigenic determinant.

B Cell Sensitization And Activation

  • Sensitization – the binding of antigens to the B cell membrane antibodies

  • Helper T cells present the same antigen to stimulate B cell

  • Stimulated B cells divide into many clones called plasma cells, which actively secrete antibodies

  • Each B cell produces antibodies that will recognize only one antigenic determinant

  • Active B cells also differentiate into Memory B Cells

Immunological Memory

  • Primary Response:

    • After initial exposure to antigen, no antibodies are found in serum for several days. A gradual increase number of Abs, first of IgM and then of IgG is observed.

    • Most B cells become plasma cells, but some B cells become long living memory cells. Gradual decline of antibodies follows.

  • Secondary Response - Subsequent exposure to the same antigen displays a faster/more intense response due to the existence of memory cells, which rapidly produce plasma cells upon antigen stimulation

Clonal Selection

  • Clonal Selection: B cells (and T cells) that encounter stimulating antigen will proliferate into a large group of cells.

  • Why don’t we produce antibodies against our own antigens? We have developed tolerance to them.

  • Tolerance: To prevent the immune system from responding to self-antigens

    • Clonal Deletion: B and T cells that react against self antigens are normally destroyed during fetal development

    • Preventing activation of lymphocytes – activate suppressor T cells, control the immune system when the antigen / pathogen has been destroyed


  • Programmed cell death (“Falling away”).

  • Human body makes 100 million lymphocytes every day. If an equivalent number doesn’t die, will develop leukemia.

  • B cells that do not encounter stimulating antigen will self-destruct and send signals to phagocytes to dispose of their remains.

  • Many virus infected cells will undergo apoptosis, to help prevent spread of the infection.

Autoimmune Diseases: Failure of “Self-Tolerance”

  • Some diabetes mellitus – attack b- cells

  • Multiple sclerosis – attack on myelin nerve sheath

  • Rheumatoid arthritis – attack joint cartilage

  • Myasthenia gravis – ACh-receptors at endplate attacked

Allergic Response: Inflammation Reaction to Non-pathogen

- First exposure: sensitization and activation clone B cells that form antibodies and memory cells

- Re-exposure: many antibodies produced, activated Ts intensify inflammatory response


  • Body defends itself with barriers, chemicals & immune responses

  • WBCs and relatives conduct direct cellular attack: phagocytosis, activated NK & cytotoxic T cells and produce attack proteins (i.e. antibodies, complement, & membrane attack complex)

  • Cytokines, communicate cell activation, recruitment, swelling, pain, & fever in the inflammation response

  • Defense against bacteria is mostly innate while viral defense relies more on acquired immune responses

  • Autoimmune diseases are a failure of self-tolerance


  • Agglutination of red blood cells used to determine ABO blood types and to detect influenza and measles viruses

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