BrowserCheck 2

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BrowserCheck 3.2
Author: Shannon Meisenheimer,
Files included:

  • index.html

  • check.js

  • check_legacy.js

  • plugins.js

  • popup.html

  • PlatformCheck.class

  • images\pass.gif

  • images\fail.gif

  • images\warning.gif

The BrowserCheck package utilizes a combination of Java, Javascript, html and a tiny bit of VBscript to run some checks on the visitor's browser. We have been using it so our users can determine if their browser configuration is compatible with our Blackboard platform, but it can be used to test for client system compatibility with any web-based service or application.

You will, at a minimum, need to modify portions of the Javascript files to meet what you deem "end-user compatibility" for your application. The index.html file may need some modification in terms of visual layout/design. I have provided a skeletal layout to get you started. You may need to add to or modify the .html structure and add some CSS to fit your institution's brand or design.
All the files included need to reside in the same directory on a web server.
The check.js file has all the script needed for reporting/checking:

  • Browser and version

  • Platform (OS) and version

  • Javascript enabled

  • Pop-blocker enabled

  • Cookies enabled

  • Image loading (through port 80)

The plugins.js file has all the script needed for reporting/checking for the presence of:

  • Flash player plugin

  • Shockwave player plugin

  • Adobe Reader plugin

  • Apple QuickTime player plugin

  • RealPlayer plugin

  • Windows Media Player plugin

The PlatformCheck.class file detects the version and vendor of the Java Plugin. No modification needed here unless you want to change how this information is displayed to the user. You will need to decompile the class file. If you want the file just let me know. This currently just shows the user the vendor and version of their Java plugin. It seemed easier to just report the version and have the user match it against a minimum requirement. It is possible to detect Java version through Javascript, but I am unsure how reliable it is. I’m currently using Javascript detection of Java on another project and may implement it if it proves consistent in performance.

Keep in mind the plugin check is looking for browser plugins, not applications installed on the client system. Often the browser plugins are installed with the applications, but not always. I didn't design this part as a pass/fail check, as we don't require plugins be installed, nor require a minimum version. This just reports if the plugin is installed and attempts to determine the version if possible. Adobe has not yet created a Reader plugin for Firefox on Mac OSX, so it reports no plugin installed, even though Adobe Reader may be installed. I was going to add an alert warning the user of this if they are using FF on OSX, but I don't really like alert boxes.
This is checking most common browsers and versions. I didn't bother checking for anything below Netscape 6.0, mostly because the agent strings are very vague and hard to identify. Netscape can probably be forgotten, but I’m reluctant to remove the legacy entries.
I've included comments where I thought appropriate to help make modifications and for ease of understanding. You will need some knowledge of html and Javascript to modify the package to your needs, but it isn't too bad. I used Javascript over Java for the vast majority of it so it is easier and more convenient to make changes by others.

I'll provide some brief instructions on modification to get you started...

To change what constitutes a pass/fail/warning on browser and OS, modify the checkBrowser() function in check.js.

For example the first case statement (Line 324), is executed for Internet Explorer. It first evaluates the OS and OS version and then passes through cases for each version of IE. You will see I have IE 10 (ieMax) passing the check and IE 8 (ieMin) and above failing for Windows 8 64-bit. The default condition is set to fail in the .html file and is also the default condition of the case statement (this would be any IE version lower than 8.0).

With Bb now supporting stable release channels for Firefox and Chrome, you will need to be more diligent in updating what versions of these 2 browsers are supported. At the time of writing this, FF 23.0 and Chrome 29.0 were the stable channel versions (9.1 SP13 was tested on FF 20.0 and Chrome 26.0). I have set the logic to throw a warning on anything higher than the current stable release.

As new browser versions are released in the stable channels, change the max variable for each browser (lines 15-26).
As new versions of browsers and operating systems are released they may need to be added. Some of them are forward compatible and others aren't. It just depends on how the User Agent strings are constructed for a given browser/operating system pair. This would require potential changes to not only the checkBrowser() function, but also the switch statements that precede the checkBrowser() function.
The other functions in check.js shouldn't need to be modified.
The plugin piece is little more complicated to modify. The scripts used here are defined specifically for each plugin. You will need a broader understanding of Javascript to make changes to this file.
Version History:

  • 3.2 - Updated both ‘check.js’ and ‘check_legacy.js’ to include compatibility requirements for Bb v9.1SP13.

  • 3.1 - Updated both ‘check.js’ and ‘check_legacy.js’ to include compatibility requirements for Bb v9.1SP11.

  • 3.0 - Added browser version variables (ieMax, ieMin, firefoxMax, firefoxMin, chromeMax, chromeMin, SafariMax, SafariMin, and SafariLegacy). To update browser versions, just change the version variables. This made updating the script for new browser version much faster. If you prefer the original setup, I have included check_legacy.js. This file has all the changes except the browser variables.
    - Updated to include compatibility requirements for Bb v9.1SP10.
    - Added Mac OSX 10.8.
    - Added mobile OS detection (currently Android, iOS, ChromeOS, and Kindle). Is Blackberry needed???

  • 2.10.1 - Fixed an issue where Mac OSX 10.7 was not being detected properly when using Firefox.
    - Added Firefox 15.0 and Chrome 22.0.
    - Added Windows 8 detection.

  • 2.10 - Updated to include compatibility requirements for Bb v9.1SP9.

  • 2.9 - Updated to include compatibility requirements for Bb v9.1SP8.

  • 2.8 - Updated to include compatibility requirements for Bb v9.1SP7.

  • 2.7 - Updated to include compatibility requirements for Bb v9.1SP6.

  • 2.6 - Updated to include detection of IE9.

  • 2.5 - Updated to include compatibility requirements for Bb v9.1SP2.

  • 2.4 - Updated to include 64-bit version detection for Windows (this doesn't work on Firefox versions 3.5, or 3.6, but I believe does work in Firefox 4.0). This is due to the lack of OS-bit identification in the navigator object for those versions of the browser.
    - Updated for detection of specific versions of OSX (10.5 and 10.6).
    - Updated compatibility requirements for Bb v9.1.

  • 2.3 - I noticed the plugin checks were slowing down page loadw, especially in IE (because of all the AcitveX objects), so I broke the checks into 2 different Javascript files. One file for the browser check, check.js, and one for the plugins, pugins.js. I now have it set up so the user clicks a "Check Plugins" link which kicks off the plugins check, so the initial page load doesn't have to wait for it to process. As far as I can tell this is running faster. I also added Microsoft Silverlight to the list of what is being checked.

  • 2.2 - Optimize plugin checks to speed up script. I reduced the number of functions for checking plugins from 8 or more to 3.

  • 2.1 - Added Plugin checks for Flash, Shockwave, Adobe Reader, QuickTime, RealPlayer and Windows Media Player. These do slow it down a bit compared to version 2.0, but I'm currently looking at streamlining this a bit to remove redundant processes.

  • 2.0 - Converted all if-else-if's to switch statements which should run faster and I think is easier to read.
    - I used string assignments when possible (and when seemed efficient) to reduce the use of indexOf.
    - I also broadened the "checkBrowser" function, so it now can evaluate browser and OS version for compatibility. This made the function a bit more complex, but allows for finer granularity in what is checked.

  • 1.0 - Checked Browser and version, Platform (OS) and version, Javascript, Pop-blocker, Cookies, Images (through port 80), Java vendor and version. Evaluated browser version and OS, but not OS version. 1.0 relied on several if-else-if statements and used way too many indexOfs. This slowed it down a bit, but worked great for a first attempt.

For future versions:

  • Optimize browser and OS checks using pattern matching against values stored in a static array to further reduce the use of IndexOf().

  • Continue to update for new versions of browsers, operating systems and plugins as they are released.

  • If you make any improvements/additions to this script, please share them with me and I will modify this and redistribute. I am by no means formally trained in Javascript, nor a technical writer (as you can probably tell from this ReadMe) so I welcome any comments you may have for improvement.

Resource List:

I do not claim all the work done here is my own. The majority of the javascript (or at least the logic) used is available on the web, granted, I had to piece it all together...















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