Board Meeting Minutes

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Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, September 9th 2014 3:00 p.m.

W. G. Mills Building 3301 Whitfield Avenue, Sarasota, FL  34243

Board Members:

Present: Marie Byrd, Philip Brown, Chris Carle, Patrick Carnegie, Alex Chavez, Steve Lobel, and Felice Schulaner

Absent: Darryl Cobb

Others Present: Cindy Cavallaro- Day, A. Louis Parker, Shannon Rohrer-Phillips, and Neil Phillips
Quorum present? Yes

  • Meeting called to order at 12:15 p.m. by Visible Men Academy Board Chair, Marie Byrd

  • A special Thank You to Chris Carle for providing the meeting location

Approval of the minutes:

  • 7/15/14 Meeting minutes were properly moved by Alex Chavez seconded by Felice Schulaner

  1. Chair Report- Marie Byrd

    1. Neil is in his final year of his 2- year contract

    2. The search needs to start November 1

    3. There has been activity already

    4. A search firm will not be needed; Board members, parents, founders, teachers will be considered in the selection process

    5. A question was asked about the budget implications

    6. Discussion was had about VMA’s future location

    7. Board Retreat dates were discussed (October 11, 9 am-3 pm, location TBD)

  2. CEO Report- Neil Phillips

    1. Enrollment is at 99; K- 25, First 23, Second 20, Third 18, Fourth 13

    2. We have 6 Lead Teachers, 3 Associate teachers, 1 Art Teacher (Dean of Students) 1 PE Teacher (Part time) 1 Full Time Registrar, 1 Dir. Of Student and Family Services, ESE Specialist (Part time), and 1 Full Time Administrative Assistant

    3. Current curriculum was discussed with a focus in individualized instruction

    4. We stay committed to infusing more of the Visible Men Success Principles into our programming

    5. The “Keys to Success Week” is in Day 2 (Dreaming, Achievement Attitude, Work Ethic) Teachers asked to align Success Principles to the classroom content

    6. Our first Saturday Success was on September 6th with 60 students attending

    7. Student conduct remains being preemptive and not reactive. Recognizing the signs of potential problems

    8. We also have the creation of the Student Conduct Team (Associate Teachers)

    9. SUNSHINE Afterschool Program (Coding, Gardening, Karate, Legos) is run by our Dean of Students, with VMA teachers and a few outside instructors running classes from 4:30 pm- 5:30 pm.

    10. The Fourth graders at VMA are looking strong

    11. Third and Fourth grade were combined into one class with a teacher and full time associate Teacher

    12. Space issues and volume of students required the decision to hire a Fourth grade teacher that will start on 9/15/14

    13. Student and Family Services- Shannon Rohrer- Phillips

  • 2 reports were distributed (Board Report and Flyer with Student and Family Services)

  • Parenting Services from JFCS, and Parent Workshops during Saturday Success were reviewed

  1. Finance Report- Louis Parker

    1. The budget was approved in June for 150 students

    2. The CSP (Charter School Plan) is in the approval process

    3. We will submit a budget of 130 students with Board approval

    4. $600,000 deficit will be addressed at November Board meeting

  2. Development Report- Cindy Cavallaro- Day

    1. Our Board has 100% financial contribution

    2. Cindy and Felice invited to by the Community Foundation of Sarasota County to participate in a Fundraising Tool Kit (4 Fundraising Workshops)

    3. A report was distributed

    4. Grant writing has slowed down in favor of individual donors

    5. Daylite data base continues to be a great organizational tool

    6. November 14 event with Patterson Foundation (Ericka Dunlap)

    7. In- Kind donations keep coming in (Humana, Goodwill Manasota)

    8. Volunteer Protocol put together

    9. We still need to find a grant writer

    10. A yearbook and letter was sent to the top 25 donors

    11. SMART (Science, Math, Art, Reading, Technology) Fundraising receptions

      1. October 18 (Kat and Flor’s home)

      2. November 6 (Felice and Dennis’s home)

    12. End of the Year Ask mailer December 1

    13. Other fundraising events will be planned for Spring (SHINE On!, Home reception)

    14. New College interns will be interviewed for SUNSHINE After School program

  3. Other Committee Reports

    1. Education Committee- Neil Phillips

      1. Ideas about the Education Committee were distributed.

      2. The Board Business accounts for a progressive, results oriented environment

    2. Growth Planning Committee- Neil Phillips

      1. Does not exist

    3. Governance Committee- Neil Phillips

      1. Neil met with Alicia Chalmers (Consultant with Patterson Foundation)

      2. Neil asked Marie to put forth Alicia Chalmers as a new member of the VMA Board of Directors

      3. Marie made a motion, it was seconded by Alex and it was properly approved

  4. New Business

    1. Audit is under way (working with SFS- School Financial Services)

    2. New leadership needed for Education and Governance committees

    3. Discussion was had on the background of potential Board member Marilyn Thompson

    4. Neil gave remarks about his hopes for more Board Member voices during the retreat

  5. Adjournment

    1. A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Chris Carle, and seconded by Steve Lobel

    2. The meeting was adjourned at 5:12 pm

Next Board Meeting:

Tuesday, November 18th 2014 3-5 pm @ W. G. Mills Building

3301 Whitfield Avenue, Sarasota, FL  34243
Minutes submitted by VMA Administrative Assistant, Dawnyelle Singleton with assistance from audio recording, and Marie Byrd.

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