Brazil Uncut: Serra dos Toucanos, Minas Gerais, Pantanal and Cristalino

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Brazil Uncut: Serra dos Toucanos, Minas Gerais, Pantanal and Cristalino (four legs or one trip)

This trip is a complete survey tour in four parts, which can be taken separately or as a whole, on which we will visit four of Brazil’s five major ecosystems. We will commence the tour at a base in the heart of the world-famous Atlantic Forest, the renowned Mata Atlântica, and its incredibly diverse avifauna, including many stunning endemics, some of them now very rare. From there, we will proceed to the forests and grasslands of Minas Gerais state, in the south-eastern part of the Cerrado, the enormous grassland area that once covered much of the interior of Brazil, but is now sadly devastated. Indeed, these native grasslands and their wildlife are, remarkably, even more threatened than the forests of Amazônia or the coastal littoral. Stunning birds such as the globally threatened Brazilian Merganser and the equally rare and endangered northern muriqui, a spider monkey, will be among our special targets in this region. An internal flight will place us at the gateway to the Pantanal, the largest wetland in South America, home to astonishing numbers of waterbirds, the superlative Hyacinth Macaw, and the most reliable place on Earth to see one of the world’s most superb large cats, the jaguar. Mammals in general will be a special focus of our time in this area, although it will be hard to tear ourselves away from the extraordinary abundance of colorful birds. Finally, another internal flight will bring us to northern Mato Grosso and the south-east edge of the greatest tropical forest on the planet, Amazônia. We will have four full days at the fantastic Cristalino Jungle Lodge, famed far beyond the borders of Brazil for its fine accommodations, good food, and, of course, almost unimaginably diverse birdlife.

Your guide Guy Kirwan is one of the most experienced tour leaders in Brazil, having spent more than seven years in the field there. In the process, he has amassed one of the largest lists of birds seen in Brazil, as well as having published numerous papers in the scientific literature on the distribution, taxonomy, and breeding ecology of the birds of his adopted second home. He has special familiarity with all of the areas visited on this tour, but will be assisted by local guides with particular knowledge of the mammals at both sites in the Pantanal.

Please note that the detailed itinerary below cannot be guaranteed as it is only a rough guide and can be changed (usually slightly) due to factors such as availability  of accommodation, updated information on the state of accommodation, roads or birding sites, and the discretion of the guides and other factors.

Itinerary (26 days/25 nights, if the tour is taken in its entirety)

Day 1. Arrival in Brazil
Your international flights will arrive in Rio de Janeiro. From the airport we will be transferred to our very comfortable small lodge, which caters specifically to birdwatchers and naturalists.
Overnight: Serra dos Tucanos Lodge, Tres Picos State Park

Days 2 - 6. Birding the Mata Atlântica
We will be based at Serra dos Tucanos Lodge for five full days, from where we will also make excursions to nearby areas. These include Praia Seca (for Restinga Antwren and other endemics), Pico da Caledonia (Grey-winged Cotinga and other high-altitude endemics), REGUA (for wetland species and other birds), and Sumidouro (Three-toed Jacamar and Crescent-chested Puffbird, among others). Here, in the heart of one of the greatest centers of avian endemism, not just in South America but anywhere in the world, we will focus on the special birds of this marvelous region. Species possible around our lodge include Slaty-breasted Wood Rail, Maroon-bellied and Plain Parakeets, Scaly-headed and Blue-bellied Parrots, Reddish Hermit, Surucua Trogon, Rufous-capped Motmot, Spot-billed and Saffron Toucanets, Channel-billed Toucan, Yellow-eared and Blond-crested Woodpeckers, Black-capped and White-eyed Foliage-gleaners, several woodcreepers, Spot-backed Antshrike, Spot-breasted Antvireo, Star-throated Antwren, Scaled Antbird, Black-cheeked Gnateater, White-bearded, Blue, and Pin-tailed Manakins, Eye-ringed Tody-Tyrant, Grey-hooded Attila, many tanagers, and Black-throated Grosbeak. Rarer possibilities not already mentioned include White-necked and Mantled Hawks, Saw-billed Hermit, Plovercrest, Frilled Coquette, Itatiaia Spinetail, Black-billed Scythebill, Tufted Antshrike, Slaty Bristlefront, Black-and-gold Cotinga, Hooded Berryeater, Bare-throated Bellbird, Long-billed Wren, Brown, Olive-green, and Azure-shouldered Tanagers, Bay-chested Warbling Finch, and Uniform Finch. Mammals will not be our primary focus during this leg of the trip, but nonetheless a few species are possible, including South American coati and masked titi monkey.
Overnight: Serra dos Tucanos Lodge, Tres Picos State Park

Day 7. Transfer to Caratinga
You will either return to Rio for your international departure (for those not continuing with the rest of the trip) or transfer to Caratinga in the state of Minas Gerais.
Overnight: Caratinga

Day 8. Birding the Caratinga Biological Station
We will bird at the Caratinga Biological Station all day for the area’s special primates, including the critically endangered northern muriqui (c.150 survive here, one of its final refuges) and the highly range-restricted buffy-headed marmoset, as well as for the more widespread brown howler and Guianan brown capuchin. Birds will not be forgotten here either, and we will be especially alert for the globally threatened Plumbeous Antvireo, among others,
Overnight: Caratinga

Day 9. Transfer to Caraça National Park
Today we’ll drive to the Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural at Caraça (Caraça National Park), stopping en route at Sitio Graciema, near Manhuaçu, for the (introduced) Geoffroy’s marmoset.
Overnight: Caraça Monastery, Caraça National Park

Day 10. Birding Caraça National Park
We will be spending all day at Caraça National Park for birds; and we also hope to see the maned wolf in the evening at the monastery. Birds at this site should include Dusky-legged Guan, Swallow-tailed Cotinga, Red-ruffed Fruitcrow, Velvety Black Tyrant, White-breasted Tapaculo, Large-tailed Antshrike, White-bibbed, Ochre-rumped, and Dusky-tailed Antbirds, Black-capped and Serra Antwrens, Serra do Mar Tyrant-Manakin, Grey-eyed Greenlet, Hangnest Tody-Tyrant, and Serra Finch.
Overnight: Caraça Monastery, Caraça National Park

Day 11. Transfer to São Roque de Minas
On our drive to São Roque de Minas, to reach the Serra da Canastra National Park, we will be birding en route.
Overnight: São Roque de Minas

Days 12 - 13. Birding the Serra da Canastra National Park
We have two full days to explore the Serra da Canastra National Park and its environs, with our special target bird being Brazilian Merganser, and target mammals including maned wolf, giant anteater, marsh deer, black-tufted-ear marmoset, and others. We will visit a range of habitats in this area, including campo, cerrado, and gallery forest. Other possible bird species include Campo Miner, Ochre-breasted and Hellmayr’s Pipits, Golden-capped Parakeet, White-bellied Warbler, Southern Bristle Tyrant, White-eared Puffbird, Black-masked Finch, Brasília Tapaculo, Grey-backed Tachuri, Planalto (Russet-mantled) Foliage-gleaner, Spotted Nothura, Rufous-winged Antshrike, Sharp-tailed Grass and Cock-tailed Tyrants, Crowned Solitary Eagle, Helmeted Manakin, Red-winged Tinamou, and Blue Finch.
Overnight: São Roque de Minas

Day 14. Transfer to Belo Horizonte and flight to Cuiabá
We will transfer to Confins International Airport at Belo Horizonte for our flight to Cuiabá. Those wishing to finish the trip at this point can return to Rio de Janeiro.
Overnight: close to Marechal Rondon International Airport, Cuiabá

Day 15. Transfer to the Jaguar Ecological Reserve, northern Pantanal
The drive from Cuiabá to the Jaguar Ecological Reserve, our base for the next three nights, will take approximately four hours – if we wouldn’t stop for birds! This fabulous drive proceeds along the famous Transpantaneira dirt road, the only road that crosses the northern Pantanal – a long, red scar with more than 100 wooden bridges among wetlands and endless grassy plains. The birdlife here is absolutely astounding. On our drive we might encounter an amazing plethora of waterbirds and raptors, including, but definitely not limited to, Wood Stork, Green, Bare-faced, and Buff-necked Ibis, Roseate Spoonbill, Great, Snowy, and Cattle Egrets, Limpkin, Cocoi, Little Blue, Whistling, and Rufescent Tiger Herons, Ringed and Amazon Kingfishers, Wattled Jacana, Black, Turkey, and Lesser Yellow-headed Vultures, Roadside, Savanna, Great Black, and Black-collared Hawks, Snail Kite, and many, many more. Driving through the Pantanal, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is one of the finest birding experiences in the world. And the hundreds and hundreds of Yacaré caimans sunning themselves along the wetlands only add to the excitement.
Overnight: Jaguar Ecological Reserve, northern Pantanal

Days 16 - 17. Exploring the northern Pantanal
We will spend two fabulous days birding and mammal-watching at the Jaguar Ecological Reserve, along the Cuiabá River, and at Porto Jofre, with our main targets being jaguar and other mammals, especially ocelot, for which this is a superb area. Neotropical and giant otters, crab-eating raccoon, nine-banded armadillo, Brazilian tapir, black-tailed marmoset, and red brocket deer are also very regularly seen in this area and will be special foci of our time here. Birds, however, will not be ignored: Hyacinth and Golden-collared Macaws are both regularly seen, along with a host of waterbirds, and also many passerines.
Overnight: Jaguar Ecological Reserve, northern Pantanal

Day 18. Transfer to Araras Ecolodge
After breakfast we transfer to the Araras Eco Lodge, located at the northern edge of the Pantanal, for a two-night stay. Once more we drive along the amazing Transpantaneira, busily birding on the way.
Overnight: Araras Eco Lodge, northern Pantanal

Day 19. Exploring Araras Eco Lodge
We will spend all day in the environs of the Araras Eco Lodge. The boardwalk and tower here should offer especially rewarding wildlife opportunities, with mammals such as giant anteater, marsh deer, both red and grey brocket deer, bearded capuchin, black howler monkey, and even tayra. Throughout our time in the Pantanal we will endeavor, wherever possible, to maximize our chances of mammal sightings with dedicated night drives. But many birds will also be enjoyed, the possibilities here include Greater Rhea, Maguari Stork, Jabiru, Plumbeous Ibis, Southern Screamer, Chaco Chachalaca, Blue-throated Piping Guan, Chestnut-bellied Guan, Bare-faced Curassow, Sunbittern, Sungrebe, Nanday Parakeet, Turquoise-fronted Parrot, Toco Toucan, Pale-crested and White Woodpeckers, Great Rufous Woodcreeper, White-lored and Chotoy Spinetails, Red-billed Scythebill, Grey-crested Cacholote, Mato Grosso Antbird, Yellow-billed Cardinal, Orange-backed Troupial, and others.
Overnight: Araras Eco Lodge, northern Pantanal

Day 20. Transfer to Cristalino Jungle Lodge
Early in the morning we return to Cuiabá for the midday flight to Alta Floresta. (alternatively, it will be possible to return to São Paulo [but possibly not to Rio] for those wishing to end the tour here.). In the afternoon we will transfer by boat to the Cristalino Jungle Lodge.
Overnight: Cristalino Jungle Lodge, Amazônia

Days 21 - 24. Cristalino Jungle Lodge
We will spend four idyllic days at the world-renowned and also extremely comfortable Cristalino Jungle Lodge, located in the south-eastern part of the Amazonian basin. Once thought of as being relatively species-poor compared to the western half of Amazônia, considerable fieldwork in the past two decades has not only revealed that to be untrue, but also that within this relatively endemic-poor region (compared to, for example, the Mata Atlântica), the eastern basin has quite a number of exciting specialities of relatively restricted range. Our time here will consist of regular afternoon boat trips, which should not only produce many interesting bird sightings but are also good for mammals such as Brazilian tapir (sometimes even swimming alongside our boat!) and both otter species. Mornings will be spent immersing ourselves in the greatest avifauna on Earth, either at one of the two towers (where white-whiskered spider monkey is regularly seen) or along one of the many easy trails. Among the more exciting possibilities are White-browed Hawk, Harpy Eagle, Cryptic Forest Falcon, Dark-winged Trumpeter, Razor-billed Curassow, Crimson-bellied Parakeet, Kawall’s Amazon, Blue-necked Jacamar, Rufous-necked Puffbird, Black-girdled Barbet, Gould’s Toucanet, Red-necked Araçari, Glossy Antshrike, Bare-eyed Antbird, Black-spotted Bare-eye, Flame-crested and Snow-capped Manakins, Tooth-billed Wren, and Yellow-shouldered Grosbeak, but we should see well over 200 species in our few days here.
Overnight: Cristalino Jungle Lodge, Amazônia

Day 25. Return to Cuiabá
Today we return to Alta Floresta along the Cristalino and Teles Pires rivers for a mid-afternoon flight to Cuiabá.
Overnight: Cuiabá

Day 26. Departure
From Cuiabá we will make our return flights to São Paulo and/or Rio de Janeiro for international departures.




Duration: 26 days

Limit: 4 - 8

Date: September 2013

Start: Rio de Janeiro

End: Rio de Janeiro

Leg 1: Mata Atlântica USD$2210 per person sharing
Leg 2. Cerrado USD$2864 per person sharing
Leg 3. Pantanal USD$3900 per person sharing
Leg 4. Amazônia USD$2665 per person sharing

All prices assume 4 people (based on 2012 prices; we expect to confirm 2013 prices a little closer to the time)

Price includes:



Entrance fees

Guiding fees and local guides

All transport while on tour

Price excludes:

Flights within Brazil as well as international flight

Personal insurance

Alcoholic beverages



Personal expenses such as gifts



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