Book Eastman, J. T. 1993. Antarctic Fish Biology: Evolution in a Unique Environment. Academic Press, San Diego, 322 pages. Research Papers and Book Chapters

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Eastman, J.T. 1993. Antarctic Fish Biology: Evolution in a Unique Environment. Academic Press, San Diego, 322 pages.

Research Papers and Book Chapters

(Many are available as pdf files in the REPRINT DOWNLOADS link.)

114. Amsler, M.O., J.T. Eastman, K.E. Smith, J.B. McClintock, H. Singh, S. Thatje and R.B. Aronson. 2015. Zonation of demersal fishes along the outer shelf and upper slope off Anvers Island, Western Antarctic Peninsula. Antarctic Science, (in press).
113. La Mesa, M., A. Castell, J.T. Eastman and E. Riginella. 2015. Factors involved in prey resource partitioning in the genus Artedidraco (Notothenioidei, Artedidraconidae) from the western Ross Sea. Hydrobiologia, (in press).
112. Near, T.J., A. Dornberg, R.C. Harrington, C. Oliveria, T.W. Pietsch, C.E. Thacker, T.P. Satoh, E. Kayayama, P.C. Wainwright, J.T. Eastman and J.M. Beaulieu. 2015. Identification of the notothenioid sister lineage illuminates the biogeographic history of an Antarctic adaptive radiation. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 15:109.

111. Bansode, M.A., J.T. Eastman and R.B. Aronson. 2014. Feeding biomechanics of five demersal Antarctic fishes. Polar Biology, 37:1835–1848.

110. Eastman, J.T., Witmer, L.M., Ridgely, R.C. and K.L. Kuhn. 2014. Divergence in skeletal mass and bone morphology in Antarctic notothenioid fishes. Journal of Morphology, 275:841-861.
109. Obermüller, B.E., M. Truebano, L.S. Peck, J.T. Eastman and S.A. Morley. 2013. Reduced seasonality in elemental CHN composition of Antarctic marine benthic predators and scavengers. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 446:328–333.

108. Eastman, J.T., M.O. Amsler, R.B. Aronson, S. Thatje, J.B. McClintock, S.C. Vos, J.W. Kaeli, H. Singh and M. La Mesa. 2013. Photographic survey of benthos provides insights into the Antarctic fish fauna from the Marguerite Bay slope and the Amundsen Sea. Antarctic Science, 25:31–43.
107. Ainley, D.G., N. Nur, J.T. Eastman, G. Ballard, C.L. Parkinson, Clive W. Evans and A.L. DeVries. 2013. Decadal trends in abundance, size and condition of Antarctic toothfish in McMurdo, Sound, Antarctica, 1972–2011. Fish and Fisheries, 14:343–363.

106. Claeson, K.M., J.T. Eastman and R.D.E. MacPhee. 2012. Definitive specimens of Merlucciidae (Gadiformes) from the Eocene James Ross Basin of Isla Marambio (Seymour Island), Antarctic Peninsula. Antarctic Science, 24:467–472.

105. Barrera-Oro, E., J.T. Eastman and E. Moreira. 2012. Phenotypic plasticity in the Antarctic nototheniid fish Trematomus newnesi: a guide to the identification of typical, large mouth and intermediate morphs. Polar Biology, 35:1047–1056.

104. La Mesa, M. and J.T. Eastman. 2012. Antarctic silverfish: life strategies of a key species in the high-Antarctic ecosystem. Fish and Fisheries, 13:241–266.

103. La Mesa, M. and J.T. Eastman. 2012. First data on age and sexual maturity of the Tristan klipfish, Bovichtus diacanthus (Bovichtidae) from Tristan da Cunha (South Atlantic). Antarctic Science, 24:115–120.
102. Near, T.J., A. Dornburg, K.L. Kuhn, J.T. Eastman, J.N. Pennington, T. Patarnello, L. Zane, D.A. Fernández and C.D. Jones. 2012. Ancient climate change, antifreeze, and the evolutionary diversification of Antarctic fishes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 109:3434–3439.
101. Ainley, D.G, C.M. Brooks, J.T. Eastman and M. Massaro. 2012. Unnatural selection of Antarctic toothfish in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. In: Protection of the Three Poles, ed. by F. Huettmann. Springer, Tokyo, pp. 53–75.

100. Eastman, J.T., E. Barrera-Oro and E. Moreira. 2011. Adaptive radiation at a low taxonomic level: divergence in buoyancy of the ecologically similar Antarctic fish Notothenia coriiceps and N. rossii. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 438:195–206.

99. Kim, S.Z., D.G. Ainley, J. Pennycook and J.T. Eastman. 2011. Antarctic toothfish fish heads found along tide cracks of the McMurdo Ice Shelf. Antarctic Science, 23:469–470.

98. Stevens, N.J., J.T. Eastman, S.O. Odunze, L.N. Cooper and G.C. Obi. 2011. Paleocene ichthyofauna and paleoenvironmental setting, Imo Formation, southeastern Nigeria. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, 260:289–296.

97. Eastman, J.T. and M.J. Lannoo. 2011. Divergence of brain and retinal anatomy and histology in pelagic Antarctic notothenioid fishes of the sister taxa Dissostichus and Pleuragramma. Journal of Morphology, 272:419–441.
96. Kuhn, K.L., T.J. Near, H.W Detrich III and J.T. Eastman. 2011. Biology of the Antarctic dragonfish Vomeridens infuscipinnis (Notothenioidei: Bathydraconidae). Antarctic Science, 23:18–26.
95. Eastman, J.T. and E. Barrera-Oro. 2010. Buoyancy studies of three morphs of the Antarctic fish Trematomus newnesi (Nototheniidae) from the South Shetland Islands. Polar Biology, 33:823–831.
94. La Mesa, M., V. Caputo and J.T. Eastman. 2010. Some reproductive traits of the Tristan klipfish, Bovichtus diacanthus (Carmichael 1819) (Notothenioidei: Bovichtidae) from Tristan da Cunha (South Atlantic). Polar Biology, 33:337–346.

93. Lannoo, M.J., J.T. Eastman and J.W. Orr. 2009. Nervous and sensory systems in sub-Arctic and Antarctic snailfishes of the genus Paraliparis (Teleostei: Scorpaeniformes: Liparidae). Copeia, 2009(4):732–739.
92. Eakin, R.R., J.T. Eastman and T.J. Near. 2009. A new species and a molecular phylogenetic analysis of the Antarctic fish genus Pogonophryne (Notothenioidei: Artedidraconidae). Copeia, 2009(4):705–713.
91. Kuhn, K.L., T.J. Near, C.D. Jones and J.T. Eastman. 2009. Aspects of the biology and population genetics of the Antarctic nototheniid fish Trematomus nicolai. Copeia, 2009(2):320–327.
90. Near, T.J., C.D. Jones and J.T. Eastman. 2009. Geographic intraspecific variation in buoyancy within Antarctic notothenioid fishes. Antarctic Science, 21:123–129.

89. Jones, C.D., M.E. Anderson, A.V. Balushkin, G. Duhamel, R.R. Eakin, J.T. Eastman, K.L. Kuhn, G. Lecointre, T.J. Near, A.W. North, D.L. Stein, M. Vacchi and H.W. Detrich III. 2008. Diversity, relative abundance, new locality records and population structure of demersal fishes from the northern Scotia Arc islands and Bouvetøya. Polar Biology, 31:1481–1497.
88. Fenaughty, J.M., J.T. Eastman and B.D. Sidell. 2008. Biological implications of low condition factor “axe handle” specimens of the Antarctic toothfish, Dissostichus mawsoni, from the Ross Sea. Antarctic Science, 20:537–551.

87. Eakin, R.R., J.T. Eastman and J. Matallanas. 2008. New species of Pogonophryne (Pisces, Artedidraconidae) from the Bellingshausen Sea, Antarctica. Polar Biology, 31:1175–1179.

86. La Mesa, M., V. Caputo and J.T. Eastman. 2008. The reproductive biology of two epibenthic species of Antarctic nototheniid fish of the genus Trematomus. Antarctic Science, 20:355–364.
85. Eastman, J.T. and M.J. Lannoo. 2008. Brain and sense organ anatomy and histology of the Falkland Islands mullet, Eleginops maclovinus (Eleginopidae), the sister group of the Antarctic notothenioid fishes (Perciformes: Notothenioidei). Journal of Morphology, 269:84–103.
84. Ainley, D., Ballard, G., Ackley, S., Blight, L.K., Eastman, J.T., Emslie, S.D., Lescroël, A., Olmastroni, S., Townsend, S.E., Tynan, C.T., Wilson P. and E. Woehler. 2007. Paradigm lost, or is top-down forcing no longer significant in the Antarctic marine ecosystem? Antarctic Science, 19:283–290.

83. di Prisco, G., J.T. Eastman, D. Giordano, E. Parisi and C. Verde. 2007. Biogeography and adaptation of notothenioid fish: hemoglobin function and globin-gene evolution. Gene, 398:143-155.
82. Wujcik, J.M., G. Wang, J.T. Eastman and B.D. Sidell. 2007. Morphometry of retinal vasculature in Antarctic fishes is dependent upon the level of hemoglobin in circulation. Journal of Experimental Biology, 210:815–824.

81. Eastman, J.T. and M.J. Lannoo. 2007. Brain and sense organ anatomy and histology of two species of phyletically basal non-Antarctic thornfishes of the Antarctic suborder Notothenioidei (Perciformes: Bovichtidae). Journal of Morphology, 268:485–503.

80. La Mesa, M., J.T. Eastman and P. Licandro. 2007. Feeding habits of Bathydraco marri (Pisces, Notothenioidei, Bathydraconidae) from the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Polar Biology, 30:541–547.
79. La Mesa, M., V. Caputo and J.T. Eastman. 2007. Gametogenesis in the dragonfishes Akarotaxis nudiceps and Bathydraco marri (Pisces, Notothenioidei: Bathydraconidae) from the Ross Sea. Antarctic Science, 19:64–70.
78. Vacchi, M., M. Bottaro, E. Pisano, J.T. Eastman and R.R. Eakin. 2007. Aspects of gonadal morphology in the South Georgian plunderfish Artedidraco mirus (Perciformes: Artedidraconidae). Polar Biology, 30:125–131.

77. Eakin, R.R., J.T. Eastman and M. Vacchi. 2006. Sexual dimorphism and mental barbel structure in the South Georgia plunderfish Artedidraco mirus (Perciformes: Notothenioidei: Artedidraconidae). Polar Biology, 30:45–52.

76. Eastman, J.T. 2006. Aspects of the morphology of phyletically basal bovichtid fishes of the Antarctic suborder Notothenioidei (Perciformes). Polar Biology, 29:754–763.

75. La Mesa, M., V. Caputo, R. Rampa and J.T. Eastman. 2006. Gametogenesis in the Antarctic plunderfishes Artedidraco lönnbergi and Artedidraco skottsbergi (Pisces: Artedidraconidae) from the Ross Sea. Antarctic Science, 18:183–190.

74. Lannoo, M.J. and J.T. Eastman. 2006. Brain and sensory organ morphology in Antarctic eelpouts (Perciformes: Zoarcidae: Lycodinae). Journal of Morphology, 267:115–127.

73. Eastman, J.T. 2005. The nature of the diversity of Antarctic fishes. Polar Biology, 28:93– 107.
72. Eastman, J.T. and M.J. Lannoo. 2004. Brain and sense organ anatomy and histology in hemoglobinless Antarctic icefishes (Perciformes: Notothenioidei: Channichthyidae). Journal of Morphology, 260:117–140.
71. La Mesa, M., J.T. Eastman and M. Vacchi. 2004. The role of notothenioid fish in the food web of the Ross Sea shelf waters: a review. Polar Biology, 27:321–338.

70. Eastman, J.T. and M.J. Lannoo. 2003. Diversification of brain and sense organ morphology in Antarctic dragonfishes (Perciformes: Notothenioidei: Bathydraconidae). Journal of Morphology, 258:130–150.
69. Eastman, J.T. and M.J. Lannoo. 2003. Anatomy and histology of the brain and sense organs of the Antarctic plunderfish Dolloidraco longedorsalis (Perciformes: Notothenioidei: Artedidraconidae), with comments on the brain morphology of other artedidraconids and closely related harpagiferids. Journal of Morphology, 255:358–377.

68. Eastman, J.T. and B.D. Sidell. 2002. Measurements of buoyancy for some Antarctic notothenioid fishes from the South Shetland Islands. Polar Biology, 25:753–760.

67. Eastman, J.T. and J.P. Barry. 2002. Underwater video observation of the Antarctic toothfish Dissostichus mawsoni (Perciformes: Nototheniidae) in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Polar Biology, 25:391–395.

66. La Mesa, M., M. Vacchi, T. Iwami and J.T. Eastman. 2002. Taxonomic studies of the Antarctic icefish genus Cryodraco Dollo, 1900 (Notothenioidei: Channichthyidae). Polar Biology, 25:384–390.
65. Eakin, R.R., J.T. Eastman and C.D. Jones. 2001. Mental barbel variation in Pogonophryne scotti Regan (Pisces: Perciformes: Artedidraconidae). Antarctic Science, 13:363–370.
64. Eastman, J.T. and R.R. Eakin. 2001. Mental barbel and meristic variation in the Antarctic notothenioid fish Dolloidraco longedorsalis (Perciformes: Artedidraconidae) from the Ross Sea. Polar Biology, 24:729–734.
63. Chernova, N.V. and J.T. Eastman. 2001. Two new species of snailfish genus Paraliparis (Pisces: Liparidae) from the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Journal of Fish Biology, 59:92– 104.
62. Eastman, J.T. and M.J. Lannoo. 2001. Anatomy and histology of the brain and sense organs of the Antarctic eel cod Muraenolepis microps (Gadiformes; Muraenolepididae). Journal of Morphology, 250:34–50.
61. Eastman, J.T and A.R. McCune. 2000. Fishes on the Antarctic continental shelf: evolution of a marine species flock? Journal of Fish Biology, 57 (Supplement A):84–102.

60. Eastman, J.T. 2000. Antarctic notothenioid fishes as subjects for research in evolutionary biology. Antarctic Science, 12:276–287.
59. Lannoo, M.J. and J.T. Eastman. 2000. Nervous and sensory system correlates of an epibenthic evolutionary radiation in Antarctic notothenioid fishes, genus Trematomus (Perciformes; Nototheniidae). Journal of Morphology, 245:67–79.
58. Eastman, J.T. and R.R. Eakin. 2000. An updated species list for notothenioid fish (Perciformes; Notothenioidei), with comments on Antarctic species. Archive of Fishery and Marine Research, 48:11–20.
57. Eastman, J.T. and A.L. DeVries. 2000. Aspects of body size and gonadal histology in the Antarctic toothfish, Dissostichus mawsoni, from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Polar Biology, 23:189–195.
56. Eastman, J.T. and G. Hubold. 1999. The fish fauna of the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 11:293–304.
55. Eastman, J.T. 1999. Aspects of the biology of the icefish Dacodraco hunteri (Notothenioidei, Channichthyidae) in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Polar Biology, 21:194–196.
54. Eastman, J.T and R.R. Eakin. 1999. Fishes of the genus Artedidraco (Pisces, Artedidraconidae) from the Ross Sea, Antarctica, with the description of a new species and a colour morph. Antarctic Science, 11:13–22.
53. Eakin, R.R. and J.T. Eastman. 1998. New species of Pogonophryne (Pisces, Artedidraconidae) from the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Copeia, 1998(4):1005–1009.
52. Eastman, J.T. and M.J. Lannoo. 1998. Morphology of the brain and sense organs in the snailfish Paraliparis devriesi: Neural convergence and sensory compensation on the Antarctic shelf. Journal of Morphology, 237:213–236.
51. Eastman, J.T. and A. Clarke. 1998. A comparison of adaptive radiations of Antarctic fish with those of nonAntarctic fish. In: Fishes of Antarctica: A Biological Overview, ed. by G. di Prisco, E. Pisano, and A. Clarke. Springer-Verlag Italia, Milan, pp. 3–26.
50. Eastman, J.T. 1997. Fishes from the southern and western Ross Sea. Antarctic Journal of the United States, 32:96–98.
49. Eastman, J.T. 1997. Comparison of the Antarctic and the Arctic fish faunas. Cybium (Revue Européenne d’ Ichtyologie), 21:335–352.
48. Eastman, J.T. 1997. Phyletic divergence and specialization for pelagic life in the Antarctic nototheniid fish Pleuragramma antarcticum. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 118A:1095–1101.
47. Eastman, J.T. and A.L. DeVries. 1997. Biology and phenotypic plasticity of the Antarctic nototheniid fish Trematomus newnesi in McMurdo Sound. Antarctic Science, 9:27–35.
46. Eastman, J.T. and A.L. DeVries. 1997. Morphology of the digestive system of Antarctic nototheniid fishes. Polar Biology, 17:1–13.
45. Eastman, J.T. 1996. Phenotypic plasticity in the nototheniid fish Trematomus newnesi from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Antarctic Journal of the United States, 31:113–115.
44. Eastman, J.T. 1995. The evolution of Antarctic fishes: Questions for consideration and avenues for research. Cybium (Revue Européenne d’ Ichtyologie), 19:371–389.
43. Lannoo, M.J. and J.T. Eastman. 1995. Periventricular morphology in the diencephalon of Antarctic notothenioid teleosts. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 361:95–107.
42. Eastman, J.T. and M.J. Lannoo. 1995. Diversification of brain morphology in Antarctic notothenioid fishes: Basic descriptions and ecological considerations. Journal of Morphology, 223:47–83.
41. Jung, A., P. Johnson, J.T. Eastman and A.L. DeVries. 1995. Protein content and freezing avoidance properties of the subdermal extracellular matrix and serum of the Antarctic snailfish, Paraliparis devriesi. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 14:71–80.
40. Eastman, J.T., R.S. Hikida and A.L. DeVries. 1994. Buoyancy studies and microscopy of skin and subdermal extracellular matrix of the Antarctic snailfish, Paraliparis devriesi. Journal of Morphology, 220:85–101.
39. Eastman, J.T. 1991. The fossil and modern fish faunas of Antarctica: Evolution and diversity. In: Biology of Antarctic Fish, ed. by G. di Prisco, B. Maresca and B. Tota. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 116–130.
38. Eastman, J.T. and R.S. Hikida. 1991. Skin structure and vascularization in the Antarctic

notothenioid fish Gymnodraco acuticeps. Journal of Morphology, 208:347–365.

37. Eastman, J.T. and L. Grande. 1991. Late Eocene gadiform (Teleostei) skull from Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Antarctic Science, 3:87–95.
36. Eastman, J.T. 1991. Evolution and diversification of Antarctic notothenioid fishes. American Zoologist, 31:93–109.
35. Eastman, J.T. 1990. The biology and physiological ecology of notothenioid fishes. In: Fishes of the Southern Ocean, ed. by O. Gon and P.C. Heemstra. J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, South Africa, pp. 34–51.
34. Eastman, J.T. and A.L. DeVries. 1989. Antarctic fishes. In: Life at the Edge, ed. by J.L. Gould and C. G. Gould. W.H. Freeman & Co., New York, pp. 49–58.
33. Eastman, J.T. and A.L. DeVries. 1989. Ultrastructure of the lipid sac wall in the Antarctic notothenioid fish Pleuragramma antarcticum. Polar Biology, 9:333–335.
32. Eastman, J.T. and L. Grande. 1989. Evolution of the Antarctic fish fauna with emphasis on the Recent notothenioids. In: Origins and Evolution of the Antarctic Biota, ed. by J.A. Crame. Geological Society, London, Special Publication No. 47, pp. 241–252.
31. Eastman, J.T. 1988. Ocular morphology in Antarctic notothenioid fishes. Journal of Morphology, 196:283–306.
30. Eastman, J.T. 1988. Lipid storage systems and the biology of two neutrally buoyant Antarctic notothenioid fishes. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 90B:529– 537.
29. Eastman, J.T., R.B. Boyd and A.L. DeVries. 1987. Renal corpuscle development in boreal fishes with and without antifreezes. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 4:89–100.
28. Eastman, J.T. and A.L. DeVries. 1986. Renal glomerular evolution in Antarctic notothenioid fishes. Journal of Fish Biology, 29:649–662.
27. Eastman, J.T. and A.L. DeVries. 1986. Antarctic fishes. Scientific American, 255(5):106– 114.
26. Grande, L. and J.T. Eastman. 1986. A review of Antarctic ichthyofaunas in the light of new fossil discoveries. Palaeontology, 29:113–137.
25. Eastman, J.T. 1985. Pleuragramma antarcticum (Pisces, Nototheniidae) as food for other fishes in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Polar Biology, 4:155–160.
24. Eastman, J.T. and A.L. DeVries. 1985. Adaptations for cryopelagic life in the Antarctic notothenioid fish Pagothenia borchgrevinki. Polar Biology, 4:45–52.
23. Eastman, J.T. 1985. The evolution of neutrally buoyant notothenioid fishes: Their specializations and potential interactions in the Antarctic marine food web. In: Antarctic Nutrient Cycles and Food Webs (Proceedings of the Fourth SCAR Symposium on Antarctic Biology), ed. by W.R. Siegfried, P.R. Condy and R.M. Laws. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 430–436.
22. Clarke, A., N. Doherty, A.L. DeVries and J.T. Eastman. 1984. Lipid content and composition of three species of Antarctic fish in relation to buoyancy. Polar Biology, 3:77–83.
21. Eastman, J.T. 1983. Vertebral variation in notothenioid fishes from McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Polar Biology, 1:217–220.
20. Portanova, R. and J.T. Eastman. 1983. Preparation of enriched populations of corticotrophs from goldfish rostral pars distalis. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 49:81– 89.
19. Eastman, J.T. and R. Portanova. 1982. ACTH activity in the pituitary and brain of the least brook lamprey, Lampetra aepyptera. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 47:346–350.
18. Grande, L., J.T. Eastman and T.M. Cavender. 1982. Amyzon gosiutensis, a new catostomid fish from the Green River Formation of Wyoming. Copeia, 1982(3):523–532.
17. Eastman, J.T. and A.L. DeVries. 1982. Buoyancy studies of notothenioid fishes in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Copeia, 1982(2):385–393.
16. Eastman, J.T. 1981. Morphological specializations in Antarctic fishes. Antarctic Journal of the United States, 16:146–147.
15. DeVries, A.L. and J.T. Eastman. 1981. Physiology and ecology of notothenioid fishes of the Ross Sea. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 11:329–340.
14. Eastman, J.T. and A.L. DeVries. 1981. Hepatic ultrastructural specialization in Antarctic fishes. Cell and Tissue Research, 219:489–496.
13. Eastman, J.T. and A.L. DeVries. 1981. Buoyancy adaptations in a swim-bladderless Antarctic fish. Journal of Morphology, 167:91–102.
12. Eastman, J.T. 1980. Evolutionary divergence in McMurdo Sound fishes. Antarctic Journal of the United States, 15:151–153.
11. Boyd, R.B., A.L. DeVries, J.T. Eastman and G.G. Pietra. 1980. The secondary lamellae of the gills of cold water (high latitude) teleosts: A comparative light and electron microscopic study. Cell and Tissue Research, 213:361–367.
10. Eastman, J.T. 1980. The caudal skeletons of catostomid fishes. American Midland Naturalist, 103:133–148.
9. Eastman, J.T. 1979. Buoyancy and morphological studies of Antarctic fishes. Antarctic Journal of the United States, 14:164–166.
8. Eastman, J.T., A.L. DeVries, R.E. Coalson, R.E. Nordquist and R.B. Boyd. 1979. Renal conservation of antifreeze peptide in the Antarctic eelpout, Rhigophila dearborni. Nature, 282:217–218.
7. DeVries, A.L. and J.T. Eastman. 1978. Lipid sacs as a buoyancy adaptation in an Antarctic fish. Nature, 271:352–353.
6. Eastman, J.T. 1977. The pharyngeal bones and teeth of catostomid fishes. American Midland Naturalist, 97:68–88.
5. Eastman, J.T. and R.E. Coalson. 1974. The digestive system of the Weddell seal, Leptonychotes weddelli—A review. In: Functional Anatomy of Marine Mammals, Vol. 2, ed. by R.J. Harrison. Academic Press, London and New York, pp. 253–320.
4. Eastman, J.T. and J.C. Underhill. 1973. Intraspecific variation in the pharyngeal tooth formulae of some cyprinid fishes. Copeia, 1973(1):45–53.
3. Eastman, J.T. 1971. The pharyngeal bone musculature of the carp, Cyprinus carpio. Journal of Morphology, 134:131–140.
2. Eastman, J.T., R.H. Moore and G.L. Phillips. 1970. Arius felis: Pelvic fin modification in female. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society, 89:427–430.
1. Eastman, J.T. 1969. Progresive changes in the ventral aorta of the carp, Cyprinus carpio. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 26:2425–2430.

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