Call to order by the chair roll call determination of a quorum

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Thursday, October 17, 2002 - 5:00 p.m.

Flightline Gainesville - Conference Room

Monthly Meeting





The Airport Authority will review and approve the GACRAA monthly meeting Highlights of

September 19, 2002.

Recommendation: Motion to approve the meeting Highlights of September 19, 2002, and authorize the Chair and Secretary/Treasurer to execute the document on behalf of the Airport Authority.


Citizens Input – Non-Agenda Items

Airport Authority Input – Non-Agenda Items

PUBLIC HEARING – Wellfield Special Use Permit – Petition 90WSU-02 CC (Page ___)

Call to order by the Chair
Petition 90WSU-02 CC – Discuss description of project and listen to public comments.
Public Hearing Adjournment
Consent Agenda - None
Airport Business:

  1. Revised FY2002-2003 Budget and Organizational Structure Adoption

  2. Air Service, Advertising & Marketing Committee Report

2A. Customs Service

2B. Therapeutic Massage Solicitation

  1. General Aviation Committee Report

3A. Revised Minimum Standards

3B. Request for Proposals for Fixed Base Operations

  1. Southeast SATS Lab Consortium Report

Information Items

Tenant Reports
Airport Authority Attendance

PUBLIC HEARING – Wellfield Special Use Permit – Petition 90WSU-02 CC

At the request of Atlantic Southeast Airlines, a Wellfield Special Use permit application was submitted to the City of Gainesville for the placement of a 280 gallon fuel tank on the southeastern end of the concrete aircraft ramp behind the commercial passenger terminal.

Recommendation: Motion to approve the application and plans described in Petition 90WSU-02CC.


  1. Revised FY2002-2003 Budget and Organizational Structure Adoption


At its September 19, 2003 meeting, the Authority adopted a budget for FY2002-2003. A revised budget has been drafted to incorporate the following changes:

  • Deletion of the proposed Airport Police Department, which was included in the approved budget beginning 4/1/03.

  • Addition of City of Gainesville Police for the period 4/1/03 – 9/30/03.

  • Deletion of a staff position, Airport Engineer.

  • Addition of a staff position, Contracts Administrator.

  • Inclusion of new revenue associated with the Schedule of Rates and Charges, approved by the Authority at the September 19, 2002 meeting.

Recommendation: Motion to approve the revised FY2002-2003 Budget and Organizational Structure.


  1. Air Service, Advertising & Marketing Committee Report


The Air Service, Advertising & Marketing Committee met on October 1, 2002 and October 11, 2002.
Recommendation: Listen to the Committee’s report and any recommendations.


2A. Customs Service


The City of Ocala has invited the Gainesville Regional Airport to participate in the cost of maintaining the U.S. Customs Service at Ocala Regional Airport. By doing so, the U.S. Customs official based in Ocala would be available to clear international flights and cargo at GNV. This proposal would be contingent upon receiving “landing rights” designation by the applicable federal agencies. Gainesville - Alachua County Regional Airport Authority’s share of the cost would be $38,500 per year.
In view of the current Air Service development plans, and the desire to strengthen the Authority’s relationship with Ocala and Marion County, the Committee recommends that the $38,500 expense be added to the FY2002-2003 Budget once landing rights are granted.

Recommendation: Motion to approve amending the FY2002-2003 Budget to include the expenditure of $38,500 to share in the Ocala Regional Airport’s cost of maintaining a U.S. Customs Official, and to direct staff to pursue landing rights for Gainesville Regional Airport and execute all necessary documents. The Budget would only be amended when GNV is granted landing rights and approved to share Customs and Agriculture Inspectors with Ocala.


2B. Therapeutic Massage Solicitation


A local therapeutic massage therapist submitted a request to operate a concession at the airline terminal. The Airport Attorney recommended that the concession be awarded via the bid process. The Air Service, Advertising and Marketing Committee reviewed the draft Request for Proposal for this concession and recommended that the Authority proceed with the proposed RFP process and evaluate the responses. The draft RFP 02-007 has been reviewed by the Airport Attorney and by the City of Gainesville’s Risk Management Department.

Recommendation: Motion to approve RFP 02-007 and to direct staff to proceed and solicit proposals from interested concessions.


3. General Aviation Committee Report


The General Aviation Committee met on September 18, 2002 and is scheduled to meet on October 15, 2002.

Recommendation: Listen to the Committee’s report and any recommendations from the Committee Chair.


3A. Revised Minimum Standards


A draft version of the Minimum Standards was approved by the Authority at its June 20, 2002 meeting. Staff has reviewed the draft version with the Attorney for the Authority and with the Airport’s Insurance Consultant, as well as the General Aviation Committee, and has modified the Minimum Standards for final approval by the Authority.
Recommendation: Motion to approve the Minimum Standards dated October 17, 2002.


3B. Request for Proposals for Fixed Base Operations


The General Aviation Committee is scheduled to meet on October 15, 2002 to consider the drafts of the Requests for Proposals for Fixed Base Operation (FBO) services.

Recommendation: Motion to approve the documents and to direct staff to advertise and solicit proposals for Fixed Base Operations at Gainesville Regional Airport.


  • GA Tenant Leases

Port-A-Port pad leases are all signed.
The Tango Air bi-fold door hangar has been leased on a month-to-month basis to Gulf Atlantic, effective October 1, 2002.
The Authority now owns one Port-A-Port; the eight units located west of Gulf Atlantic are scheduled to be moved beginning October 21.

  • FBO Request for Proposal (RFP)

A memorandum of agreement has been worked out to place the Flightline management contract on sixty days notice when appropriate. RFP development continues.

The fencing is complete; the contractor still needs to install some access control components. The estimated completion date is the end of October. Training for GA pilot gate operation and access, and ID production is underway.

  • GA Ramp Rehabilitation Project

The project is complete. Tie-down and striping have been completed, repairs to a damaged Port-a-Port have been completed, and the Gulf Atlantic septic tank has been repaired. Project closeout is underway.

  • Airfield Lighting Project

REILs have been installed. FAA training on RVR is pending. Cable is on order. The final completion of this project is scheduled for October.

  • Recruitment of Military Operations to the Airport

Mr. Cain Davis is meeting with military units in need of facilities. Bob Van Riper will begin an outreach to military units to encourage military aircraft operations.

  • Access Road Projects

Funding for a new access road from Waldo Road to the airline terminal, an upgrade to the existing access road to the airline terminal, and an extension of the Airport Industrial Park road will be requested as a demonstration project in the upcoming USDOT reauthorization legislation. The North Central Florida MTPO endorsed the projects as part of their plan on August 8, 2002. These three projects were identified in the 1987 Master Plan.

A Task Order to perform geotechnical survey, topographical survey, aerial photography, and alternative rehabilitation analysis has been approved. Once the Independent Fee Assessment is complete, the Task Order can be signed.

  • Airport Master Plan Update

A Task Order for Reynolds, Smith & Hills to produce a Master Plan Update has been approved. Once the Independent Fee Assessment is complete, the Task Order can be signed.

  • Environment Assessment of Runway 6-24

A Task Order for Reynolds, Smith & Hills to produce on Environment Assessment for Runway 6-24 has been approved.

  • PFC Application

The FAA has approved our Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) application. Airlines have been notified and collection will begin January 1, 2003 at $4.50 per passenger.

  • Airline Terminal Renovation

RS&H will begin development of a Task Order to perform renovation design this Fall.

Boeing has made their site visit, a plan to accomplish baggage screening in front, to the south of, airline ticket counters is being developed for airport and TSA review.

  • TSA Passenger Screening Checkpoint Transition

Lockheed has made their site visit and drawn a plan to shift the passenger screening south, toward the front of the terminal. Rick Crider has written a letter to the consultant (attached) requesting that the TSA bear all costs associated with this work.

  • Archery Range

The City has elected to move the archery range to land it owns off Wacahoota Road effective January 2004.

  • Skeet Range

The lease expires December 31, 2002. Staff is working with personnel from the Skeet Range to develop and implement a new lease agreement before the expiration date. Staff will check with the Airports District Office (ADO) during October 2002 for any special FAA requirements.

TENANT REPORTS: Airport Tenants Association

Gainesville Pilots Association



NOTE: If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the Airport Authority, with respect to any matters considered at a public meeting, they will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.

Person with disabilities who require assistance to participate in the meeting are requested to notify the Airport’s Administrative manager at (352) 373-0249 at least 48 hours in advance, so that their needs may be accommodated.




The GACRAA invites and encourages participation by petitioners and members of the public. This may be done by appearing at GACRAA meetings and meetings of GACRAA Committees.

being placed on the printed agenda for monthly meeting)
1. Call the Director of Aviation’s Office no later than 4:00 PM ten (10) days preceding the monthly meeting.
2. Provide the following information to the office:
a. name, address, and occupation;
b. persons, group, or interest represented;
c. general subject of request; and
d. action sought by GACRAA
3. Routinely the monthly meetings begin at 5:00 PM; locations vary.
4. At the appropriate time on the agenda, the Chairman will recognize the citizen wishing to

address GACRAA.

5. After being recognized, the citizen should step up to the microphone on the lectern,

unless otherwise indicated by the presiding officer, and give his/her name and address in

an audible tone of voice.

(if not on the printed agenda)
1. A citizen may ask to be recognized under the category CITIZEN INPUT - NON-


2. See 5 above.
1. A citizen may ask to be recognized to speak on a particular topic that is under discussion.
2. See 5 above.

1. The following are sources for where and when GACRAA meetings will be held:
a. Airport Administration Office (373-0249).
2. A citizen may ask to be recognized by the Chairman of the Committee to speak on the topic under discussion.

ADDRESSING GACRAA: All remarks shall be addressed to GACRAA as a body and not to any member thereof. No person other than a member of GACRAA and the person having the floor shall be permitted to enter into any discussion, either directly or through a member of GACRAA, without permission of the presiding officer. No question shall be asked except through the presiding officer.

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