BU. 142. 720. XX managing in a Diverse & Global World Instructor Name Page of

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BU.142.720.XX – Managing in a Diverse & Global World – Instructor Name – Page of


Managing in a Diverse & Global World

2 Credits
[NOTE: Each section must have a separate syllabus.]
[Day & Time / ex: Monday, 6pm-9pm]

[Start & End Dates / ex: 3/24/15-5/12/15]

[Semester / ex: Fall 2016]

[Location / ex: Washington, DC]


[Full Name]

Contact Information

[Email Address]

[Phone Number, (###) ###-#### (Optional)]

Office Hours

[Please specify the day and time of the 2 hours that will be dedicated to office hours each week. For evening classes, faculty may wish to hold their office hours by phone or email. While faculty are permitted to state “and by appointment,” office hours should not be held exclusively by appointment.]

Required Text(s) & Learning Materials

Connerly, M. L., Pedersen, P. B. (2005). Leadership in a diverse and multicultural environment: Developing awareness, knowledge, and skills. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications Inc.
Bellstrom, K. (April 3, 2015). Who wants to be CEO? Not millennial women. Future of Work. Fortune.


Calvin, J.R. (2015). Leadership for developing empowering culture in organizations: Outreach empowerment.

Academy of Business Journal. Vol. II. Pp 7-15.

Calvin, J. R., (10 November 2014). Four global leaders who are five leadership dimensions leaders. Middletown, DE: Academy of Business Research Journal.
Dobbs, R., Ramaswamy, R., Stephenson, E., Vigurie, S. P. (September 2014). Management intuition for the next 50 years. McKinsey Quarterly. New York: McKinsey&Company.
Deloitte (2016). The new organization: Different by design. In Global Human Capital Trends 2016. A report by

Deloitte Consulting LLP and Bersin et.al. by Deloitte. Deloitte University Press.

2015 International Monetary Fund Annual Report. Tackling Challenges Together.


Muff, K., Drewell, M., Haertle, J. (March 2013). Project Report: 50+20 Management Education for the World. www.50plus20.org
Shi, W., Howard, S. (2013). Promote and unleash the potential of diversity: The Toyota Way. Toyota Financial Services.
Tung, R. L. (2009). Cross-cultural research diary: A personal odyssey. European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.9-13.

Articles and Chapters available through Library Reserves, via Blackboard

Rodrigues, C. (2009). International management: A cultural approach. Third Edition. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc. Part I, IV.
Atsmon, Y., Child, P., Dobbs, R., Narasimhan (August 2012). Winning the $30 trillion decathlon: Going for gold in emerging markets. McKinsey Quarterly. London: McKinsey&Company.
Blake-Beard, S., Finley-Hervey, J., Harquail, C., (2008). Journey to a Different Place: Reflections on Taylor Cox, Jr.'s Career and research as a Catalyst for Diversity Education and Training. Academy of Management Learning and Education.
Dauber, D., Fink, G., Yolles, M. (SMA 2010). A generic theory of organizational culture. Atlanta: Southern Management Association Proceedings.
Dewhurst, M., Pettigrew, M., Srinivasan, R. (June 2012). How multinationals can attract the talent they need. McKinsey Quarterly. London: McKinsey & Company.
Hofstede, G, (2006). What did GLOBE really measure? Researcher’s' minds versus respondents. Journal of International Business Studies.
House, R.J., et. al. (2004). Cultural influences on leadership and organizations: Project GLOBE Calgary: Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary.
Ting-Toomey, S. (2007). Intercultural Conflict Training: Theory-Practice Approaches and Research Challenges. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research.
Waldman, D.A., Sully du Luque, M., Washburn, N., House, R.J. (2006). Cultural and leadership predictors of corporate social responsibility values of top management: A GLOBE study of 15 countries. Journal of International Business Studies, 37, 823-837. www.jbs.net

Additional Learning Materials – Public Domain for Course Use

LeBaron, M. (July 2003). Culture-based Negotiation Styles. Knowledge Base Essay. Boulder: University of Colorado. WWW. Beyondintractability.org

Recommended Text(s)

Primecz, H., Romani, L., Sackmann, S. (2011). Cross-cultural management in practice (culture and negotiated meanings). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Cox, T. (2001). Creating the multicultural organization (a strategy for capturing the power of diversity. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass A Wiley Company.

Course Description

Business organizations and other critical organizations operate in both a market and nonmarket environment. Successful, globally minded managers align the firm’s capabilities with the demands of both its market and nonmarket environment. This course systematically examines the political, regulatory, societal, and natural factors that shape business’s nonmarket environment. Students learn to analyze the motives for focused intervention to better judge when and how political developments may affect business or organization interest. It explores the rise of “private politics” (activists, civil society networks, and NGOs), which are increasingly complementing conventional “public politics.” This new plurality also opens exciting new nonmarket strategic opportunities for profit and socially driven business, providing it with new potential allies. This course stresses collective moral agency and the ethical dimensions of business and management in such a global political economy. Students explore cross-cultural perspectives on economics and business culture, and how to analyze and proactively manage the nonmarket environment through integrated market and nonmarket strategies.
A major focus of this course is examining contextually global diversity and multicultural issues through the lens of multiple dimensions of culture and its dynamics of complexity. The class will further explore personal, interpersonal and the organization environmental aspects of organizational and national cultures as well as ways to manage them to meet business and organizational goals and objectives. Through classroom use of a business case and exercises, students develop strategies for valuing diversity, anticipating and managing differences, and learn how to build effective relationships to become successful in the global work place.



Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Apply techniques for building effective relationships across cultures.

  2. Develop self-awareness and sensitivity to cultural differences for managing diversity in the global workplace.

  3. Adapt managerial techniques and practices used by senior managers and leaders in globally diverse workplaces.

  4. Analyze local and global market conditions and incorporate this analysis into decisions.

Students will acquire new information to broaden the basic understanding of global diversity management issues (e.g., attitudes, cultures, values, beliefs, thought, gender, geography, race, age, sexual orientation, disability, leadership, and human differences) as factors toward developing competitive strategy.

To view the complete list of Carey Business School’s general learning goals and objectives, visit the Carey website.
Attendance and class participation are part of each student’s course grade. Students are expected to attend all scheduled class sessions. Each class will include opportunities for individuals and groups or teams to work together. Failure to attend class will result in an inability to achieve the objectives of the course. Excessive absence will result in loss of points for team participation. Regular attendance and active participation are required for students to successfully complete the course. Two or more absences, or repeated lateness, will lower your final grade.

Assignments & Rubrics

Your final grade will be calculated as shown in the table below:


Course Learning Objective(s)


Attendance and participation in class discussion

1, 2, 3, 4


Interpretation of Cross-Cultural Competency Instrument Results

1, 2, 3


Culture and Diversity Management Interview

1, 2, 3


MDGW Integration Presentation & Project

1, 2, 3, 4




Rubrics can be found on the pages following the Course Calendar below.

Attendance and Participation (20%)

This component of the grade includes attendance and participation during each class. Also, one group will lead a Socratic Dialogue Discussion in class. Socratic dialogue and discussions will take place in classes three through seven and a designated group numbering 3-5 students will conduct a dialogue and discussion from assigned readings. The group must provide a one-page (hard copy) discussion outline of the chapter and/or article(s) to the instructor at or prior to class.

Assignments (80%)

  • Assignment 1: Interpretation of Cross-Cultural Competency Instrument Results (25%)

  • Assignment 2: Culture and Diversity Management Interview (25%)

  • Assignment 3: MDGW Integration Paper and Mini-Presentation (30%)

  1. Interpretation of Cross-Cultural Competency Instrument Results Paper

This 3- to 5-page paper will focus on what knowledge, skills and tools you need to acquire and know to become a more capable and global savvy professional and manager. The paper should address elements of:

  • What you learned from cultural competency instrument results

  • The ramifications of the results as it pertains to you managing, leading or participating in a global workforce

  • What are the top 3-5 competencies and skills that you think need to be developed to become a more competent manager, leader or participant of a global workplace

  • Why is it important for you to become more globally aware and reflective as a person and professional

This paper is due at the fourth class (25% of final grade).

  1. Culture and Diversity Management Interview

Students will conduct two interviews of individuals from a different global region and/or cultural background. Students are to write a 5-7 page report of their interviews. The instructor will cover the purpose and the details associated with conducting the interviews in class. The interview must be written in the following format:

      • Introduction followed by Methodology (steps to conducting the interviews)

      • Analysis and shaping of the data collected

      • Discussion of the data

      • Key learnings gained from the communication experience

This assignment is due at the sixth class (25% of final grade).

  1. Final MDGW Integration Paper and Mini-Presentation

The final paper requires a team (4-8 members) to write a 10- to 12-page paper integrating three to five key concepts explored and learned during the semester as an idea and application to become a more effective manager and leader of a global workforce. The paper should utilize a current or previous work environment or academic environment to:

  • Apply the concepts, ideas, theories and practices for Managing in a Diverse and Global World as covered in readings, video(s), and other sources applied in class

  • Integrate additional outside readings included and referenced in your paper to support class concepts in your paper

  • Identify additional areas for your growth and development to be more effective global managers, leaders, and participants

This assignment is due at the eighth and final class meeting (30% of final grade)
Note: Any assignment turned in after the due date without prior approval will be marked down by ten percent, and a paper or project assignment submitted two weeks late will not be graded. All papers should be 12 point, double-spaced and be within the guidelines of APA formatting.


The Carey Business School recognizes and expects excellent to good writing to be the norm for course work; and to this end all papers, individual and group, must demonstrate graduate level writing ability and comply with the format requirements of the Publications Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). Careful attention should be given to source citations, proper listings of references, the use of footnotes, and the presentation of tables and graphs.
Written and oral presentations and class discussion should reflect an ability to clearly think and articulate ideas and concepts that reflect your own life experiences in diverse organizational settings, values and beliefs, while being open to the viewpoints of others. One of the objectives of a graduate business program is the development of managerial level skills in oral and written communications. Therefore, all written and oral communications are graded on both the content and style. Students are expected to analyze and synthesize course content. Rote memorization and the regurgitation of facts will not suffice.


The grade of A is reserved for those who demonstrate extraordinarily excellent performance. The grade of A- is awarded only for excellent performance. The grade for good performance in this course is a B+/B. The grades of D+, D, and D- are not awarded at the graduate level.

Please refer to the Carey Business School’s Student Handbook for grade appeal information.

Tentative Course Calendar*
*The instructors reserve the right to alter course content and/or adjust the pace to accommodate class progress. Students are responsible for keeping up with all adjustments to the course calendar.






Course Overview; IMF Annual Report; Deloitte Human Capital Trends; Business Case, International Management, Cultural Competency Instrument IAT, Team Assignments

Text Chapter 1
E-Reserves - Rodriguez – Part 1 Class Handout

McKinsey Quarterly ‘Leading in the 21st century.’


Complexity of Culture, Privilege, GLOBE, Deal & Bolman, Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner, Application Exercise

Text Chapters 2-4
E-Reserves, Schein


National Cultures and Global Diversity, Hofstede, Schein, Calvin, et al.

E-Reserves- Hofstede Dauber, Fink & Yolles

- Dialogue Leaders Group 1


Cross-Cultural Communication

E-Reserves - Rodriguez - Part V & S. Ting-Toomey Chapters 5-7

- Dialogue Leaders Group 2

- Managing in a Global World Paper


Development of Multicultural Competencies, Diversity Training, Skill Development

E-Reserves -

Blake-Beard, Finley-Hervey, Harquail

- Dialogue Leaders Group 3


International HRM, Staffing

E-Reserves - Rodriguez - Part IV

- Dialogue Leaders Group 4

- Culture & Diversity Mgmt. Interview Paper


Cross Cultural Coordination

Text Chapters 8 & 9
E-Reserves - Rodriguez - Part V

- Dialogue Leaders Group 5


Course Wrap-up Work & discussion

Calvin, Four Global Leaders Who Are Five Dimensions Leaders-Calvin

- MDGW Integration Paper

Rodriguez Readings

  • Part I, Pages 1–35 - Introduction to International Management

  • Part IV, Pages 239–275 - International Staffing


Evaluating Academic Writing

Criteria for Grading:
A. Assignment (parameters, instructions, purpose) (10%)

M Mechanics (grammar, style, usage, format) (15%)

O Organization (thesis, introduction, body, conclusion, paragraphing, transitions) (25%)

T Thought (analysis, research, content, creativity, logic) (50%)

1-Characteristics of a “Extraordinarily Excellent” Paper (A) [exceeds expectations]

2-Characteristics of a “Excellent" Paper (A-) [meets expectations]

A • The paper topic addresses the purpose of the assignment, and the paper itself follows

instructions regarding length, number of sources, etc.

M • Sentences are complete and varied in length and structure

• Format follows appropriate guidelines (APA)

• Usage is correct and language is appropriate and unbiased (gender, culture)

• Punctuation, spelling, capitalization, etc., are correct

O • The paper is logically organized, with an introduction, body and conclusion

• Writer has clearly articulated his/her thesis or controlling idea

• Paragraphs are coherent, well developed, and unified around a single topic

Transitions are logical, signaled by connecting language.

T • Paper demonstrates in-depth knowledge of subject

• Controlling idea (thesis) is fully supported with evidence, reasons, quotes, etc.

• Conclusions follow from the information presented

• Writer shows ability to think critically and creatively

• Sources of information are examined critically and weighed against other sources
Characteristics of the “Good” Paper (B+B) [at expectation for graduate work]
A • Response to the assignment is focused and coherent

• The paper topic addresses the purpose of the assignment

• The paper follows instructions regarding length, number of sources, format, etc.
M • Sentences are clear, complete, and varied in structure

• Format follows appropriate guidelines (APA)

• Usage is generally correct and language is appropriate

• Punctuation, spelling, capitalization, etc., are generally correct

O • The paper is generally focused, with an introduction, body, and conclusion

• Writer has clearly articulated his/her thesis or controlling idea

• Paragraphs are coherent, well developed, and unified around a single topic

• Transitions are logical, signaled by connecting language

T • Paper demonstrates knowledge of subject

• Controlling idea (thesis) is supported with evidence, reasons, quotes, etc.

• Conclusions follow from the information presented

• Writer shows some ability to think critically and creatively

• Sources of information are examined critically and weighed against other sources
Characteristics of the "Adequate" Paper (C) [below expectations for graduate work]
A • Choice of topic may show lack of care in considering assignment's scope and purpose

• Student has not adequately considered the audience (s) for which he/she is writing

• Student does not follow instructions in all regards. Paper may be too short or long; it may not incorporate enough sources, etc.
M • Occasional grammar errors appear (e.g. fragments, subject/verb agreement)

• There is little variety or sophistication in the length and structure of sentences

• Writing is occasionally wordy and unclear

• Format may be inconsistent or does not fully follow academic guidelines

• Other errors appear (in usage and word choice, spelling, capitalization, punctuation…)
O • Organization is not always logical; introduction, body, or conclusion may be incomplete

• Student attempts to provide coherence and unity but is not always successful

• Controlling idea is unfocused and only partially developed; thesis is too narrow/ broad

• Paper occasionally skips around without adequate transitions

T • Knowledge of subject is adequate but not deep

• Controlling idea is supported but not extensively

• Conclusions are incomplete or do not follow directly from the information presented

• Information sources are flawed or accepted uncritically

• Approach to subject lacks creativity, mastery

APA Manuscript Style: Checklist*

Paper and Font

  • 8 1/2 x 11 white paper

  • Bolding and underlining are not used

Page Elements

  • Margins: One inch on all sides (top, bottom, left, right).

  • Spacing: The entire paper is double-spaced, including the title page, abstract, body, references, appendixes, footnotes, tables, and figure captions. Extra spaces are not added between paragraphs.

  • Page numbering begins with the title page. The short title and page number appear one inch from the right edge of the paper on the first line of every page (1/2 inch from the top margin). Figure pages that are not embedded are not numbered.

  • Paragraphs: Each paragraph is indented 5-7 spaces. The only exceptions are the abstract and paragraphs within block quotations. Paragraphs should be more than one sentence, but less than a page.

  • Bulleted items should be punctuated as part of a complete sentence. See Seriation APA 3.03, pp. 63-4.

  • Headings: Three levels of headings will suffice for most papers. See APA 3.02, page 62. (see next page for example)

The First Level, Centered Boldface, with Uppercase and Lowercase Typing

Second Level, Flush-Left, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading

Third level, indented, boldface, lowercase paragraph heading ending with period.

* Please note: section and page numbers in this checklist refer to the Sixth Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010)

Title Page

  • The Title Page is page 1.

  • The Running head (the first 50 characters of the title) should be typed flush left in uppercase letters following the words “Running head:” It appears on the line below the short title and page number. Running heads should not exceed 50 characters, including punctuation and spacing.

  • Paper Title: Uppercase and lowercase letters are used. The title is centered on the page. The recommended length for a title is 10-12 words.

  • Author: Uppercase and lowercase letters are used; the author’s name is centered on the line following the title.

  • Affiliation: Uppercase and lowercase letters are used; the affiliation is centered on the line following the author.

See APA sample paper, section 2.1, page 41; section 8.03, page 229; and sections 2.01-2.03, pages 23-25.


  • The abstract, if required, is page 2.

  • The heading “Abstract” is centered on the first line.

  • The abstract (not indented) begins on the line following the Abstract heading.

  • The abstract does not exceed 120 words.

  • All numbers in the abstract (except those beginning a sentence) are typed as digits rather than words.

  • The abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the paper. A good abstract is accurate, self-contained, concise, non-evaluative, and coherent.


  • The body of the paper begins on page 3 (or page 2 if no abstract is required).

  • The title of the paper (in uppercase and lowercase letters) is centered on the first line below the short title and page number.

  • The introduction (which is not labeled) begins on the line following the paper title.

Punctuation and Numbering

  • Use the last serial comma (e.g., in a series, place a comma before “and”).

  • All numbers 10 and above are expressed in figures (e.g., 15) with the exception of numbers beginning a sentence; they are expressed in words.

  • All numbers below ten are expressed in words (e.g., four). An exception to this rule is numbers that represent time, dates, ages (4 hours, 3 weeks, 7 years old) and numbers that represent parts of manuscripts (e.g. Part 3, Table 2, pages 4-9).

Quotations and In-text Citations

  • All material that is not the author’s own and is not common knowledge is cited.

  • All direct quotations are enclosed in quotation marks and are cited. The citation includes the author(s) last name(s), the year of publication and the page or paragraph number.

  • Direct quotations of 40 words or less are indicated by quotation marks at the beginning and end of the quotation.

  • Direct quotations of 40 or more words are in block format (indented 5 spaces from the left margin) and without quotation marks.

  • In-text citations provide:

  • author’s last name (sometimes in a signal phrase),

  • last names for multiple authors of a single document are joined with an ampersand (&)

  • the year of publication (n.d., for “no date,” is used when the year of publication is not available;

  • a page number in parentheses for direct quotations and paraphrases. The abbreviation for page is “p.” For electronic sources, include a paragraph number or combine a section description with a paragraph number: (¶7) or (para. 7) or (Conclusions section, ¶ 4).

Example: (Doe, 2006, p.3)

(Doe & Smith, 2006, p.3)

(Doe, n.d., p.3)

(Doe, 2006, para. 7)

Consult APA sections 6.11-6.21, pages 174-179 for formatting in-text citations when there are more than 2 authors, when the author is a company, when no author is credited, etc.

Reference Page

  • All sources included in the reference section are cited in the body of the paper.

  • All in-text citations (with the exception of personal communications, which are not retrievable) appear on the reference page.

  • The heading “References” is centered on the first line.

  • Reference entries are double spaced, as is the rest of the manuscript.

  • References (with hanging indent) are arranged alphabetically by the last names of first authors. Entire reference page is double-spaced.

  • All references include author(s), year of publication, title, and publishing data

  • All author’s names are inverted and first initials are used rather than first names. e.g.: Jane Doe becomes Doe, J.

  • The titles and subtitles of books are italicized; only the first word of the title and the subtitle (and all proper nouns) are capitalized. Example:

Doe, J. (2006). The art of writing well: A guide for writing in APA style. Boston:

Great Books Publishing.

  • The names of periodicals and volume numbers are italicized. The names of periodicals are capitalized as you would capitalize them normally. e.g.:

Doe, J. (2006). The challenge of writing well. Writing Review, (42) 1.

  • The names of Web pages or the titles of sections are italicized and only the first word of the title and subtitle (and all proper nouns) are capitalized. e.g.:

Doe, J. (2006). Writing well made easy: A writer’s guide. Retrieved April 5,

2006, from http://writing.well.com

  • When referencing an electronic source, one approach is to give the date it was retrieved and the url (see example above). Another is to give its digital object identifier (doi):

Johnson, B.T., & Eagly, A. H. (1989). Effects of involvement in persuasion: A meta-

analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 106, 290-314. Doi: 10.1037/0033-


See References, APA sections 6.22-6.32, pages 180-189. Sample reference list, page 59.

Group Discussion Evaluation Form

disagree agree

The Group
1. made good use of time 1 2 3 4 5
2. coordinated with one another 1 2 3 4 5

  1. made the material clear and comprehensible 1 2 3 4 5

  1. involved the audience 1 2 3 4 5

  1. left time for questions and answered them well 1 2 3 4 5

  2. was well prepared and organized 1 2 3 4 5

  1. pronounced words clearly and articulately 1 2 3 4 5

  1. spoke with effective volume and pacing   1 2 3 4 5

  1. maintained participant interest 1 2 3 4 5

  1. did not use distracting gestures 1 2 3 4 5

Grading Rubric for Managing in a Diverse & Global World




Item /Group Not Good/Adequate Good Performance Very Good
(A) Objective(s) Observable/tangible Clear Sharp
(B) Discussion of Presents basic issue(s) Discusses several interrelated Discusses a full range of

Issue(s) issues pertinent issues

(C) Argument(s) Generally defined Stated clearly Concise and well- articulated
(D) Theory(s) Mentioned Applied Fully integrated

(E) Pragmatic Expressed a view Conviction Persuasive

(F) Approach Basic, ordinary Cutting edge Unique, Insightful
(G) Completeness Meets minimum requirements Presents a detailed assessment Complete in details, complexity

(Analysis) and interpretation

(H) Presentation Minimum in scope Good to strong Very strong and dynamic


Point Totals 0-23/27-29 30-35 36+
Scoring Legend

A 36+, A- 30-34, B+ 27-29, B 24-26, C 19-23, C- 16-18, F 0-15

Carey Business School

Policies and General Information

Blackboard Site

A Blackboard course site is set up for this course. Each student is expected to check the site throughout the semester as Blackboard will be the primary venue for outside classroom communications between the instructors and the students. Students can access the course site at https://blackboard.jhu.edu. Support for Blackboard is available at 1-866-669-6138.

Course Evaluation

As a research and learning community, the Carey Business School is committed to continuous improvement. The faculty strongly encourages students to provide complete and honest feedback for this course. Please take this activity seriously; we depend on your feedback to help us improve. Information on how to complete the evaluation will be provided toward the end of the course.

Disability Services

All students with disabilities who require accommodations for this course should contact Disability Services (carey.disability@jhu.edu or 410-234-9243) at their earliest convenience to discuss their specific needs. If you have a documented disability, you must be registered with Disability Services to receive accommodations. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive. Therefore it is strongly encouraged that you identify your needs to Disability Services as early as possible.

Honor Code/Code of Conduct

The Carey community believes that honesty, integrity, and community responsibility are qualities inherent in an exemplary citizen. The objective of the Carey Business School Honor Code is to create an environment of trust among all members of the academic community while the qualities associated with success are developed in students. All students are expected to view the Carey Business School Honor Code/Code of Conduct tutorial and submit their pledge online. Please contact the student services office at carey.students@jhu.edu if you have any questions.
Students are not allowed to use any electronic devices during in-class tests. Calculators will be provided if the instructor requires them for test taking. Students must seek permission from the instructor to leave the classroom during an in-class test. Test scripts must not be removed from the classroom during the test.

Student Success Center

The Student Success Center offers free online and in-person one-on-one and group coaching in writing, presenting, and quantitative courses. The center also offers a variety of workshops and exam study sessions, and provides a list of self-guided resources. Most of the tutors are current Carey students. For more information or to book an appointment, please visit the Student Success Center website.

Other Important Academic Policies and Services

Students are strongly encouraged to consult the Carey Business School’s Student Handbook and Academic Catalog and Student Resources for information regarding the following items:

  • Statement of Diversity and Inclusion

  • Inclement Weather Policy

Copyright Statement

Unless explicitly allowed by the instructor, course materials, class discussions, and examinations are created for and expected to be used by class participants only. The recording and rebroadcasting of such material, by any means, is forbidden. Violations are subject to sanctions under the Honor Code.

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